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Omega's Protector: An MMM Mpreg Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 6)

Page 3

by Nora Phoenix

  To his surprise, the lock on the bathroom door disengaged, and Sean was still scrambling to his feet when Gia opened the door entirely and faced him. It should look ridiculous, Sean's big shirt and workout shorts on him, but instead, it made Gia look adorable.

  "If you've read Palani's blog, then you also know what I'm going to need to get through my heat without going crazy," Gia said slowly, and Sean's mind got stuck on that word heat.

  A visual flashed through his mind, Gia's lithe body writhing underneath his big one. Heated skin against heated skin. The sounds he would make as Sean took him, again and again, until they were both fully sated.

  He blinked the image away, taking a deep breath to push down the arousal. "Yes. You need an alpha, and you need unprotected sex. Did the doctor give you anything to prevent a pregnancy?"

  It was crazy, this kind of conversation between two strangers, but Sean had to make sure Gia was okay. He didn't know why, but he had this deep urge inside him to take care of the omega.

  "No, but he referred me to a clinic with a doctor who’s willing to help omegas. It's way outside of the city, though, so I don't know how I'll be able to travel there."

  Sean shook his head to get rid of the persistent images in his mind. "You mean the Hayes Clinic?"

  Gia cocked his head as he studied him. "Yeah. Do you know where it is?"

  "That's run by another boyfriend of my former partner, Dr. Enar Magnusson."

  Gia's eyes widened. "Your former partner has two boyfriends?”

  For the first time, Sean grinned. "He has three, actually. The guy has a big appetite, apparently."

  Gia stared at him in disbelief. "Holy crap, I've never even heard of that."

  Sean's face sobered. "Look, you may have heard rumors about him or read about him in the newspaper. Lidon Hayes. I don't know what happened, but he got accused of some shady shit, and they fired him. I've known him as a good guy, someone who always stood up for what's right and who protected the weak. So until I have solid proof otherwise, he's a good guy in my book. And as for the three boyfriends thing? What the hell do I care? As long as they're happy together, it's all good with me."

  Before he could say anything else, his phone rang. He'd been expecting a call, but when he checked the number, it wasn't the police department. The caller ID was blocked, and that had him intrigued enough to signal to Gia to be quiet as he accepted the call.


  "Is this Sean Lilienfield?" a male voice asked, sounding like a beta.

  "This is he."

  "Please be aware that this call may be monitored or recorded for quality purposes. Please identify yourself with your badge number."

  Sean rattled it off, his curiosity growing.

  "Sean, you don't know me, but I’m a lawyer with the police union. I’m working on the case against your former partner, Detective Hayes. I have some follow-up questions about his case. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  There was an urgency in the man's voice that put Sean on high alert. Why would he mention the Lidon's name? There was a message there, but Sean wasn't quite sure what he was saying.

  "I'm not sure I follow. Also, I have a bit of a situation here, so I don't have a lot of time."

  "This won't take more than ten minutes," the guy said, and the edge in his voice made Sean's hair stand on end. Wait. Had he said this won't take more than ten minutes or they won't take more than ten minutes? Suddenly, Sean wasn't sure.

  What the hell was going on? It sounded like this guy was warning him about something, but what? Then it hit him, the quiet line the guy had uttered right at the start of the call. This call may be monitored or recorded for quality purposes. Someone was listening in. And the man had never given Sean his name, and he’d called from a blocked number.

  Sean forced himself to stay calm. “Look, I haven't spoken to Hayes since he was put on leave and consequently fired, so I don't think I have anything to add to that. I'm on a bit of a time crunch here, so if that's all?"

  "In that case, I won't hold you up any longer. My apologies for disturbing you."

  The man hung up without the obligatory polite goodbye, and Sean knew he'd understood him correctly. They were coming for him, and he only had minutes.

  He looked at Gia. "We need to leave right now."


  They were out the door in under sixty seconds, Gia watching in stunned surprise as Sean only grabbed his laptop before ushering them through the hallway, outside. His strong arm held Gia close to his side, and the touch that should've made him revolt after his earlier experiences instead felt comforting and safe.

