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Omega's Protector: An MMM Mpreg Romance (Irresistible Omegas Book 6)

Page 5

by Nora Phoenix

  Most of that was news to Gia, who was only too happy to hear Enar knew what he was talking about. That certainly changed things as far as he was concerned, because that meant he could ask him questions his doctor hadn't been able to answer that morning.

  "So, my heat," he said. "From what I understand, I need an alpha to help me, correct? And to have unprotected sex."

  Enar nodded. "Yes, we've discovered that the proteins and hormones in alpha sperm help alleviate the symptoms of the heat for gene carriers. And I'd be happy to prescribe a medication that will prevent pregnancy. It's not one hundred percent effective, but it is the most effective drug available for you."

  There was something about the way he said available for you that made Gia wonder if the drug was even legally on the market. Not that he cared. He would take all the help he could get, because getting pregnant was about the worst thing that could happen to him right now.

  "And from what I understand, my heat will be much more intense compared to other omegas, right?"

  "Unfortunately, yes. One of my mates is a gene carrier as well, so I can speak from experience. I won't sugarcoat it. You need to prepare yourself as best as you can, because those forty-eight hours will take a lot from you. Have you chosen an alpha yet to help you?"

  After confirming the bad news about the severity of his heat, Enar's follow-up question warned Gia's heart. How wonderful the man didn't assume that just because he'd shown up there with Sean that he was the alpha he'd chosen.

  "I asked Sean, and he agreed," he said quietly. He bit his lip, debating how much he would tell the doctor, then decided to take him into confidence. "I only met him this morning when he saved me from getting raped, but he seems like a good guy. And to be honest, the fact that my smell doesn't seem to affect him to the same degree is a major point in his favor."

  Enar leaned forward, looking at Gia with intensity. "About that," he said. "Just to make sure we understand each other, were you attacked this morning because your smell was irresistible to those men? I hate to stir up bad memories, but trust me when I say it matters.”

  Gia swallowed back the bile that rose up in his mouth at the mere thought of what had almost happened. "Yes," he whispered. "One was my cab driver, a beta. Even for him, through the glass that separated us, my smell was too strong apparently."

  “I’m so sorry, Gia," Enar said, and it wasn't the standard detached statement from a doctor. There was emotion there, the kind of emotion that made Gia think the man knew all too well what that gene did to people. "As I said, I can't smell you right now, but are you telling me that both Sean and Felix are unaffected by it?"

  There was a strange intensity to his question, his eyes fully trained on Gia, and he squirmed a little in his seat. "I think so. I mean, both affirmed they could smell me and that I smelled delicious or whatever, but it's not overpowering them."

  With that, Enar leaned even more forward. "There’s something you need to know. But before I tell you, please know that you have options. We have trustworthy, single alphas here at the ranch who would be happy to help you through your heat, no questions asked, no legal entanglements. I can vouch for each and every one of them."

  The thought of being with another alpha sent a wave of repulsion through Gia. Oh god, was that because of what had happened to him that morning? Was he now put off by the idea of sex because of those two assholes? That made him sad, because even though he'd never experienced a heat, he’d always loved sex. Well, before Edward had turned out to be an asshole anyway.

  He had to close his eyes as another wave of emotion barreled through him at the thought of never experiencing that feeling again of being treasured, of rising so high, joined with someone else.

  But then his mind replaced Edward with Sean, and he could imagine what it would be like with him so vividly, the way he would fill him, quench the need he could already sense building and growing deep within him. And Felix would worship his body, help Sean fulfill every need Gia would have. The two of them in tandem, tending to him, making him soar…

  His eyes flew open, and his hand jerked in front of his mouth in shock at where his thoughts had gone. "I don't want anyone else. I want them. Him," he corrected himself quickly.

  But Enar didn't look startled or surprised at that slip up, more like he hadn't expected anything else. Gia's eyes narrowed. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"

  "If I told you they couldn't help you through your heat and you had to take someone else, how would you feel about that?" Enar asked, and Gia couldn’t believe he’d said they and not him. Was he serious about him needing two men? Was his heat gonna be that bad?

