Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1) Page 11

by S. E Foster

  “Will you have a picnic with me Faith” I ask, her cheeks flush and her eyes sparkle when I speak.

  “You did all of this just for me? I can’t believe you went to all this trouble! Of course I would love to enjoy a picnic with you.” A genuine smile adorns my face and I let out the breath I did not realise I was holding.

  “Yes I did all of this for you Faith. There is not ‘just’. You’re worth everything. Every minute of my time, everything that I can give to you and do for you. You are everything.”


  We spend ages in the garden just indulging in each other. God how long has it been since I just did that, and I don’t mind one little bit that I only kissed her. Every moment with her is treasured.

  We’re not far from the house when I feel her hand grip mine a little tighter, looking at her I see her chewing her lip as if she wants to ask me something.

  “What’s the matter baby?”

  “I need some more clothes Damien I only packed a couple of things and there are certain things I need.” She blushes while she is speaking and it’s the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

  “I’ll send someone out to get you some clothes.”

  “You most certainly will not send someone out to pick up clothes, underwear and toiletries for me. I’m perfectly capable of shopping Damien. I was merely telling you that I want to go into London and do some damage to my credit cards. I think I deserve it.” She says with a no nonsense tone that grates on my nerves.

  “It’s not safe Faith.” I tell her I will not be letting her go shopping at a time like this.

  “We need to go. Don’t do this, have one of the boys come with us if you must, but I need clean clothes. I feel like a tramp.”

  I can see I am not going to win this argument. “Fine, but you can it wait until tomorrow?” She squeals and kisses me on the cheek. I swear I’m turning soft around this woman.

  I’m pretty sure Jake can manage to watch the girls while they go shopping.



  We’re about to leave the house and I am ecstatic. It has been days since we’ve seen the outside world and I can’t wait to go and get clean clothes.

  I can’t believe he gave in. Cami and I had been discussing how to bring it up all day yesterday. In the end it was down to me, it was just finding the right time. After our talk in the morning I didn’t see him then until midday when he took me on a walk of the garden. He almost killed me with romance. It was perfect. The food, the setting it was magical and I loved every minute of it.

  I waited until we were walking back towards the house to ask him. I didn’t want to spoil our picnic and luckily he relented but only after I said my piece.

  I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. I can’t remember the last time I got excited about shopping. Since finding out about Damien I’m not as anxious about things. Don’t get me wrong I’m still worried about going outside but that’s the fear of my father finding me.

  Whilst I will never forgive him for what he did, if my father hadn’t shown up, I would not have got Damien back. It’s funny how things work out.

  I make my way out of the bedroom to meet Cami and head out. I want to show her that in spite of all that has happened I’m still me, and that I’m finally getting back to who I was before.

  Cami looks beautiful of course, she always did, her hair was glossy and straight, the blue tips still look majestic and her clothes even though it was just jeans and a t-shirt she had her trademark heels on, that’s what makes her Cami.

  “Are you ready to leave?” she asks and I can see a little fear in her eyes. I forget that this is a major step for her too. This is the first time she will have been out since what my dad did to her, but I know she won’t give up. I will make sure of it. She pulled me out of hell and I’ll sure as hell do the same for her.

  “Yeah, come on let’s get out of here for a bit.” Looking around I don’t see anyone else.

  “Who is taking us?” I asked her really hoping Damien had managed to take the time so he could escort us.

  “Jake is taking us, Damien and Malc are busy with work or something.” I sigh, a little disappointed that Damien won’t be joining us. At least this gives me more girly time to spend with Cami.

  We sit in the back of the black Range Rover as we head towards London from Surrey. I hope the drive passes quickly as I count up what I need to get. I want to get some new underwear and clean clothes.

  Cami and I catch up in the back of the car and the drive passes soon enough. I take in our surroundings and notice that we’re not in the center of London.

  “Jake where are we going?” I ask him.