  Gia hadn't devoted much thought to what kind of car the cop would drive, but it wasn't the drab Chevy they got in, which looked like a granny mobile and coincidently, smelled like one as well.

  "It's my neighbor's car," Sean said as he started it. "She's recovering from a broken hip and can't drive, so I've been driving it a few times a week to keep the engine in good condition. It won't keep the cops off my back for long, but it might distract them long enough for us to get away."

  He was quick on his feet, Gia had to give him that, even as he wondered at the same time why the cop would put so much on the line for him. It didn't make a whole lot of sense, a cop risking his career for a stranger he'd met only an hour before.

  "Away, where? Where are you taking me?"

  It was the same question he’d asked before when they’d left that parking lot in the south side, and the cop's simple answer then had been, “Home."

  This time, it took him longer. "I don't know. We need to find you a place where you’re safe, which means no alphas or betas, but I can't think of anything. Do you have any omega friends you could hang out with? Family?"

  As if the day it hadn't been depressing enough yet, Gia thought. Not Sean's fault, though. "Not a family that will take me in, unfortunately. Plus, they don't live close. I only moved to the city a few months ago to get away from them."

  Sean spared him a quick glance sideways. "I'm sorry," he said, somehow managing to make that cliché sound meaningful.

  "I hate to make it even more difficult, but I don't need just a safe place. I need a place where I can ride out my heat, " Gia brought up.

  If he hadn't been looking at Sean when he said that, he would've missed the slight tick in his jaw at those words. "Did you have an alpha in mind to help you? Did you arrange for a caretaker?" Sean asked, using the common term for what basically were alpha whores, alphas who could be hired to help an omega through their heat.

  "I had one," Gia said, pleasantly surprised when the thought of Edward didn't bring that wave of pain like it usually did. "But my alpha boyfriend got tired of waiting for my heat to start, so he broke up with me."

  "I'm sorry," Sean said again, and it hit Gia he really was. How did the man manage to make that simple statement sound so sincere? "But the doctor said your heat is coming soon, right? So as much as I hate to put pressure on you, but you need to come up with a plan B. Soon."

  "Will you do it?"

  The question was out of Gia's mouth before he realized it, and he saw Sean jerk in surprise.

  After another quick look sideways, Sean asked, “Are you sure about that? It kind of sounded like you said that on a whim. I know you feel pressured, but don't think I'm doing any of this because I expect to get something in return."

  Any doubts Gia had about his impulsive question vanished at that. It hadn't even occurred to him that Sean would somehow put pressure on him to be his alpha during his heat. The fact that Sean had considered it, that he wanted to make sure Gia knew there were no expectations, spoke volumes about his character. Combined with the reality that he at least seemed to be able to control himself around him sealed the deal for Gia. No, romantic it wasn't, but then again, heats rarely were, from what he understood.

  "Yes, I'm sure. I'm sorry if I sound totally calculating, but you're my best bet right now. Unless you don't want to? Because you, of course, have the right to say no as

  Sean let go of the steering wheel with one hand, reaching for Gia's, and he didn't even hesitate in taking it. There was that tingle of sparks again, their bodies’ strange reaction at connecting. What the hell was that about?

  "I'd be honored," Sean said. There was an edge to his voice, just a hint of jealousy, which didn't make sense at all.

  "The doctor said my heat is probably three, four days off. So where can we stay all that time? And shouldn't you be worried about getting fired?" Gia asked.

  He felt Sean's deep sigh as much as he heard it. The alpha gave his hand a quick squeeze before he let it go. "Yeah, probably. But to answer your first question, I don't know. We could book into a hotel? I'm just worried it wouldn't take the cops long to find me. I left my phone at home so they can't trace me, but if they want to, it won't take too much effort to track me down."

  "I have my phone on me," Gia said. "And it's a burner phone, not registered to me, so I doubt anyone could trace that. I don't know if there's someone you could call for help?"

  One look at Sean's face told him he'd hit the jackpot. "Yes, I know who to call."

  Gia grabbed his phone and punched in the number that Sean told him, then put the phone on speaker.