  But if he did need two, he wanted them and no one else. Desperation rose up in Gia. It didn't make sense for him to feel this strongly about two men he barely knew. He'd only met them that day, for fuck's sake, but the thought of being with someone else, it sickened him, made him feel angry and desperate.

  "Why am I feeling this way about them?" he asked, counting on Enar being able to read his feelings off his face.

  "This may be hard for you to hear, but have you ever heard of the concept of fated mates? It used to be quite common in the old days, back when people still could shift."

  Gia's mouth dropped open a little as his mind computed what Enar suggested. "You're telling me that Sean is my fated mate? That we, like, belong together according to fate?"

  Enar reached out for him, but waited until Gia silently nodded his permission to be touched before putting his hand on Gia's arm. "Not just Sean. Felix as well."

  "Oh god," Gia whispered. "The three of us?"

  He wanted to say it was ridiculous, except it wasn't. If it truly were ridiculous, he wouldn't be able to picture it so easily. Was that why it had felt so natural in the kitchen, the three of them together? Why they had chatted at the table as if they'd known each other for years, even though they'd never met before? Did that explain why he’d trusted Sean, even though he was an alpha? Why he’d agreed to let Felix in, knowing that even betas could be a threat to him? He’d never even questioned it. He'd known, deep inside, at the very core of his omega, that he could trust both men.

  "Do they know? Sean and Felix, do they know about this fated mates thing?" he asked.

  Enar let go of his arm as he shook his head. "No. I suspected it when I heard Sean didn't seem affected by your smell, but this is not something I would ever tell an alpha. It gives him way too much power over you. This is your choice, your decision to make. Tell them or don't tell them, that is up to you. They won't hear it from me, I promise."

  Gia let out a deep breath, releasing some of the tension that had centered in the pit of his stomach. "You guys take protecting omegas seriously here."

  "We do. But keep in mind that once your heat has passed and you mingle with the others on the ranch, it might not take long for Sean and Felix to figure it out. We have a number of threesomes here, all fated mates."

  Gia shook his head in amazement. "I'd never even heard of poly relationships before, and you guys have multiple here? That can't be a coincidence, right?"

  Enar smiled at him. "It's not, but that's a discussion for another time. For now, I want you to focus on your heat. Ride it out with your mates or not, that's your call. Just one more thing: experience has taught us that when you’re this close to your first heat, being near an alpha will speed it up. Don’t be surprised if you don’t have three days anymore. It may start tonight.”

  Tonight? Gia’s head spun at the thought. After waiting for so long, one would think he was ready for it, but now that the time was there, it was hard to grasp.

  “And no matter what you choose, it may not be a bad idea to have two men here to help you. You’ll appreciate them when the time comes, trust me.”

  Two men. He’d need two men to satisfy him. What the hell was about to happen to him?

  “I’ll program my number into your phone,” Enar continued, “and you can call me at any time, day or night. And Sean showed you the panic b
uttons throughout the cottage, right? Use them if you have to, and security will break down the doors to get to you. Someone will drop some food off for you guys for when it’s over, because your men will be ravenous."

  "Yeah," Gia said, his head dazzling with the complications of the bombshell Enar had dropped on him. His men. How was it possible that something so shocking could feel so normal and right at the same time? “Can you sit here for just a few minutes so I can think? Because as soon as you leave, those two will want to be with me, and I need a little time to recover and think."

  "I'll stay here as long as you want me to," Enar said, and Gia leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and allowed himself to process the fact that apparently, fate had seemed it fit to award him not one but two mates. And they were gonna help him through his heat, which would start much sooner than he’d anticipated. Talk about mind-blowing.


  When Gia came back from his talk with Enar, he looked a little shaken. Felix wanted to ask what was wrong, but he wasn’t sure if he could or should. Despite the fact that Sean and Gia had met only that morning, Felix caught a powerful current between them, and he didn’t want to step on the alpha’s toes.

