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Whispering Sun

Page 30

by Rita Karnopp

  "Are you well, my wife? I sense you are growing tense. Is there a reason for this?"

  She glanced up, surprised by his sensitivity to her needs. "It's nothing but my imagination. This is a grand day. I can't believe all these gifts and people. Why do you ask?" She heard him draw in a deep breath, then looked into his eyes.

  "I marvel at your great beauty, wife."

  "You're talking with the smooth tongue of the white man. You're also evading my question. Now that we're husband and wife you must think you don't have to listen to me, or answer my questions," she said, stifling a giggle. She watched Two Shadow's mouth twitch in amusement.

  "I have heard that a wife becomes very possessive and demanding. I thought this to be a rumor. Now I quickly learn it is true," he laughed, then leaned closer to her ear. "I'll answer so you don't think I am one of those husbands who―" Two Shadows grabbed Whispering Sun and tossed her a short distance from him. The crowd responded with a vocal cry of confusion and bewilderment.

  Whispering Sun lay, dazed by his actions. She stared at her man, wondering what she'd done, or said, to deserve this humiliating, harsh reaction. Tears stung her eyes.

  Two Shadows grabbed the flap that covered the handsome bag that had been at Whispering Sun's side. With his knife, he tipped the bag over. A large, brown rattlesnake crawled out, its tail shaking. No warning sound emitted from the action, someone had deliberately removed the rattles.

  The crowd stood, gasping at the sight before them. Disbelief stunned them into an eerie silence.

  The snake slithered a short distance from Two Shadows, causing the crowd to nervously back away. It coiled and held its position.

  Two Shadows made a move toward it with his knife. The snake struck at him, missing.

  Whispering Sun noticed beads of moisture formed on his upper lip. She watched him second-guess the snake's next move, causing the reptile to back into a row of rocks, holding its position. Two Shadows grabbed the beaded bag it had slithered from, then slid it toward the snake. He inched it closer and closer to the dangerous foe. One quick scoop and he had the slithering enemy captured. Without hesitation, Two Shadows pulled the flap down and secured the straps.

  Standing, Two Shadows looked the crowd over, then, without hesitation, walked over to Laughing Eyes and Buffalo Woman. He dropped the bag at their feet.

  "I believe there has been a mistake. This gift does not belong in my tipi. I'm certain it would feel more comfortable in yours."

  Even from her distance, Whispering Sun could see their faces pale.

  Whispering Sun watched her husband. His calm appearance amazed her, since she had no doubts he brewed a deep anger. Surely he didn't want this hateful act to damper their marriage day.

  She noticed everyone watched Two Shadows, Laughing Eyes and Buffalo Woman. Whispering Sun noticed many of the people shook their heads in disapproval and whispered among themselves.

  Howling Wolf rose to his feet, holding his head in a lowered posture—one of shame. He grabbed the leather bag strap in a tight grip. With his other hand, he reached down and grasped a handful of Buffalo Woman's hair, bringing her abruptly to her feet. Without a word, he turned and walked away from the celebration.

  Holding her breath, Whispering Sun watched, settling her gaze on Laughing Eyes. The look of hate behind those eyes made Whispering Sun shudder. She watched the young maiden silently follow behind her parents.

  Two Shadows hadn't expected anything like this. A public display of bad behavior wouldn't be easily forgiven in their village. The people approved of harmony, generosity, kindness, and above all honesty; not deceit or trickery. Buffalo Woman and Laughing Eyes would pay dearly; first at the hands of Howling Wolf, then in years to come by the people.

  Two Shadows turned and quickly spotted Whispering Sun. Surely she understood the meaning of the deadly snake. He hoped she'd quickly forget it. He hurried to her side, pulling her gently against him. "Did I hurt you, little one?" he whispered in her ear.

  She shook her head. "You surprised me at first. I'm only grateful now."

  "We will let it pass. Nothing will spoil our marriage day," Two Shadows said, smiling to affirm his words. He turned toward the ever-watching crowd, then cleared his throat. "It is with pride that my sits-beside-me wife and I accept your many wonderful gifts. You're generosity means a lot to us. My wife will say a few words now."

