Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1) Page 10

by S. E Foster

  “Get naked baby. Now. I want to see all of you before I taste you.” She gets up and strips down quickly, I almost shoot my load just watching her. I don’t want to wait another second. I get my shirt and trousers off throwing them to the floor as I lie on the bed and pull her down to me. When I start kissing her she opens up to me instantly. I want to feel all of her as I glide my hands up and down her body tracing every curve, engraving it on my memory.

  I pull away from her lips, and start kissing her neck when I get to her ear I whisper to her softly.

  “I need you to turn around now baby I want to taste.” She nods and turns around, her mouth now millimetres away from my cock. Her wetness is obvious right here at my lips and I can’t resist. I dart my tongue out and lick from the top to the bottom. The quick jolt of her hips and the moan from her lips is all that I need to know that she is enjoying it.

  I feel her mouth wrap around the head of my cock, and the warm cavern of her mouth is heavenly, I push my tongue inside her in slow jabs in and out, I hear her moans against my cock her head is bobbing up and down now, taking more of me deeper inside her mouth as she finds her rhythm, it is taking all of my restraint not to finish right this instant, but I need to bring her to her release first before I find mine.

  As my tongue laps at her I thrust a finger deep inside her and start to pump in and out. I keep my rhythm steady, I concentrate my tongue on her clit. I can feel her getting closer so I keep going. I add another finger and thrust all the way inside and curl my fingers and it is enough, I feel her clamp around my fingers as she screams out my name with my cock still in her mouth and I can’t hold on anymore. I release myself into her waiting mouth, hoping that she swallows it all down.

  She turns and collapses at the side of me on the bed. I wrap my arms around her pulling her into me. This is where I want to be. Lost in Faith.

  I don’t remember falling asleep or if we even spoke to each other before we did. The next thing I know is the knock on my door and Malc’s voice coming from the other side.

  Stretching in the bed I look down to see that Faith is still fast asleep. I get out of bed as quietly as I can, pulling on my clothes from earlier. Taking one last look at the angel that sleeps in my bed. I head out of the bedroom.

  I walk into the kitchen to grab myself a coffee, before I find out what Malc wants me for. I am sat at the table with my coffee in hand when Malc walks in and takes a seat at the side of me.

  “Ah there you are, I have been looking for you. We need to discuss what we are going to do as we don’t have a lot of time to pull this off, so we need to get our heads together.”

  “I agree but you need to remember this is not your personal mission Malc.” He nods in understanding realizing that he is letting his emotions get the better of him.

  We make our way to the office, Malc rang Jake in the kitchen and told him to get back to the house, I may not have liked how Malc demanded to get a plan in motion but he is right it needs to be done. I want my girl safe, and then we can concentrate on us.

  Sat in my office there is Jake, Anton, Malc and myself. We are going over what little intelligence we have on Darren trying to see when would be best to take him out.

  Jake has definitely done his research while he has been sat outside there every day. He has the number of guards that watch him, he also has the times they change shift, but above all, he has figured out his schedule. Where, when, who with and how many guards go with him.

  I decide that it will be better to get him when he takes a trip out. Now to figure out when will be best.

  My mind keeps wondering back to Faith lying in my bed. I can’t wait to get this problem dealt with so that I can spend my time with her.

  “So we have a destination.” Jakes voice permeates the fog that is my brain at the moment.

  “You will have to repeat the destination for me, I didn’t catch it.” I say with utter authority in my voice.

  “We will grab him when he makes his trip to the massage parlour next. He seems to be the least guarded there so it makes sense” Malc states.

  “Yeah that sounds like the best option.” It seems that I am not with it at this moment in time and I only want to be with one person right now and I can’t seem to focus on anything else.

  “Right gents I am not really in this meeting right now and have other things that need attending to, we’ll meet back in this room 9am tomorrow.” The nods around the room let me know that they’re on board and we all start to file out of the office. I know exactly where I am going.



  “Come for me Faith,” with my words she explodes around me as I thrust again, pushing myself over the edge to join her, feeling my release hit her, deeper than I have ever felt before.

  Looking at her takes my breath away and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have her here in my arms. I don’t ever want to wake up and find her not there it would destroy me.

  After coming back down I roll off of her and lie on my side looking at how beautiful she is. I see all of the beauty on the outside, but what astounds me is the beauty she has inside matches it perfectly. Just being with her makes me want to be a better man. For her. For me. She deserves the best, and I want to be that for her.

  “Do you think what we are doing is wrong?” her question startles me and I’m not sure I like her train of thought. Why would she even ask that? Can’t she see how good we are together, how she was made for me. It’s right then, in that moment that I realise I can’t function without her.

  “What do you mean Faith?” I ask, there is no way that I’m putting anything into her head. What she feels, what she thinks. It needs to be all her.

  “You and me. How do we explain to people how we met? I mean, ‘oh you know, the normal way. He kidnapped me and we just kind of happened.’ It’s not normal Damien. People are going to think I have Stockholm syndrome or something. They're going to think you need to be locked up. I mean, I know we’ve not defined anything, but I can’t help my crazy thoughts”

  Hell. This is not what I wanted to be dealing with first thing today, especially when I have to be back in the office in 30 minutes to sort out the plan for Darren.

