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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

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by S. E Foster

  The next twenty minutes seem to last a lifetime; I flinch when I hear the ring on the phone for the apartment. Cami answers and lets them in, when she’s walking back into the living room, I notice there are two police officers that follow behind. She comes to sit by the side of me, placing her arm protectively around my waist keeping me close to her.

  “Are you Faith Young?” the police officer asks me.

  “Yes,” I answer quietly. I lift my head, quickly looking at the two police officers.

  “I am PC Cooper and this is my colleague PC McCabe,” he says pointing towards the other officer.

  “Can we have a look at your phone please Miss Young?” I reach towards the coffee table to get my phone, PC McCabe takes the phone from my hand and passes it across to PC Cooper to examine.

  “Have you had anymore messages like this Miss Young?” He asks me.

  “No, this is the only one,” I reply.

  “Could this be a hoax from somebody?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  He looks at me like he does not believe my answer but I know the truth, I know what my father caused, I know I was kidnapped, and I most certainly know Damien got me out.

  “Look Miss Young, with just one message there really isn’t much that we can do, is there anything you’re not telling us?” He asks looking directly at me.

  “Nothing else has happened.”

  I can’t tell them. I can’t get Damien in trouble.

  “Well, if you think of anything else, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling the station.”

  I nod. As they get ready to leave, Cami gets up to see them out of the apartment, I know I’m about to get an earful when she comes back into the living room.

  “What the hell Faith! Why did you not tell them what really happened?” She glares at me while she is yelling.

  “I couldn’t do it Cami, I can’t risk Damien. He got me out. I just can’t do it to him.” I plead with her to understand what I’m saying. She throws up her hands in exasperation.

  “You need your head tested woman! He may have set you free in the end, but he still helped hold you in that godforsaken place.”

  I see the anger on her face, she is furious at me. I pluck up the courage to try and explain.

  “If it wasn’t for him Cami, I don’t know what would have happened to me.” My shoulders sag in relief when she finally nods her head, her mouth opens to speak but I cut her off. “I’m going to bed Cami, I really am sorry I couldn’t tell them. I owe him something Cami, my silence is all I have to offer.”

  I check my phone again to see if there are any more messages, relief floods my body when I don’t see any.

  Pulling my covers back, I slowly climb into bed and cover myself up, fully aware that peaceful sleep is unlikely, but I also know that my dreams will be filled with Damien, every night I dream about everything that happened. It’s like watching it on a cinema screen, being on the outside looking in. I will be screaming at the screen saying what will happen and when, but it never changes.

  Closing my eyes I start to drift into the memory, it’s where I get to be with Damien again. Even though I hate the memory, I love seeing him, touching him, and tasting him. That one kiss was enough for me to know that I want more of him, but for now I only have my dreams and I sleep in torture knowing I will be with him.



  I have been in this room for 4 weeks now. Whilst it’s only been 1 week since Damien said he would get us out of here, I so want to believe him but I haven’t seen him. Only the other guy, he’s the one who is bringing me my meals, and taking me to the bathroom. As the days go by I am losing all hope of ever getting out of here.

  Today started out like the rest, the door to the room being opened and the guy bringing in my breakfast. Porridge and a bottle of orange juice, I can’t stand porridge but when you know it’s all you get, you eat it.

  The door closes with a bang, I wonder what’s pissed him off.

  I hate being here I just want to go home. It’s not that it’s terrible, I have not been chained, beaten or raped. The only thing they have done is raise their voice and that was only in the beginning when I was reluctant to do as they asked; but since then nothing. Even so, I can’t take this much longer.

  I am taken to the bathroom after my breakfast, the shower is running when we get there.

  As always, everything is already set up for me, I can switch a shower on myself but no, apparently I’m not trusted to do even that.

  “You have 15 minutes!” he yells at me angrily, I wonder what’s stuck up his arse. As he closes the bathroom door, I stick my tongue out at his back, my little act of rebellion is pathetic, but it's mine. After using the toilet I step into the shower. It’s by no means luxurious; it’s lukewarm at best and it’s just more than a trickle, but I make do finding the shower gel. I quickly wash my hair and body, what wouldn’t I give for some conditioner, is it so much to ask when you kidnap someone make sure you have conditioner? My hair is a bloody mess. I finish up and step from the shower and dry myself putting on the clean t-shirt and jogging bottoms.

  Thankfully I am dressed when the door slams open, “Come on, time’s up!” He says. His tone is harder than before, I feel his grip on my arm, it’s not normally this hard. I don’t say anything as he pulls me back towards the bedroom. Pushing me into the room, I land on my hands and knees on the floor, I start to get a feeling of dread settle in my stomach. As I start pulling myself up, he smirks at me as he closes and locks the door as he leaves.

  I am still sat on the bed with my knees pulled up to my chest, my arms wrapped around my legs, my head buried in my knees, when the door opens, I look up and see him carrying a tray, dinner time? After what happened earlier I don’t feel like eating. Expecting him to leave the door open, to just pop the tray on the bed. I find it odd that he has closed the door.

