Breaking Belle (Princess After Dark Book 2)

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Breaking Belle (Princess After Dark Book 2) Page 3

by Isabella Starling

  “Lie back,” I said, and she did, so submissive, so eager to please me she’d already stopped crying, instead just staring up at me with a strange mix of adoration and fear in her beautiful eyes.

  She was hooked, she was fucking mine. There was no way my beautiful girl would go back now. I already owned her. I loved how her fear was slowly being replaced by raw need. And it shocked me that I didn’t miss it… the tremble in her lip moved to her fingers, the wetness in her eyes going to her legs. She was wet for me. She fucking wanted this.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. And this little fucking bitch was telling me she was a virgin.

  As fucking if.

  I reached for her, and she let me part her legs without any resistance. Only now did I manage to tear my eyes from hers and stare at her cunt. She was shaved. Virgin my ass.

  But that didn’t make the fact that her pussy was covered by a slip of white lace any more bearable. I wanted to be inside her. It was so bad I let out a groan.

  “Move your panties to the side,” I told her, and she did as I ordered, letting out a little mewl when her pussy made a wet sound. God, she’d make me fucking explode in my pants if she kept doing that. “Part your pussy for me.”

  Her pussy was pink, the shave nice and clean, not leaving her with a single hair.

  I was on her in seconds, her motions too slow for my liking. I grabbed her by the throat with one hand, my other slapping her fingers off that cunt and tearing off the lace of her panties.

  “Either way, beautiful,” I said roughly. “This is mine now… Virgin or not.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but I lowered my lips to hers, smothering her with a demanding kiss. She fought me, but the second I touched her swollen little clit, her body reacted. She stopped fighting, her body arching in a desperate attempt to get closer to mine. I laughed out loud against her lips and pushed three fingers into her soaking little cunt.

  She screamed. God, how she fucking screamed.

  “You are,” I groaned, bringing my fingers out and making her cry out. “You are a virgin…”

  “Was,” she cried. “You just took it…. Just like you took everything else!”

  She scrambled off the table, slapping me, slamming her tiny little fists all over my body. I grabbed her wrists and wiped my fingers all over her tits. More tears welling in her eyes, more of that pouty lip.

  “I’m sorry,” I told her, holding her painfully close. “I should have believed you.”

  “You already took it,” she sniffled. “It’s too late.”

  “Who are you saving yourself for?” I asked her angrily, feeling bitterness fill my bones. “Who was this for?”

  I reached between her legs, to her shaved pussy, and she whimpered like she didn’t want to love it.

  “Nobody,” she spat out. “Definitely not you!”

  “You telling me you shaved this for yourself?” I growled in her ear, my fingers toying with her pussy lips. “This wasn’t for me, beautiful? And you’re not wet for me, either? You aren’t about to fucking come… for me?”

  She whimpered and cried out and resisted, but I turned her around, slamming her back into the wall and kneeling in front of her, my strong arms pinning her hips down. Her dress still covered the top part of her, the bottom hanging off her body in tattered rags. A sudden urge to rip the rest of it off her consumed me. I wanted to see those gorgeous tits on display for me.

  “I’ll have to inspect this little body,” I grunted, my fingers sliding over her wetness and making her thrash as I looked back up at her. “See what else is untouched…”

  “Stop!” she hissed, and I licked her little slit, one lick all the way from her puckered asshole to her clit.

  She fucking thrashed under me, desperate to get away but moaning like an addict. My beautiful, contradicting girl. Fuck, I really was going to ruin her.

  I moved away from her and she pulled her dress down furiously, her hair and makeup a mess, making her more beautiful than ever.

  “I hate you!” she screamed. “You’re a sick monster!”

  “Maybe,” I snarled at her. “Your words would make more sense if your hand wasn’t between your legs, beautiful.”

  She stared down at her hand as if she was only then realizing she’d been touching. She tore it out from her thighs and screamed at me like a little banshee.