  “Hey what’s brought this on, have I ever hurt you Faith? All I want, all I’ve ever wanted since you woke up in that room is to keep you safe.” I ignore the defining us comment. It’s too soon to tell her that I think I love her, I don’t want to scare her away again. Plus as the days go on, that ‘I think’ is turning into an ‘I know’. I start to realise that it’s true, I’m hopelessly in love with her.

  “No you haven’t hurt me Damien, but that’s not to say I have not been hurt because of you.” Her honesty cripples me. If I could bring Connor back and punish him again every day for what he did to her I would, but she’s right. She was hurt because of me, and I’m going to make damn sure it doesn’t happen again.

  “I know Faith, and I’m sorrier than you’ll ever know. I am doing everything in my power to keep you safe from Darren. I won’t let anything else happen to you, but I need you here to do that Faith. Just give me some more time.”

  I was furious with myself for dragging her into this. Yes it may have started off wrong but it soon changed for me. All I wanted to do was keep her safe. She has to know that all I want to do is protect her. I have to keep the women, I have in my life safe, that’s why my mother is out of London completely and she has Anton with her. I failed Bella, I won’t fail to protect anyone else I love, that’s what’s driving me right now. The need to protect burns me up from the inside, it consumes me until I can’t see anything but destroying the danger to those I love.

  “No that’s not what I am saying Damien. You’re taking this all wrong. I meant us fucking because I know that that’s all this is. Sex. Nothing more.” How wrong could she is. She doesn’t have a clue how deeply I care for her, though I suppose that’s my fault too.

  “You think this is just sex Faith? That this, what we have is
just us fucking? Are you crazy? Blind? Or do you just not want to admit it? I have wanted you since you opened your eyes to me. I crave you Faith. I fucking need you. I know I stayed away, I thought I was best staying in the shadows, protecting you, without you knowing. Then the threat came back, and I knew then that I wouldn’t be able to stay away any. I don’t care what you tell people how we met, just as long as you say your mine I don’t care.” Her eyes softened in that moment and I knew the fight had gone from her, but I had to get through to her. She had to know how much she meant me. She’s the only one with the power to break me.

  “I need you Faith. You are the light to my dark, good to my evil. I’m so fucking in love with you it hurts. I’ve fallen so hard, loving you makes me want to be the man you deserve, but before I can be that for you, I have to destroy the danger surrounding you. What happens over the next few days Faith, it’s going to be rough and I need to know that you’re with me. I need to focus and I can’t do that if I’m worried about you leaving.” I let it all out. Everything. I’ve never done that, and as I look into her eyes I feel empty. All I can do now is hope that she saw the truth in my words.

  “I love you Damien. I’ve loved you for so long but that’s what scares me. Loving you doesn’t seem right. I feel guilty for loving you, but whenever I think about you or feel you. It just feels right, I am with you. I’ll be by your side throughout it all Damien. I’m yours.”

  She loves me? I don’t know what I did to deserve her but I swear to God I’m not letting go. This might just be the best moment of my life. She fucking loves me. I roll back on top of her and bring my mouth down hard against hers, tasting her, savouring her, showing her what it will be like forever with me, because I will never have enough of her.


  I see everyone waiting in the office when I arrive, I have a huge smile plastered on my face and Malc just raises an eyebrow at me.

  I don’t give at rats arse what these lot think, once today is over I will be able to see the light at the end of this long tunnel we have been in. I want the end because I want the life that I will have with Faith. Getting to take her out, having her on my arm showing the world that she is mine and only mine.

  “Good morning gents lets’ get to work shall we.” I see the guys all nodding and it pleases me having them on my side knowing that they will do what’s necessary.

  “So we have a place where we are going to get him, now we just need the plan of when and how?” I could not wait to get my hands on the slimy bastard knowing what he wanted to do with her again; selling her off for his own gain. It made me sick.

  “I think we need to be inside waiting for him to enter the room and take him that way.” Malc said but before I had time to respond telling him it was not a bad plan Jake piped up.

  “No we need to grab him on the way to the parlour. That way we can take out the guards. We don’t want them following us.” His point was valid and I get to decide which was best. Oh goody!

  I don’t want anyone to follow but I want as little blood shed as possible. I don’t really want to take the guards out. They’re just paid to do what they have to. They have no loyalty to him.

  The only person that needs to die is Darren and it will be by my hand.

  “Both plans would work, but I think we need to do it at the parlour. Knock the guards out and then take him to the warehouse, by the time they wake up, we’ll be long gone and his phone will be disabled so they won’t be able to track him. I want as little blood shed as possible. I want this to happen in 3 days. Anton you need to go and scope the place out and report back with entrance and exit plans, they don’t know you so they won’t be looking for you, Malc you need to sort vehicles and weapons out, Jake I need you to get the warehouse ready.”

  I do love the power that comes with my position. The hold I have over these men knowing that they follow my command, the loyalty that comes with that. The power is heady but it’s not everything. That’s the one thing that separates me from my father. I have the respect of my men, not their fear.