  “I just have to pick something up so I thought I could do it before we got to the shops.”

  “Oh, okay then.” I look up at Cami and she still seems to be smiling so I lean further back into the seat of the car and think nothing more of it.

  Twenty minutes later we pull up to a warehouse, the car comes to a stop outside and Jake pulls his phone from his pocket.

  “Send the guys out, our guests have arrived!” A shiver runs through me. What is he on about? He ends the call and throws the phone onto the other seat, quickly I make a grab for the handle of the door only to find that it has been locked. I start to panic as I see the fear all over Cami’s face. I realise that I don’t even have my phone, when we left with Damien he said they could be traced so they never came with us something I am deeply regretting right now.

  “What’s going on Jake?” I ask him hoping that this is just a mix up and that the doors are not locked to keep us in but to keep someone else out.

  “Well, you see I have a surprise for you Faith. There’s someone in that warehouse who wants to say hello to you.” The malicious look that covers his face knocks the breath out of my body. Gone is the quiet nice guy. He’s been replaced by pure evil. He presses a button and the doors unlock.

  “Go on, run. I dare you. It will just make it that much sweeter when I catch you.” I don’t move, I’m frozen. Not again. How many more times do I have to go through this shit. I feel the door next to Cami open as she throws herself out of the car and runs. I scream at her to stop. She’s only going to make it worse for herself. One thing I learnt the last time, try not to piss them off. They really don’t like it.

  I see the men running after her as I scream at her. I’m distracted as my door opens and a man the size of a mountain grabs my arm and drags me from the car.

  “Hey!” I snap at him. “Did I refuse to come out of the car? No. So get your hands off me, I can walk my damn self.” I feel his grip lessen, only slightly, but I’m grateful for that much. At least I can feel the blood flowing back down it.

  “No can do.” The thug says so I try to walk as best I can whilst being man-handled. I hear screams and when I look I see Cami being punched in the face. She goes limp and the other guy who has hold of her flings her across his shoulder carrying her back towards the warehouse.

  “Hey arsehole! Was that really necessary, or did hitting a woman make you feel more like a man. Prick.” I yell at him. I feel so fucking helpless, and so ridiculously responsible. I just know this is my fault.

  Walking into the warehouse I notice that it’s just a bleak, empty space. What the fuck is this place? I see the yellow tarpaulin on the floor and I cringe inwardly. Why the fuck am I here, and why is Jake helping them? He’s supposed to work for Damien!

  I’m pulled further into the room and then shoved forward. I fall onto my hands and knees on the tarpaulin, they sting as they make contact with the floor. I keep my head lowered not really wanting to see what is going on.

  “I like you on your hands and knees Faith.” Oh god I feel sick. Jake’s words disgust me. Why would he say something like that? I don’t look up, not wanting to acknowledge what he said.

  “Enough!” I hear the boom that is my father’s voice and I snap my head up, meeting his eyes.

  “Hello Faith, Jake you don’t own her yet,
once I have had the confirmation that my debt it cleared, then you can do whatever the hell you like with her. I don’t give a shit, but for now, she’s still mine.” His words are cold long gone is the man I called Dad. He really has become a monster.

  “Oh you’ll get your confirmation when you make the call later on today.” I hate not knowing. I am still on my hands and knees staying quiet trying to make myself small.

  “What do you want me to do with this one?” I hear another guard ask I turn my head and see a knocked out Cami over his shoulder.

  “Put her in the room and someone take this one as well we have work to be getting on with” Jakes voice rings out loud and clear.

  I’m dragged into a room with nothing but a tatty dirty rug on the floor. The door closes behind me and I hear the distinct sound of the lock. I rush over to Cami and I try to wake her. That was some punch to the face. Her eye is swelling and her nose is bleeding.

  “Cami. Cami” I whisper as I gently shake her shoulder, she starts to stir.