  I laughed and threw the remains of her panties at her.

  “Go to your room, beautiful,” I ordered her. “Fucking run before I change my mind.”

  She came right up to me, tore her shoes off and tossed them to the floor in front of me.

  “I hate you!” she announced, turning to leave.

  I grabbed her wrist on impulse and pulled her back. Into my arms.

  She was trembling, struggling to look at me.

  I touched my lips to hers, and she exhaled against me, her arms held up protectively between us.

  “Kiss me,” I muttered against her mouth, and she came apart, her mouth desperately tugging at mine, kissing me with such savage grace it took my breath away.

  She let me devour her mouth, she let me claim her, and she didn’t even try to fight back. She was furious, and understandably so. I’d taken everything she’d ever known and kept her locked up for days with only an old housemaid for company. But I didn’t give a shit. The moment I laid eyes on her in that little room, I knew she was the only one who could save me. Save me from the beast that was eating up the man inside me.

  I kissed her back, my animal instincts coming out to play. I took her, because she already belonged to me, and I didn’t stop until I felt her shatter in my arms.

  Then I held her back at arm’s length.

  “Go to your room,” I told her roughly. “Go. Run.”

  “What?” she whispered. “Why? Why, Domin–”

  “Fucking RUN!” I screamed, and she stumbled towards the staircase.

  She took the steps two at a time, and only hesitated once, risking a look back at me, like she was fucking worried or something.

  I roared with the pain of letting her go. I punched the wall and screamed every curse word I knew into the world, cursing it all. Cursing the men who’d taken everything from me, because I was now vulnerable to them once again… and it was all her fault.

  When I looked back up at the stairs, she was gone.

  I RAN AWAY AS FAST as my legs could carry me.

  Dominic Blackwood was a monster, and now I didn’t need any further proof because he’d just let me have a glimpse into the most twisted, darkest corners of his mind.

  I ran into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me, sliding down against the wood and sobbing softly, even though no tears were coming out. I couldn’t cry for what he’d taken from me because it would be dishonest… I’d wanted him to do it. Not even a small part of me. The bigger, dominant part of me twisted and turned under his skillful fingers, all the while hoping he’d rip it all away from me like we both knew he could.

  And he had. He’d taken it all, and he’d reveled in my pain. And I couldn’t even make myself hate him for it… because I’d wanted it just as much as he had.

  I buried my head in my hands and took a deep breath.

  It had been five whole days in the castle, five days of being locked in a room like a prisoner, five days of nervously waiting for him to come for me, steal me and make me submit. But it took him so long he almost had me convinced he didn’t care. That I was just a pawn in his game, a way for him to torture my father. If that was true, he was in for a big disappointment, because it was becoming more and more obvious my father didn’t care about me at all.

  And now the beast had taken my virginity with his filthy fingers. He’d just taken it as if it meant nothing to him. The mere thought made me kick out my legs in anger, upset with myself that I’d let him overpower me like that.

  A nagging voice in my head was telling me I hadn’t really resisted, though. I’d wanted him to do it… Was desperate for his fingers to make contact
with my pussy, bury themselves inside me and see how wet I was for him, had been since the moment he’d walked into my father’s house.

  “Damn you,” I whispered to myself, as my legs slowly parted and I felt my pussy leak blood onto the floor. It wasn’t a lot, but enough to make it clear what he’d done.

  I tore the dress off me, the white fabric now stained and ruined. I left it on the floor, feeling like I was going to throw a tantrum.

  I looked around the room once again, taking in the furniture which had been all I’d known for the past few days.

  It wasn’t a prison cell, that was for sure.

  The room was stunning. The bed was a beautiful four-poster, with a canopy hanging above it in soft, silky curtains. The furniture was all the same style, white wood, just like the floor and the walls. It was a beautiful room, and with its violet and dark gray accents, it was fit for a queen. But that didn’t change the fact I didn’t want to be there… or did I?

