Triplets Make Five
Page 9
Ever since I first had her that night.
And the moment she nodded, a grin tugged at my cheeks.
I undid the belt of my pants as she bunched up her dress. I dropped them to the floor, my cock springing free and seeking its home. I wrapped my arms around Delilah and hoisted her up the wall, burying my face into her tits as her hands clung to my hair. I slipped my hand between her juicy thighs, sliding her soaking wet panties to the side.
She was dripping onto the skin of my cock. Begging me to be inside her.
I thrusted into her and allowed her warmth to encompass me. My knees shook with the weight of her glory as my lips pressed kisses into her tits. I felt her walls fluttering around me as she sighed with relief, her head falling back into the wall as I held her still.
My fingertips sank into the excess of her thighs as my dick twitched deep within her.
“Move, Preston. Please,” she said.
“I’ve never been one to deny a beauty,” I said.
I rolled my hips, raking my skin along her exposed clit. My fingers held her open for me, exposed to whatever it was I wanted to do with her. I felt her hands clawing at my back as my teeth sank into her skin. I pounded myself up into her, watching her jump and feeling her clamp my cock in a vice grip. She was warmer than any woman I’d ever been with. Tighter than any model I’d ever slept with. Her curves draped along my muscles perfectly. More perfect than in the dreams I’d had of her while I was away.
I slammed into her, feeling her body shaking against mine as our lips met once again.
Our tongues battled for a lazy sort of dominance as my cock throbbed with its release. I could feel her juices dripping down my balls as they pulled up into my body. I sank deep into her and began to roll, shallowly thrusting so I could hit that juicy clit of hers. Her gasps made me grin and her moans made me dizzy.
I had missed this.
I had fucking missed this woman.
She came around my cock, her juices dripping down my thighs. She clung to me. Desperately. Her moans muffled in my neck as her legs pulled me closer. My hands were pressed into the wall as I spilled into her, pumping her of my threads of cum. Pump after pump was unleashed within her, my knees trembling with mercy as I pinned her to the wall.
She peppered my neck in kisses, pulling goosebumps up my back as I sighed into her skin.
“Shit, that felt good,” I said.
“Didn’t feel too bad over here either,” she said.
Grinning, I slid from between her legs and watched our juices fall to the floor. I settled Delilah down onto her feet, her stance wobbling as I caught her in my arms. Her eyes, hazy with passion and lust, fluttered up to me as a goofy smile crawled across her face.
Then, something akin to nausea seeped into her features.
“I need some water,” Delilah said.
“Are you all right?” I asked.
“Just…water would be nice,” she said.
We gathered ourselves together and I handed her some toilet paper to clean herself with. We straightened our clothes up in the mirror and I unlocked the door, sticking my head out to see if anyone was there. Once there was no one watching, I took Delilah’s hand and led us to our table. There were glasses of water and a chilled bottle of white wine settled for us, and I held her hand as she sat down into her chair.
Delilah grabbed her water and began to chug, droplets of water falling from the side of her lips and dripping down her neck.
“Oh my gosh,” she said. “I’m so sorry.”
But all I could do was watch those trails find their home between her tits.
“Don’t worry,” I said with a grin. “They’re just laying a trail for my tongue to caress later.”
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk with you about,” Delilah said.
“Can’t get enough?” I asked.
“Actually, I think we got more than we bargained for.”
I looked up into her eyes as a darkness crossed over them. There was a sadness looming behind her eyes, beneath the nausea and the upturned nose. Did something stink to her? I sniffed the air to see if there was a putrid smell tainting the air around us. But then I began to drop the pieces in place.
The nausea. The hesitancy. The need to talk. The aversion to smells.
“Delilah?” I asked.
“I’m so sorry, Preston,” she said breathlessly.
Tears were rising to her eyes as I leaned back in my chair.
“Delilah,” I said. “What is it you have to tell me?”
I watched her close her eyes as she grabbed her water again, taking another long pull that sent me reeling. I looked over at the bottle of wine. Chilled and unopened. I had planned on spoiling her tonight. On treating her to the finest foods and the most decadent wine pairings before taking her home and having my way with her. The breakfast plans I had of decorating my kitchen island with her fell to the wayside as my world began to turn upside down.
I knew what she was going to say. I just needed her to confirm it. To say it out loud. To materialize it so I couldn’t talk myself out of it.
“I’m pregnant, Preston,” she said. “About seven weeks along, to be exact.”
I felt the entire world recede behind me as I swallowed hard. Seven weeks? If that was true, there was no denying she was carrying my child. Delilah didn’t strike me as the kind of girl to sleep with more than one man in a weekend. Hell, she didn’t strike me as the kind of girl that had ever slept with more than one man! The noises of the restaurant faded into the background as Delilah’s face came into view. The worry in her eyes. The trembling of her hands. The pictures she was pulling out of her purse.
Oh shit. She had ultrasound pictures.
“That’s not all,” she said.