  “Faith?” I hear her whisper

  “Ssh.. It’s ok I’m here.” I say as gently and quietly as I can, I don’t know why I am so calm, I feel sick to my stomach but I know I need to be the strong one. I need to get my shit together for her.

  “What’s happening Faith? I’m scared.” It breaks my heart listening to her. If it wasn’t for me she wouldn’t be here.

  “I’m so sorry Cami! My Father is here and from what I can gather Jake is helping him but I have no idea why.” I say to her I don’t want to tell her about what I heard him say to Jake.

  “What’s going to happen to us?” I don’t want to lie to her, but I don’t want to scare her either, I need to be strong for my best friend. I hope Damien gets to us in time because that’s one thing I’m sure we don’t have much of.

  “I don’t know Cami, I wish I did but I don’t” she curls into herself and starts to sob into her knees when I finish speaking, I feel the silent tears start to fall down my cheeks, they’re more for her at this point.

  “Up, now!” I hear Jake shout and I’m startled awake, I must have dozed off. I look over to Cami who is still sleeping and I gently shake her awake.

  “Come on we don’t have all day, some of us want to have some fun.” When we don’t immediately stand he sends two guards into the room to collect us from the floor.

  “Get your dirty fucking hands off us!” I scream into the face off the guard who is trying to get hold of me. I start kicking my legs hitting anywhere I can on.

  “You stupid bitch” he says when I connect with his knee. I feel his hand smack hard across my face, the next thing I feel is the pull of my hair, as he pulls me behind him out of the little room, my head burns, the concrete floor scrapes my knees as I try to claw at her hands in my hair.

  I am thrown onto the tarp and Cami follows me. I get myself up on my knees and I can see that we’re surrounded.

  We have been in this place for hours surely someone knows we are missing by now. What if Jake has phoned and told him I have run away? No, what they would gain from that. I try to get a grip on the thoughts running through my head. I refuse to let the panic take hold. They won’t break me.

  “I want to play a game Faith, and you’re going to tell me everything I want to know or your little friend is going to learn what it is to be used in every way possible. Believe me, the boys are looking forward to ruining that pretty little thing. But, if you tell me everything I want to know I will let you go back to that room unharmed. For now at least.”

  Jakes voice is pure evil a far cry from what I have heard these past few days, I don’t know what happened to make him this way.

  “You sick twisted fuck! What is wrong with you?” Jake smirks as one of his men steps towards Cami and grabs her by her hair. There is no way I am not going to let them touch a hair on Cami’s head, so I will have to play his sick and twisted game.

  “Fine” I spit. I’ll play along for now, hopefully he’ll think I’m playing by his rules as I try to think of a way out of this.

  “Good girl.” I shudder at the tone of his voice, it makes my blood run cold. “Let’s start shall we. I want to know everything, do you understand?” I was quickly coming to hate the sound of his voice but I just nodded waiting for him to start with his questions.

  “Let's start with the easy things first shall we.” it was more of a statement than a question.

  “Have you and Damien had sex?” I coughed at his question, what sort of fucking question was that. When I hesitated with my reply he started to walk closer to Cami, she tried to back away from him but muscular arms gripped a hold of her and held her still.

  “Yes!” I scream anything to get him away from Cami. I won’t let him touch her. He stops his approach and turns to me.

  “Well I must say I am disappointed that it took you as long as it did to answer. I thought you wanted to protect your friend. I even started out with a question I already know the answer to, so that I would know if you were lying.”

  The questions seem never ending, it seems like he wants to know everything about positions, length of time, whether he came inside of me what made me scream, then when he seems to have enough with me answering questions he pulled himself from his jeans and started to get himself off. Right in front of my face. I knew he was a sick fuck but this was something else, and when he came, he came on my cheek, making me vomit. I can hear Cami’s cries behind me at what she’s being made to watch. I want to curl up into a ball and cry. I have never been so humiliated and debased in all my life. I thought what I went through before, and compared to this, that’s nothing.