  I shook my head to get the annoying thought out and walked towards the closet. It had been filled with clothes in my exact size the day after I moved in, and my fingers traced the lines of thick fabrics, soft cashmeres, and beaded silks. It was all beautiful, right down to the very last piece. And I had to pretend I hated all of it because I didn’t want that beast to know how I really felt.

  Because if I was being honest with myself…

  He’d rescued me. From a life of mediocrity, of disappointment, of having to put up with all my brothers and my father who came home drunk every single night. I cleaned, washed and cooked for them, and none of them, save for Adrian, ever even muttered a thank you. Dominic had stormed into my life and stolen me from it, but I couldn’t help resenting him. If for nothing else, for taking my little brother away from me. Without me at home, he would turn out just like the rest of them—a bad man with bad intentions, and a bad reputation in town. And Adrian deserved so much more than that.

  I pulled some clothes out of the closet, barely looking at what I had picked. I pulled on a new pair of panties and soft cotton leggings, adding a longer top on my torso. I crawled into bed with my legs firmly closed and my palms placed on my thighs.

  It took me a minute to realize I was waiting for him.

  But he never came, and the minutes started ticking as I willed the door to open. Nothing.

  He didn’t care about me. He didn’t care enough to check whether I was okay, and it filled me with resentment for the man who’d taken me prisoner and inadvertently given me a better life than I had at home. I knew it didn’t make any sense, but I couldn’t fight the irrational anger rising in my body. I turned my back to the door and sobbed into my hands, God knows for how long. I only stopped when there was a small, timid knock on the door.

  It couldn’t have been Dominic. He would never have knocked.

  “Come in,” I called out, my voice sounding shrill in the silence of the room.

  The door creaked open, and a boy, barely a man, walked inside. He looked to be about Adrian’s age, though he seemed lankier and much taller. But the expression on his face looked innocent, letting me know he was still a child. I felt so much older, more experienced than him as he fearfully stepped inside. After all, I wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  “What do you want?” I asked him roughly, pulling the duvet on top of me.

  “I wanted you to have this,” he said simply, setting down a small silver platter on the bedside table.

  “What is it?” I asked suspiciously, and the boy gave me a small smile.

  “It’s just milk with honey,” he said. “They used to give it to me to help me sleep.”

  “Milk and honey,” I repeated, staring at him. It was thoughtful. More thoughtful than anything my family had done for me back at home.

  “It will make you feel better,” he said, blushing slightly. “I heard you got a little… upset.”

  I furrowed my brows, saying, “I thought we were alone.”

  “I…” He looked away, obviously hiding something. “Please don’t tell Mr. Blackwood, but… I didn’t leave with the rest of them.”

  “Why not?” I asked, reaching for the warm mug and taking a sip of the sweet liquid. It was calming and warming, just like the boy had said.

  “I don’t like them,” he said simply. “The other two, Luca and Nico. I’m scared of them.”

  “Have they hurt you?” I asked, instincts kicking in and making me ready to scream the castle down if I had to. I hated seeing kids get hurt.

  “Sometimes,” he shrugged, and my blood boiled. “They just mess around, but sometimes it’s too much. So sometimes I hide in my room.”

  “How old are you?” I asked him, and he grinned at me.

  “I’m thirteen,” he said. “I look younger, I know.”

  “Listen,” I said, my voice low as I moved closer. “I’ll help you if you help me. Together we can make this more bearable. Would you like that?”

  He nodded slowly, and I gave him a big smile.

  “Good,” I said simply. “I’ll tell Dominic I like you, and I’m bored to tears here. Maybe he’ll let you spend more time with me.”

  “Maybe,” he said uncertainly.

  “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “Everyone calls me Chip,” he said with a little smile. “And you’re Belle.”

