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The Adept Archives: Volumes 1-3

Page 31

by Darren Hultberg Jr

  After several more moments of being led around, the group came to a stop in front of a massive, rectangular tower. The building was nestled among a large grouping of similar structures, its walls made of ordinary stone and devoid of any identifying marks.

  “We’re here,” Ezry said, passing between Roy and Kimoura as she made her way to the building’s large, iron doors. Rather than knock, the woman removed the circular metal ram symbol from her tunic and pressed it into a round slot near the door. A second later, the grinding of gears could be heard as the doors swung open, granting them entrance.

  Some of the adepts began to file in but Roy resisted, drawing a look of ire from Ezry. “Are you gonna tell us what the Hell we’re walking into?” he growled.

  Ezry sighed, eyeing the man as if she were contemplating striking him down right there and being done with it. “Listen, if you’d prefer to fend for yourself on the streets then that’s fine by me, but you’d be a fool to not hear what my boss has to say.”

  “I thought we didn’t have a choice,” Roy shot back.

  Ezry grimaced. “You don’t, I was just getting tired of your protests every dozen paces.”

  Roy began to gear himself up for a response, but Kimoura grabbed his arm and interjected.

  “Very well,” she said, giving the woman a slight nod. “Take us up.”

  Roy cocked his head and gave Kimoura an odd look, but she merely smiled back at him, conveying a confidence that helped soothe his soul. Whatever awaited them beyond those doors, they would face together.

  A breath later, Ezry led the pair into the building, blades swaying on her hips as she walked. Once inside, Roy was caught off guard by the lavish nature of the place’s interior. Hand-crafted furniture sat atop thick, ornate rugs woven into masterful, eye-catching designs. On the left side of the room, an eloquently-dressed man stood behind a long, stone-countertop bar, his hand pushing a rag around in slow, concise circles. And at the far end of the room awaited a thin steel gate that seemed to house some sort of lift.

  “In,” Ezry instructed as two of her constituents pulled open the gate. A second later three members of her group entered the small rectangular structure followed by Roy, Kimoura and finally Ezry herself.

  The blade dancer was silent as she pressed an index finger into the lift’s control panel, channeling spirit energy into the contraption until it came to life.

  “Didn’t know this realm had elevators,” Roy said as he felt the floor below him begin to rise.

  “There called spirit lifts,” one of the ram adepts corrected, drawing a chuckle from the others.

  “Every damn thing in this realm is prefaced by the word spirit,” Roy grumbled, drawing another round of laughs. Ezry, however, gave the man a very studied look.

  “Elevator... that’s an earth word,” she said, her tone almost quizzical.

  “It’s where I lived until I was shot and my soul got shipped off to Eon.,” Roy replied. “Why, you’ve been there?”

  Ezry grit her teeth, as if the question stung at her. “I was born there, though my memories are fleeting. I know that I was a soldier in the US army. Then something happened and I ended up in the realm of Aetheria, where I was once again a soldier...”

  “And then?”

  Ezry sighed. “Then I was murdered by this bitch named the Blade Mistress... killed fighting someone else’s war. But like you, my soul ended up here,”

  “Why continue fighting?” Kimoura interjected, her tone almost remorseful after listening to the woman’s short yet violent history.

  “I guess it’s in my blood,” Ezry replied, running her fingers over the handle of one of her blades. “I used to be a sniper, then an archer… but this time is different though... no more bows and no more pointless wars. This time I fight for her and her alone.”

  Roy fully understood the pain of being stripped of your life, only to be plunged into this crazy, violent realm. In fact, it was almost reassuring to see another earthling alive and thriving in this place. It gave him hope for his future…

  “So, who’s her?” Roy finally asked, folding his arms over his chest.

  Ezry smirked as the lift came to a sudden, jarring halt and the doors behind them flung open. “My boss.”

