Breaking Belle (Princess After Dark Book 2)

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Breaking Belle (Princess After Dark Book 2) Page 1

by Isabella Starling

  Breaking Belle

  Copyright © 2017 Isabella Starling

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Other Books

  To Jocelyn Quirindongo, good girl and reader extraordinaire!

  Much love,

  Isa xx

  FRND—Sticks and Stones

  Telykast, Bryce Fox—Coldhearted

  Nick Jonas—Find You

  Gryffin, Katie Pearlman—Nobody Compares To You

  Telykast—There for You

  XYLØ, Joe Mason—Get Closer

  Madison Beer—Dead

  Gryffin, Illenium, Daya—Feel Good

  Stanaj—The Way I Love Her

  Ansel Elgort—All I Think About Is You

  Matoma, The Vamps—Staying Up

  Axwell & Ingrosso, Kid Ink—I Love You

  PLVTINUM, Tarro, Ellusive—Champagne & Sunshine

  Prince Fox, Bella Thorne—Just Call

  DJ Snake, Lauv—A Different Way

  Shaun Frank—Upsidedown

  KREAM, Clara Mae—Taped Up Heart

  Full playlist on Spotify here.


  I watched as Luca and Nico dragged the man before me, making him kneel in front of my throne. His face was beaten up beyond recognition. I could barely believe this was the same man who’d worked for me for years, years before he ended up on his knees in front of me. And I wasn’t going to be gentle, not now that I knew he had betrayed me in the worst possible way.

  “Do you know why you’re here?” I asked him calmly.

  The man spat at my newly polished shoes, a slew of Russian insults flowing from his mouth as I smirked down at him. I clicked my fingers, and a young boy approached and dropped to his knees to polish my shoes the next second.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I told the traitor. “It will only get you in deeper shit than you are already in.”

  “Fuck you, Dom,” he growled at me, his Russian suddenly gone and replaced by perfect English.

  It was the reason I never suspected him. Aleksei didn’t have a Russian accent, so I never knew he’d been secretly working for the mafia, trying to encroach on my fucking business. Trampling my property to give it to his boss, all the while pretending he was my best friend… I still remembered a night in a bar together, when he’d told me I was a good friend, that he trusted me with his life.

  He was going to regret those words now because I was going to end him.

  “You’re dead,” I said simply. “Any last words?”

  “You’ll be punished for this,” Aleksei spat out. “Nikolai will not take this lightly. You’re done!”

  “No,” I grinned at him. “Actually, you’re the one who’s done.”

  And then I shot him, right in the chest. Two bullets to the heart for his two mistakes. One—spying on me and delivering information about my business to his boss. Two—trusting me. He should never have done that.

  The young boy offered me a cool wet towel, and I wiped my hands off before tossing it to the side. I got off my throne and walked away, leaving my men to dispose of the body.

  I didn’t want to admit it, but what I’d just done cut into my heart… or the tattered remains of it.

  I hadn’t wanted to kill Aleksei. Until the last minute, I tried to pretend it wasn’t his fault, that he’d been tricked into betraying me somehow. It was because we had gotten so close, I almost saw him as a brother. But a brother would never betray me the way Aleksei had. He wouldn’t have been a fucking snitch, taking every detail of our private conversations to a man that was my enemy.

  I walked over to the atrium and stared at nature’s cruel play in front of me.

  The whole castle was snowed in, a thick white carpet covering everything. It had been snowing for weeks now, and we were practically cut off here, living on our supplies and trying to make as few visits into town as possible so we wouldn’t arouse any suspicion. Some of the locals knew we were living in the old castle up on the hill, but most of them didn’t know who we were, and thankfully, most of them didn’t give a fuck, either.

  But the snow wasn’t as beautiful as it was dangerous. We needed to hide out, and we were easy prey in the castle… but there was no way around it. The Russians had already killed everyone that mattered most to me. My father, my mother, my… I couldn’t bear to think of it. My hands formed fists at my sides and I walked back inside, away from the pearly white snow.

  “I have a house call to make,” I said as Nico and Luca rushed towards me. “A certain Christopher Dalton.”

  “Yes, boss,” Nico nodded. “He owes you triple what he owed you last week. The man is an addict… and he was back gambling just last night, even after our warning.”

  “Well, that’s not ideal,” I muttered to myself. “We’re just going to have to remind him harder, aren’t we?”

  “Yes, boss,” Nico and Luca said in unison.

  I retreated to my rooms to get ready, slipping on a suit jacket to go with my chinos and crisp white shirt. Even if was just seeing the fear in a traitor’s bones, I wanted to look good for it. But that didn’t change the fact that Christopher Dalton was a fucking dead man.

  We drove up into the city, and I left the car accompanied by three other men. Nico and Luca stood to my side while the kid took the front. It wasn’t because I couldn’t take attacks myself. It was because I couldn’t be seen. Not while I was planning my revenge.

  The men left me ringing the doorbell on a crumbling small house, wedged between two larger buildings. I stretched my arms out, my fingers covered in black leather.

