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The Adept Archives: Volumes 1-3

Page 26

by Darren Hultberg Jr

  With a sigh, Remley released his technique, allowing his blades to dissipate back into essence. At his flank, he could sense the airship coming to a landing, the curious eyes of his comrades likely locked onto his little skirmish. Normally, he would turn and give them a reassuring grin, a quick show of optimism in a world often wrought with darkness. But with the feelings of betrayal echoing from Yoshiro’s spirit, Remley wasn’t sure that he could bear it.

  Chapter 3

  Lakeside Negotiations

  Lakeside, the Far Reaches of Northern Eon

  As Roy disembarked from the Blazing Fang, he immediately knew something was off. By the way, Remley had spoken earlier of his old friend, Roy assumed it was going to be a friendly visit. However, after watching their little skirmish unfold and sensing the heightened tension in their auras, he knew that was hardly the case.

  Seconds later Kimoura approached, a look of concern etched into her pale, blue eyes.

  “Should I... say something?” Roy asked, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. Normally he was the one making problems and Rem was the one to smooth things out. He was the hothead. Surely, they weren’t going to expect him to be the voice of reason...

  “Don’t sweat it, kid.” Roy turned to see Quinn approaching his flank, with Leila and his cryofox just a few paces behind. “You’ll soon find that your mentor has a lot of... complicated relationships in Eon.”

  Roy feigned a sigh. “And here I thought he was one of the realm’s voices of reason.”

  “You’re not gonna find too many of those,” Leila interjected. “Now come help me anchor the Falcon so we can get moving. I have no doubt that we’ve acquired some pursuers by now, and I’d rather not find myself at the end of their blade.”


  After helping anchor down the guild’s airship, Roy followed Rem and the old man to an odd little dwelling. Barely visible from the sky, the cabin-like structure sat in the shadow of a nearby hill with tall, charcoal-colored trees added for extra cover.

  The home had a rustic feel to it as if the place had been built ages ago, a stark contrast to the large number of faintly glowing runes scattered around the premises.


  Cloudcast Rune

  An advanced rune created by way of spiritcrafting, this device is used to mask the use of spirit aura in a small area. Cloudcast runes deteriorate over time but can be recharged with one’s spirit energy.


  Roy eyed one of the runes as he stepped within its invisible barrier. These devices must’ve been the reason the old man was able to live out here on his own. Without them, he could only assume that old adept would’ve been devoured by the darkbeasts once the veil fell.

  Turning his attention back to the house, Roy grabbed a better look at the old man guiding them towards the house... Remley’s family friend. The man’s clothing was tattered and his tunic frayed, with long tears in his garments that appeared to be the result of a blade.

  With a blink, Roy pulled up his spirit scan to gather a bit more information.



  Water Adept

  Rank: 4th

  Specialization: Mystic

  Divine Power: None


  As he skimmed over the information, Roy thought back to the man’s short-lived battle with Remley. Yoshiro had displayed quite the aptitude for aura manipulation... Hell, he’d nearly knocked their ship out of the sky with one of his techniques. But when Rem managed to close the distance, the man merely relented. Roy couldn’t help but wonder, was his unwillingness to partake in a physical exchange due to his Mystic spec? Or was it because he was old and his body had grown frail? And did adept’s lose strength and grow frail with age, or did body tempering help diminish some of that? Dammit, there were just so many questions that needed answering!

  Reacting to his thoughts, another window of information appeared in his vision.


  Adept growth and aging

  The body and spirit of an adept age far different than that of a normal mortal. With proper training and meditation, spirit auras tend to grow exponentially stronger with age, while the adept’s physical form experiences a more normalized cycle of growth. Though an adept’s physical body tends to deteriorate quicker than his spirit, an adept focused on body refinement can use his spirit to bolster his strength and, in some cases, even prolong his or her life.

  It is important to note that an elder adept that’s been drained of his spirit aura will find himself far more vulnerable than one in his youth.


