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Proposition 1

Page 3

by Leann Ryans

  “I have an opportunity for you. Something that will make you enough money to pay back what your brother owes in one night. Maybe more.”

  My breath caught in my throat. Nothing that could make that much money in one night could be legal, yet I was out of options.

  I blame the butterflies in my stomach on my fear of what he’s going to suggest, and not the heat of his hands on the bare skin of my arms. I’ve been so busy trying to keep my family above water that I never had time for the usual teenage fumblings. I’m still a virgin, and I can’t remember the last time a man touched me even casually.

  My throat worked as I swallowed, but I couldn’t force out the question racing through my mind.

  “I’m setting up an event for some of our… acquaintances. We like to provide entertainment every once in a while, and it can be quite lucrative.”

  His voice was a purr in my ear, his warm breath ghosting against my neck and raising goosebumps along my skin. My nipples tightened as I resisted the urge to shiver.

  “I’m short a girl, and I think you’d fit in perfectly.”

  My stomach was a tight knot, my body quivering with the urge to flee. This man was too much for me. Too powerful. Too dangerous. I didn’t know what I had been thinking even considering listening to an offer from him.

  “I—I need to go.”

  My whisper was lost in the emptiness in front of me, the man at my back brushing away my words like they hadn’t been said. His hands remained firm on my arms.

  “It’s only one night. You stand on this stage and face the audience as they bid on you. You get half the money and can pay your brother’s debt.”

  I knew he could feel my body trembling in his grip, just as he knew I didn’t need to ask why the men would be bidding on me. There was only one thing they could want, but was it something I was willing to give? As bad as we needed the money, could I live with myself if I did what he was suggesting?

  Could I live with myself if something happened to my brother because I didn’t?

  “That’s illegal,” I gasped, trying to buy myself time.

  “It’s a bit… illicit.”

  His rumble didn’t help, my mind warring with my body for what was more important to focus on. There was one thing both halves had in common that my brain insisted was important.

  “I’m a virgin.”

  The words blurted from my mouth before I could stop them. I don’t know if I thought it would make him rescind his offer because I wasn’t experienced, but the subtle tightening of his fingers seemed to tell me a different story.

  Before I knew what he was doing, he’d spun me around and was crushing me to his chest. One arm around my waist, the other hand buried in my hair, my head was pulled back as he stared down at me.

  “That makes you more valuable. Maybe you’ll get enough to pay some of your other debts.”

  His green eyes roved over my face, the hungry look in them causing my core to clench. Leo looked like he wanted to devour me, and as his gaze settled on my lips, I held my breath.

  “Saturday night. Ten o’clock. I’ll send a car to your house to pick you up.”

  My brain was so twisted up, it took a moment for his words to make sense, and the only response I could come up with was weak.

  “I have to work.”

  “Call in sick. For Sunday too, you’ll be tired.”

  The warmth of his arms disappeared so fast I almost stumbled when he stepped away from me. His face was a blank mask again, the calculating look in his eye a bucket of cold water to my raging body.

  I tried to pull myself together, straightening my back as I searched for a valid excuse not to do this, but he knew as well as I did that I didn’t have one. For every reason to say no, I had two more to say yes. If selling my virginity would pay off my brother’s debt and possibly leave me with a bit extra to get by, how could I not?

  6. Leo

  Was I an asshole?

  Absolutely. Mentioning her brother was a dick move, but it got me what I wanted. She wasn’t going to refuse.

  Cadence was even more innocent than I suspected. When she said she was a virgin, so much blood rushed to my cock that the world swayed beneath me. I barely stopped myself from grinding my erection into her and claiming her cherry right there. Those big brown eyes staring up at me were so vulnerable, and the urge to taste her pouty lips drove the breath from my lungs.

  Only the knowledge that if I did what I was thinking she’d never come back, made me step away. I’d told her the truth, as a virgin she was more valuable. Plenty of the sick fucks I worked with would pay top dollar to steal her innocence, and wouldn’t give a shit about her feelings in the matter.

  And this was a business deal. I needed a finale for the auction, and she needed money.

  I could tell she was surprised when I stepped back, and I almost reached out to grab her again when she swayed, but I forced myself to hold still. I couldn’t think with my cock right now. She owed us money, and I was giving her a way to make that money, plus make me more while she was at it. It was a win-win situation.

  Except for my aching cock.

  I called one of the girls from the back of the stage to show Cadence out. She was still standing where I’d left her, staring at me with a torn expression. Good girls wouldn’t agree to selling themselves, but she didn’t have a choice, and I was taking advantage of that.

  If she hadn’t been a virgin, I could have sampled the goods. Could have pressed my advantage while she was torn and confused. Assured her everything would be okay.

  I’d had an interest in her before, but that information was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. The thought of having to wait until someone else deflowered her made my fists clench and my erection soften, but an idea began to form. It wasn’t the best idea, but the more I thought about it, the more perfect it seemed.