  She gave Two Shadows a surprised look. What should she say? Twisting her hands together, she searched for the right words. "You have made me feel most welcome," she said in choppy, yet she knew understandable Blackfeet. "My heart is singing with good feelings for all of you. I have found what my heart has been looking for, and I thank you for being a part of it. We will use your beautiful gifts with happiness. Thank you."

  Two Shadows pulled Whispering Sun closer. "It is time to celebrate," he announced.

  Many whoops, and shrill cries voiced an approval. Whispering Sun smiled. Many talented drummers beat rhythmically while other shook rattles of various sizes and sounds. Young warriors appeared in fine feathers and heavily beaded costumes. They danced in time to the drumming with quick, sudden steps.

  Two Shadows and Whispering Sun sat back on their blanket. "Did I tell you, my wife, that you are a beautiful woman? It is hard for me to resist you in that dress."

  She smiled, recognizing the huskiness of his voice and knowing what it meant. She felt warmth flush her cheeks. "Yes, you did tell me. But it makes me happy to hear it again. Did I tell you how handsome you look in your fine leather clothes, my husband?"

  "Yes, but you may tell me again," he said, leaning forward to brush his lips across hers.

  "Here, Two Shadows," Willow Basket handed him a bowl of food.

  "Here is one for your wife, too," Otter Woman said, looking at them, a sly smile unsuccessfully hidden. "Willow Basket, I think our children are hungry, but I don't think it is food they are thinking of."

  Whispering Sun smiled, as the two giggling women walked away.

  "Don't pay any attention to them. They think they're being clever in their teasing." Two Shadows said.

  She could tell his tone was an attempt to soothe her. She smothered a giggle behind her hand. "They're right, you know."

  "I agree. I am not the least interested in food right now." She watched as his gaze traveled the length of her body and she felt a heated flush rush through her veins. Glancing out among the people, Whispering Sun noticed she and Two Shadows were being carefully watched. Often times they would whisper behind hands, others pointed their way. "What do you think they're saying about us, Two Shadows?" she asked, feeling awkward under their obvious scrutiny.

  "You should not let it bother you. Most likely they are pointing to the bear claws that decorate your dress and fine moccasins. They may be fascinated by your beautiful sun-touched hair. Or, they may be envious of your eyes that shine like the still waters on the lake."

  She smiled at her husband. "Maybe they're wondering if the handsome warrior would be interested in taking another wife. Otter Woman told me it's your custom to take as many wives as you can afford to keep. Will you do such a thing, my husband?"

  "I have known for some time that my heart has room for only one woman. A woman who fills my thoughts with confusion, desire and love. Besides, I don't think I could stand questions from more than one wife."

  She noted a trace of laughter in his last comment. It might have been a bad question to ask on her marriage day, but she had a need to know. She'd worried about it ever since she'd noticed several warriors had more than one wife. She smiled at her husband, and said, "How much longer must we sit here and watch?" Again, she cursed the stain that washed over her cheeks and down her neck. She didn't want to tell him her injured leg hurt from sitting crossed-legged for such a long time.

  Two Shadows stood, and without a word lifted her into his arms like a child. She said nothing but quickly hid her face into his shoulder when he walked across the camp area, to the banter and light comments and even
laughter offered by many.

  Reaching their tipi, Two Shadows carried her through the opening, as would a groom through the threshold of a newly married couple's house. She wondered what many of the whites would say to that. He set Whispering Sun to her feet. She watched as he tied the entry flap secure from the inside.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two Shadows turned his burning gaze on her. "It is too late to change your mind. You are my wife and must do as I say now."

  "So, that's how it's going to be. What is your first command, husband?" she asked, striving to sound serious, but hearing the teasing note in her own voice. She read passion in his expression.

  "Take that beautiful tunic off before I lose control and ruin it with my clumsy attempts."

  "If you insist, husband. Then what will you have me do?"

  "Remove those leggings and allow me to lavish you with my love."

  She smiled, noticing his breathing had quickened, as her own. She couldn't seem to shed her clothing as fast as she wanted. Finally, they were off and she stood naked before her man.

