Breaking Belle (Princess After Dark Book 2)

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Breaking Belle (Princess After Dark Book 2) Page 2

by Isabella Starling

  They stashed me in the car, not being gentle in the slightest as they forced me inside. They both sat in the front, and I looked around, feeling bewildered. My feet were freezing, and my heart was pumping adrenaline through my whole body, but there was still no way I’d be able to escape them. I was going wherever they were going, but at least my father’s debt had been written off… Otherwise, I’d risk something happening to my little brother, and I couldn’t bear the thought of it. Adrian was so young, he didn’t deserve the bad things these men did to people who didn’t listen.

  I couldn’t believe Dad had just let me go like that. As if I didn’t matter and as if a gambling debt mattered more than the life of his only daughter. My eyes welled with tears at the thought, but I didn’t let them fall. I didn’t want them to see how hurt I was. I knew they’d only use it to torment me.

  We drove away in silence, and I stared out of the back window at the only home I’d ever known my whole life.

  I was only eighteen, but my life hadn’t been easy.

  I was the youngest of seven siblings until my little brother came along. But while he was cherished by everyone, none of my brothers cared about me. They saw me as a hindrance, a woman in the family about as welcome as a stray dog. I learned to take care of myself when I was a little girl. I fended for myself, and later on, I fended for my brother as well.

  But now, I was the only one who’d been willing to step up and take over Dad’s debt. The man who’d done his best to forget my existence owed me everything now. My mouth set in a line and I told myself I would make my father pay for every single one of the things I’d have to endure at the hands of Dominic Blackwood. I wasn’t a vengeful person, but bitterness and despair were biting at me, making me want to burst into tears. I wouldn’t let myself though, determined to stay strong in front of Blackwood’s thugs.

  The drive seemed to last for hours.

  I didn’t have any way of knowing how much time had passed, apart from the weather changing right outside my window. It was still snowing, thick, pillowy snowflakes covering the ground in a carpet that would freeze my feet to death. The two men in the front seat laughed, joked and messed around. I wondered whether they knew my life was about to change for the worse. I wondered if either of them cared that I’d just been sent to die. I had no doubt that Dominic Blackwood meant a death sentence for me.

  The sky was pitch black by the time the car came to a stop. I watched the two men leave the car, slam the door, and then drag me outside by my hair. My feet were freezing in the fresh snow, and I shivered as they took me towards an imposing building in front of us.

  It could have been described as a mansion, but really it was a castle, a huge building that stretched out over acres of property. I’d never even known of a place like it, but it was likely because the area was surrounded by woods, thick firs making me unable to see far ahead. A fog had settled over the valley, and the castle loomed in the distance. I had a torturous walk ahead of me unless one of them was going to carry me.

  I glanced at the men, and one of them snarled at me while the other laughed.

  “P-Please,” I begged. “I don’t… I don’t have any shoes.”

  One of the men approached me, his face against mine as he growled at me, “Do I look like I give a shit, beautiful?”

  They both laughed again, and I shivered as they shoved me forward, nearly falling to my knees. But I wasn’t going to let them see how much they were humiliating me. I’d walk in front, I’d get frostbite if I had to. I wasn’t about to break before I even came to the horrible castle where I would inevitably meet my end. I was going to break only when I saw no other way out of my predicament.

  I walked. I let the snow freeze my feet half to death, but I kept moving, their silent prisoner as we made our way to the woods.

  By the time we reached the doorstep of the looming castle, my teeth were chattering, and I was shaking so badly I had to grab on to the wall to keep myself steady.

  I heard slow, steady footsteps above me, and I looked up with my bottom lip trembling, my eyes focusing on him. Dominic Blackwood in all his horrible glory, coming down the stairs and watching me shiver like I was a lost kitty. He took one look at me and curled his lip in disgust before looking at his goons. It shouldn’t have hurt, but it really, really did. I didn’t want him looking at me that way.