  Roy’s lips parted, letting out a slight gasp as he took of sight of what lied beyond the lift. Red velvet sofas sat atop glossy wood floors, encircling what appeared to be a rug made of some nightmarish beast’s fur. On the walls hung a number of blades, some old and some new, accompanied by the mantled heads of several spirit beasts put on display as grizzly trophies.

  At the room’s center, a woman sat atop a darksteel throne, bare legs crossed and one slender foot bobbing impatiently. Thin, blue cloth cling to the woman’s soft, curvy frame and vibrant, blonde hair draped below her shoulders, drawing Roy’s gaze to the plunging neckline of her tunic. By all accounts she was gorgeous... perhaps dangerously so.

  However, despite the strange display of trophies and the beautifully clad woman, what caught Roy by surprise the most was the foursome sitting on the velvet couch to his right. Seated quietly and wearing varied levels of annoyance and amusement on their faces were the four other members of his scrappy guild of misfits... the Sky Wolves.

  “Have a seat,” the woman in the throne said, motioning Roy and Kimoura to one of the empty velvet sofas.

  Kimoura began to move but Roy resisted, his gaze turning to the others as his confusion began to grow. “What’s going on here?”

  Remley turned in his seat to meet Roy’s gaze, a nervous smile painted across his face. “Royboy, I’d like you to meet Seline, the glorious silver dragon... and my sister.”

  Chapter 11

  Family Reunion

  Seline’s Tower, Eon

  With everything that had happened since his time on earth, being blindsided was something Roy should’ve been used to by now. And yet here he was, captured and standing in a room with a woman Remley called his sister!

  “So much for an evening off,” Roy muttered as he begrudgingly found a seat next to Kimoura, his spirit aura simmering in the pit of his stomach.

  Seline’s eyes followed him, studying his features with interest. “You know, you look remarkably similar to my late brother Rygan,” she said, her tone soft yet spoken by someone who was very much in control.

  “Never heard of you,” Roy replied, adding a bit of snark into his voice as he cut his eyes at Remley.

  Seline let out a single, forced laugh. “As expected, my brother prefers to speak in half-truths, always keeping important bits of information to himself to use later like an arsenal of secret weapons. It would only make sense that he didn’t mention his eldest sister… isn’t that right, Rem?”

  “You know me too well, dear sister,” Remley replied, a bit of venom in his overly cheery tone. “But perhaps it's important to note that I thought you were long dead.”

  “Then I hope you find my survival a pleasant surprise,” Seline replied. “You should’ve known that I was far too cunning to fall to a group of overzealous assassins…”

  “Like father did?” Remley retorted, creating a tangible unease in the chamber.

  Seline shifted in her seat, allowing her gaze to center on Remley for what seemed like an infinitely long second before grinning and turning her attention to the group as a whole. “Well, now that everyone has arrived, I suppose it’s time to explain why you are all here.”

  “You think?” Leila interjected, crossing her legs and matching the woman’s posture.

  Seline’s lips parted, forming a wide grin that looked strikingly similar to her brother’s. “Oh, I like her...” she continued. “But back to my point. The reason I’ve brought you all here is simple. It’s because… of love.”

  Roy took a quick glance around the room and found the others wearing looks of confusion... Well, except for Yoshiro who seemed to be laughing hysterically.

  “Love?” the old fisherman snorted. “Why, this family is the biggest group of nutjobs
this realm has ever laid eyes on. Please, please... tell me more.”

  Seline rolled her eyes before averting her gaze back to Roy and the others. “You see, my family founded the Steel Brotherhood, quite possibly the greatest guild to have ever existed on this wretched realm. We were a juggernaut among the other guilds, and yet... still we were not strong enough to quell the darkness of the veil. That’s why my father, Tiberius Bonaduce sought to form the legendary guild pact. He had a vision of bringing the realm’s mightiest guilds together to form a coalition strong enough to snuff out the dark guilds and the vile darkbeasts for good. However, the dark guilds and their gods proved to be far more cunning than we expected. Before the guild pact could be fully realized, the leader of the Endless Serpent Guild put a hit out on the Bonaduce family, and any other person involved in the pact.... and they called it the Bounty of Blades.”