  He tucked himself away and knelt down so that he could look directly at me.

  “The next time you see me cum it will be inside of you eradicating every trace of him from your body. I will fuck you on top of his cold dead body and there is nothing you can do about it. I will own you. In every fucking way.”

  His words made my heart sink. How could my dad sell me to anyone, especially this sick fuck. What hurts the most about is not the fact that he said he would own me or the fact that he was going to fuck me, it’s the fact that he plans to hurt Damien. It’s that that brings tears to my eyes.

  “Take them back to the room. Darren has a phone call to make and we have a plan to put in motion, only then you will get your paperwork and be free to leave Darren.”

  We’re dragged back along the corridor and thrown into the little room. They locked us in there again with nothing. No food or water. Nothing.

  I wipe my face as best I can with my top, trying my hardest to get rid of all traces of him, Cami is rocking in the corner. Once we were alone she lets it all out, they hit her a few times when she was screaming for Jake to stop what he was doing.

  “I’m sorry Cami, this is all my fault. I’m so, so sorry!” I didn’t hear a reply, she just continued to rock, her tears falling freely.

  I understand now what Damien meant when he said, we need to eradicate the evil that’s trying to destroy us. How can our love be wrong? Not once has he ever made me feel like I do now, he cares for me, even in the beginning he let me eat, drink and bathe. He gave me a bed to sleep on, not once did he hit me. He may be the head of the family, a ruthless killer, but that’s not all he is.

  I just need to figure out a way to keep Cami and myself safe until he gets here, because I have no doubt he is coming.

  Damien will come, he always does when I need him.



  “Where the fuck are they, damn it find them!” They left at nine this morning, it’s now seven and they have not been heard from all day. If anything has happened to her I will lay waste to the world. I swear to any God that is listening, I will kill anyone that has harmed her. She is mine, and I protect what is mine.

  I storm into my office, Anton is waiting for me. Good, I know what I need him to do, I just hope he can do it quickly.

  “Can you trace a number for me? I need to know what
has happened to the girls. They’re with Jake.” I say to him hoping that he will get on with it. I have never cared before how it’s done, but now I can’t help but want to know. I can’t seem to get this feeling of dread out of my stomach.

  “Of course give me the number and I will get on with it, do we have a name and address to go with it? It will make it much easier.” I walk around to my desk and open the draws pulling out the information I hold on Jake Masters. It’s not much but it’s the basics he doesn’t really have any background details.

  “This is great I will get onto it now, give me an hour.” I nod letting him know that’s fine but on the inside it’s tearing me up I want answers now not later.

  The ringing phone pulls my attention, quickly answering it in the hopes it might be Jake or Faith, but it’s Malc.

  “What!” I bark at him, my patience is wearing thin and I want answers now.

  “They’ve not been back to the apartment,” he’s as pissed off and worried as I am, he’s just better at handling it than I am, well what the fuck has happened to them then?

  “Fine hurry up back if there is no sign of them.” I hang up wanting to keep the line clear for when Anton calls and I know he will call, within the hour he never leaves me waiting.

  I'm sitting at my desk thinking about my girl, I'm really losing my shit about what could have happened to her. The phone rings it's Anton. At last.

  “Anton.” I say my voice is full of apprehension.

  “I have the information you need, I am just letting you know that I will be with you soon.” The edge in his voice has my anxiety reaching new level. What could be so bad that he couldn’t tell me over the phone.

  “Why can’t you tell me over the phone Anton?” I question him. “Just trust me on this Damien, you do not want to hear this over the phone.” He doesn’t give me chance to reply before the line goes dead. What choice do I have but to wait.

  The knock at the office door makes me jump a little, I see my mum looking red eyed and puffy, she’s been crying. I can tell just by looking at her that she is worried about Faith and Cami but I’m guessing that all of this has brought back painful memories of Bella.


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