  The firelight gave off a rosy glow, the flames teasingly flickered, exposing her shapely form before his eyes. She had crossed her arms self-consciously over her breasts, covering them. He couldn't help chuckling over her lingering shyness.

  "Please, Whispering Sun, do not shelter your beauty from me. My eyes need to see all of you," he said, watching her arms drop. He settled his gaze on an erect nipple awaiting his caress. Most of her pale body had now browned from the sun, it lured him even more. Her thin waist, flat stomach, and welcoming hips called out to him. He allowed his gaze to travel, then linger over the golden, velvet paradise that had become his alone. As Two Shadows made love to her with his eyes, he found himself breathless.

  He shed his bighorn skins and leggings, tossing them in a heap next to Whispering Sun's marriage clothes. He stood before her, his bronze body throbbing with desire.

  The firelight danced in glowing shadows across his naked form. She shamelessly stared in admiration. Although they had previously made love, she hadn't been able to bring herself to truly look at him. She hadn't realized a man's body could be this impressive. His black hair hung loose about his muscular shoulders. His profile spoke of power and ageless strength. She allowed herself to look him over as he'd just done with her. She took in his massive chest and taunt stomach. She boldly lowered her gaze, pausing on his swollen manhood, then returned to stare into his eyes.

  Whispering Sun reached over and lightly traced the scars that laced across his broad chest. The heat from his body excited her. Happiness exploded within her. She laced her fingers in his, time stood still.

  "I love you, Two Shadows. Tell me I'm not dreaming. Tell me you are my husband so my ears can hear it again." She struggled with the emotions that filled her. "I can only hope I'll bring you honor as your wife. Your ways are so different than mine. I fear I'll embarrass you and you'll wish you'd never married me."

  "I could never be ashamed of you, my love. You are brave, caring and kind. Your beauty is not only on the outside. Any man would die to have a wife as you." He took that final step, drawing her into his arms. He moved his lips over hers, demanding and hungry. She responded without reservation. They ignited as flesh touched flesh.

  He rubbed his finger across the necklace that rested against her breast. "Wear this always. Each time you look at it, be reminded that I love you."

  Two Shadows slid down to his knees, bringing Whispering Sun with him. Careful of her leg, he gently pressed her back against the buffalo robes.

  She grabbed his ebony hair and drew him closer. She rose to welcome his kiss. First tender, then demanding, they sought out the taste of each other.

  He blazed a trail of kisses across her cheek, to her sensitive ear lobe, down her throat to settle on her breasts. She arched her back to invite his searing kisses. His tongue danced across her hardened nipples, sending a wave of desire and passion throughout her body. He drew her breast into his eager mouth and worked the satiny skin until a slight moan escaped her lips.

  Her body writhed and pressed against him. He slid his hands down the skin of her silky back, across shapely hips, then finally to the awaiting, pulsing flesh between her thighs. His hand pressed her legs slightly apart, giving his fingers access to the most intimate part of her. He shuddered with excitement as he felt her readiness for him.

  He rose to his knees, and massaged her thighs. His breathing came fast. Sliding her legs apart, he rose above, then entered her. Thrusting, first gently, then with an urgency, they became one.

  Whispering Sun gasped as he pressed into her. Her flesh burned, needing more and more. Demanding more and more. She pulled on his hips, raising her own to receive all of him.

  "Love me, Two Shadows," she whispered.

  "I give you my heart, Whispering sun." He kissed her, hot and fierce. He moved inside her; wave after wave. Filling her with his life, his love, his heart.

  They joined in an explosion of love. The hot tide of passion raged through them both. The meaning of this union would be like no others...this their marriage night. Breasts, thighs, touching, kissing, it all became a frenzy, exploding in a downpour of fiery sensations. They soared higher and higher until she cried out in a peak of delight.

  Two Shadows trembled as he eased himself beside her, holding her against his exhausted body.

  "I love you, Two Shadows."

  "I love you, Whispering Sun."

  "I'm so happy. I didn't think it'd feel like this. Nothing could be better than this."

