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Dawn's Tale

Page 8

by Nicholas Knight

  Reuben was in pure heaven, as he never could have envisioned that lovemaking would be this exhilaratingly blissful. He decided then that he didn’t want this to just be an illicit affair, but a lifetime of committed debauchery with her. He began to feel a filling sensation in his shaft, and soon felt an intense pressure at the head of his prick. Reuben had never even masturbated, at least not to completion, so he was entirely unprepared and naive on what to do or where to go. The pressure at the tip of his penis was so powerful, that it caused him agonizing pain. Dawn could feel that Reuben was ready to peak, and pleaded with him to let it go.

  “It’s okay,” she said in her muzzled yet coherent voice, “You’re my juicer, baby. Just let it go. Explode inside me.”

  “I don’t know how,” the ashamed Reuben answered in an awkward tone, as the pressure built up so mercilessly, that it literally brought him physical anguish to hold it all in.

  Dawn suddenly realized that she was Reuben’s first, and that he was uneducated and inexperienced in the ways of sex, though she couldn’t tell by his astonishing stamina and incredible performance.

  “That feeling you’re feeling is cum. It wants to be released. Just let it go.”

  “How?” he asked her, once again embarrassed that he was so naive and ignorant.

  “Relax your penis, and let it flow out of you…like you’re peeing” she suggested, doing what she could to help the man of her dreams.

  Reuben appreciated Dawn trying to be there for him, but didn’t want to scare her off by urinating inside of her.

  “It’s okay” she said, immediately sensing that he was misinterpreting what she had just told him. “You won’t pee in me. A penis can’t pee and cum at the same time. Trust me, just let it out. Let it go. I felt your penis fill up. It’s throbbing, because it needs to release your sperm. Set it free.”

  With that said, Reuben accepted her munificent invite of hospitality, and burst inside of her confined brown-eye. As he unloaded inside of her voluptuous bum, Reuben felt an exhilarating and overwhelming rush of adrenaline, as his liberating orgasm was more powerful and phenomenal than he ever could have imagined or requested.

  Feeling this extremely potent, long overdue release inside of her cozy anal lair, it suddenly and unexpectedly brought Dawn to mind-blowing climax as well. This caught her completely off guard, as she had never experienced ecstasy this strong, nor had she ever been able to reach orgasm without somehow directly stimulating or kindling her vagina. Reuben still firmly cupped her mouth in his clammy palm, which was wise, considering the audibly unrestrained moaning that Dawn was now releasing. Reuben could feel her ardent climax, while he remained buried in her ass, as her vagina pulsated so fervently and intensely, that the vibrations were felt through the thin layer of skin that separated her two flesh-condoms. Reuben felt her ass clench and release, as she finished climaxing, making sure that every last drop of his cum inhabited her asshole as he continued to slowly grind up against her majestic rear end. As Reuben’s erection gradually subsided, and he quickly grew soft and limp inside of her, he slowly pulled out, trying desperately to relish and savor each and every second that he was allowed to be inside of her. He had came so much and so prolifically, that as he ejected himself from her filled anus, he saw his thick, white jism ooze and leak out of her overstuffed asshole, as she had to fart some of it out. Dawn could feel it spill out of her ass, glaze her taint, and run down her leg.

  “Gee whiz, Reuben,” she said exhausted and nearly breathless, “Slam dunk, baby. You really gave me a butt load.”

  “I just fucked you in your ass,” he said, just now realizing that he had been in her butt hole for the duration of their hot n’ heavy intimate encounter, watching his beastly seed now spill in loads, from her young, tight anus.

  “Yes you did,” she responded, confirming without complaint.

  Reuben, tired and drained, collapsed beside her.

  “You have quite the libido” she complimented him, awestruck by his performance and endurance. “Not bad for an old man…not bad at all” she reaffirmed to him, while grinning from ear to ear. She struggled not to smile, as to not give him an ego, but the more she tried, the harder it was not to.

  “You make it sound like I just competed in the Geriatric Olympics” he said back to her. “I don't need a heart monitor just yet,” he added, still lying next to her.

