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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

Page 16

by S. E Foster

  I see his body shackled up, and I won’t say that a sick smile doesn’t grace my lips at the smug satisfaction I get in seeing this.

  “So what do we have here?” I say to Anton who is standing just off to the side of Jake. I really want to take my time, drawing every drop of blood from his body. Watching as the light fades from his eyes. I go to the bag that Anton brought, knowing what is inside this bag, it’s like waiting for the presents on Christmas day. The tools that he uses to implement his punishments are legendary around our table, if a man knew Anton was coming for them, then you knew you would not be going out without a bang, that’s for sure.

  “So Jake, what should I do to you first?” I ask in an amused voice. “You understand why we won’t be letting you get away with what you have done, don’t you?” he doesn’t even acknowledge me.

  “First you infiltrated my family for your own advantage, then you work with her father to draw him further into this whole mess. Then you have the cheek to bring my girl to my warehouse and abuse her and her best friend.” I am itching to get to work. I glance over at Faith as she watches on, making sure she is ok. I look back to the bag on the floor and reach inside, pulling out the first tool. I don’t want to make it quick, I want to make him suffer like he has made them suffer. The silver blade catches the light as I pull it from the bag, I hear his breath hitch a tiny little bit when he sees it. I have the full use of my arms back now that all the blood has returned to them. The pins and needles have dissipated leaving me with just a dull ache in my shoulders.

  I can see him now trying to fight against the binds. I twirl the blade around in my hand and through my fingers.

  I press the blade into his cheek and slowly drag it down towards the corner of his mouth, I press the blade to the other side and repeat the process

  “See, you don’t understand how much I love that girl, with every fibre of my being I will protect her, I will always save her from fuckers like you and your brother. Of course we know who you are, those little tokens that you kept at your flat. Destroyed. Everything about you will be destroyed just like your brother was, and I will enjoy every second of it.”



  I am in this warehouse watching the man that I love, slice open another mans’ face. If you would have asked me a year ago if I would have been standing here like this now, I would have said you were crazy. The good little girl like me would not deal with any sort of violence but after what I have been through these past few months has taught me one thing that even if you are good, the evil in the world will always find you.

  I stand and watch every little thing, noticing the way Damien’s skilled hands easily slice through his skin, I have never taken much notice of the way a man can hurt another man so easily, without regard for the person or their own humanity. He is like a man possessed while he gets to work. I watch on with a satisfied smile at the thought of this man getting what he deserves.

  I have never been so excited to see Damien in all my life as I was earlier, but when Jake had me watch, as Damien was chained up to that wall it broke my heart. I think my mind just shut down. The man I knew who had come to rescue me was being led away where he would be unable to get free and help, I went numb just praying for the end, that it would be over quickly.

  Then the gunfire started, and everything seemed to happen so quickly. The next thing I knew, I felt his warm lips against mine. I could not help the little giggle that escaped from my lips it was surreal, one minute I had resigned myself to my fate, then the next Jake was being dragged to the wall and Damien had me in his arms.

  I knew with every piece of me that I wanted to watch as Jake took his final breath. To rid the world of these two sick bastards is a blessing and I will not think any less of my man for doing it. If anything knowing that my man will kill to protect me, only makes me love him more.

  The loud crunch of bone breaking is a sound I will never forget, the garden secateurs in Damien’s hands that he is using, to grip hold of each one of his fingers and cut them off just before each knuckle. His screams fill the space, but they don’t bother me. So far three fingers are lying useless on the floor.

  As he grips hold of each finger he says the same line to him, and it sends chills down my spine.

  “You. Do. Not. Touch. What. Is. Not. Yours.” He punches out every last word his accent fading more with each pronunciation. I hear the repeat of the crunch of bone and the screams and the dull thud of another finger hitting the floor. I am not sure how long the whole process takes, to rid him of all of his fingers. I think I stopped listening after five, just staring blankly looking like I am watching. Every now and then Damien will look at me with concern in his eyes, I am sure it was because I was watching this unfold.

  The dried blood on my face is driving me crazy and I still want to wash his dirty seed off me, because all I could manage to do was wipe it, not scrub it clean. So what I am going to do later is get under the shower spray and remove every last trace of this hell away, but first I have to get through this.

  The only thing I have to be thankful to Jake for is killing my Father. I can’t say I was happy to watch that, but I am glad he is dead. I really am. The relief I feel now he’s gone is immense. Now all the pieces of the puzzle have finally been slotted into place nobody sets my life now but me, I choose what I get to do, and whom I get to be with. Me.

  Anton and Damien are both stood talking, I presume it is to decide what they are going to do next, before I think about it and stop myself, I have to get my say in. I don’t care if they ignore me, I want Jake to know that I have a say in how this will play out.

  “Strip him down Damien, I don’t want any part of his body left unmarked. He deserves to bleed for what he has done to Cami and me, but also for every other girl he has ever laid a hand on.”

