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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

Page 7

by S. E Foster

  “Put me down you big oaf” I scream, something that isn’t that easy when you are dangling upside down. I can feel the blood rushing to my head as he took his giant strides, the man was solid my stomach hurt from where is shoulder blade was digging in. His arms got tighter around my legs to combat my punches and jerky movements, he chuckled at me and carried on walking into the hall of the house all the while I was screaming, blue bloody murder.

  He carries on walking through the house towards the door of Damien’s bedroom.

  “Malcolm! Put her down now!” Oh God. Cami’s voice, the tone she used with him sends shivers down my spine he halts suddenly and spins round to look at her.

  “I was told to take her back to her room, so that’s what I am doing Camilla.” His tone does not sound amused so he opens the door to Damien’s room and strides right inside.

  I know my girl she has this. She will fight tooth and nail for me. Even if she does not like me so much right now, our conversation before had not ended too well.

  “You put her down right now, or else.” she paused for a moment, waiting for him to answer. “Malc please put her down.” I feel his body relax under me and he gives into her plea. He places me on the ground holding me steady whilst Cami comes rushing over to me, as she reaches me I fall into her embrace.

  “Thank you,” she whispered to Malc. He just nods at her then turns and walks away. Cami walks me back further into Damien’s bedroom. Not knowing where to look I was so embarrassed, thinking about the few people that had witnessed me being carried though the house kicking and screaming like a toddler having a hissy fit. It is not a high point of my life so far.

  “What happened Faith?” I did everything I could not to meet her gaze but she waited patiently for me to answer. We are standing at the foot of the bed her arms are holding on to me.

  “He told me to leave so I did. Then that big brute brought me back, the rest you know.” I did not mean to snap at Cami really I didn’t, it’s my humiliation that is causing this reaction.

  “Are you finished now?” she asks me, so I just nod what more could I do.

  “So what happened then and I want the proper version not the spit your dummy out version.” I nod looking at her.

  “He shouted at me, told me to get out, that it was not my business.”

  “And was it your business what they were discussing.” I shake my head

  “He shouted for Malc, and I went running in like a woman possessed.” I admitted she nods at me, she knows what I am like if someone shouts at me I am going to shout back that’s just me.

  “So what you’re saying to me, is that you barged into whatever was happening, and jumped the gun as normal.”

  I nodded again feeling like an idiot,

  “Hang on before, you could not stand him, hated everything he stood for, what has changed?” I question her, she really does not seem that surprised

  “Look I’m not saying that I agree with everything he has done but he is keeping you safe Faith, just listen to him and do as he says.” she knows something I could see it in her eyes, she was trying to placate me, I hate it when she pulls the mother routine on me.

  “What is it Cami what do you know, tell me please?”

  “Look it’s not for me to say, just wait for him to come and tell you, I am not really supposed to know.” I was getting frustrated with her lack of explanation.

  “You tell me what you know Cami now! Don’t you dare keep things from me just who do you think you are.”

  Her eyes heated and I could feel the anger radiating off her, I feel the sharp slap across my cheek, my face begins to burn, I hiss through my teeth when I realise what the fuck she has just done, I stand ready to slap her back when I am pulled away from behind.

  “I can’t let you do that Faith.” it was Malc again why the fuck is he even in here.

  “This has nothing to do with you, lap dog. Now let go of me.” I scream struggling against his hold.

  “It has everything to do with me….” Cami cut him off by giving him a pointed look and proceeding to get right in my face.

  “He is going to sell you again, you silly girl for once in your life listen to people who want to help you.”

  I go lax and stopped fighting, oh God no I can’t do this again. What the fuck has gone on now? Malc lets me go, I slump to the floor burying my head in my hands.

  “Faith.” I don’t even look up when Damien says my name I am drained emotionally I have nothing left to give so I cry. I let it all out. The hate. The pain. The loss.

  “Leave us,” I hear him say to them and I hear the click of the door closing as they leave.

  I feel him pick me up off the floor and gently lay me down on the bed, he lies down next to me and pulls me in close. Feeling his arms wrapped around me brings me back from the edge of my meltdown. I open my eyes and look around the room, so glad that it is just Damien and I. I let myself relax into his embrace.

  “Why is he still doing this?” I whisper into the room not really caring if I get a response or not. I just want to speak the words it makes it real. I know then that it’s not something I have imagined. It’s something I am living and it’s a hell that I don’t want to live. But without this hell, I would not have Damien wrapped around me right now holding me, keeping me safe, protecting me.

  “I won’t let him have you Faith, you are my light I can’t have him try to put you out.”

  At his words I sob that little bit harder, not knowing what to say, so I mumble the only thing that feels right at that moment.

  “Find him and kill him please.”

  “I will, he won’t ever hurt you again baby,”

  I drift off into a restless sleep, I know as soon as I see Conner’s face that I am dreaming again, it starts the same way as always, last night I didn’t have the dream, I don’t see Damien, he doesn’t appear. This dream is different. My dad is there and he is laughing at me telling me that he owns me, I am his to do as he sees fit, and he brought me into this world so he has the power to take me out of it.