  Dawn curled up against Reuben, and laid the side of her head on his bare chest, as he threw his arm around her, as if to try to pull her in even closer. “Oh, I beg to differ” she argued, as she listened to, and felt, his heart race a mile a minute, as if it were close to busting out and breaking free…not that he wished to be free from her…as it was quite the opposite.

  As Reuben gasped for breath and gripped his tight chest, she used what little energy she had left to push her upper body up, with both of her arms, which were now trembling at the elbows. Dawn noticed that Reuben’s flaccid dick was still seeping sperm.

  “You’re still cumming,” she said, as they both watched it trickle over his ginger-spiced nuts, which had a minimal amount of curly hairs on them.

  “Stick it in your mouth,” he begged desperately but dominantly, “Please, Dawn. I want you to drink from me.”

  Though most girls would have felt degraded and offended by this bold and naughty request, Dawn’s sole reason for feeling uncomfortable with the idea of tasting his cock, was only because it had just been in her ass. Putting her awkwardness and inhibitions aside, she obediently submitted to his wishes, and followed his instructions without question or dispute. Dawn had been conditioned to obey her suitors, but this was the first and only time that she had been happy to do it. Fortunately, Dawn kept a perfectly clean house up there, where the sun didn’t shine. As the newly subservient vixen finished milking the remaining sperm from his dick, Reuben trembled in chills and goose bumps, as his penis had never felt so tender or sensitive. His sperm tasted salty, while yet somehow sweet, at the same time. The submissive Dawn suckled at her new Master’s penis, as if it were a pacifier that she had grown emotionally attached to.

  Once they had both caught their second wind, they realized that they were pressing their luck by staying naked from the waist down. They quickly hurried to put their pants back on, before giving their sexual serendipity a chance to run out. Before Dawn could chase after her pants, Reuben retrieved them for her, showing his gentleman side.

  Dawn was physically alluring, as if her body had been created for sin. It was a toss-up, which was more gorgeous, her face or her figure. She was picture perfect, but only on the exterior. Men who would have been good for her, were either too intimidated to talk to her or were uninterested because of her reputation, and men who were damaging to her…only used her for her magnificent and sensual body. She found herself wondering where Reuben would fall on that scale, or if he would prove to be somewhere on the borderline. Her face was that of an angel, though she behaved like a horny little devil. Her curves were all in the right place, combined with her seductive, slender physique.

  Reuben now sat beside her, on her bed. They both hung their head, not in shame, but in mutual fear that the other would now lose interest in them. The silence was so loud, that you could hear a single pin drop on a shag carpet.

  “I’m sorry,” Reuben said, being the first to break the ice, but still avoiding making awkward eye contact.

  “For what?” Dawn asked, still embarrassed that he saw her overly hairy lower half.

  “I forced myself on you,” Reuben said.

  “No,” she denied any protest, now looking at him, and putting her reassuring hand on his quivering leg, “You didn’t, not at all. I wanted it. I wanted you. Besides,” she added, “I’m the one who should be sorry.”

  “Why?” he asked, confused.

  “You saw me. You saw my ugliness,” she answered, referring to her excessive hair growth on her body.

  “Dawn,” he said back, in an adoring and amorous voice, “That’s crazy, girl. Don�
�t talk like that, baby. You’re shick. You’re the most blazin’ thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Dawn moved her warm hand from his less heated inner thigh, and took his clammy hand into hers. She put his refrigerated hand under her button-snapped shirt, and moved it up to her perfectly smooth, succulent breasts, and then to her armpits, which were anything but. Reuben felt unusually long and abnormally coarse hair coming from her forest-like armpits. Reuben understood why Dawn felt so self-conscious, but still strongly argued her belief that it made her unattractive or even undesirable.

  “See,” she said, as her lower jaw began to quiver and her eyes started to water. “I’m a dog.”

  “No,” Reuben immediately rebutted, shaking his head in disagreement, “You’re not. So what if you have excessive body hair? I don’t care about that. It doesn’t make you any less dreamy to me. It doesn't make you any less you.”

