The Beautiful Boys: A High School NA Reverse Harem Paranormal Bully Romance (Shadowlight Academy Book 1)

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The Beautiful Boys: A High School NA Reverse Harem Paranormal Bully Romance (Shadowlight Academy Book 1) Page 11

by Kailin Gow

  Cupping my cheeks, he leaned his forehead to mine, his eyes reaching deep inside me. “I’ve waited far too long to do that.”

  Until that very moment, I’d not known just how much I’d wanted him to kiss me. My emotions had been so tangled with Moore and Brax, the thought of Asher had remained mostly platonic. But now…

  Now I was more confused than ever.

  Chapter 13

  By the time I got to school the following morning, I was back to my usual self. No more dizzy spells or weaknesses. I also could feel an optimistic spring in my step as I headed to my first class.

  Finding out Asher could be my new guardian had been a great revelation. Though he wasn’t an angel, I knew in my heart he was the perfect guy to protect me. And just having someone to share everything I was going through was a great relief.

  The morning snailed its way to the lunch hour, filled with tense classes with Brax and a few fleeting glimpses of Asher in the halls. As I set foot inside the intimate dining room, I noticed Braxton’s expectant gaze. Seated with the other Beautiful Ones, Shayne and Moore, he waited for me, his eyes questioning why I had so deftly avoided him all morning.

  I pressed a tight smile, ignored how gleeful Moore was in light of Braxton’s obvious dismay and looked away from Shayne’s scrutinizing glare, and turned to find Asher at a corner table at the other end.

  “I see I’ve broken up quite a tradition you had going there,” Asher said, his eyes on the table I usually lunched at.

  “My life isn’t always easy,” I complained as I set my lunch on the table and sat facing my new guardian. “There’s no way I can explain any of this to any of them.”

  “You mean your ability to see demons among us.”

  “Are you laughing at me?” I said with a teasing smile.

  “Never would I dare.” He took a bite of his sandwich, his eyes smiling, his lips deliciously pouty. “Seen any this morning.”

  “No, it’s been rather quiet lately… too quiet.”

  “Do you go after them the same way you went after me that first morning?”

  I laughed, remembering our first encounter. “You could say that.”

  “Lucky little devils… that was hot.”

  “And you're impossible.” I pulled out my chicken sandwich and hid my smile behind a huge bite.

  “Maybe we could do a little training session… you know, you chase me, catch me, throw me to the wall. Do what you will with me…”

  “Are you always this bad? If you knew what I did with demons you wouldn’t say that.”

  “Maybe I should switch sides.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to go there.”

  He leaned over the table and came closer. “I know. The only place I want to be is wherever you are.”


  “Are you denying the chemistry that is positively sizzling between us? It’s been simmering since the day I first saw you...”

  “You're cute, and you're a great boost to my ego, but don’t let this chemistry thing get to your head. If you're to be my guardian, you can’t let your attraction become a distraction.”

  “As far as the guardian thing is concerned, nothing’s been confirmed yet. All I know is that I’m a guy who is excruciatingly attracted to a girl, a girl whose hand I want to hold, whose body I want to press to mine and whose lips I want to kiss.”

  I leaned in until our noses were just inches apart. He certainly did make his every touch sound very appealing. He looked good, smelled even better and I wanted to kiss him again since our first kiss yesterday.

  But the moment was broken by the slender yet sensual shadow of Shayne as she came to interrupt the private interlude.

  “Lux, how wonderful to see you standing on your own two feet. You really had us going there. How are you feeling?”

  “Much better, thanks.” I put on my most congenial smile, but knew it probably didn’t hide the fact that her presence wasn’t exactly welcome. Tension rose through my back and pinched at my shoulders.

  “Well, I’m certainly happy to hear that,” Shayne said as she lay her hand on my shoulder.

  Her touch instantly soothed me, relaxing the tension that’d so quickly made its way through my body. She held my gaze with a radiant smile.

