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Bear Charm: Shifters Bewitched #2

Page 8

by Tasha Black

  I could warm her up so fast, she would be panting and sweating with lust…

  At last the gown fell in a puddle at her feet, and we removed her undergarments together.

  She was exquisite, all dimples and curves, her saucy little nipples hardened into buds.

  I wanted to feast on her. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and carry her straight back to bed.

  “Let’s get you in,” I suggested as calmly as I could, taking her hand.

  She gazed up at me, her eyes hazy with her own need.

  But it only reminded me of her confusion back at the cave. Guilt descended on me, and I forced myself to guide her to the tub and help her step in.



  The warm water felt incredible as I stepped in, but I was trembling all over, and my legs felt like noodles.

  “Go on, lower yourself in,” Reed growled encouragingly.

  But I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t sure if I was weakened from magic, or lust, or both.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  The timbre of his deep voice vibrated inside me and I couldn’t speak.

  My hand began to tremble in his.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, as if to himself, and let go of my hand.

  I almost cried. I didn’t want him to leave me. I couldn’t bear it.

  But he was violently peeling off his own wet clothing, as if he didn’t care if he ripped it to shreds.

  I watched in awe as he straightened.

  His body was beyond anything I had ever seen. His hair tangled down over his shoulders as if it were pointing my eyes toward the swell of his massive pecs and the chiseled abs below. The twin angles of muscle over his hips were set out in sharp relief, and I tried, but failed to ignore his rigid cock.

  My belly cramped with need at the sight, even as I ripped my eyes away to meet his golden ones, which stared at me intensely. My cheeks burned with lust and embarrassment in equal measures.

  Whatever happened between mates, I was sure it was supposed to be magical and borderline religious - not some useless virgin, struck dumb with lust, gawking at the guardian’s junk.

  He stepped into the tub and pulled me to him, lowering us down together with my back against his chest.

  The water washed over us, and my eyes rolled back with the pleasure of it all.

  “Better?” he whispered into my hair, sending a little shiver down my spine.

  “Mmm,” I agreed, trying to memorize the feel of his arms around me, his chest, warmer than the water…

  “Cori,” he groaned.

  I could feel every inch of him surrounding me, the steel of his wanting, pressed against my posterior as I wiggled against him helplessly, desperate for more.

  “Please,” he moaned. “Be still. I can’t control myself when you move like that.”

  I tried, I really did, but the hunger in his voice had me arching my back to give him access to my neck.

  “Fuck, Cori,” he whispered.

  My whole body tingled as his lips traced the line of my neck from my ear to my shoulder.

  My heart pounded so hard I thought it would jump out of my chest. I longed for the pain of his bite. I had no past, no future, only this moment. I needed to be his.

  One of his hands left my waist to cup my left breast. The pleasure was white hot when his thumb brushed my nipple and I cried out.

  He growled against my neck and let his other hand join the first at my breasts, toying with me lightly but so expertly that I could feel it between my legs.

  “Reed,” I whimpered.

  He pressed his lips to my neck, his hot breath setting me on fire. My hips were trembling now as I writhed in the warm water.

  “Easy, little one,” he crooned.

  Nothing about this was easy.

  “Why don’t you want me?” I moaned. I wanted him so much, it wasn’t fair.

  “Fuck,” he cursed again, sliding one hand down my belly.

  Normally I was very self-conscious about my curves. I had never been completely naked in front of a guy before.

  But with Reed, instead of wanting to pull his hand away from the softness of my belly, I yearned for more. I wanted every part of him to be touching every part of me.

  That big, clever hand snaked between my thighs and I moaned at the thought of where he was going.

  “Good girl,” he growled into my neck.

  The first touch of his hand against my sex had me whimpering with pleasure. But Reed was slow and measured, caressing me with teasing touches too gentle to satisfy.

  I had touched myself before, but my furtive explorations were nothing compared to the fire he was stoking. I was burning from the inside out, while he toyed slowly with my sex and pinched my nipples between the thumb and forefinger of his other hand.

  “Please,” I moaned, tilting my hips up shamelessly for more.

  He groaned and slid one thick finger slowly inside me, rolling his thumb back and forth over my clit.

  I was stretched taut, every nerve laid bare.

  He kissed my neck again, allowing his teeth to graze the tender flesh as he worked me faster.

  The world seemed to stand still for an instant, and then the pleasure had me flying as I came apart under his hands, sobbing with relief and ecstasy.



  My mind and body were reeling.

  Cori was in my arms, naked and trembling in ecstasy as I fought back the urge to claim her with everything I had.

  When her tremors of pleasure slowed, I felt her try to turn to me.

  I held her still and closed my eyes to stop myself from imagining what it would feel like for her to close her sweet little hand around my cock.

  But if I thought I was going mad now, I knew that would send me over the edge.

  And I had already made up my mind. I would not claim her tonight.

  The bear moaned with displeasure in my chest, but I ignored him.

  “Reed,” Cori murmured, her voice low with satisfaction.

  I clenched her closer.