  “Eager to earn a quick coin, the smaller guilds began imploding and alliances crumbled as everyone sought the blood of my family and the other elite guilds of Eon. We fought tooth and nail for our supremacy, but when we found ourselves at our weakest...” Seline paused to draw in a calming breath before continuing. “The dark guilds moved in for the kill. That bastard Jeryn Blackstar murdered my father… he nearly eradicated my entire bloodline. However, the Steel Brotherhood was a massive organization and my father had many heirs, allowing a few of us to slip through the cracks. Remley and Rygan were fortunate enough to remain hidden in Atherune, the dark guilds believing them to be dead or defected with no ability to wield the Brotherhood’s insignia. And I... well, I don’t die so easy.”

  Roy took a second to peer around the room and study the other’s expressions. Remley’s smile was gone, a pained expression now painted onto his face and a single tear running down his pale cheek. Who could blame him though, seeing that the man’s past was being dug up with such blatant disregard? The others displayed varied levels of interest in Seline’s tale.... all except Leila, who seemed to be all but annoyed by the woman.

  “You’ve said quite a few words,” Leila interjected. “But none of them explain why you captured my crew and brought them here. You say the reason is love and yet, you’ve done nothing but give us a history lesson and tear open your brother’s old wounds.”

  Roy couldn’t help but smirk at Leila’s remark. Even though the woman caused him a fair bit of grief, he couldn’t help but admire how fiercely she protected her own.

  Seline was not so impressed.

  “That history is precisely the reason I have you all here,” Seline rebuked, momentarily cutting her eyes at Leila before shifting her gaze around the room. “The moment my brother activated his steel brotherhood insignia, he let every vile thing in the shadows know that the Bonaduce family still lives. The dark ones will come for him and anyone that he cares for. They will hunt all of you down until the bounty of blades has been fulfilled... and I’ll be damned if I let that happen.”

  “Then what is your plan, dear sister?” Remley asked, his tone uncharacteristically somber.

  “Simply put... I plan on protecting you, brother. Guilds have been outlawed here in Shadowreach, but as you can see my little shadow organization has grown to be rather effective. You and your crew can work for me as members of the Bronze Horns. You’ll be paid, fed, and afforded some of the best housing this shadowy city can offer.”

  Remley leaned forward in his seat, placing a hand upon his chin. “If guilds are outlawed, then how do you operate such as organization?”

  Seline smirked. “From the shadows, when necessary. Without a proper guild charter, the Bronze Horns are recognized as more of a business than anything else. And besides... rumors have spread that the city’s spirit magus is going mad. If he relinquishes control of the city, then we’ll be in the perfect position to take over.”

  “Ever the opportunist...” Remley muttered, forcing a smile back onto his face.

  “It is the family way,” Seline replied. “But it’s also sensible. I’ve remained well hidden in this city of outlaws, but if the dark ones here of me, then they’ll come for both of us with everything they have. The blood pumping through our veins represents the last bit of hope that they’ve been unable to snuff out, and I fully intend to be ready for them when they come to snuff it out. Now, what say you brother? Will you accept my offer and join my organization? Or will you brave the streets of Shadowreach on your own?”

  Remley made a quick glance in Leila’s direction, meeting her eyes with his own before turning back to his sister. “Will we be forced to disband our guild?”

  Seline shook her head. “Certainly not. Your little group is far too small and without a sigil. It won’t even register under the Spirit Magus’s watchful eye.”

  Remley sighed. “Then I suppose we are yours, dear sister. For now.”

  Seline’s grin widened as she rose from her makeshift throne. “Excellent.”


  Seline Bonaduce, the glorious silver dragon watched with feigned curiosity as her brother and his entourage exited the chamber. Mixed emotions swirled through her spirit as the door slid shut and the group vanished from view, feelings that had surfaced ever since she learned of her brother’s survival.