  “Arabelle,” I smiled. “Belle is what… he calls me. I don’t like it.” The lie felt thick and heavy on my tongue. Of course I liked it. I loved it, hearing my name on his lips… Being important enough for him to come up with a nickname for me, as though I actually really mattered to him.

  Chip grinned at me like he knew exactly what was going on in my head.

  “I better go,” he said, and I noticed a hint of regret in his voice. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “If I’m not locked in here again,” I sighed, looking around the room. In the past few days I’d memorized every little part of it, and even though it was spacious and fit for a princess, I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life locked inside it.

  “I don’t think you will,” Chip said. “I think you’ll be surprised to see what tomorrow brings.”

  With those words, he left my room, and I heard him clicking the lock into place once he was outside. I collapsed on my back on the bed and sighed deeply.

  They didn’t have to lock me in. There was no way I could run away now.

  The next morning, I woke to the sound of the lock being turned.

  I froze, rigidly lying in the bed and waiting for someone to walk in, but nothing happened. Finally, I picked myself up and walked on shaky legs to the door. I tried the handle. It was open.

  The door revealed the hallway I’d ran down the previous night, with nobody in sight. What did this mean? Was this Chip helping me, or was Dominic really letting me walk free?

  Excitement bubbled into a strange mess in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t want to be free. I didn’t want to walk away from him. But curiosity urged me to slip on a silk robe, adding slippers and thick socks on my feet as I padded out of the room. I wanted to see what was in the castle… And maybe this would be my only chance to explore the grounds.

  I walked down the hallway, the cold sending shivers down my spine. I was on the first floor, and I took the same flight of stairs down that I’d used the previous night. But instead of going towards the dining room, I turned inwards and walked right into the heart of the castle. It was a beautiful building, a mix of historical and modern elements that made for an enchanting home. I would’ve loved to live there under different circumstances… But now I was a prisoner, and I knew there was no way I’d ever be leaving. I’d placed my life into Dominic Blackwood’s hands, and if I ran, he would punish my family. I could never let that happen.

  I traced the hallway into the center of the castle when I felt the cold on my skin, the scent of snow heavy in the air. And then the hallway opened up into an arch, surrounding a beautiful atrium in the middle.

  There was a marble statue in the center of th
e atrium, surrounded by stunning rose bushes, the roses in bloom, even though it was wintertime. It was stunning, absolutely stunning, and it took my breath away as I looked at the sight before me. I had no idea a place like this existed… A warm heart in the cold castle, marble, and snow and blood-red roses, a beautiful stark contrast to nature’s play in front of me.

  “Beautiful,” I whispered, my fingers trailing the wall that separated me from the garden. I couldn’t find a way in unless I climbed right over, but it was too cold to do that anyway.

  “What do we have here?”

  I spun around, seeing one of the thugs from a few days ago slowly approaching me. He was moving like a predator, and the second I saw him, my survival instincts kicked in. I moved away, trying to walk past him briskly, but he wrapped a possessive arm around me and pulled me back. My eyes met his and I shivered.

  “Don’t hurt me,” I said, and he laughed in my face.

  “I don’t think I’m allowed to,” he said in a syrupy sweet voice. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun… I heard you’re not a virgin anymore.”

  His hand roamed down my arm, down to my navel and trying to part my legs. I struggled, crying out when he tried to pull my panties down.

  “Stop!” I cried out. “Don’t. He’ll kill you!”

  “Why?” he grinned against my ear. “You really think you’re so special, little girl? You have no idea. He eats girls like you for breakfast.”

  “STOP!” I cried again, this time louder. I managed to catch him off-guard, and I tore my arm away from his grasp, running down the hallway. He was too fast though, already racing after me, desperate to catch me.

  I ran full force into a massive body that suddenly appeared in the hallway. I smacked into it so hard it would’ve thrown me back, but a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around me, turning me so my ass was pressing against an obvious erection. I could barely breathe as I stared down at the approaching guard, my heart thumping in my chest and my body desperately trying to respond to Dominic’s hard on.


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