  “You haven’t been skinny dipping with me,” she noted, as if deliberately trying to scare him off or push him away, feeling a bit repulsive, insignificant, and unworthy of his compulsive obsession and devoted affections.

  “I don’t dig what you’re saying, baby?” Reuben admitted, not understanding why, or comprehending how, skinny-dipping with her would or could ever be a bad thing.

  “It gets much worse” she claimed. “There’s more to see. Besides, I smell like a wet dog, when my hair gets wet.”

  “If you feel that strongly about it, why don’t you shave it off?” Reuben asked, still trying earnestly to console her, but also diligently attempting to now solve her problem, which he felt was purely cosmetic and still didn’t bother him in the least, or change the way he felt about her. “If you like” he added, “I could trim your hairs and shave your body for you. I’d be happy to help you with that, if it would make things easier on you.”

  “You’re very sweet, but I’ve tried,” she said, “It doesn’t work. As soon as I cut it off, it grows back, before the night falls and the day is over.” Reuben saw that tears of sorrow were rushing down her angelic face, as she was talking to him, now with her head hung in shame, “When it grows back…which is almost instantly, it grows back longer and thicker, so I eventually had to just stop trying to get rid of it, and just learn to tolerate it.”

  “Dawn,” Reuben began, now laying his chilled hand on her toasty inner thigh, “It doesn’t bother me, and it shouldn’t bother you. It’s just hair; it doesn't change who you are, and certainly doesn't change my covetous hankering for you.” Reuben brought his other hand up to her soft face, and began gently rubbing her moist chin and cheeks. “I don’t see any hair growth up here,” he said, trying to comfort her and get her to finally see herself as he saw her. “You’re absolutely stunning, Dawn, body hair or no body hair. You don’t have any on your face, baby…not even a faint mustache, so be thankful for that.”

  “You’re not stuttering anymore,” Dawn said grinning, pointing out that Reuben had clearly become relaxed and comfortable with his dream lover.

  Reuben blushed, and looked again at the hard ground, embarrassed that he had stammered so badly before, in front of his muse. Dawn placed her silky hand on the back of his redhead, and gently guided him down to her lap, so that his ginger-head was resting on her, and his body was laying on its side, beside her, on the bed.

  “I’ve never been in the lap of luxury before,” he told her, as she lovingly stroked his crimson hair, as if to nurture him into her heart. “I don’t dig why you feel so hideous,” Reuben told her, “If you could see what I see, you would never say such a slander about yourself.”

  “I’m glad that you see that in me,” she replied. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re beautiful too, Reuben. You’re a good man, and have a great heart.”

  “You don’t have to say that,” Reuben said, knowing all-too-well that he was the antithesis of beauty.

  “I know I don’t have to,” she responded. “I love your spirit.”

  “I’m ghastly odious,” Reuben said, having accepted the cursed hand that God had so cruelly dealt him, from birth. “I’m repugnant. I’m a monster.”

  “No,” Dawn disagreed, “I don’t think so,” she said in a soft and tender voice, as she moved her caring hand down to stroke his rough face. Dawn then touched between his partially chapped lips, with her index finger…then gently rubbing and massaging his upper hair lip.

  Reuben quickly grabbed her hand, not to hurt her, but to kiss the tip of her finger.

  “You’re very kind, Dawn,” Reuben said, “but I know otherwise. I’m a beast.”

  “They say that you’re only as old as you feel” Dawn told him. “Well, I also believe that you’re only a monster if your heart is black, and I see a heart of gold in you…not a heart of stone. I see such groovy love in your charming but depressed eyes.”

  “If there is anything redeemable about me, or any love in my broken heart, it’s only because of you,” Reuben replied back, swallowing his own acidic saliva, as he fought not to break down and cry in front of the love of his otherwise miserable life.

  “I don’t really even know you, but yet I...” Dawn began to confide, but couldn’t muster up the courage it took to finish.

  “I know,” he graciously interrupted, with the intent of sparing her, “I feel the same about you.”