  I didn’t like to make things messy, and I’d grown to despise the feeling of blood on my hands.

  The doorbell rang out, and I grinned as I heard footsteps approaching.

  “Open sesame,” I muttered just as a small, pathetic drunk man opened the door.

  In seconds, Nico had his hand wrapped around the man’s throat, and he walked him back into the house while the three of us followed.

  I shut the door softly behind us, grinning to the elderly neighbor that was passing by. She waved at me, and I returned the gesture.

  Once inside, I took a long look around us. The room was filthy, and the furniture falling to bits. Christopher Dalton was not a man who had a lot of money to his name.

  Well, not a lot of his own. It seemed to me like he had a whole lot of mine.

  Sometimes I lent money to people, but it was never as big of an am
ount as we’d let Dalton borrow. That had been Aleksei’s mistake, one of the reasons I found out what he’d been doing. I knew now he was throwing my money in a bottomless pit with Dalton. One look at the man in person told me everything I needed to know.

  “Hello, Dalton,” I said in my most gentlemanly voice.

  There was the sound of footsteps on the staircase, and in a second, the room filled with children of all shapes and sizes.

  “What the fuck?” I said, looking around the room. “Who are these?”

  “M-My children,” Dalton managed to get out. “I have… a few.”

  “Of course you do,” I said, grabbing a gun out of my belt and making a girl scream.

  “Now, let’s talk about what really matters here, Dalton,” I said roughly. “You. Having my money. And not paying it back. Doesn’t sound very nice, does it?”

  I pointed the gun down and kneeled next to a boy of about fourteen. He was still a child, but there was a hardness to his looks and a glint in his eye that told me he was just as sly as I had been at his age.

  “What do you think, kid?” I asked him gently.

  “I-I,” he started. “I think if you are right, my dad is in trouble.”

  “What a great observation,” I said, clapping my hands slowly and grinning at the shivering drunk in front of me. “Now, what do you think, kid? What should I do when someone owes me money?”

  “M-Make them pay,” the kid muttered, and I laughed out loud.

  “Exactly, kid,” I said.

  I looked around the room, smirking at its messiness, the obviously cheap furniture and the lack of anything personal revealing it was rented, and probably barely being paid for.

  And then my eyes settled on a small figure behind Christopher Dalton’s back. A cowering wisp of a girl, not a girl anymore, not as I kept staring, and definitely not once she looked back into my eyes.

  Her eyes were innocent, but her body was far from it. She was a kind of beauty I hadn’t seen before; absolutely, devastatingly stunning. Her mouth was plump, thick red lips glistening in the dim light, her eyes big and scared and brown, surrounded by long black lashes. Her skin had a healthy glow, but she was too thin, her tits and the curve of her ass straining painfully against the dress she was wearing, even though it was hanging limply everywhere else.

  This was a girl who belonged in ballgowns and expensive jewels, not tattered hand-me-downs. This was a girl who brought me, a fucking mafia kingpin, to my knees, with one. Single. Look.

  “Her,” I growled, and she cowered from my voice, as if that alone was going to hurt her.

  “Her,” I repeated, pointing at her. “Bring her out.”

  Luca stepped forward, shoving her brothers aside and grabbing the girl’s arm. She whimpered, and my cock reacted instantly as I stared her down.

  “Gentler,” I barked, and Luca’s grip loosened.

  “To me. Bring her to me,” I ordered, and he made her stand in front of me, shivering in her skimpy, raggedy dress.

  “Name,” I said, staring into her eyes. They were a beautiful chocolate brown, so expressive and so damn innocent it was making my cock twitch just from looking into them.

  “Ar-Ar…” she started, tears filling her eyes as she stared at me. I could tell she was scared. It was in her primal instinct, because I was a monster, and her body was screaming at her to run.

  I reached out, my hands huge against her pretty little face, and she let out a cry as I grabbed her chin. But now I was gentle, unable to hurt her, unable to move a hair on her head. She was different, she was special, and I couldn’t for the life of me imagine hurting her, as bad as my body wanted it.

  “Tell me,” I ordered her, and she shivered in my arms, her eyes fluttering open and closed.

  “Arabelle,” she finally whispered, her plump lips parting to let the word out in a whisper.

  “Belle,” I said. “To me, you are Belle. Understand?”

  My thumb traced her bottom lip, opening it just a little, looking at the wet mouth behind it. She nodded, her eyes on mine, her mouth held open.

  “Who are y-you?” she stuttered, and I grinned, leaning down against her face.

  I had her turned around in seconds, and she mewled as I gathered her long brown locks in one hand, gently lifting it so I exposed her long, pale neck.

  “I’m the monster from your nightmares,” I groaned against her skin, my eyes going to her father over her shoulder. “Dominic Blackwood. I’m the man your daddy owes a whole lotta money to, beautiful. And now, I’m going to make him pay.”

  MY BODY SHOOK AS HE held my throat between his strong fingers.