  “I’ve missed our little chats these past days, all the gossip about the formal and all. It just wasn’t the same without you. I do hope you’ll stop by to see me at my house again soon. You know, I’m helping out with the Shadowlight Charity Ball. We want to raise funds for a new basketball court. I could sure use a hand.”

  “I don’t know. I still have a lot of homework to catch up on. I didn’t get any work done over the long weekend and I’m swamped.”

  “I’m sure Braxton would be happy to help you again.” She winked and glanced back at the table she’d shared with Moore and Braxton. “He got you out of trouble once. I’m sure he can do it again. Besides, he’s so handsome, studying with him is like no work at all. Better get him while he’s still available.”

  My gaze trailed to Brax, his eyes still questioning, his lips pressed in discomfort as he stared at me. By sharp contrast, Moore’s gaze was steady and filled with confidence, the confidence of the strongest conqueror.

  “Don’t sweat it, Lux,” Asher said, his hand coming to cover mine. “You said no and it should stand. You have work to do.” He glared up at Shayne. “Life’s not always a ball.”

  “This is a charity ball,” Shayne said with a glimmer of venom in her eye. Her charitable grin returned quickly, too practiced and too quickly.

  “Oh, please,” he went on. “You guys could simply write a small check and the deed would be done. Why harass everyone with another one of your dull fundraisers?”

  “Well, maybe you could chip in and help make my dull ball a smash.” Her megawatt smile was priceless as she eyed Asher. Adoration and admiration filled her eyes… she was good. She reached out and took his hand off mine and clasped his between both her hands. “I really would love to have your hand in this. I know you're creative and you have a great imagination. The ball is to be at my house, and I could sure use someone insightful like you to help with an inspiring décor.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Come on. You’ve never been to my place. I could give you a grand tour.” She winked provocatively at him. “A private tour.”

  Pulling his hand away, he controlled the grimace that played on his lips. “I’m not really into social events, and decorating isn’t really my thing.”

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself.” Her gaze met mine. “Some of the most important and influential people will be there, even Braxton’s uncle and Miss Bright. As you can imagine, they’ll expect to see the daughter of the new Dean of Antiquities there as well.”

  “I really don’t see why.”

  “Well, we’re planning a prestigious auction… rare pieces, many from Kingsley’s private collection; art, rare books. Your father will authenticate various items.”

  I wanted to protest and argue. My parents had mentioned nothing about this ball, but before I could say anything Moore came up behind me and slid into the chair beside mine. His hand was quick to find my knee and my whole body was quick to respond to his touch.

  “I’ve miss you, Lux,” he whispered directly into my ear, sending sensual shivers up and down my spine.

  Asher instantly stiffened. I could almost see the hairs at the back of his neck rise in alarm.

  “It’s bad enough I had to suffer the evening of the formal without your presence, you can’t leave me to suffer through this evening alone as well. Those stiff antiques can be such a bore. Say you’ll be there, if only for an hour or two.”

  His fingers brushed up my thigh and played under the hem of my skirt.

  Yes was on my lips as I prepared to do anything to keep him close to me, to keep him happy, but a swift motion behind me turned into a loud commotion that pulled Moore’s touch away. I turned to see Braxton holding Moore by the collar.<
br />
  “Is this clown bothering you?” Brax said. His eyes, hard with anger and frustration, shifted to Shayne.

  “Relax, Kingsley,” Shayne droned. “Our only purpose here is to invite Lux and Asher to the Charity Ball that we’re holding at our house.”

  “From clear across the cafeteria I heard her say ‘no’. What is it about that answer that you didn’t understand?”

  “What are you griping about anyway? You have to go because of your uncle. You know you’d love to see Lux there just as much as I would. You should be here helping me to convince her, not reprimanding me.”

  “If she comes it should be of her own will, not your insistence.” He turned to look at me, a myriad of emotions playing on his face. His desire to have me there was confronted by his anger towards Moore’s forwardness. “Lux,’ his voice was soft and filled with love. He looked like he wanted to say something private to me, but said instead, “You know I’d love to see you there, but don’t feel you have to just on my account.”

  “I had no idea you’d have to go. Of course I want to be there.”