  Holding her tight against him, Two Shadows said, "My heart soared like the eagle. My love for you has made me feel alive. Your love for me has given my life meaning and a future."

  She heard the emotion in his voice and knew he meant every word.

  They would rest now. She snuggled against him. Lying in the haven of his love, with his hand resting around her breast. It felt right.

  * * *

  The first five days of being Two Shadow's wife had been wonderful. Whispering Sun found she loved being a Blackfeet woman. Otter Woman taught her endless things each day. Each new conquest brought her incredible pride.

  "Two Shadows, look," she said, holding up her elk horn flesher. I have made my first black dot. It means I have finished tanning my first robe. Otter woman says that when I have ten skins tanned I will have enough for one tipi. Then I can put a red dot on the other side of my handle."

  "It hasn't taken you long to start competing with the other women, has it?"

  "Willow Basket said I'm very talented. She's going to show me how to do beadwork tomorrow. I'll be able to create my own designs."

  He noted an expression of satisfaction showing in her eyes. "I am proud of you Whispering Sun. There is no man in our village that has a happier, harder working wife than me." He swung her into the circle of his arms.

  She laughed. His uneven breathing warmed her cheek.

  "I cannot seem to get enough of you, my wife. I am ready for you just thinking about it. I do not want to wait until night comes," he whispered, pulling her onto the buffalo robes.

  She clung to him, trembling with needs of her own. "I feel the same as you. But what if Otter Woman comes back?" His touch, firm and persuasive, invited more. She leaned into him.

  "She'll realize we need to be alone. She will go see Willow Basket. Both are anxious to hold a newborn child in their arms. They will be happy to wait for us."

  Embarrassment filled her. "They'll know what we're doing. We should wait until night."

  Two Shadows laughed. "You think at night they do not know what we do? Napi made woman for man. There is no wrong, only right, between a husband and wife." In a feather-touch, he moved his lips over hers with tantalizing persuasion.

  "Two Shadows, may I enter? It is I, Drags The Rope."

  Whispering Sun jerked from the arms of her man, quickly moving to the cooking pot that hung over the fire.

  Two Shadows took several seconds to s
low his breathing, before receiving his visitor.

  "Oki," Two Shadows invited.

  She watched Drags The Rope enter. He had a short, thick body. His black braids reached his waist ties.

  "It is good to see you, Two Shadows. I am sorry to have missed your marriage to Whispering Sun. This is my gift," he said, extending a colorful blanket tied into a knot.

  "We thank you for your gift. Come sit by my fire," Two Shadows offered, sitting himself.

  Drags The Rope sat where Two Shadows had indicated. "You must have wife open blanket. I think it will please her."

  Two Shadows glanced at Whispering Sun, and said, "Come join us. Drags The Rope wishes you to see what marriage gifts he has brought us."

  She approached the men, angry at herself for being embarrassed. "It's nice to have you in our tipi, Drags The Rope. My husband has told me many stories about your pranksters as a boy," she said, kneeling near Two Shadows.

  "He stretches the truth. I would not believe much of what he tells you. It is a pleasure to meet the white woman who has our village humming with gossip. It is a pleasure to meet the wife of my friend," Drags The Rope commented.

  "She has created much excitement," Two Shadows admitted proudly.

  Again she felt uncomfortable. They talked about her as though she wasn't there. "The stories are greatly exaggerated by now, I'm sure," she interjected.

  "You are not only more beautiful than I have been told, but you are also humble. I like you already, Whispering Sun! In choosing you for his mate, my friend has made the first wise decision of his life," Drags The Rope said, shoving his gift toward her.

  Unsure what to answer, she untied the red, blue and yellow striped blanket, then found herself captivated by the contents before her. She grasped a large oval mirror, fondling the handsomely carved frame between her fingers. It seemed like an eternity since she'd seen herself in a true mirror. A still pond had a way of distorting the image.

  She gazed into her reflection, strange eyes stared back. Surely they belonged to someone else. The tanned, mature face staring back couldn't be her own. Where had the young girl gone? She liked the woman who stared back, but she didn't know this face with set jaw and air of confidence.


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