  “I think that’s a great idea, babe, where shall we start?” I watch as he puts the secateurs down and picks up the knife again. Making his way back over to Jake he puts the blade under his top and quickly slashes the blade upwards so that it cuts his t-shirt off, then he pulls the trousers forward and slips the blade and cuts down each leg so that they fall in tatters to the ground.

  He is now as naked as the day he was born, and I am glad to say that this disgrace of a human will not be gracing the earth much longer. Every time he breathes the same air as any decent person, it makes me sick. To think that he gets off on what he does to people, the lies and manipulation the web he has weaved for his own self-gratification.

  The time has come for him to meet his fate



  To hear her say what she wanted me to do to him, I forget for a minute that this is about Faith and what she has been through. All I want to do is kill him, as slowly and painfully as possible. It has set me alight with a new sense of purpose. I will make sure that he suffers, but to how she wants him to suffer… it does indescribable things to me.

  “Where do you want him to bleed first, Faith?” I ask her hoping that she is strong enough to tell me exactly what she wants me to do.

  “I want you to slice into his worthless excuse of a cock Damien. I want him to bleed all over the floor, while you slice in to every spare inch of his skin.” Wow. She is gaining more strength every day. She is not letting what has happened to her define her anymore, she is grabbing life by the horns and giving as good as she gets. That’s my girl.

  I still have the knife in my hand from slicing his clothes off him, so to do what she has told me to do will be easy. The thought should bother me slicing into a man’s balls, but this is not a man of consequence. Hell he won’t be alive much longer anyway. By the time I am through with him he will be begging for me to end it all, I won’t though. He can bleed to death slowly like his brother did.

  “For you babe, I will do anything.” I say to her as I step closer to him and see the disgusting sack that he emptied inside of all those defenceless girls, so I slice the knife down his chest to hi
s cock and through his sack. It’s like slicing through butter, the blade cuts through the skin with ease. I use light sweeps of the blade, not enough to kill instantly, but enough so that he remains on the brink his fingers have gone, his balls cut open and now, I am going to enjoy marring every last inch of his skin. I work quickly and skilfully using different strokes, some long and deep then short and shallow. I leave the rest of his torso until right at the end. I am going to enjoy carving into it. I’m going to make him scream.

  “Anton, I am going to need the other knife.” I ask him, I don’t need to look at him to know that he will get it. I keep looking at this piece of shit, so far he has only screamed when I cut off his fingers and nothing since. I’m going to have to fix that.

  “Here you go boss.” I hear Anton say as I turn towards him. The blade is not that long but it is thick and serrated, this is going to hurt him when I use it.

  “You’re going to be branded now Jake, just like your brother was, he thought he could touch what was mine, he thought he could just take. When will sick fucks like you understand that no means no.” I punch these words out, as I press the knife into his belly, I don’t have to push to hard to hear him scream, the serrated edge of the blade is doing that for me.

  I drag the blade up and down his skin, the screams are music to my ears. I hear a gasp somewhere in the fog that is my mind. I don’t stop I carry on, needing to finish this so I can work on the next part of making him unrecognizable.

  “Damien, you need to finish him.” I here Anton say. I just grunt, not wanting to stop what I am doing, my girl needs to know that if anyone ever comes after her, I won’t hesitate to destroy them.

  The haze clears a little from my mind and I see that I have really done a number on his stomach and chest the words ‘Rapist bastard’ are carved into his skin.

  “Enough, Damien please.” I hear Faith’s voice and I get the feeling that I have let too much of my monster show. The ruthless bastard doesn’t come out to often, but when it does, it’s hard to get him under control.

  “Tell me what you need Faith?” I ask her, I don’t think I can go easy on him after what he has caused.

  “I want you to finish this now Damien, and then I want you to take me home.” I know that I will do what she asks of me. As much as I want to draw the pain out, and make him suffer as much as humanely possible, before he takes his last breath, if she wants me to kill him now I will.

  “Jake, you know that I want to draw this out, and believe me when I say that I am going to kill you quickly because Faith wants me to. I think you now realise that I will do whatever for her, so I am going to give you this one chance to speak your last words before you meet your maker.” His eyes have all but glazed over at my words, he is in that state where he has resided himself to his fate, he knows it’s coming.

  “Fuck you, you think I give a shit about dying, the only regret I have is not killing you and fucking her and then killing her too…” I punch him in the face at his last statement, the anger in me reaching boiling point. Blood is now pouring from his mouth, a few teeth have fallen out from the force of the blow. I take the gun from Anton, and point it straight at his dick, I will make it quick, but first I want that appendage gone, so that his last thought as I pull the trigger is, he just blew my cock off. Chuckling to myself, I fire quickly and the bellow of agony that resonates around the room makes me smile at what I see before me. The hole where his penis and balls used to be is a welcome sight, knowing that he will be done soon.

  I lift the gun pointing the barrel straight at his head and squeeze the trigger. His head whips back with the pressure of the bullet being fired so close, right into the front of his skull. No one is living after that shot, I don’t even need to check. I drop the gun and turn around to face Faith.

  I don’t have time to take a minute before she is running full speed into my arms. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me, she does not care that I am filthy, covered in the blood of the man I have just killed. She needs me.