  What made things even more complicated—not to mention awkward—was his own interest in not only Gia, but in Sean as well. He liked the alpha, more than he’d ever thought possible. Felix had always imagined himself ending up with an omega, mostly because he couldn’t picture any alpha being okay with a beta who was as independent as he was. Most alphas tended to go for betas who were more like typical omegas in their behavior, and Felix was anything but that.

  “Are you okay?” Sean asked and it took a beat for Felix to realize the alpha wasn’t addressing him but Gia.

  Gia sat down with them at the kitchen table. He worried his bottom lip for a second or three before responding. “Enar said my heat may start sooner than the other doctor said.”

  He and Sean both shifted in their chairs, and Felix bit back a smile. What was it about even the mention of heats that made non-omegas always a little uncomfortable? Maybe it was the association with sex, because god knew that’s where his mind had gone instantly.

  He pushed down the thought of Gia naked on the bed, begging to be filled. It was never gonna happen. Not with him anyway, not when there was an alpha available. That was the law of nature and even more for a gene carrier, because they physically needed alphas.

  “Oh, okay,” Sean said, which wasn’t the most prolific reaction, but pretty close to what Felix would’ve been able to manage as well.

  “Are you okay with that?” the alpha said next, impressing Felix with his compassion.

  Gia’s teeth went into his bottom lip again. “I’m a little nervous,” he finally said, avoiding their eyes.

  Felix thought he could be excused for that, considering how awkward this conversation had to be for him. They were practically strangers, and yet there they were, discussing rather intimate details.

  “Are you still okay with me helping you?” Sean asked, rising even higher in Felix’s favor. Damn, that took balls to ask, not only because it made him vulnerable, but because he did it in front of Felix as well. Maybe that was his exit cue, and he should leave those two to it.

  Sean’s question made Gia look up, and something flashed over his face. “Enar said there are multiple alphas available on the ranch who would help me.”

  That simple statement shouldn’t make Felix feel as jealous as it did, and he frowned as his own reaction registered with him. What the fuck was wrong with him? First he was lusting after two men who clearly were meant to be together, and now he was jealous of some random alpha he’d never even met? Why would he have no issue with Sean taking care of Gia, who was arguably a stranger as well, but get upset over some alpha from the ranch, all men who clearly came recommended? He couldn’t make a rational argument for it, yet his beta protested loudly inside him, pushing him to speak up and say…something.

  But what could he say? It was Gia’s choice, after all. Felix couldn’t put pressure on the omega to pick Sean and him; it wouldn’t be fair.


  Sean and him? Where the hell had that come from?

  “Oh,” Sean said, and that one word held all the same emotions Felix felt as well. “If that’s what you want.”

  “Would you be okay with that?” Gia asked, and Felix swore he could hear Sean’s heart breaking right along with his own, and the pain made it hard to think. What was happening?

  “I… It’s your choice, Gia,” Sean said, his voice thick with emotions. “But if that’s your decision, I need to leave now before I can’t anymore. It must be the gene or the fact that your heat is indeed starting soon, but the thought of walking out makes me almost physically ill, so if that’s what you want, I need to know now before I don’t have the strength anymore to leave.”

  His pain hung heavy in the air, and Felix wanted nothing more than to lean in and hug him, to try to take away some of the hurt that was so evident.

  “And you, Felix? How would you feel if I picked an alpha from the ranch?”

  Felix forced himself to say it. “It’s your choice.” But then he gave in to his beta, who needed to say more. “But if you ask me, you should let Sean help you. What he did for you today, risking his career to save you, that tells you all you need to know about him. You can trust him. Plus, he’s not overwhelmed by the effects of the gene, so he’ll take good care of you. And he’s a big alpha, you know, so he’ll probably have what it takes to satisfy you, and I’m gonna shut up now because that got awkward fast…”

  Felix’s cheeks had heated up, but instead of the awkwardness he expected, he found both Sean and Gia staring at him, Sean with a heated look that made Felix’s cock harden even more and Gia with something that looked a hell of a lot like…affection?