  The men that would be at the auction were cruel, they’d leave her broken no matter how strong she seemed, but I needed a grand finale, and having a virgin as the last girl up for bid was perfect. She also needed the money, because my dad was serious about not letting her brother get away unpunished. I may not have any siblings myself, but I could understand her drive to protect her family. I doubt she would accept charity, no matter how badly she may need it, and this way it didn’t feel like a hand-out.

  Taking a deep breath as I watched her walk backstage, I knew there was no way I was letting anyone else get their hands on her. I’d decided Cadence was mine, and I was going to own her in every sense of the word, if only for one night.

  I pulled out my phone, making the first call to set things in place. I couldn’t bid on her myself, that would be bad form, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have someone bid on her for me. I obviously wouldn’t be making money off her auction, but I didn’t care. It’s not like we needed it. Owning her would be worth whatever it cost.

  It took a bit of work to convince my cousin to attend the auction since he didn’t usually associate himself with the less legal parts of the family, but I pulled a few strings and got him to agree. He was one of the few I could trust to do this for me that the others coming wouldn’t recognize. I didn’t explain why I needed him to come, but I was sure he knew I invited him for a reason.

  That handled, I went back to making sure everything else was ready. It took a lot to make this type of thing run without a hitch, and since our reputation was on the line, I had to be sure there wouldn’t be any issues come Saturday night.

  7. Cadence

  My hand trembled as I dialed the number to the dinner. In all the years I had worked there, I couldn’t remember calling in a single time. We always needed the money too much for me to lose a shift since the tips I made were what kept us fed.

  I stumble through the lines I rehearsed for my boss, the tremor in my voice helping add the edge of truth to me saying I didn’t feel well. His only response was a grunt, even when I said I wouldn’t be able to work tomorrow either.

  “You better
be in Monday or I want a doctor’s note.”

  “Of course. I’m so sorr—”

  He hung up before I could finish apologizing again. My stomach was in knots and I’d barely been able to sleep the night before. I still hadn’t told my brother what I was doing to get the money, and I hoped I never had to. He didn’t even know I wasn’t going to work, but I’m sure he’d notice in a couple hours when I didn’t leave at my usual time.

  Crunching down on a couple more Tums, I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up. I washed my hair, scrubbed and shaved every bit of my body, and then stood staring into the mirror.

  The girl that looked back at me was pale. Her dark eyes were too plain, and her body too thin. Gazing at myself with the critical eye of someone who knows they’re going to be naked in front of a stranger, I noticed so many flaws I had to fight back tears.

  Sniffling, I pulled in a deep breath and squared my shoulders. I know women tend to be more critical of themselves than anyone else, but beyond the fear of taking the stage and being bought by a stranger for the night, was the fear that no one would bid at all. That humiliation seemed worse than giving myself to someone for money.

  Blowing the breath back out, I picked up my phone and turned on some music to lose myself in as I got ready. I sang along with the lyrics, refusing to acknowledge why I was being extra careful with my makeup, and why I was pulling on the slinkiest dress I could find, before covering it with a t-shirt and long skirt.

  There was no way I would make it out of the house without being stopped and grilled if Momma or Michael saw me in the dress. Leo hadn’t said what to wear, but I knew my office attire and waitressing outfits wouldn’t inspire anyone’s lust, so I’d stopped at the thrift store around the corner from the office I worked at on the way home yesterday, and bought the only thing I could find in my size.

  It was a skintight, bright yellow, spaghetti strap dress that ended mid-thigh. I felt like people would have to look away from it under the stage lights or risk being blinded, but there was nothing else on the rack even remotely sexy, and I hadn’t had time to go anywhere else before going to the diner for my shift.

  Checking my reflection again, I pasted on a smile. It came off looking more like I was baring my teeth, and I gave up.

  Glancing at the time on my phone, it felt like someone punched me in the gut. I didn’t want anyone knocking on the door and alerting my family to something strange going on, so I’d planned to wait outside, but if I didn’t get moving, I wouldn’t make it out in time.

  Grabbing my purse off the bed, I paused to listen at my bedroom door before cracking it open to check the hall. I held my breath as I tiptoed down the hall toward the front door, but I stopped in my tracks when Momma turned the corner and spotted me.

  “Hey, honey. I thought you’d already gone to work.”

  “I, uh, didn’t have to work tonight. Boss decided to give me a Saturday off for once, so I was going to go out with a friend.”

  Her brow creased when I said I had the night off, but a smile lit her face when I said I was going out.

  “That’s exciting! I’m glad you’re getting the chance to go out and have fun. You and your brother are far too serious all the time. You need to get out and live a little.”

  She put her hands on my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. The guilt of lying to her was already gnawing at me, but I couldn’t tell her the truth.

  Pushing me back to arm’s length, she looked me over from head to toe.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want to wear to prom? Why didn’t we go get you a nice dress to wear?”

  I freeze, thinking fast to come up with something as the happiness drains from her face. I don’t want to upset her by trying to correct her.

  “The school is doing an informal prom, remember? We decided to donate the money usually wasted on silly dresses and just have a relaxed party instead.”