  Making his way over to the bed, he dumps the plastic tray on the bed, it’s the same bottle of water and sandwich on the plate, burying my head in my knees again, I expect him to turn around and leave.

  My body jumps when I feel his hand on my head, his grip tightens, pulling my hair to make me look at him, “It’s playtime princess. It’s just you and me now.” It takes me a second to process what he is saying. My arms automatically come to my head to try and break his hold but it’s no use. He has hold of me and pulls me down by my hair “Please don’t, you don’t have to do this! I haven’t done anything,” My arms are moving frantically as he keeps pulling me by my hair, I hear the tray crash to the floor but I don’t care, he’s pulling me so that I am lying down on the bed, his body trying to cover mine. “Stop, please!” I beg him it’s no use he is not listening, his other arm comes up to grab hold of my throat squeezing tightly “Don’t stop fighting Faith, it’s only making me harder.” Oh God I feel sick, the arm that had hold of my hair lets go and he brings his mouth to mine, I refuse to open my mouth.

  His body manages to cover mine and his weight is suffocating. I don’t know if it’s the hand around my throat or the weight of him that makes me see spots. I use the last bit of my strength to spit in his face, I feel his fist connect with my nose “You little bitch” he screams.

  I start to struggle again but he is quicker and stronger. He lets go of me and I start to kick and hit him as he tries to get my pants down. I fight so hard to try and keep them on.

  It’s no use he manages to tug them down, he moves to sit on my stomach trapping my arms against my sides. I can’t move, I try to buck and kick but he is immovable. He starts to unbuckle his jeans as I feel the tears fill my eyes. Grabbing hold of himself he starts to stroke his cock “I am going to enjoy this” he chuckles to himself as he continues to get himself off. He grabs my t-shirt forcefully ripping then squeezes my breast hard, the tears are streaming down my face at this point I feel so helpless, I’m trapped.

  The door bursts open slamming against the wall “Get your fucking hands off her Conner!�

  It’s Damien. Thank God. Once the weight has gone from my stomach, I scramble myself into a ball as quick as I can, looking across the room I see Damien has Conner held against the wall.

  “What the fuck is your problem” Conner rasps as Damien’s hand tightens around his throat.

  “You don’t get to touch her” I hear his strained reply

  I hear a sickening crunch and Conner slides to the floor. Damien turns around and makes his way over to the bed; he looks distressed, it’s then I look down and notice that my t-shirt is ripped and my pants are still down. I grab hold of the pants and tug them up as best I can, with being sat on a bed. Clutching the remains of the t-shirt tight to cover my chest I sit there with the tears still flowing, thankful that it is over.

  “Faith come on. I am going to get you out of here now” he says.

  “Ok” I whisper as he scoops me up off the bed, carrying me down the narrow hall he starts to climb a set of stairs, at the top of the stairs I notice that we are in a kitchen walking out of the back door. He places me in a black SUV, fastening my seatbelt for me he places a kiss on my head “Sorry” he whispers, if I had not been paying attention I would have missed it.

  Looking up at what has been my prison for the past month, I notice it’s nothing more than a Victorian end terrace house. Figures.

  We are driving along the streets I notice that we are driving towards London city center, wondering where he is taking me I decide to ask, pretty sure I can find my voice now.

  “Where are we going?” I ask looking over to his side of the SUV.

  “Hospital” his one word reply irks me.

  “Where have you been all week?” I really want him to talk to me, tell me anything.

  “Busy, look Faith I am sorry about what happened back there but you’re safe now” his tone told me not to push further.

  Parking in the hospital he comes around to my side, opening the door I step down so that I am stood looking up at him.

  “Thank you for saving me and getting me out” I step up on my toes and place a chaste kiss on his lips.

  “Oh fuck” he whispers against my lips, his hands come to the side of my face being oh so gentle, he captures my lips and I don’t hesitate for a second when his tongue traces my lips seeking entry, I respond to his kiss but as soon as it starts it stops.

  Walking towards the door to A&E, I get the strange feeling again, and when I look at him I know he is not coming in with me.

  “Don’t go home” then he turns and leaves me at the doors.

  I don’t even think about what he said as I make my way into that hospital. I almost collapsed when I reached the reception, a couple of nurses came and took me straight to a room and got me out of my torn clothes and into a hospital gown “Are you ok, what happened?” they asked me.

  I stay quiet, not knowing what to tell them. Do I tell them, the truth? Who would even believe me? Surely that would only get Damien in trouble, and I don’t want that. He saved me.

  “The doctor will be in shortly” the other nurse said once I was settled on the bed. The doctor came and checked me over from head to toe. I only spoke to say my name and ask them to contact Camilla Ashford, no one else but Cami.

  He tells me that I have a broken nose and a few scrapes but apart from that I’m fine but they want to keep me in overnight purely because they think I’m in shock.

  Cami arrives with a flurry as, she rushes into the room and wraps her arms around me.

  “What happened, sweetie are you ok?” I break down and tell her everything that had happened over the last month while she sits at the side of my hospital bed and listens.

  “Well I will tell you this for sure, you will be coming home with me and I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Thanks Camilla, it means a lot.” She kisses the top of my head as she gets up to leave.