  “What have you done?” he barked at the taller man who’d brought me there. The guy smirked, and I watched in horror as Dominic punched him in the face, making the man stumble backward. “She’s fucking cold. Did I or did I not tell you to be fucking gentle with her?”

  “You did, sir,” the other man said clearly, ignoring his fallen friend on the ground. “We apologize.”

  “Good,” Dominic snarled, kicking at the groaning thug on the floor. “Now get the fucking hell out of my face. I don’t want to look at you anymore.”

  The two men scrammed, and I stood in the corner, more afraid than I’d ever been before in my life. I watched him come for me, his hand extended towards me in a friendly manner. But I shook my head no, refusing to take it. Dominic raised his eyebrows, and I cowered in fear.

  “Look at me, Belle,” he growled. “Look. At. Me.”

  I raised my eyes, my lashes fluttering open and closed as he stared me down. This was the first time I dared to get a good look at him.

  The man was huge. Ripped, thick muscles covered in ink, strained against his suit. He had a neck tattoo of some kind of burning skull that frightened me. His hair was dark and closely cropped, and his eyes were a striking, almost sharp blue. He was incredibly handsome, but he looked so dangerous. He looked like the kind of man who wouldn’t think twice before hurting you. Hurting me…

  Then why was the sight of him making me tremble in ways I knew didn’t mean fear? Why were my fingers shaky, desperate to work the hidden place between my legs? And why was I clenching my legs as he approached me?

  Probably to hide the wet spot he’d left on my panties earlier.

  “I want your eyes on me,” he said now, his voice calmer. “I want you always looking at me, Belle. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I breathed as he came closer, his fingers touching my skin and making me hiss at the contact.

  “How are your feet?” he muttered, and I blinked fast, making him growl. “Answer my question. I’m not a very patient man, as I’m sure you’ll notice soon.”

  “C-cold,” I managed to get out. “I don’t have s-shoes.”

  “I couldn’t help but notice that, beautiful,” he said with a grin. “But now you need to be taken care of, or you’ll get frostbite. So, come with me.”

  He walked away, not taking another look back to see whether I was following him. Once I was almost behind him, he made me shriek as he turned around suddenly, advancing on me. I’d never been so scared in my life. The man was an animal, and I was easy prey.

  “This is Sarah,” he said, stepping aside to reveal a small woman with a friendly smile. “She’ll help you.”

  I gave the woman an untrusting look, and she smiled. She seemed nice enough, but I didn’t know her. I’d barely gone out of our house for the past few years. I was homeschooled. And now I was here, with people I didn’t know, who could use me any way they wanted to.

  “W-why not you?”

  I surprised myself by asking the question, and it hung in the air as Dominic came towards me, grabbing hold of a strand of my hair and pulling, hard. I gasped as he twirled my hair around his fingers.

  “Because,” he said roughly. “I don’t trust myself with you.”

  “You want to hurt me,” I breathed.

  “I do,” he growled, a beastly grin taking over his handsome face. “And I will. But not before you beg for it, beautiful.”

  SINCE I’D LEFT HER IN Sarah’s capable hands, I hadn’t seen my beautiful prisoner in days.

  I’d purposefully kept myself away from her, away from the castle, because she made me worry. I wasn’t my usual self when Belle was a
round. I felt distracted, the sight of her beautiful features so distracting I couldn’t focus on the only thing that mattered anymore. And that was revenge—most definitely not a seductive little brunette that ignited sparks within me, in places that should have burnt out long ago.

  I shook my head to get the thought out, tightening the tie around my neck.

  Finally, after four days of ignoring her completely, I was ready to play with my new toy.

  I’d told Sarah to prepare Belle for a dinner with me. I’d seen a dress I wanted her in, and I had it sent to her room along with a pair of shoes, strictly instructing Sarah to only let the girl wear them if her feet had recovered from frostbite.

  And now it was almost time for my beauty to walk down and meet me in the dining room. A look at my watch revealed I was late, and I rushed out of the master bedroom and into the foyer. I’d made sure nobody was around that night. Not the guards—despite their protests—not the kid, not Sarah. All alone with my girl, so she could start to work on the debt her father had accrued. And fuck, was I going to make her pay.