  "Hello?" a voice answered, and the deep, alpha timbre hit Gia deep, even over the phone. Who the hell was this?

  "Lidon?" Sean asked. "This is Sean."

  "I was hoping you would call," Lidon said, much to Gia's surprise. “A guy named Felix left a message for you with me through a mutual friend of ours, hoping you'd get in contact with me. He’s a lawyer for the police union.”

  "What's the message?" Sean asked.

  "There is a warrant out for your arrest for assault, unlawful use of force against civilians, theft of a vehicle, and they started internal procedures for breaking about a hundred department protocols, according to Felix,” Lidon's calm voice said.

  "Yeah, I feared as much. But how the hell did this Felix guy know that quickly?" Sean asked, his voice remarkably calm considering what Gia thought would be devastating news for him.

  "The internal charges. Those have to go through Internal Affairs, and if they felt confident enough to start the procedure right away, they would've had to contact your union lawyer,” Lidon said. "Where are you right now? Are you safe? Because Felix seemed adamant they were hot on your trail."

  "We’re driving around right now, but I'm not sure where to go. I need a safe place where an omega can ride out his heat without any alphas or betas present. Any suggestions?"

  Lidon's answer was instant. "Come to the ranch."

  "Your ranch?" Sean asked, and there was a note of reverence in his voice Gia didn't understand.

  "Yes. Judging by your question, I assume you've heard rumors?" Lidon asked.

  "I didn't know what to believe," Sean said, sounding slightly defensive.

  "Most of it is probably true, but you can find out for yourself. Sean, can I trust you? I know they leaned hard on you to support the accusations against me, and you didn't, but I never heard you speak out on my behalf either."

  Gia could only imagine how Sean felt at that statement. It wasn't an accusation per se, but somehow the words reached deep inside you, making you want to bow down to this man and apologize, pledge him your allegiance. It made zero sense, but Gia was only too aware of how much he wanted to appease this alpha he'd never even met, so what would Sean feel?

  "I'm sorry, alpha," Sean said, and his body froze at that last word. Gia could see it, the confusion on the cop’s face as he registered the unusual term of deference for his former partner. He recovered quickly though. "You can trust me."

  "Okay, I believe you. And you are bringing an omega, correct?"

  "Yes. And Lidon, he has the gene," Sean added, and Gia was struck by his care in that simple statement.

  "I'll let the front gates know. Don't open your car window when you enter, and drive straight through to the cottage they will guide you to. Wait to exit the car until they're out of sight. They know the protocol, but stay vigilant. I'll ask Enar, one of my mates, to stop by to check in on your omega. He’s a doctor and will make sure everything is okay. What's his name?"

  A doctor. That meant he had to be an alpha. Wouldn’t that cause issues as well? Maybe he took blockers?

  "Gia," Sean said, and Gia couldn't help but notice he didn't correct Lidon on the assumption he was Sean's omega.

  "Please excuse me for speaking up, alpha, but if your mate is an alpha, won't he be affected by the gene?" Gia asked.

  "No. We've discovered that those who are alpha-claimed or in a relationship with their mates aren't affected by other omegas," Lidon assured him. "And you’re absolutely right to ask. You'll be safe here, Gia, and we're glad to have you."

  The call ended after that, and Sean had already set course to the ranch, as they were leaving the city. Gia had so many questions after that phone call, he didn't even know where to start. What are the rumors Sean was talking about? And if this Lidon was in a relationship with three other men, including an alpha doctor, how had he alpha-claimed them?

  Gia had always thought alphas could only alpha-claim one man, and that it had to be either a beta or an omega. And what had Lidon meant with in a relationship with their mates? That word, mates, seemed like a strange, almost old-fashioned expression for boyfriends, yet it had sounded like more, like an extra layer Gia didn't quite grasp.

  He could've asked Sean for clarification, but the man had a look on his face that made Gia leave him be for a bit. There was a history between those two men, one that sounded like Sean might've made a wrong call, and Gia didn't want to make things worse. So he didn't say anything, instead allowing his mind to roam free and consider every possible option. And boy, there were a lot of things that came to his mind.