Her voice sounded so far away as she slid the pictures towards me.
I took them within my fingertips and scanned them. There were black and white pictures fading in and out. Like someone was turning on and off a light. I blinked and grabbed my water, taking a big gulp to try and steady myself. Now I was the one feeling nauseous. Now I was the one that felt the world was about to tip over.
I studied the pictures more, taking in the notes the doctor had made. There were numbers on the picture next to little sacs with dots in them. So tiny I almost couldn’t discern them. But the numbers were clear. The date of the ultrasound and the predicted conception date fell right in line with the night we had spent together.
But those fucking numbers on the pictures. There were three of them.
“Three?” I asked.
“Mr. Walker, I had her triple-check everything, no pun intended. I knew she had to be wrong, so I went to another doctor. I had another round of tests done with another ultrasound.”
She pulled out another line of pictures and slowly handed them to me.
I took them within my fingers and compared them side by side. The projected conception dates were similar and the dates and times for the ultrasound were only a couple of hours apart. And still, there were three little sacs with dots in them. All dancing around on the ultrasounds.
Delilah was pregnant with triplets.
Wait. Did she just call me ‘Mr. Walker’?
“I know we were only together one time, and if you want a DNA test I don’t blame you. I’m ready to give you one, whatever you need. I just…you needed to know,” Delilah said.
“Did you just call me ‘Mr. Walker’?” I asked.
Her eyes rose to mine, confusion blanketing them as the room came back into focus. I dropped the ultrasound pictures back onto the table and hooked my eyes with Delilah. She was leaning back in her chair. Trying to put distance between the two of us as my cum dried on the inside of her thigh.
As her body nourished my children.
“I did,” Delilah said. “I just…think we should keep this platonic.”
“Platonic,” I said. “After what we just did.”
“Well, th
at would mean episodes like the bathroom one would no longer take place,” she said.
“But you enjoyed it. I know you did. You enjoyed it the first time, too. Why did you leave? Why are you leaving now?”
I felt everything spiraling out of control as Delilah stumbled over her words. She was trying to answer me while gathering her own thoughts. Her nose was still crinkled and her hand was trembling around her water glass. Her eyes were darting everywhere. Her beautiful color-changing eyes with her sparkling black eyeliner.
“Delilah, did you know about this when we were emailing?” I asked.
Her eyes rose up to mine as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.
“Um…no…not over the retreat, no. But, that was when I started getting sick. I thought it was just a stomach bug, nothing that some sleep and rest wouldn’t cure,” she said.
“Did you know when we were emailing at the office?” I asked.
A tear fell upon her cheek as her eyes bowed to her lap.
“Um, well. The day I returned, after it was done…I left early. The nausea got bad. Made me lightheaded. I booked an appointment with the doctor to get some medicine and that’s...that’s when I found out,” she said.
“And you didn’t tell me then?” I asked.
“I’m sorry,” she said breathlessly.
“Delilah, look at me.”
She shook her head, her entire body trembling in her seat.
“Please,” I said desperately. “Look at me.”
It killed me to watch her cry at this table.
“Is everything all right?”
I looked up and saw our waiter eyeing Delilah carefully.
“I’ll need this wine off the table, please. Can you replace it with something refreshing? Some fruit-infused water or some freshly-squeezed juice?”
I saw the waiter’s eyes dip to the ultrasound pictures on the table before they panned back around to mine.
“Right away, sir. Anything you need,” he said.
I gathered the ultrasound pictures and shoved them into my pocket. I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to cover this up, but I did. It was a blow to me and it was a blow to Delilah, and the last thing we needed were people spotting this moment and circulating it around the community. I tried to gather my thoughts as Delilah continued to silently cry to herself. I had no idea how to fix this. I had no idea what to say to make this better.
So, I said the only thing I could.
I told her the truth.
“Delilah, you don’t have to look at me, but I need you to listen. Okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
That got her to lift her head to me. And quite quickly, which made me a little sick. She was sitting here thinking I was going to leave her. Pregnant with my child. With my children.
Holy shit, we were having triplets.
“So just…let me process. Now that I have your attention. You’re pregnant,” I said.
“You’re staying?” she asked.
I leaned forward onto my forearms, closing a bit of distance between the two of us as my eyes hooked onto hers.
“You are carrying my children, Delilah. And I want to be there for them. All of them. No matter how many of them there are,” I said.
There was a relief that flooded her face. It brightened my heart and relaxed my shoulders a bit. There was a small grin that crossed her cheeks as the waiter sat a cool pitcher of juice in front of her, and I could see she was anxious to try it.
“Freshly-squeezed mango passion fruit juice, courtesy of the chef. Whatever changes need to be made to the menu can be done. Just let me know,” the waiter said.
“Thank you. We aren’t ready to order yet. Could you give us, maybe, twenty minutes? However long we take, I promise I will compensate you on your tip accordingly,” I said.
“Take your time. I’ll circle back around in twenty minutes,” he said.