  Roy considered the information as he dismissed the translucent screen from view. If Yoshiro was a mystic spec, then his focus was likely on the power of his aura rather than his physical strength. That meant it was highly unlikely the old man could withstand a full-powered attack from Rem, even if he was rank four.

  Roy grinned, satisfied with the quick bit of information he’d obtained. From what it seemed like, many of the adepts he’d encountered had chosen to strengthen either their spirits or physical forms. But with the advantage his spirit scan offered, what if he just did both? The possibilities were endless!

  Just as Roy’s mind began to race, a firm hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts. He turned to see Leila staring at him, her brow raised and a smirk on her face.

  “You just gonna stand there and stare?” she asked, her voice full of sarcasm.

  Roy quickly took a glance around the area and realized that the others had already made their way into the house while he stood their delving through invisible pages of information. It was a bit... awkward.

  Before he could mouth a response, Leila let out an exaggerated sigh and brushed her way past him, his cryofox gleefully trotting in her shadow. “Just come on,” she said, her voice now more annoyed than anything else.

  Roy watched as the woman made her way towards the cabin, her wind aura rippling across her tight, sapphire tunic that accentuated her petite yet muscular frame. She made a final glance back before waving him on, her piercing blue eyes meeting his for the briefest of seconds. Despite the fact that she constantly found ways to infuriate him, he couldn’t deny that the woman had a very distinct swagger.

  “Yeah, I’m coming,” Roy replied with a nod. Then he sighed and began to head towards the cabin’s entrance. There’d be more time to delve for information later.


  An almost palpable sense of tension seemed to grip Roy as he took a seat within Yohsiro’s rather humble abode. The cabin was small, made up of just a single living space decorated with a number of odd trinkets and devices used for spirit crafting. In fact, the place might’ve actually been cozy had it not been for the spiteful glare Yoshiro was happy to share with everyone.

  “Would anyone like some tea?” the man growled before taking a seat in an old, rickety chair. “No? Excellent. Now, get on with it... why in the underworld’s flames are you here?”

  Remley drew in a deep breath, shifting upon the makeshift bench where we sat. Then he met the man eye to eye and spoke. “Old friend, I wouldn’t have come unless our situation was dire. We’re heading to Shadowreach and I have two spirins in my group that are ready to ascend to Spiriteka-“

  “And you want me to help you temper their bodies. Am I right?” Yoshiro cut in as he folded his arms over his weathered tunic.

  Remley nodded. “Yes… I was hoping you could use your expertise. Once their bodies are tempered then we’ll be out of your hair. By nightfall at the latest.”

  Roy watched as the others in his guild went wide-eyed and Yoshiro let out an exaggerated laugh. “By nightfall?! You want me to take a pair of techniques that normally take days of preparation and perform them by nightfall?!”

  Well, yes,” Remley replied. “Roy has a unique ability that allows him to learn techniques faster than any adept I’ve encountered, and Kimoura here was brought up under the tutelage of the platinum lotus. They’ll be p
erfectly fine!”

  Kimoura tilted her head and smiled, drawing an eye roll from the old man.

  “Please,” Remley continued. You were there to temper the bodies of me, my brother, of so many of our guild’s youth...”

  “And now look at them. All dead except you and me,” Yoshiro replied, a sudden bit of grief in his tone. Remley leaned back, his spirit shuttering as if the words held dealt him actual harm. After that, an uncomfortable silence fell over the room, save for the soft chewing sound Quinn made as he gnawed on his reed.

  “Fine,” Yoshiro muttered, breaking the silence and drawing a breath of relief from Rem. “I’ll do it, but only out of respect for your father. Not because you asked... He was a man of resolve and I don’t need his damn spirit haunting whatever life I have left.”

  “Thank you,” Remley said, a solemn grin returning to his face. “And I promise you that we’ll leave just as soon as their bodies are tempered.”

  Yoshiro sighed, his tone growing spiteful. “That's just it, Remley. It doesn’t matter anymore... your presence here’ll be enough to doom me. Gods, I’m surprised one of the dark guilds hasn’t shown up here already to claim your life.”