  “You know that clinic you mentioned earlier, the Hayes Clinic your doctor referred you to?” Sean said a while later. “That’s where we’re headed. You’ll be safe there, with good people to take care of you.”

  Gia nodded, wondering why it meant so much that the alpha was looking out for him. Hormones, maybe?

  Then they entered the driveway to the ranch, perfectly positioned in the rolling green hills, and he stopped thinking about all of that. PTP Ranch, the sign read as they drove under it, and something hummed in the air, calling out to him.

  Safety. Brotherhood. Pack.

  What the hell was this place?

  Once Felix had called Duer, things had developed quickly. Duer had listened to his story and had agreed something was off. Together, they’d come up with a plan to warn Sean. Duer had made the call, arguing that if Felix did it and Sean’s phone was tapped—which apparently, was a real option—Felix’s career would be over.

  They’d hoped that after dropping Hayes’s name so conspicuously, Sean would contact his former partner. It turned out Duer was at Hayes’s ranch—a fact Felix didn’t know what to make of—and he’d told Felix to come to the ranch as soon as Sean contacted Hayes so Felix could brief the cop in person.

  Within minutes, he’d gotten a text from Duer that Sean had called and was on his way to the ranch—with an omega, apparently. One who had that mutative gene and was about to start his heat. Funny how those statements against him had never mentioned an omega being involved. The plot had just thickened considerably.

  Felix had made up some excuse and left. His boss had looked at him funny, but he'd assured him he was reachable on his cell in case he was needed, for instance for the Lilienfield case.

  Fat chance, if the man was hiding out on the ranch. The cops would never find him there, Duer had assured him, though how he could be so sure, Felix didn’t know. He took precautions as he left the office, taking some detours to make sure he wasn’t followed—Duer’s instructions—and then set course for the ranch.

  The ranch was situated outside of the city, on a sprawling piece of land with luscious green hills, even greener in the slight drizzle that had been coming down all day. It hadn�
�t rained in ages, so the fields could probably use it, Felix thought.

  PTP Ranch, the sign at the beginning of the driveway read, and Felix wondered what it stood for. As soon as he passed it, his body physically reacted as if jolted with a low dose of electricity. His beta took notice, and he sniffed the air. What was going on here?

  He reached a heavy front gate, guarded by imposing alphas, and he followed their instructions to show his ID. They had cameras everywhere, Felix noted. No wonder, after the previous attacks on the ranch, which he’d read about in Hayes’s file. He’d searched for them in the news as well, but curiously, they’d never been mentioned.

  Felix had wanted to talk to Duer first, but Duer had insisted he go straight to talk to Lilienfield. So Felix followed the instructions from the front gate guard and drove straight up to the cottage where Lilienfield and his omega were staying. He’d have to meet the cop outside, Duer had stressed, as the omega had the gene and they weren’t sure how Felix would react to his smell.

  Felix had barely shut off the engine when the door opened and an alpha stepped outside, dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans. Right, he was in narcotics, and he'd been undercover, so no uniform obviously. Lilienfield was hot, Felix noted. Dark hair, a pair of warm brown eyes, and the expected alpha build that made Felix's stomach do a little swirl. So sue him for appreciating that alpha strength.

  "Felix Roland," he introduced himself to Sean, extending his hand.

  "Sean Lilienfield," the alpha said, shaking it firmly. "I owe you a lot, so thank you. You went above and beyond by contacting Duer and through him, Lidon.”

  "You're welcome," Felix said, strangely disappointed when their brief physical contact ended. "The way IA presented your case to me made all my alarm bells go off. I have the statements for you to look over, if you want."

  Sean looked back over his shoulder at the cottage door he’d closed firmly behind him, then focused on Felix. "To be honest, it's not my biggest priority right now."

  "Pardon me for asking, but did I understand correctly your omega is in heat?" Felix asked, and he didn't know why even that question made him a little jealous of the omega. He’d never even met the guy, and he’d just been introduced to Sean a minute ago, so where did that crazy idea come from?


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