  I heard movement above me, and I gripped the stairwell, my eyes glued to the top of it, waiting for her to come to me.

  Her stunning little face appeared like a mirage under the chandelier. She looked down at me, her palm resting on the stairway. I could smell her. Her fucking scent was assaulting my nostrils, her body hurting my eyes. She looked like a damn advertisement. For what, I didn’t know, but I wanted every last inch of her innocent little body. Whatever the fuck it cost.

  She walked down the stairs, and my eyes were glued to her.

  The dress I’d chosen for her was fucking made for that hourglass figure she had going on. Her tight little waist was sucked in, the dress impossibly tight across her hips, her butt so deliciously round, my mouth watered at the sight of it. The dress wrapped in a beaded choker around her neck, and it had no sleeves, but it was open all the way down the front in a large keyhole. It showed off her pretty tits to perfection. She had the best fucking body I’d ever seen on a woman. The mere sight was addicting.

  The dress was a modest length, reaching down to her knees, so tight it made it hard for her to walk on the high heels I’d chosen. Stilettos, black and lacquered, the soles red and sexy, reminding me that she was a woman with every step she took. Because even if she was innocent, there was nothing that didn’t scream woman on her. She was grown up, ready, she was fucking ripe for me.

  “Good evening,” I greeted her, just as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

  I reached for her hand like a gentleman and watched her skin prickle with goosebumps when my fingers made contact with her wrist.

  “H-Hello,” she stuttered.

  I didn’t give her another second, leading her into the dining room. She tottered on her heels, but I fucking loved it. The sight of her figure-of-eight body swaying in those heels was enough to make my dick throb painfully hard, making me want to reach in my pants and stroke myself as I let her walk ahead of me.

  The dining room had been set to perfection, the table laid with silverware and crystal, and the plates loaded with food that looked mouthwateringly delicious.

  “Dig in, beautiful,” I told Belle, my eyes glinting darkly as I took my seat at one end of the table.

  The girl came towards me, her legs still shaking, and chose the seat next to me. Not the opposite of me, on the other end of the table. She decided to sit next to me, like the perfect little submissive. How fitting.

  “What do you want?” I asked her once she was sitting down, her eyes not quite meeting mine. “Why aren’t you eating?”

  “B-because you’re barking orders a-at me!” she snapped, and I gave her a surprised look.

  Right away, she hung her head and blushed deeply, and it made me chuckle.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful,” I told her. “I’m not going to hurt you for teasing me.”

  She looked relieved until I leaned in closer to whisper in her ear.

  “I’m going to hurt you because we both love it.”

  Her fingers shook as she sliced some vegetables on her plate, and I ate, all the while glancing in her direction, so fucking hungry to see more of her. She was a captivating beauty, and whenever she was close, I found it almost impossible to look away from her magnetic face. The way she ate was dainty and sweet, and every time she raised her cutlery to her lips, her little pink tongue darted out and licked at the morsel on her fork. It was fucking adorable, and it made me so hard I had to shift my sitting position.

  “Has Sarah been taking good care of you?” I asked her as we ate, and she gave a small little nod. “Words, beautiful, you know how to speak. I haven’t cut off your tongue… yet.”

  She paled at the thought, and my dick tightened at the sight of her fear. I was a bad man for wanting to hurt her, but I already knew just how much she would love it.

  “She made my feet better,” Belle murmured, restlessly moving a piece of chicken around her plate. “Thank you… for helping me. They really hurt.”

  “You will only hurt when I want you to,” I said simply, and she gasped, then covered it up with a fake little cough.

  I tried to tear my eyes away from her, but it was nearly impossible. She was captivating, her beauty so thrilling it took my breath away. Her hair fell down her back in big, styled waves. She looked healthier already, her skin glowing in a way that told me she was eating better than she had been at home.

  “What are you going to do to me?” she broke the silence, raising her big eyes to mine. “I want to know. I don’t like surprises.”