  “Better?” I asked lightly, hoping she couldn’t hear the tension in my voice.

  “Mm,” she hummed. “But now I want to touch you.”

  “Gods, Cori,” I growled. “It’s hard enough for me to hold back.”

  She didn’t reply, and I felt a moment of relief, followed by concern. I didn’t want her to feel rejected.

  “I want you so much,” I told her. “But you can’t decide to be claimed when you’re hungry and cold and weak from that much magic. I think we managed to warm you up. Now you’re going to eat.”

  She sighed and let her head fall back against me again.

  Warmth spread in my chest, knowing I had said the right thing. I only wanted to comfort and please her. I wanted to make her feel safe.

  “Okay,” she said pleasantly. “I guess I could eat.”

  “Me too,” I told her. I could always eat.

  I pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then stood, offering her my hand. The water shimmered as it slid from her body, and I nearly fell to my knees to pleasure her all over again.

  But this would not do. I had to get her dressed and fed, so that she could be comfortable again.

  I stepped out of the tub and helped her out too, and grabbed each of us a towel. I was dried off and wrapping mine around my waist before she was finished with her hair.

  “Take your time,” I told her as I grabbed our wet clothes off the floor. “I’ll start cooking. You can grab some of my sweats from the shelf.”

  She glanced over at the shelf that acted as a closet for me and nodded. I made a note to myself that a mate might like me to have nicer clothes than jeans and sweats.

  I hadn’t ever spent this much time human. Clothes were an obligation, not something I enjoyed playing around with. Maybe Luke could get Bella to help me figure out what Cori would want me to wear.

  I hummed as I prepared a midnight snack. I didn’t really keep a lot of food around
the kitchen, but I had the ingredients for pancakes. And there was honey in the cabinet somewhere. Cori would laugh at me for having it, but I liked it when she laughed.

  I was just flipping the last pancake onto a plate when I sensed her coming in.

  “Hey,” I said, without turning around. “It’s just about ready.”

  “Are you making pancakes?” she asked, padding up behind me.

  “Sure am,” I told her. “Do you like pancakes?”

  “Does anyone not like pancakes?” she asked. “Of course, I love them.”

  She came right up and leaned across the counter to watch as I grabbed silverware, and I got a look at the clothes of mine she’d chosen to wear.

  Cori was kind of drowning in my oversized sweats, as if someone had shrunk her. But she had rolled up the pant legs and sleeves to keep them out of her way and she still looked beautiful. I was sure she would be beautiful no matter what she wore.

  I put down a plate of buttered pancakes in front of her.

  “Do you have syrup?” she asked.

  I shook my head.


  “Nope,” I told her, letting her have her fun.

  “Honey?” she teased, clearly expecting me to say no.

  “If I say yes, will you think of me as a bear stereotype forever?” I asked.

  “Not if you keep cooking for me,” she said, arching an eyebrow.

  I grinned and started rummaging around in the cupboards.

  “Aha,” I said, pulling out the honey with a flourish.

  She smiled and watched me release a ribbon of it over her snack and then over mine.

  “Cheers,” she said, lifting her fork.

  I clinked mine to hers, charmed at the silly little show of ceremony.

  It was good to be human with Cori. It felt familiar, almost like… family.

  “Oh my God, so good,” she moaned over her first bite.

  I grinned and took a bite of my own stack.

  She wasn’t wrong. Pancakes were always awesome.

  “So, I hate to ask, but where did you put my gown?” she asked.

  “I hung it up, but it’s going to need laundering,” I warned her, pointing to the hooks on the far wall, where our clothing was drying.

  “Great,” she said, dropping her fork and dashing over to it.

  I watched as she fished around in the pocket and pulled out a crumpled bit of tissue.

  “Do you have a jar?” she asked.

  I blinked at her.

  “For the beetles,” she said.

  “Ah, that makes sense,” I replied and banged around in the cabinets until I found a small mason jar that miraculously did have a lid.

  “Perfect,” she said. “I’m glad I remembered. They might have gotten away.”

  “You didn’t kill them?” I asked, watching her carefully place the tissue inside the jar.

  “I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to,” she said. “Plus it seemed kind of wrong to murder them unless we have all the other ingredients. We just have to make sure these things don’t see the light of day.”

  “I’ll put a piece of apple in there for them, and stick it in the closet,” I told her.

  “I have to tell the others about this,” she said, looking really pumped about it.

  “Sure, in the morning,” I agreed. “You must be tired now.”

  “Definitely too tired to go up and down all those stairs,” she said. “No wonder you’re so buff.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Then I strutted around a little, flexing my biceps. She laughed too, and I leaned over the counter and kissed her cheek.

  She held very still, and I felt the pull between us, so strong it almost stopped my heart.

  “Are you tired?” I asked her.

  “I want to go to bed,” she said, her voice low and significant.

  “Let me take that, then,” I told her, grabbing her plate. “You go to bed. I’ll be there in a little while.”

  “I can help clean up,” she offered, stifling a yawn.

  “No, little one,” I told her. “Get in bed.”