  “Lux, you don’t have to,” Asher argued.

  “No, I was just smarting a bit because of the formal, but another attempt at a grand night out could be fun.”

  Asher bit on a defeated grimace. “Then I’ll go as well.”

  I looked up to catch Braxton frown, then glimpsed how Shayne and Moore glowed triumphantly.

  “Well, then,” Shayne said. “We’ll leave you two to finish your delectable looking meal.

  The disturbingly beautiful siblings left Asher, Braxton and me in an uncomfortable and tense silence. After a long moment, Braxton cleared his throat and set his hand on my shoulder.

  “Could I talk to you a second, Lux?”

  A quick glance at Asher and I knew how badly he disapproved. Nonetheless, I said, “I’ll catch you after the next class. We can meet at my locker.”

  “Yeah, right, you have your next class with, Braxton, no doubt.”

  “As a matter of fact, yes,” Braxton said.

  “That’s quite a feat, getting so many of your classes with the new girl in town. I wonder how you managed that.” He shoved the rest of his lunch back into his backpack and stood. “Oh, yeah. That’s right, your uncle knows a few important people here.” He winked ironically and left.

  “Come on,” Braxton said, not wasting a moment. He took a gentle hold of my elbow and urged me up.

  Leaving my lunch behind, I followed him out the French doors into the quiet and sunny courtyard.

  Chapter 14

  “I don’t want to sound possessive, or jealous. I don’t want you to think I’m nuts or anything, but…” He licked his lips nervously and glanced around before bringing his intense gaze back to me. “What are you doing? What’s with Asher?”

  Gripping my shoulders, he pulled me closer, his forehead coming to butt up to mine. His breathing was suddenly heavy and raspy, his eyes narrowed in emotion. “I thought we had something, Lux. I don’t want to push you, but at least be upfront with me. You just walked by as if we’d never met.” His lips twisted in hurt as if he was trying to hold back his emotions.

  “I’m sorry, Braxton. I guess I should have said something, but I just can’t sit with Shayne and Moore. Something makes me uncomfortable about them. And as for Asher, he’s a friend… a good friend, and I can sit with him if I want.”

  I can understand your aversion to Moore, but Shayne? She’s been so great to you. Why do you want to avoid her?”

  “Don’t you feel something strange when you're around them? Haven’t you noticed…? I don’t know, something odd, something that doesn’t fit? I’ll admit there’s something completely intoxicating about Moore, and maybe it’s just his good looks, unearthly charm or strong and sexy…”

  Braxton backed away, his gaze hard and displeased. “I get it, Lux, I get it. Moore’s hot. That doesn’t explain your aversion to us.”

  “Actually it’s the way he has of drawing me in that I’ve an aversion to. Whenever I’m around him, I feel as though I have no control over myself. And looked at what happened whenever you kiss me. Moore invades the moment, takes over, and leaves me completely absorbed by his face, his shoulders and…”

  Brax rolled his eyes while his lips pulled up into a grimace.

  “Aside from the physical attraction, I really know little about Moore, too little to really feel anything serious, making this seeming obsession with him all the more confusing.”

  I reached out to take his hand and he eagerly gripped it. “I’m happy to see it’s not something I did. I thought you were angry with me, but Moore… that is strange the effect he has on you. Other than the fact I don’t like it, I don’t really know what to tell you.”

  “Has Shayne ever kissed you?”

  A blush instantly colored his cheeks. “Once, but it wasn’t even on the lips. She came in close, and I turned my cheek to her.”

  “How did you feel after?”

  He pressed his lips into a disenchanted pout. “Nothing different. I guess for all her beauty she just doesn’t do it for me… not like you. When I first kissed you, you can’t even begin to imagine how I felt. I mean, wow. That was a kiss. A kiss from the girl I belonged with, as though our souls were linked together.” He shook his head. “Lux, I don’t know how to explain it, and I’ve kissed enough girls in my past to know when something is casual and when something is meant to be…like us. And then there’s the chemistry…the sex. It’s all-consuming hot, isn’t it? Well, it is for me.” He pressed his body closed to me, making it obvious he wanted me now.