  “What makes you think I give a shit what you like?” I interrupted her, my crudeness making her blush. “And don’t act like a little girl with me.”

  “But…” she started, then thought better of it and placed her hands in her lap, blushing an even deeper red.

  “You’re a woman,” I said roughly. “I’m a man. I’m sure that tight little cunt’s been fucked before, not that I care. I’m going to be the last man to have it.”

  She choked out a sob and I glared at her as she pushed her plate away.

  “What?” I asked her cruelly. “Is that not clear enough for you, beautiful?”

  “Stop calling me that,” she cried out, throwing her fork down. I stared at her, her explosive anger going off all of a sudden and even surprising me. “I’m not… I’m not whatever the hell you think I am.”

  “She speaks,” I grinned at her. “And she has a dirty little mouth on her. But can she make it work too?”

  “I’m right here,” she pouted. “You don’t need to speak to me in the third person.”

  I laughed out loud at her, shaking my head, then saying, “I assume I don’t need to explain what’s going to happen here tonight, then?”

  She gave me a blank stare and I growled.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Belle,” I said simply, and once again, she gasped at my words. “Don’t you like the thought of that, beautiful? A bigger cock than you’ve ever had before. All the way inside… I’ll probably knock you up the first time I fill up that glorious little pussy.”

  “I…” she mumbled, a big fat tear rolling down her cheek.

  It made my chest hurt, and I didn’t understand it. She was scared, or in pain, or something. And I cared. I actually cared about her discomfort, and I wanted to kiss it better. She was making me into a weak man and I didn’t fucking like it. I never lost control. It was for the best for those around me. When I did lose control… bad things happened.

  “Explain,” I barked at her, and she gave me a shocked little stare. “Explain why you’re scared. Right the fuck now.”

  “I just,” she sniffled, fearfully looking at me. “I don’t… just… you know.”

  “I don’t, actually,” I grunted. “And I’m getting sick of this shit. What is it?”

  “I’m a virgin!” she blurted out. “Okay? I’m a virgin, I’ve never done this—it—before, I don’t even know how you could think… God, it doesn’t mat

  She sat there, blushing and fiercely crossing her tiny little arms in front of her body. I stared her down and she pouted, offended because God knows what set her off. She was acting like a little girl, but there was something else about it—the way she pushed up her tits when she crossed her arms like that, the way she breathed, the way her bottom lip stuck out.

  I got up and she screamed as I roared and tore the tablecloth off the table, food and cutlery and plates clattering and breaking all over the floor.

  “Are you serious?” I growled at her as she ran off, trying to hide from me, but failing to find a good spot. “Answer me, Belle!”

  “I…” she stared at me, and I could practically see the pulse in her neck going. Beat. Beat. Beat. I could so easily cut it off. Take her life… Watch her die in my arms just like–

  “I am!” she cried out, fat tears falling down her cheeks as she sobbed in fear. “I am a virgin, I am. I swear…”

  “Get on the fucking table,” I growled. “On the fucking table, right the hell now! Legs wide fucking open.”

  She didn’t move, and I grabbed her, my fingers wrapping around her wrist as she shrieked for help.

  “Why?” she cried out. “Why? Please, why?”

  I held her arms behind her back and whispered in her ear, “So I can check if you’re a dirty little liar.”

  I manhandled her onto the table, and she crawled on the wood, sitting on her ass for me, breathing so fast she nearly choked on every inhale.

  “Open those pretty little legs for me, beautiful,” I told her, my dick straining in my pants.

  “The d-dress,” she breathed. “It’s t-too tight, I can’t.”

  “Let me help you with that,” I growled.

  In seconds, I’d torn the fabric of her dress. It was a designer piece, but I didn’t give a flying fuck about that. All I cared about was the woman in front of me, and the tight, hidden little spot between her legs. Was she really a virgin? I’d punish her if she’d lied, and I’d punish her if she kept it from me this long… it just depended on what kind of pain she’d be dealt.


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