  “I will be back to pick you up in the morning and Faith, stop calling me Camilla you know I hate it. It’s Cami.”

  Giggling as she leaves I know she hates Camilla, for as long as we have been at school together, she would often call me out on it.

  The next morning I wake to find Cami already sat by my bed, my nose feels huge this morning, I can still feel the crusty blood around it I must look a right mess.

  “Ready to go? The doctor said you could go home.”

  “Thanks Cami, I am so lucky to have a good friend like you.”

  Leaving the hospital we the drive from the hospital to Chelsea where her apartment is. She lets me in and shows me to the guest room and I am in awe. The king size bed with cream and duck egg bedding and cream and silver bird wallpaper fills the room, a chic dresser and stool are on the opposite wall to the bed. I spy a door in the corner.

  I walk through the door to a beautiful ensuite bathroom which is filled with a beautiful lion claw tub and corner shower. I look at her and she just nods letting me know it’s real.

  It’s then I wake from my tortured dream. The same dream I have every night.

  In the light of day I know what I need to do to sort this mess out the one person who can help me and keep me safe.

  I need to find Damien.



  The drive to the penthouse is hell, I always stop by Faith’s building, anything to be closer to her. It never makes the ache go away though, if anything, it only makes it worse. I arrive at home closing the door to my apartment, blocking out the world so I can have my thoughts consumed by Faith. The ringing phone pulls my attention from my tortured thoughts.

  “What?” I bark as I answer the phone.

  “Sir, just letting you know we have traced Darren Young” I could hear the relief in his voice, I had driven them hard this past 6 months trying to find him.

  “Well it’s about fucking time, where is he?” I ask Malcolm.

  “He was flagged at Gatwick airport this morning, he’s back in London sir. What do you want us to do?” he asks, he already knows what I want.

  “Find out where he goes, we need to form a plan first.” I heard his moan of protest, then the line cut off. I could not wait to kill the lowlife scumbag. I despised the man, what kind of man would give his daughter away to settle a debt.

  I know Malcolm will do as I asked, they all do without a second thought.

  My men are trained, and they’re loyal. Most importantly, they understand the chain of command.

  I never wanted this job in the beginning, I mean who really wants to be the head of their family? To be in control of an empire. I certainly didn’t. When you grow up surrounded by the family’s dealings, watching your own father kill people there is a certain expectation, and there is fuck all you can do about it. So I do what I was born and raised to do. I lead and people follow. Otherwise it would be me six feet under now, not my father.

  I have been keeping an eye on Faith and she hardly leaves the apartment, except on a Thursday to go see her therapist and even then her friend takes her straight there and straight back, she is a shell of who she was before..

  I ached to go to her, to comfort her, but I know I can’t. So I watch over her, I don’t want her to see me I just want her to forget and move on. I want her to be happy.

  It kills me staying away from her, but I know it’s wrong to want her. I can’t help it, after I had her captured I thought it would be ok, that I would be able to go through with it.

  It started off fine, she was in that room and everything was going smoothly, at least while she was out cold that is.

  The moment she woke and I saw her huddled in the corner, I was doomed. She looked so helpless. It was then that the vision of my sister locked in that room tied and beaten to a pulp, lying in her own blood that I decided Faith would not meet the same fate. I would make sure of it.

  I head towards the shower needing to get ready for tonight. We have a little surprise visit arranged with another hotshot who thinks it’s ok to take my money and not pay it back. Resting my head against the shower wall,
I close my eyes and take a breath, I can’t help but see her face in that kitchen window. She looked broken, and I had done that to her.

  It was mum’s old house that I had taken her to, it had been empty for the last six years since Bella had died.

  It was looking run down and unkempt, but the Victorian house had a cellar that was just what I needed, dark and dirty.

  I had tried not to let her in but it was impossible.

  I even tried to stay away for that last week. That proved to be useless as Conner thought with me not around he could get his dick wet. I saw red when I walked into that room and Conner on top of her, the look of fear I saw on her face as the tears slid down her cheek, I didn’t hesitate to get him the fuck off her.

  Well let’s just say he won’t be using it anymore, I made sure of that. I enjoyed every minute of the torture I put him through as soon as I had dropped her off at the hospital. I drove back to the house where he was still passed out on the floor. The satisfaction I got when he came round tied up and stripped naked. “You know what happens to rapists?” That was the only time I spoke to him, his screams to my dying day will not haunt me. They give me a sense of peace, knowing that I avenged Faith even if she doesn’t know it. No one hurts my Faith.

  I strip down in my bathroom, the room is huge the shower easily big enough to fit 4 people inside but I only think about having one person in here with me.

  When I step into the shower the water is pounding down hard against my back, my head leaning against the wall, as always thoughts of my girl still invading my every thought.

  Looking down I’m as hard as granite, I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it I reach down and close my hand round my erection, I start to move my hand up and down. The thoughts of Faith spread out on my bed cause me to work myself faster and harder, I keep going and with that last vision I have of myself sinking deep inside her, I fall over the edge. My climax hitting the shower wall before my body sags as I come back down.


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