  I startle myself awake with his lingering words in my mind. Gasping I clutch my chest tightly trying to calm my erratic beating heart.

  “Faith what’s the matter are you ok?” I hear his voice and I start to nod, I feel the need to pull him close. So I lie back down taking deeper breaths to try and calm myself down.

  “Ssh its ok, it was only a dream.” He says to me while running his fingers gently though my hair, he places a gentle kiss against my forehead and it’s what I need to send me back to sleep.

  My eyes blink against the bright morning light and I feel something pressed up against my back, that’s when I realise where I am and who is next to me and I feel relieved that he is still here with me. He held me all night, chased away the nightmare and not once did he let me go.

  “Morning, are you ok?” he says. Pressing himself closer to me. I smile to myself, before answering him.

  “Morning” I say as his hand trails down the front of my body, my breath catches in my throat, he presses light kisses to my ear, and I feel the length of him pressing into the base of my back. I turn to face him and seeing the look in his eyes, I know exactly what I need.

  “Make me forget Damien,” I say with lust filled eyes, at my words he does just that and more.



  After my shower, I walk back into the bedroom. In the closet I notice that all of her things are still packed and I don’t like it, I want her stuff next to mine it’s where it belongs, I knew yesterday after the way I spoke to her she was pissed off with me, she was only running scared.

  I nearly burst out laughing when I saw that Malc had her over his shoulder, arms flailing around in the air trying to hurt his back.

  Dressed in my white shirt, black trousers and my favourite black tie, in the bedroom she is sat at my dresser putting her hair up, I love it when she wears it down, it cascades around her shoulders weaving my fingers through and grasping hold tig
htly in the throes of…. Shit I need to stop that train of thought or we will be having round two and round one was heavenly, I could get used to waking up with her in my arms.

  “We still need to talk about yesterday,” I say to her, noting her eyes widen in the mirror as she looks back at me.

  “I know” she all but whispered

  “We know where he is, but we can’t get near him yet, he has bodyguards surrounding him.”

  “What did Cami mean yesterday, she said he was going to sell me again?”

  “Right I will tell you what we know, I didn’t want to tell you yesterday in front of everyone because I didn’t want you getting upset.” She just nods her head in understanding. So I continue with our conversation, I know she has a right to know but is it so bad to want to protect her from it all.

  “What we think we know from Jake, is that he has no money to pay for protection so he used the only thing he could use, and that’s you. I won’t let him near you Faith do you understand you are mine, not his, MINE!” I growl the last bit out the caveman instincts kicking in to provide and protect, it’s a strange feeling to live with, when you have gone so long being told that emotion is weak and it will destroy you.

  “I hate him for what he is trying to do to me, I promise I won’t try to run again, I got scared with everything that has been going on. When you shouted at me in your office, I felt like a child being told off, it was humiliating.”

  I had known how she felt but at the time my anger was high. I didn’t want her to see. I thought by getting her out, where she could not hear, it would be better for her sanity.

  “I am sorry Faith I just wanted to protect you, I did not mean to snap but I had just found out myself and the thought of anybody else but me touching you is unthinkable.” I was honest with my words no point hiding them now.

  “I know and I am sorry too for running, think I owe Malc and Cami an apology too, I kind of called Malc a lapdog,” she giggled the last part of her sentence, it was a beautiful sound, something I want to hear a lot more of in the future.

  “Right come on let’s go and get some breakfast shall we, you need to keep your strength up.”

  I pull her up from the dresser and lead her out of the bedroom all the while holding her hand.

  In the kitchen I see Malc, Cami, and Jake all sat around my huge oak table laughing amongst themselves, it’s been so long since laughter has graced this house, the morning sunshine that streams in through the bi-folding doors, it brightens the entire kitchen.

  Sitting at the table, I see that the cook has placed a great variety of food down, to accommodate every pallet, Faith takes the seat at my side, and yeah I like her beside me.

  “Right we need to get down to business.” Malc raises his brow to me wondering why I would talk with the ladies around, he has a point normally I wouldn’t but the ladies are very much involved and need to know what they can and cannot do.

  “Do we have updates on Darren?” I aim my question to Malc.

  “Boss things are pretty much the same, he has not left unescorted from the hotel.” he keeps his answer polite but I can see the tension in his eyes, I need to find out what is going on with my friend.

  First I need to deal with this it is taking its toll and I want it done with now I want moya lyubov to be safe, shit where did that come from I have not spoken Russian since I was at home with my father, it was his native language and he spoke it often, I have never been to Russia, my dad chose to stay here, when he met my mother and they fell in love, he started the business with Anton at his side and they never went back. I heard him and my mother talking on many a night as to why he stayed but they never spoke of it in front of me.

  Anton is Malc’s dad so we grew up together; we have been with each other since the beginning.

  I swore that I would never represent anything that father of mine stood for, but the words sound right, she is my love and I will do anything to keep her.