  I smiled, “We do have chemistry.”

  His fingers tightened on my arms and he pulled me to him. “I don’t want to lose you, Lux, not to Asher and, even worse, Moore. I feel like I’ve been looking for you all my life, and now that I’ve found you…” He shook his head, his eyes filled with the pain of possibly losing me. “How can I have searched for you for so long only to lose you shortly after finding you?”

  “And Shayne’s kiss had no effect on you whatsoever?” I said softly.

  “None whatsoever. Being kissed by her was like being kissed by an icy stone.” He pushed his fingers through my hair. A chuckle rumbled through him, amused and slightly mocking. “She’s tried to hit on me so many times since I’ve been here, always coming on like some sexual goddess. She thought she’d be able to entice me with her sexual prowess, offering me sensual pleasures and tantalizing moments with her, but it never worked. The whole of who she is never appealed to me. Something about her just doesn’t attract me at all, something she didn’t really take very well. As you can imagine, a beauty like her isn’t used to rejection.”

  “I imagine you’re probably the first to ever turn her down. You and Asher…”

  “I guess I’m the first to really have a good reason to do so… I had someone else in my destiny, someone else to fulfill me.” He pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. “It’s you I want, Lux. It’s always been you. My future is so clear when I see you beside me. I want the real deal, and I know the affection I have for you runs far deeper than just a sexual attraction.”

  His fingers dug into my scalp as he pulled me closer, enveloping me in a kiss that quickly consumed my thoughts. The warmth of his mouth pressed me to respond, and my body instantly wanted more of him. He was right. I was his destiny, and he was mine, from the very first moment we happened to glimpse one another.

  My head filled with the hopes of a life with him, of my growing love for him, but just as quickly, Moore’s face appeared before me, his malignant eyes intently boring through me, his lips curled in a seductive grin that bordered on sadistic.

  The seductive grin was heated with urgent passion as he pressed them over mine, shoving away the sweet adoration of the boy who loved me and replacing it with an almost oppressive degree of desire. My heart pounded, my hands were soon damp with sweat and my body arched in for more of his blistering kiss, until I realized what was truly happening. />
  I pulled away and faced the confusion and turmoil that was in Braxton’s eyes.

  “Moore?” he said through the aroused groan that’d claimed his voice.

  Stunned by my reaction to Moore’s transcendent kiss, I stared at Braxton, barely able to nod.

  “I don’t get it. I don’t know what he did to you, but, damn it, I’m going to do all I can to find out.” He fingered my cheek, his eyes softened with concern. “You’re already pale, and just from a brief kiss. Something’s going on. I’m not going to let you slip into another three day coma just because of some…” He shook his head and I could see his reluctance to spit the words out. “Some curse, or spell or whatever he did.”

  “I need you, Braxton,” I whispered, my voice a meek shadow of who I was.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you, Lux.” He held me tightly, his fingers digging into the flesh of my shoulders. “I won’t let Moore hurt you.”

  “Brax, I have to tell you something, something that…” The air around us was suddenly dry and my voice cracked and croaked in my throat.


  “I’m not who you think I am. I’m…”

  The heated dry air suddenly darkened as a shadow rushed toward me, pushing me out of Braxton’s grip and shoving me up to the wall.

  Bewildered, Braxton stared at his empty fingers a moment before looking to me, his lips parted yet unable to speak. He shook the disbelief out of his gaze and finally found his voice. “What’s going on?” he asked cautiously. “Why are you up against the wall?”

  I struggled against the black demon that pinned me to the wall. His attack had been swift and unexpected. For the first time in my life I’d completely let my guard down and had left myself open for a lost battle.

  “I’ve got you now, Light Girl,” the shadow gurgled. “Who’s going to help you now?”

  “Lux,” Braxton called. His fist clenched in frustration, but he remained immobile.

  Struggling to breathe, to remain upright, and to remain conscious, I ran my fingers along my neck looking for the chain that held my crucifix. “I don’t need anyone’s help. I’ll ensure you let me go.”


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