  I feel her squeeze me tighter, her arms clinging to me around my neck, it is then I hear her cries and my body automatically want’s to sooth her and take away the pain.

  “Ssh baby, I got you it’s all over, I swear it’s over no one will ever hurt you again.” Lifting her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, her arms still clinging to me tightly. I carry her towards the exit of the warehouse, wanting to get her out of this hellhole.

  “Burn it down Anton, I never want to step foot inside this place again.”

  The light is bright as I step outside the sun sitting high not often do we get such a bright day in London, my only hope is that it’s a new start. I carry her towards the waiting car. I place her in the back, and get in beside her not wanting to be apart from her. I pull her back on to my lap and hold her close.

  We set off and drive towards the hospital, where I can get her checked out, make sure she is really ok and not just putting on a brave face. She never has to pretend when I am around, if she is in pain or suffering I want to know, just like when she is happy and full of joy, seeing her beautiful smile is enough for me to die a happy man.


  The sterile feel to the hospital room that Faith has been put in is cold and clinical, I hate it, I just want to get out of here and take my girl home let her rest, I want to be the only one to take care of her.

  I sit in the waiting room, while the doctor is examining her. I was not happy about leaving her there while a doctor checked her out, but Faith demanded I go saying that she did not want me there while they checked her over. I can’t even say it let alone think about it, Faith is adamant that he did not violate her, but they have to check apparently.

  I look up to see Malc walking down the corridor towards the waiting room his face looks pained. I stand and make my way towards him.

  “How’s Cami, doing?” I ask him, his eyes showing his fear and worry.

  “They said she has lost a lot of blood, and there is internal bleeding, they have taken her straight down to theatre.” I have never heard him sound so defeated.

  “She is in the best possible place Malc.”

  “What if she doesn’t make it Damien? What will I do then? How will I.”

  I cut him off. Thinking like that isn’t going to help anyone.

  “She is strong Malc, she will be just fine, you will see.”



  I am sat on this damn hospital bed, waiting for the Doctor to say I can go. After all their checks apparently I’m ok just few cuts and scrapes, so I sent Damien home to get me some clean clothes.

  He told Malc to keep an eye on me, but every time I ask him about Cami he clams up and turns away from me, so that he can hide the tears in his eyes, he thinks I don’t see them but I do. The last time I asked him he stormed out of my room and slammed the door behind him as he left.

  I also need to know where my best friend is and that she is ok, but he won’t talk to me about her. I am sick of this waiting, I will bloody find out what’s going on myself. I put my bare feet on the cold tiled floor of the hospital room and move to pull myself up, the bloody gown they have me in is open at the back and you can see everything, I move gingerly across to the chair, where I asked the nurse to bring me another gown and leave it for me. Spying the gown, I swoop it up and put it on like a robe so I’m covered on all sides.

  I head to the door of my private room and pull it open, I wander down the hall trying to find the nurses station, I want to find out where they have Cami.

  I go past a waiting room and pause for a minute, I notice a man sat in the corner with his head buried in his hands.

  His head looks up sensing that he is being watched, it’s then I notice that it is Malc and his cheeks are wet, I don’t stop and think, I just rush over to him, I drop down to my knees in front of him.

  Why won’t anyone tell me what’s going on, I need to know that Cami is ok. If anything has happened to her I will ne
ver forgive myself.

  “Malc what’s happened? Please just tell me. Oh god is she ok? Please let her be ok.” I am begging on my knees, I don’t care I just need him to tell me what happening. I don’t care how stupid I must look here on the floor.

  “They had to take her in to surgery Faith. The Doctor has just come out and explained to me what’s going on.” I pause for a second wondering why the Doctor told Malc.

  “How come they told you Malc, and not her family or me?” I ask him.

  “I said I was her husband, I couldn’t bare not knowing. You and Damien weren’t here yet. I didn’t know her family, so I just said it was me.” I can see the genuine concern for my best friend, I would have done the same if it were someone I cared about. It still does not tell me what the doctor has said to upset Malc.

  “So what have they said?” As I ask he pulls me up from the floor and sits me in the chair at the side of him, he holds on to both of my hands,. He gives them a little squeeze but it does nothing to reassure me.

  “She had an internal bleed. That they had to fix, they said she had been kicked, punched and sliced with a knife, all over her body. They have also had to remove one of her fallopian tubes, and the chance of her conceiving is going to be harder now.” I let the tears fall freely down my cheeks. I cry for Cami, I know how much she wants kids and she will be a great mum one day. Kind, caring and so loving, she would never hold a child back, will always put them before herself in everything she does. I just hope that she gets the chance to now. All this pain and drama has been caused by one mans greed, the ripple effect that it has had on my world has been catastrophic to say the least and I don’t know how I will ever come to terms with what has happened over these last few months. The hurt and pain it has caused has burrowed deep inside of me.

  I hope and pray that Cami can forgive me. I know she is alive and that is a huge relief. That girl has been my rock through all of this and I think it’s time I became hers.


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