  “I want both of you,” Gia said, and Felix’s gasp mingled with Sean’s.

  “What?” Felix said, confident he’d misheard or misunderstood.

  “Huh?” Sean said, but he sounded surprised, not angry or jealous.

  “I want both of you to help me through my heat,” Gia said.

  Felix looked at Gia, who gave him a soft smile, then at Sean. The alpha’s eyes darkened, and Felix held his breath, waiting for him to get jealous, to claim first rights, to tell him it wasn’t gonna happen. But he did nothing of the kind. Instead, his lips pulled up in a crooked, sexy smile that made Felix’s knees go weak, even as he was sitting.

  “Why?” Felix felt compelled to ask, still not comprehending.

  “I have my reasons, but one of them is that from what I understand, my heat will be intense. Much more intense than that of normal omegas. Enar suggested two men would be better.”

  “You could ask another alpha instead of me,” Felix said, his lawyer brain too trained to argue to let that one go.

  “I could…but I don’t want to. I want you. Both of you.”

  Gia’s quiet conviction made it sink in. He truly wanted Felix to be there. With Sean.

  “And you’re okay with this?” Felix asked the alpha. “I mean, your alpha isn’t gonna throw a fit when the time is here and go crazy caveman-like jealous?”

  Sean shrugged, still with that sexy smile on his face. “My alpha rather likes the idea, actually.”

  Felix looked from Sean to Gia and back, then let out a sigh. “Okay.”

  “Okay? A sexy omega asks you to help him through his heat and you say okay?” Sean asked, his smile gone. “What, like it inconveniences you?”

  “No!” Felix said, annoyed with himself for fucking this up. “No, that’s not it. It’s just… Alphas don’t usually want me, and I wanted to make sure you weren’t gonna kick me out at the last second.”

  Sean looked puzzled. “What do you mean alphas don’t want you?” His eyes roamed Felix’s body, and the beta felt his cheeks warm under that hot stare. “You’re pretty damn sexy in that nerdy, smart-ass way. Like, you could kick my ass in anything brainy and still loo
k hot doing it.”

  Felix’s mouth dropped open a little even as Gia giggled, the most beautiful sound in the world. “You… Most alphas are threatened by me, because I’m too smart for my own good. And I don’t know when to keep my mouth shut.”

  Sean chuckled. “The latter, I can believe,” he said, but it was more teasing than annoyed.

  “I’m just a little shocked that you’d want me there. Both of you. We’re strangers, and this is about as intimate as can be, so it seems like such a big step,” Felix tried to explain.

  “Do you want me to ask you on a date first?” Gia said with a laugh. “Don’t you ever hook up?”

  Felix shook his head before he could keep himself from being truthful. “Never.”

  “Oh my god, but you’ve had sex before, right?” Sean asked, and Felix wanted a big hole to appear in the ground that would swallow him up right fucking now please, thank you very much.

  “Yes,” he said quickly. “God, yes. I had a boyfriend a few years back. Another beta. Both of us knew it wouldn’t go anywhere, but we stayed together for a while anyway, maybe because we both wanted to get some experience? He was nice, and we parted as friends.”

  “A few years back,” Sean repeated. “How old are you anyway?”

  “Twenty-five,” Felix said. “Turning twenty-six next month, actually. You’re twenty-seven,” he said to Sean.

  “How do you…”

  “I read your file, remember? I know more about you than you may like. Sorry.”

  Sean sighed. “Right. Forgot about that for a second. But back on topic, are you saying that the last time you had sex was years ago?”

  Oy. There was no way around this, was there? “Yes. And I know that sounds crazy to someone like you who probably fucks another guy every weekend, but—”

  “I haven’t fucked anyone in almost a year,” Sean said, meeting his eyes dead on. “I fucked my way through college, and once I started my job, I was pretty much done with that and limited myself to scoring every other weekend or so. Then that whole thing with Lidon happened, and I quit that, too. My head wasn’t in the right place anymore. Call it growing up, I don’t know. It all felt so senseless to me, so empty.”


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