  She smiled up at me and touched my cheek, a featherlight caress that seemed to burn.

  Then she padded over to my bed and crawled in.

  The bear was exultant in my chest, but I cleaned up the dishes slowly, giving her time to relax.

  If I could stay away from her long enough for her to go to sleep, it would be easier to resist.

  I just wasn’t sure I could manage it.



  I woke up warm and happy.

  For a moment I luxuriated, eyes closed, then I pulled the blankets up around my shoulders and realized they weren’t blankets. They were furs.

  I was with Reed.

  The events of the previous night flew through my head. The cave, the lake, the beetles, the ice, and then that incredible bath.

  He had made me pancakes and sent me to bed.

  And I had fallen asleep before he could join me.

  I opened my eyes and rolled over slowly, so as not to wake him. I was startled to find him in his bear form, his big furry body half off the mattress and spread across the floor.

  He opened one golden eye.

  “Good morning,” I whispered to him.

  I longed to stroke my fingers through that glossy fur, but was afraid it might be insulting somehow. I reached out my hand very slowly.

  He butted his forehead against it, making a low chuffing sound. I laughed and stroked his velvety fur.

  After a moment, I was stroking hair, since he had shifted under my hands.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  I nodded, suddenly feeling shy.

  “You should probably get ready for school,” he said, sitting up.

  “What time is it?” I asked, sitting up, too. But I could see the clock in the kitchen now. “Crap.”

  I scrambled out of bed and dashed to the door, grabbing my soiled dress from the hook. At least it was dry now.

  “I’ll, uh, see you tonight,” I said.

  “What about talking with your friends?” he asked.

  “Do you want to have breakfast with us?” I asked him, unbelieving.

  “Yes,” he said. “Meet you down there in fifteen minutes?”

  “Perfect,” I told him, heading out the door.

  I flew down the tower stairs. Down was so much faster than up. It was sunny outside, warm golden light poured in the windows, reminding me of his eyes.

  I was kind of glad to get away from Reed, even for a few minutes. I wanted time to think before I had to face him again. I headed into my room, throwing the gown with my other dirty laundry and grabbing a clean one from my closet.

  As I got dressed, I thought about Reed, about us.

  Little as I had appreciated him yelling at me the other day, I was starting to understand how much the bear was a part of him. He was making an effort, but he was actually a freaking bear, or half a bear? Either way, it wasn’t the same as if a fully human boyfriend freaked out when I was in danger. Reed had instincts that were beyond anything I could imagine. This was different.

  For sure, his protective instincts might get annoying at times. But it was also darned handy.

  The business in the cave had bled back into my mind, and I knew I wouldn’t have made it out without his quick thinking and his drive to protect me.

  My magic might have saved us, but he had saved me. He had my back.

  And the things he had done to the rest of me in the bath… well, I was still walking on air. I could only imagine what the claiming would be like.

  He had even wanted to wait, denying his own satisfaction in order to be sure I wanted him forever.

  But I was already secure in my decision. I wanted to be with him. As I walked to the cafeteria, I wondered if me telling him so would be enough. And I tried not to wonder if his hesitation had anything to do with what he wanted, not just what I wanted.

  I got there before him and grab
bed a tray of food. No reason not to go catch up with my friends. They probably had plenty of embarrassing questions that I’d prefer them to ask before Reed joined us.

  “Cori,” Anya called to me, patting the seat beside her.

  The whole cafeteria seemed to turn to watch me cross the room. This must have been how Bella felt last month. Having two witches chosen in back-to-back ceremonies had never happened before. It must have the rumor mills working overtime.

  “Hey guys,” I said, setting down my tray and taking the seat next to Anya.

  “Cori,” Kendall said, nodding. Our popular, athletic friend had never been overly effusive. At least she was sitting with us today, and not with the other legacy witches.

  “How was it?” Anya asked, putting an arm around my shoulder and fixing me with a concerned gaze. “Are you feeling okay about things?”

  Anya might be physically small, but she had big feelings.

  I smiled at her reassuringly.

  “I’m fine,” I said. “It was fine.”

  Fine. Was that really the word for it? I didn’t think so.

  “Did you guys…?” Lark asked.

  Nina gave Lark a little shove. Nina would never have asked that.

  “Ow, don’t shove me,” Lark scolded, pushing her purple cat-eye frame glasses up her nose. “I’m just asking, not judging.”

  “Not yet,” I told her, trying to suppress a smile.

  “But you will?” Anya asked.

  “Yeah, I think I will,” I told her.

  “Oh shit,” Kendall said.

  I turned in my seat to follow her gaze, expecting something bad, but realizing she was just reacting to spotting Reed. I probably should have warned them that he was going to be joining us.

  Reed took up nearly the entire threshold of the cafeteria entrance. He was wearing jeans and a tight white t-shirt that somehow looked more provocative than if he had shown up naked.

  I could feel the whole cafeteria take in a collective hormonal female breath, myself included.

  Then he spotted me, grinned and gave a little wave.

  I melted, just a little, and waved back.


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