  Dawn noticed that something was bothering him. Something was troubling his mind, and she could see it as clear as if it had been written all over his face. “What, baby?” she asked. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to lose you” Reuben answered. “I just found you. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Baby” she said in a reaffirming voice, “I’m not going anywhere.” Dawn misinterpreted his fear, assuming he was suddenly doubting her commitment to him. “I’m not leaving you, Reuben. I’m here for as long as you want me, baby.”

  “It’s not you” he said back, “It’s God.”

  “I don’t understand,” she admitted.

  “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away” Reuben quoted. “That’s the Bible. What the Scriptures don’t say, however, is that the Lord really enjoys the latter part. Taking away is the Lord’s favorite thing.”

  “The Bible also tells us that God blesses the pure of heart,” she added. “I know the Bible too, baby. Sadly, I know it well enough to know that many parts of it aren’t as true as I’d like them to be. Many of the promises made in the Bible only seem to cater to the worst people.”

  “God doesn’t bless the pure of heart” Reuben corroborated. “He blesses the heartless.”

  “I know, baby” she vouched. “I know. But…the Lord won’t put anything or anyone between us. I won’t let him. I promise. You’re stuck with me, baby” she vowed. “Forever, baby. I’m yours…forever.”

  The two romantic lovers looked down, and saw that they were unknowingly holding hands. Just then, one of the male nurses barged in and interrupted their time of bonding.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here?” Nurse Carl asked, having his own perverse suspicions. “You both know the fucking rules. There is no mixing of genders in these sleeping quarters!”

  “We were just talking,” Dawn said quickly, to protect her newfound soulmate from any punishment or consequence.

  “Yeah,” Reuben chivalrously backed her up, as he promptly sat up and adjusted himself so that he was sitting on the side of the bed next to Dawn, instead of still resting on her lap. “Just getting to know each other.”

  “We were just mellowing” Dawn added, “You know, just taking it easy.”

  “Well, you two can do that in the communal areas of the ward, not in each other’s rooms. These rooms are for reflecting and resting, not socializing and fraternizing.”

  Reuben, not wanting to get Dawn in any more trouble than he already had, politely got up and left, without so much as a verbal goodbye to her, and obediently returned to his assigned cell. Reuben was pleased to find that Joshua wasn’t around, when he stepped through their door. Frustrated, he laid on hi
s stomach, using his folded arm as a hard pillow under his head. Just as he began to relax and calm down, he heard an unexpected knock at the door. Getting up, he went to investigate whom it was, presuming that it was one of the staff members coming to harass him about something petty. Opening the door, he saw that it was William, who had come to pay him an unannounced visit.

  “What it is, brother,” William said, “You have a minute?”

  “Um, sure, I guess,” Reuben answered in curiosity, not sure what this was all about.

  “Can I come in?” William asked permission. “I just think we should talk.”

  “Right on,” Reuben agreed. “Enlighten me. What’s on your mind?” he asked William, getting the vibe from him that whatever he had to get off his chest was of importance.

  William walked in with equal amounts of hesitation and obligation, and sat on the edge of the lower bunk bed, while Reuben cautiously shut the door behind him.

  “What’s on your mind, William?” Reuben asked again.

  “Look, Reuben. I’m not here to psyche you, burn you, or mess with your head. I know you and Dawn have gotten very close,” William bluntly began, seeing the distressed look on Reuben’s face and noticing that he started to defensively make fists with his hands. “It’s not like that,” William added, “I’m not here to judge either of you, or try to scare you away from her. In fact, I think it’s far out that you two have found each other,” he said, while Reuben relaxed, exhaled, and unclenched his hands.

  “I appreciate that,” Reuben said. “I’d also be grateful if you could kindly keep this between us. They’ve kind of been giving us a hard time, and I don’t want to cause Dawn any more trouble than I already have.”

  “I’m down with that. I’m not going to tell anyone,” William replied. “I haven’t told anyone. You two have a good vibe going, and I have no desire to come between that or fuck that up. Look, man, I’m here only because I feel that I need to clue you in a bit more about what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  “I’m not sure I get your meaning?” Reuben asked inquisitively, not quite certain how to take that.


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