  He was a monster, so huge, so rugged, my neck felt like a flower in his grasp, the stem easily broken with a single snap. I was shivering, and I wasn’t even trying to hide it.

  What I was trying to hide, was the wetness between my legs, which was soaking my panties as the stranger held me in his fisted hand. I didn’t understand it myself, and my eyes kept opening and closing in confusion as my thighs got wet. He made me turn around. I looked up into his eyes and my heart pounded. He looked like he knew exactly what was going on in my head, and he smirked in my face before letting go of my hair and letting go of me so suddenly I fell forward.

  Adrian ran to me, wrapping his arms around me and helping me get up while he glared at the man.

  Dominic Blackwood. And my father owed him money. He did not look like the kind of person I’d want to owe anything to.

  His cryptic words were still echoing in my ears as the man turned to face my father.

  “You’ve got yourself quite the debt here, Mr. Dalton,” he said to him. “I think we’re going to have to find a way to make it even, don’t you?”

  My father’s eyes darted to mine, and I stared at him, holding my brother, as he nodded eagerly at Blackwood.

  “Anything,” he said pathetically. “Anything you want me to do. Just please… don’t hurt me.”

  Was this really happening? They could hurt Dad or any of us, and I wouldn’t be able to do a thing.

  I held Adrian tightly to my chest, praying that nobody would hurt him.

  I didn’t have a lot of close relationships with my siblings. Most of them couldn’t stand me because I looked so much like our mother. But Adrian looked like her too, and everyone liked him. I couldn’t lose him, though. He was my only friend in the house, and in the world.

  I felt one of the men’s eyes on me. Not the one who had held me earlier, not Dominic—one of the other three, his dark gaze penetrating me to the core. It felt uncomfortable, and I glanced away from him, not wanting him to notice how he was making me feel. I didn’t like it. It held a promise of pain I didn’t like seeing, and it made me shiver.

  “What should I take?” Dominic wondered out loud, pacing around the room. “Maybe I should take your legs… Make you unable to walk.”

  I whimpered at the thought and my father paled.

  “Please,” he begged. “Anything, just don’t hurt me. Anything you want, I swear…”

  Dominic laughed out loud, the sound making my blood run cold.

  “I think I might want a little souvenir,” he said, picking up a Christmas ornament from the tiny tree we’d decorated just a few days ago.

  He dangled it on his fingers, and then let it fall. We all watched in utter silence as the glass globe shattered on the tile, breaking into smithereens. I was scared, my hands cold and shaking against Adrian’s chest. I couldn’t let anything happen to him… or anyone else. I’d sooner walk away with the beast myself than let him hurt anyone in the room. Even my drunk of a father.

  I stepped forward, pushing Adrian behind me.

  “Take me,” I said simply, and every single person in the room looked at me. I felt their burning gazes, but most of all, I felt the man’s eyes boring into mine.

  He smirked and approached, stepping on the broken ornament and making it crunch beneath his boots. He grabbed me by the neck again, this time not nearly as gentle. His touch was rou
gh, and his cruel intentions were clear. He wasn’t going to treat me nicely, not at all.

  “Take you?” he asked me simply, licking his lips and making me leak even more. “What makes you think I want you?”

  “You think I’m beautiful,” I said, raising my head up high. I was expecting someone to laugh at my words, but nobody dared make a sound. The scene was set between the two of us—the beast and his victim, ready to play out our parts for everyone to watch. “Isn’t that true?”

  He smirked at me.

  “I can have a woman like you every night, if I so desire,” he said, making my heart sink into the pit of my stomach. “What makes you think I’m going to write this debt off, just because I can have you? You think you’re special enough, beautiful?”

  Suddenly, he reached between my legs, his palm cool and hard against my pussy. I mewled and thrashed in his grip, but he didn’t waver.

  “Think this is special?” he grunted against my lips, taunting me. “Better than any other whores that I’ve had?”

  I cried out as he cupped my pussy, holding everything I’d never explored in the palm of his hand.

  “Sir, I–” I started, and a smile took over his face.

  “Sir?” he asked, his eyes sparkling darkly. “You’ll do.”

  He let go of me suddenly, and my body felt the loss of his fingers deeply. My whole family stared as he walked away, motioning at his goon to do something I didn’t understand. But the realization hit me as soon as the two larger men approached, wrapping their strong arms around mine and dragging me off. I dug my heels into the ground and cried out for help.

  “Dad!” I begged, but my father merely stared at me with a glassy expression, not moving to help me at all. “Somebody! Please!”

  “Arabelle!” my little brother screamed, but one of my older brothers held him back before he could come closer. “Please, no!”

  “I’m sorry,” Dad muttered, over and over again.

  And then I stopped resisting, my body sagging defeatedly in the men’s arms. I let them drag me out, and my bare heels touched snow the next second, the cold cutting straight to my bones. Dominic was gone from sight, and the two goons forced me into a car parked on the street. I didn’t even fight them. Why would I, anyway? I’d offered myself up as a sacrifice, and now it was too late to change my mind.


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