  On one hand, she was overjoyed to see Remley again, the little brother she thought lost to the Bounty of Blades. But on the other, she felt devastated to learn of Rygan and his demise with the Sky Wolves. If only she had known they’d survived. She could’ve done something, could’ve brought him under her protection...

  A firm hand settled on Seline’s shoulder, drawing her out of her thoughts. She turned her head to see Ezry standing over her, the woman’s lips curved into a half-smile.

  “I thought you’d be happy now that your brother is here, my lady,” Ezry said as she delicately massaged her fingers into Seline’s shoulder, causing her to let out a small, shallow breath.

  “It’s complicated,” Seline replied as she reached up and placed a hand over Ezry’s. She had found the outrealmer not long after the woman arrived in Eon and had taken an immediate liking to her. She’d trained her in the art of spiritual warfare, soon after appointing Ezry as her sword, a personal guardian of sorts. And after that, lovers...

  “As are all things...” Ezry replied as she ran her ghostly fingers through Seline’s hair. “What are you planning now that you’ve brought your brother under your wing?”

  Seline chuckled. “If you learn anything about my brother, it’ll be that it’s impossible to keep him held down. I imagine he’ll grow tired of me soon and try to run off again... but until then, I plan on keeping him close. It’s almost a guarantee that the spiders will come for him, or the serpents or the dragons, and I’ll be damned if I let them steal another member of my family from me...”

  “And what of the Spirit Magus and his… situation? Do you still think his days are numbered?”

  “Oh, I’m certain of it,” Seline replied. “I fully anticipate Shadowreach to descend into chaos when that happens... and from that, we will rise.”


  “Just what in Eon’s ashes is going on?” Leila growled as the group entered their quarters, a series of small, lightly furnished rooms that encircled a common living area.

  Remley let out a sigh before flopping onto a worn leather sofa. “Apologies fearless leader, but I’m just as surprised to see my sister as you as are. Every account I’ve heard of the Steel Brotherhood massacre spoke of her death in vivid detail.”

  “That’s precisely why she’s alive,” Yoshiro interjected, the typical agitation is his voice present. “It’s pretty clear that the dark guilds let some of their targets slip through the cracks...”

  “And by pronouncing them dead, they force them into hiding,” Leila added. “Less those that escaped put a huge target on their back and be hunted down like dogs.” Leila’s gaze cut back to Remley, who merely offered her a shrug.

  “So, where do we go from here?” Kimoura asked as she leaned back against Roy, allowing her weight to rest on h
is broad chest.

  “I say we stay,” Quinn said, drawing a look of surprise from Leila and the others. “We need to regroup, refill our pockets and rebuild our supplies. And from the looks of it, this organization has everything we need in order to do so... at least until we plan our next move.” A sudden grin spread across Quinn’s face, so much so that his reed nearly fell from his mouth. “Plus, we get to stay in the company of the glorious silver dragon herself.”

  Leila’s cheeks immediately reddened as Remley let out a raucous laugh. “Quinn old boy, do you have a crush on my sister?”

  Quinn shrugged. “What can I say? She’s a legend among southern Eoners... a silver flash on the battlefield able to eliminate her enemies with ruthless precision.”

  “Everything you’ve said is quite true,” Remley digressed. “My sister is an amazing woman, if not a bit difficult at times… Though, it’s a pity you’ll never have a chance with her.”

  “And why’s that?” Quinn asked, furrowing his brow.

  “Because dear friend, my sister prefers the company of women.”

  Quinn’s lips parted and his reed fell from his mouth as though he just took a sword to the chest...

  And just like that, it was Leila’s turn to laugh.

  Chapter 12

  Dakkon Kaito

  Irefold Village, Northern Eon

  The farming village of Irefold was an oddity in Eon. Located many miles south of Shadowreach, the village was so small that it often didn’t appear on maps of the realm. Its population, which was quite low, merely consisted of farmers and tradesmen, with a single resident wind adept to guard them against threats.


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