  “Do you think that’s enough time to get everything set up?” Jake asks. How fucking dare he question me. He needs to learn his place, and fucking quickly.

  “Yes it’s enough time! You’re either going to do the work in the time you’ve got or I’ll find somebody else that will,” I tell him in no uncertain terms. I won’t hesitate to replace him. I need trustworthy, loyal people to stand beside me.

  “Sorry boss. I’ll head out now, and set it up. No disrespect intended.” I nod at his words but I can see they’re empty.

  “Right boys, go and what you need to do. Report back here at 3pm and we will finalise all the details.” With my final words they all get up to leave.

  I run the numbers for a couple of hours until it was time for lunch, which gave me an idea. I wonder if Faith would like to go for a walk around the grounds. Would she like that? I don’t even know. I know how her body reacts to mine, and what causes her to burn for me, but I don’t know who she is. I don’t know her favourite colour, how she takes her coffee, how she likes her eggs. Does she even like eggs? I stat to doubt if I’m cut out to be the man she needs. Maybe our relationship just sex like she said. Maybe that’s what she was really getting at this morning. The thought brings me down a little. Once this is over I intend to get to know her, maybe the walk around the grounds would be the ideal start.

  I finish my plan, the staff was very accommodating, it’s not every day I give them a request like this. I make my way to the living room where I know Faith will be, most probably with Cami and my Mother. I hear the giggling coming from the room even before I enter; it automatically puts a smile on my face.

  “He did not do that!” I hear Faith question, then my stomach drops when I hear my Mothers’ voice reply.

  “Oh yes he did, he ran right out of the door, naked as the day he was born, refusing to be bathed.” The giggling starts again. I run my hand down my face, how could she tell her that one. I can’t stand and listen to this a moment longer, it’s a train wreck waiting to happen. I walk into the room and lean against the door frame. They all turn to look at me, and once they register it’s me they burst into hysterical laughter. Man! She’s already told them, I think I am going to kill my mother. How could she tell them that story I was 7 years old for crying out loud! I can’t be held responsible for my actions. I wanted to be back outside playing with all my friends, rather than having a bath I slipped out of the bathroom and ran back outside to get away and hide but little did I know that my friends would be waiting. Everyone laughed at me and I ended up punching Malc in the face, and well lets’ just say he never laughed at me again.

  I mask my annoyance at my mother, and turn directly to Faith. She’s wearing a summer dress that ties around her neck and I get a vision of untying her dress and watching it pool at her feet. I wonder if she is naked under the dress I might just have to find out.

  “Faith, can I have a word please?” I ask my voice a little harsher than I meant it to be but after what I walk in on can she really blame me.

  “Oh, of course.” She stands up and makes her way to follow me. Once we’re out of the living room I clasp her hand in mine and lead her towards the kitchen.

  “What’s the matter Damien? Where are we going?” she questions me. I look over to her as we walk to the kitchen and she looks worried

  “I want to show you something.” I tell her, any traces of anger and embarrassment are gone from my voice.

  “Of course, I thought you were angry at me for laughing when you walked in.”

  “I’m not mad, embarrassed maybe, but not mad. Even if I was it would be at my mother for sharing the most embarrassing story there is about me. I hate it.” I tell her.

  “I think it was cute. I could just picture you as a kid, doing normal fun silly stuff. It was nice.”

  Hang on a minute she thinks it was cute? I am most definitely not cute!

  We walk into the kitchen and I open the doors that lead in
to the back garden and take a step outside. It has been a long time since I have taken the time to appreciate the tranquility that is my garden. Pulling her with me I walk with her deeper into the garden. I want her to enjoy this, it’s a first for me. I don’t do romance I have needs that had to be met and I always found someone willing to meet them but when I met Faith that changed. In her I see my redemption and my future all rolling into, one stunning little package with the emerald green eyes.

  “Why are we out here?” she asks seeming a little confused I want to keep it a secret but I don’t want her to be scared.

  “I want to show you something that I think you will enjoy as I told you before, we are more than just fantastic sex, Faith.” I try to calm her as I lead her over the grass towards the bottom of the garden I love this place. It’s secluded and peaceful. It’s my favourite part of the house. It was what made me fall in love with the house when I bought it.

  We walk to the secret garden and I hear the running water as soon as I step through the stone archway. There is a rock wall with the water cascading over it with a large rock pool at the base. I have LED lights that change colour under the surface and the terrace has been transformed since I was last here. The patio with the table and chairs look clean and neat but what really captures my attention are the vines that have grown up the pergola with the fairy lights woven through the open roof making them look like stars twinkling, it makes me determined to bring her back here at night. I hear her gasp beside me

  “Oh Damien this is beautiful. It’s like something out of a fairy tale” It fills me with pride knowing that she likes it so much. I feel such a sense of joy to see the light in her eyes and her big, beautiful smile. I watch her as she takes it all in, her eyes growing wider when she spots the decking under the pergola. The table is set for two and I walk her over, pulling out a chair for her. I wait for her to sit down so I can tuck her in and take my seat opposite her.


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