  “We’ve been cautious,” Leila cut in, shooting a glare at the old adept. “There wasn’t anyone in immediate pursuit.”

  Yoshiro let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Then why the rush?”

  Leila scowled, though she didn’t immediately respond. Roy knew that she was only trying to defend Remley and the honor of the Sky Wolves but trying to convince the man that this pit stop posed no danger to him was foolish. Roy vividly remembered the looks of contempt from the onlookers as they fled Atherune. He’d seem the strange creatures hovering around their ship... scrying beasts used to report their location to someone hidden in the shadows. No, they were definitely being followed, and it was only a matter of time before they were found.

  “Just... just get this over with,” Leila growled. She crossed her arms over her chest as her spirit aura momentarily flared, causing wind to swirl around her body and the reed to fly out of Quinn’s mouth.

  “That’s what I thought,” Yoshiro said as he rose from his seat. “Now come help me get this thing ready. By nightfall…” Yoshiro muttered, shaking his head in disapproval. “Just don’t be mad at me when one of these kids ends up dead.”

  Chapter 4

  Kimoura: Origin

  Yohsiro’s Cabin, Northern Eon

  A short time later, Roy Skyworth stood on the edge of the crystalline lake, his body bare save for a pair of loose-fitting trousers and a thin sash around his waist. To his left stood Remley, his red coat now wrapped around his torso and his wide-brimmed hat masking the grin on his face. And to his right stood Yoshiro, an over-sized runic fishing pole now held tightly in his grasp.

  “Ready, Royboy?” Remley asked as he gave the man a quick slap on the back. Roy nodded, allowing his black-violet aura to flow freely around his body as he stepped into the cool, unmoving lake.

  Shortly after Remley’s initial conversation with Yoshiro, Roy had spoken with the man about the tempering process. The old adept had laid out a number of techniques open to Roy, including the Unshattered Sky Imbuing (which Leila had undergone), and the Dark Sun Imbuing (a technique commonly used by void adepts). However, Roy ultimately settled on a technique that Yoshiro spoke very fondly of... the Tidal Fury Imbuing.

  That particular technique wasn’t common among void adepts, though Roy was fat more than just a common void adept. Undergoing the Tidal Fury Imbuing would provide him with a much greater aptitude for water and ice aura, allowing him to eventually channel his divine spirit energy through the rest of his body with ease. The thought of having full control over two different types of spirit energy just seemed too good to pass up.

  As for the actual methods used in executing the technique... well, that had Roy a bit on edge. To perform the Tidal Fury Imbuing, Roy first had to envelop his body in spirit energy while completely submerging himself in water. After that, Yoshiro would manipulate that water to apply a massive amount of pressure to both Roy’s body and spirit, similar to the way water erodes stone. For the final step, Roy would have to use his spirit aura to fend off the intense physical and spiritual pressure until his transformation was complete. If done correctly, he would expend the entirety of his energy, leaving his channels open and raw. Then the surrounding water aura would meld with his built-up soul essence, re-forging his body into a tempered masterpiece stronger than the tide’s themselves.

  He only had to survive it.

  Drawing in a deep breath, Roy waded further into the water, fighting back any feelings of unease that tried to creep their way into his spirit. Once he felt like he was far enough out, he turned and met eyes with Yoshiro.

  “Alright, now draw out as much of your aura as possible,” the man instructed. “And when you think you’ve done enough, draw out even more. You only get one shot at this, kid.”

  “Thanks for the encouragement,” Roy replied. “But shouldn’t I be swimming to the bottom of the lake first?”

  “The density of your void aura will take care of that for you,” Yoshiro said, beginning to sound annoyed. “By Eon’s light, how long have you been an adept, kid?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it,” Remley interjected. “Now, don’t forget to hold your breath, Royboy!”