  Her brow is still furrowed, but the sadness leaves it. She shakes her head a little as her hands leave my arms, but she accepts what I’ve told her. She lets out a sigh.

  “Well that’s a good thing, I suppose. I just wish I’d gotten to see you get all dressed up.”

  I give her a tight smile, wrapping my arms around her again. She’d hate the fact that I skipped my prom to work if she could remember. I try to appreciate the small blessings when I can.

  “You will one day, Momma. I promise.”

  She smiles as I let her go, giving me a peck on the cheek.

  “Go! Have fun!”

  I mumble something about trying to even though I’m convinced the night will be anything but. As I pull open the door, I turn back to look at her.

  “Don’t worry if I’m not home when you wake up, I’m staying at my friend’s house.”

  I was going to say more, but she flapped her hand at me.

  “You’re a smart girl, just be safe. And no drinking and driving!”

  I huffed again, lips tugging up into a grudging smile as she waved a finger at me.

  “Yes, Momma.”

  She waved as I walked through the door and closed it behind me. I didn’t like having to lie to her, but I remind myself it’s for a good reason. It wouldn’t hurt to let her think I was going out and having fun like she was always telling me I needed to.

  I walked down the broken sidewalk from the door to the curb, making my way over to the edge of the property so I wouldn’t be noticed from the house. Leo said he would send a car for me, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t be the kind that would blend in on this side of town, and I didn’t need Momma or Michael looking out the window and asking questions later.

  I waited in front of the overgrown honeysuckle bush at the end of our driveway for about five minutes before I saw headlights coming down the street. Our neighborhood was quiet since most of our neighbors were older couples whose kids had moved away, so I figured it had to be Leo’s car.

  Once it was close enough for the dim streetlight over my head to glint off the silver hood and Lincoln symbol, I knew it was, and I walked a little further down the street to be sure it didn’t stop in front of my house. Stepping out into the road, I clutched my purse in front of me as I waited for it to roll to a stop.

  8. Leo

  Anyone who’s ran anything long enough, knows that the secret to pulling it off without going insane, is delegation. I had people in charge of each step tonight, and more in place to oversee them. Each person had been through the plan more than once, but I knew things rarely went off without some kind of hitch.

  So far, my people had been able to handle all the little hiccups without me, which meant I was able to greet the guests with my father as they came in. Tonight had been deemed a no-business event, though it was impossible for men like my father and our guests to ever truly relax. They were all watching each other, waiting for any sign of weakness they could exploit later.

  Bored with the posturing, I was glad when I received a message that the car I sent for Cadence had returned. I excused myself from the men gathered around the bar, making my way to the room she should be waiting in.

  The other girls were all getting ready in the prep area backstage, but I’d left orders for Cadence to be taken to a private room. I had a feeling if she saw the other girls too soon, she may bolt.

  The club below us was in full swing, oblivious to what was going on upstairs behind closed doors. There was a private entrance that led into the room with a bar along the back, and couches lining the walls. A second door opened into the room with the stage.

  Some people had already taken their seats in the audience, so I peeked in to make sure everything was fine before moving down the hall. The men we worked with tried to pretend they were civilized, but there had been instances of things getting ugly, so I had plenty of men on hand in case there were any issues, though for the moment, they seemed content to sit and drink while they eyed their opponents. Tonight was about showing off and flaunting money, not fighting.

  I didn’t need to
check backstage, because Madame was there, and I knew nothing would happen under her watchful gaze. Madame was a stern woman with a wicked sense of humor once you got to know her. Everyone called her by her chosen name, and even I didn’t know who she really was. Any time we saw her she was painted up like a geisha, complete with kimono and intricately styled hair, though her accent was that of a native German.

  Chuckling as I heard her voice pierce the hallway as she scolded one of the girls, I paused outside the door where Cadence should be. Everything was in place, my cousin one of the men already seated in the audience waiting for the auction to begin.

  I gave a light tap on the door before pushing it open. I couldn’t help the grin that crossed my face as I dragged my eyes over Cadence.

  She was wearing a bright yellow dress that hugged her curves in sinful ways. Her blonde hair was curled and pinned up, her lips painted a cherry red. If I had seen her on the street, I’d assume she was a working girl, and the look didn’t fit her at all.

  “Hi. I hope this is okay. You didn’t say what to wear.”

  Her voice was quiet, her fingers plucking at the fabric and giving away how uncomfortable she was.

  “I actually got an outfit for you. It’s in there.”

  I pointed to the small box sitting on top of the table against the far wall. The room was meant as a place to have a private meeting and only had the table and two chairs.


  Her head turned, brow creasing at the small size of the box. Her hands fidgeted though she didn’t move to look in it.

  “Will this not work?”

  Her big eyes turned back to me, the worry in them obvious. I tried to hide the hunger and give her a reassuring nod.

  “It was chosen to match the others and highlight your assets. I’ll give you five minutes to change, then I’ll be back for you.”

  I stepped back into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I was surprised she had taken the initiative to wear something provocative, but that dress wasn’t what I wanted to see her in. As much skin as it showed, the bidders would demand more.


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