  “Right, Jake I want you to go and watch the hotel again count how many keepers he has with him, then report back to me later on. Then we will need to form a plan to take him. I want him finished. Malc call Anton and have him bring my mother here I want everyone on lockdown, plus we will need his certain skill set for what I have in mind.” Anton was a master at getting into anywhere, he can slip in and slip out, without being detected. He has a lot of people that owe him favours, he can also find out more information on a person than any background check ever could.

  “Right Boss no problem.” Jake got up to leave, to do his job. I may have given him a black eye and a busted lip and brushed what he did under the carpet for now, but there is just something about him that does not sit well with me.

  “Right ladies would you mind giving Malc and me a minute please I have a couple of things we need to discuss.” They both nod, but I don’t miss the look that Cami gives Malc it’s a don’t you dare look, they both get up to leave and I wrap my arm around Faith and crush my lips to her mouth, tracing the seam of her lips she opens without any hesitation, I devour her mouth, I love the way she tastes it’s sweet like cotton candy, realising we are not alone I begrudgingly release her, she smiles at me and it strikes me right in my core how magnificent she truly is for someone with so much crap on her plate she still gives you her all.

  “If you want to make use of the gardens to the back of the house, or the pool please feel free ladies and we will come and find you both shortly.” They both leave the room and I wonder if their friendship will survive this.

  I turn and sit back down looking at my friend wanting to know what his haunting him.

  “What is going on my friend, you’re unfocused with the task at hand.”

  He rubbed his hand across his chin, before looking straight at me

  “Women, I don’t understand them, they are a puzzle, so hot and cold.” Ha well who would have thought it was a woman, Malc is not a man that forms attachments easily and he certainly does not trust quickly, I know who this is about but I want to hear it from him.

  “So who is the lucky lady that is confusing you my friend?”

  “Camilla” his only word that escapes from his mouth

  “So what has happened then?” I hold back my snigger knowing exactly what he is going through.

  “I don’t know, damn woman is hot one minute and cold the next, it’s driving me mad, how the hell did you get Faith to be ok with all of this.” Huh is that what he thinks that I have all my ducks in a row where my girl is concerned, huh. Far fucking from it.

  “I don’t think she will ever be ok with this life Malc. I have to show her that no matter what happens or what life brings to us I will never waver, my feelings will never falter,” I don’t think I even believe the words that are coming out of my mouth, will she ever be ok with this life, my life.

  “I don’t know what to do she frustrates the hell out of me Damien.”

  “Just give her time Malc it’s all you can do.”

  “Thanks man I appreciate it. I will try to get on top of it.”

  I take his words as his hint that he does not want to talk anymore about it and uses it to direct the conversation towards my mother and Anton.

  “Make sure you phone Anton as soon as we are done here.” And with that he knows it’s back to business.

  “Yeah I will do Boss, what do you want me to say over the phone to them?” he asks and it’s then I realise my mother has not got a clue about Faith or what I did or what I am doing, shit I think to myself how the hell is this going to play out, she won’t have a go in front of anyone, she would not show me up like that, but I can be damn well sure she is going to bend my ear in private, I do want her to know about her, I want my mother to like her.

  “Just tell them that I need them up here for a couple of days, urgently!”

  “Yes boss, you know she is going to kick your arse when she finds out, don’t you?” I grumble at his words knowing they’re bloody true, 30 years old and I would stand there while she did it to.
She understands that in the business I am at the head of the table in control of what happens with this family. But that does not mean I would ever disrespect my mother, she understands the things I did and the reasons why, even if she did not like the way I did them.

  “I know, now get it done and tell the staff to have rooms prepared for their visit.” I walk out of the kitchen noting that all the food has been cleaned up the sides all wiped clean and nothing out of place. The staff do anticipate my needs without any fuss or delay.

  I come to a stop in my office looking out of the window I see her sat in the garden, Cami is with her and they seem to be talking about what, I do not know. The sun is shining down on her and when she turns to look towards the house, as if sensing someone is watching, it takes my breath away I try to turn away but she holds me captive for a few more seconds.

  I spend the next couple of hours in the office looking into the businesses that I have lent money too, seeing how they are doing financially, if any seem to be falling behind they need to be given a call, if that fails well then it’s a visit.

  There are a couple of small companies that need a little extra attention but nothing too big, Malc and Jake should be able to sort it out. I won’t be letting Faith out of my sight any time soon. Normally I would go with them but she takes precedence.

  I took over from my father after I had killed him, he had run it into the ground. I don’t deal in women or drugs, only money and guns. I know, who am I, to take the moral high ground, when what I do is still illegal, but there is a legacy at stake, my family name is well renowned, I don’t think I could ever leave this life, I may not have wanted it to begin with. But I won’t ever walk away. My name commands respect wherever I go, people bend over backwards to help me Damien Volkov, I lead they follow, if they don’t follow I make them it’s that simple.

  I leave the office and hear the girls in the living room talking I walk in and see them both sat on the huge corner sofa, It dominates the space but with the size of the room it needs to, the only thing that takes away from it is the inglenook fire that I have on the main wall, the hardwood floors are covered in rugs. I do like the creams and reds and browns that run all through this house, the designer did capture everything I wanted in a home, a place where I can raise children, family and friends to always feel free to visit and always feel welcome.


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