  “Bastard...” Roy muttered, drawing an even wider smile on Rem’s face. Then, forcing every errant thought out of his mind, every feeling resonating within his spirit, he called forth his void aura and began sinking to the bottom of the lake.


  Several hundred feet away, Kimoura sat at the center of the old adept’s cabin, legs crossed, fists clenched, and spirit aura flaring with golden light. Unlike Roy, Kimoura had foreseen her ascension to Spiriteka for some time now... she’d foreseen it and she’d prepared.

  Kimoura had been born into a family of thieves, a pair of ordinary humans with no control over their spirit. Though they loved her very much, their crimes eventually caught up to them and they were executed, leaving Kimoura to fend for herself at a very young age. However, the fates proved to be on her side... While being attacked by a group of thugs, Kimoura displayed an incredible yet unrefined fighting prowess, the spirit of a budding adept.

  On that night, a member of the Platinum Lotus Guild saw her in peril and came to her rescue. He saved her and took her under his wing as a fledgling member of the guild. After that, Kimoura became known as the apprentice of Lu Zahn, the fallen petal of the Platinum Lotus.

  Kimoura grew exponentially under the guidance of the Platinum Lotus, undergoing a thorough development of her mind, body, and spirit. She became known as a rising star in the guild, the fierce warrior with the cheery disposition. However, as her ascension to Spiriteka approached, a massive upheaval in the lotus guild brought her advancement grinding to a halt. In an act of utter betrayal, Lu Zahn murdered the other elders of his guild and raided all of their sacred treasures before announcing his allegiance to the dark god, Arachnifex and his followers, the Thousand-Legged Spiders.

  Wrought with devastation, Kimoura fled the guild, finding herself alone once more in a world ever so lonely. And yet, she persevered...

  Soon, Kimoura found herself in Atherune City, surrounded by the unknown, her spiritual advancement now put on hold. Guildless and with little money, she feared that she would find nothing but more darkness. Instead, what she found was a group of misfits that felt more like home than any place ever had. Leila and the others brought her in, they accepted her, and the only thing that they asked of the spirin is that she pull her own weight.

  Kimoura grew to love the others, came to know them as her true family. Then Roy appeared and her desire to ascend quickly returned. She felt an undeniable connection to the man... Honestly, she adored him. And with that adoration came a desire to match his strength, to reach Spiriteka with him and stand at his side as an equal...

  A rank she would achieve once she completed
her Valkyrie’s Steelwing Imbuing.

  Kimoura took a quick glance around the room before falling further into her technique. Leila and Quinn stood on either side, patiently waiting for her to begin her transformation as her light aura continued to envelop her body. The light adept didn’t actually need anyone to help her complete the technique. No, this was something she was preparing for long before she joined the Sky Wolves. However, having true family by her side made her resolve solid like steel.

  Feeling as though her body was ready, Kimoura took one final glance towards the door of the cabin, her thoughts drifting lakeside to Roy and Remley’s location. With what little time they had, it was imperative that she and Roy split up to complete their body tempering at the same time. With the veil just hours away and the very real possibility of someone pursuing them, they needed to advance and be on the move as soon as possible. Still, she couldn’t help but wish that she was at his side, supporting him as he attempted his ascension to third rank...

  “Something wrong, Kimoura?” Leila asked, briefly drawing the light adept out of her thoughts. Kimoura turned to meet the woman’s piercing gaze, the confident eyes of the one that had taken her in, the one who had shown her family was. In that instant, Kimoura’s concern for Roy seemed to wane. He was going to be fine, she was certain of that... No. This was her time to show Leila what she was made of.

  “No,” Kimoura replied, feeding off her guild leader’s resolve. “I was born ready for this.”

  Suddenly the cabin erupted with light as Kimoura poured everything into her spirit aura, drawing it around her body like a cloak of radiant dawn. Once her power reached its peak she channeled into thin, powerful petals of energy that seemed to blossom around her like a lotus flower. It was beautiful to watch but melding her spirit aura into such a position left her body vulnerable... just as she intended.


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