I turned my attention back to Delilah, who had already poured herself a glass of the juice. She was drinking it down quickly, draining the slender glass and pouring herself another one. I watched her carefully. How her movements were choppier from her nausea. So many things were flying through my head. About how this would affect her work and what people would say. How this would affect my station at the company and how this would look to the investors. This could be very bad or very good depending on how we wanted to spin it, and that was when her previous words dawned on me.
“You want to make this platonic?” I asked.
Her eyes fluttered up to mine as she drank down her second glass of juice.
“Why do you want this to be platonic?” I asked.
“Because we have no idea how this is going to look to the office,” Delilah said. “I’m well aware that people thought I was sleeping with Mr. Hathaway. And nothing was happening between us. But if this comes to light--if people knew I slept with the new boss who had only been here a week--it’ll make my life a nightmare.”
“It would also look bad to the investors,” I said.
“Exactly. I mean, I don’t know how long I can conceal a pregnancy with triplets, but I’ll do what I can. All I know is I can’t jeopardize my job, Mr. Walk-”
“Can you at least call me ‘Preston’ when we’re out of the office?” I asked. “It makes it sound less ‘I fucked my secretary’ and more ‘accidental’.”
I saw her wince at my words and I sighed.
“All I meant was-”
“I knew what you meant. Look, I just can’t risk losing my job. Health insurance is important, now more than ever. I’ve got some money saved up, but not enough to cover feeding three mouths once this all comes to… fruition,” she said.
“I’m here to help you in any way. If you need money, all you have to do is ask,” I said.
“We can’t do anything to bring suspicion to ourselves, Preston. The more we get into this, the harder it’s going to be to conceal. If you’re doting on me during work, or if we’re passing money around, or if you’re checking in on me…people are going to catch on. This has to be platonic. Not publicly platonic for the sake of a facade. Actually platonic.”
“Delilah, I’m going to worry about you. I’m going to wonder how you’re doing. I’m going to want to ask you these things,” I said.
“Then you can ask me within the confines of being my boss. Look, I don’t know how this is going to work and there’s a lot we’ll have to figure out while we’re traveling this…road. But all I know is if word gets out that I’m pregnant with your children, I’m finished at my job. And most likely, it could jeopardize you, too.”
It made me sick to think about, but I knew she was right. I most certainly wasn’t going to allow her to go without the money she needed, but there were ways to get around that. I wasn’t going to be handing her envelopes full of money. I could easily set up a personal account for her, dump money into it, and just send her a card.
As much as I hated it, platonic was the way to go for now. Especially if Delilah wanted to keep her hidden persona at the company.
“You know if we don’t tell anyone, the women at the company will keep hitting on me,” I said.
“That’s just what happens. Just because I’m going to blow up like a blimp doesn’t mean your life stops,” Delilah said.
“Now hold on a second. This is veering very far off course. I’m not dating anyone while a woman is pregnant with my children. What kind of man do you think I am?” I asked.
“The kind of man who is honestly shocked that unprotected sex put him in this position.”
“Most women I screw around with are protected,” I said.
“Yet you were pompous enough to not ask.”
“And you were too secretive to not tell me.”
I watched her recoil from the table, her chair scooting out as she stood. Shit. I’d stuck my fucking foot in my face. My eyes darted over to the waiter as Delilah made her way for the door, so I threw a few hundred dollar bills onto the table before I left. I followed her out the door, my eye
s hooked onto the swaying of her hips as her dress billowed out behind her.
Those sensual, beautiful hips would grow aching and wide with the weight of my children.
“Delilah, wait,” I said.
“I was protected,” she said with a hiss. “But the pill is still only ninety eight percent accurate. And I didn’t have it with me that night to take.”
“Is that why you left?” I asked.
Her eyes whipped up to mine as I grabbed her arm and led her over into the shadows.
“What are you doing?” she asked. “Let go of me.”
“If you didn’t know about the pregnancy when we were emailing the day you got back, then this isn’t what you wanted to talk about. This wasn’t your original reason for getting together. So what was it?” I asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” she said.
“It always matters, Delilah. In the world of business or pleasure, things like this always matter,” I said.
I watched her draw in a deep breath as she folded her arms around her. Even in the summer, a breeze shooting through the shadows could chill someone’s arms. I shrugged my suit jacket off and wrapped it around her, watching her shivering die down slowly. Her eyes connected with my chest, studying how my suit tapered against my body.
At any other moment, I would’ve captured her lips within mine just for that gesture. But now was not the time.
Nowhere near it.
“I wanted to talk with you about why I left that morning,” Delilah said.
“Then we might as well. Why were you gone when I woke up?” I asked.
She shook her head as tears rose to her eyes again.
“I’m so fucking done with crying,” she said with a whisper.
“Impressive. I didn’t know you cussed,” I said.
“I didn’t know I did a lot of things until I met you. Like sleeping with a stranger on the first date. Or sleeping with my boss.”