Triplets Make Five
Page 14
Preston called and called, growing more frustrated by the second when she didn't pick up her phone. He tried her cell phone and her landline, leaving urgent text messages and multiple voicemails. He cursed to himself and muttered about paying her more than she was worth, so I reached out for his hand to try and calm him.
“Just go into work,” I said. “I’ll be okay.”
“You can’t be here by yourself. I know you. You’ll try to get up and dance or some shit,” Preston said.
“I can’t do that yet. We haven’t installed a pole in the living room,” I said.
“Not funny.”
“We don’t have a choice. Look, just get me everything I would need while you’re gone and help me up so I can pee. You have my word, on the lives of these babies, that I’ll stay put.”
I could see the hesitancy behind his eyes, but he had no other choice. We were left in a precarious position, but it was one I was ready for. I had been surrounded by people and stifled with those wanting to help me. I was ready for a bit of silence. I had a book I was reading and itching to finish. I had movies loaded onto the memory of my television set I had yet to watch. I missed my alone time. I missed it being just me and Beethoven.
“Okay,” Preston said. “But only because you’ve promised me. And I take that seriously.”
“I know you do. Everything will be okay. I promise,” I said.
He brought Beethoven into my room and handed me the television remote. He put bottles of water at my side and a basket of snacks in bed to keep me company until he could bring home dinner. He helped me up to go to the bathroom so I wouldn't be tempted to go while he was gone, then he tucked the blankets around my body and kissed my forehead.
I smiled when I heard the front door closed.
“Ah, sweet silence,” I said.
Two hours rolled by and I was head-deep in my book. I hadn't gotten a chance to read the new books that had come in for the month, and I was thankful for the quiet. My eyes scanned the pages, immersing myself in a world that was unfolding in my mind's eye. But as I continued to read and as I continued to daydream, my mouth became dry.
So, I reached across the bed to get one of the water bottles.
Suddenly, an extreme pain wafted up my back. My pelvis felt like it was being crushed in a vice, and I whimpered as I sat back into the headboard. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as the pain slowly dripped down my legs. It was blinding. A searing heat that made even the slightest movement earth-shattering.
But then, I felt something that clinched my throat with panic.
I felt something warm between my legs.
I threw the covers back and saw a twinge of blood on the sheets. The pain shooting through my stomach left me breathless. I shuffled my legs over the edge of the bed and reached for my phone, hitting the red emergency button and holding it to my ear.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“Yes. Hi. I-...oh, shit,” I said.
“Ma’am? Ma’am, what’s wrong?”
“I think…I don’t know but…I think…I think I’m in labor.”
I was sitting at my desk when a call came through to my cell phone. I didn’t recognize the number and instantly hit ignore, needing to finish this fucking paperwork. The meeting had run long and there was a bunch of shit thrown at me I wanted to get done before I left to get back to Delilah. I fired the woman I had employed to watch over her, letting her know on her voicemail that she didn’t have to worry about coming back into work. I was paying her twice what her top-dollar salary was to have her on retainer, and clearly she didn’t need the money.
Because she wasn’t near her fucking phone when I needed her the most.
My phone rang again with that same number and I started to grow worried. Was this Delilah for some reason? Why was she calling from a number I didn’t recognize. I picked up the call and held it to my ear, bracing for the worst as the voice on the other end answered.
“Is this Mr. Walker?”
“Yes? Who is this?” I asked.
“This is Clarice, from Huntington Hospital. I’m calling on behalf of Delilah Kent. She put you down as her emergency contact.”
“What’s happened to Delilah?” I asked as I stood from my chair.
“She came into our hospital bleeding and complaining of a great deal of pain. She wants you down here with her. I take it you’re the father?”
“Has something happened to my kids?” I asked as grabbed my jacket.
“We’re just now running tests. We’ll let you know as soon as we do. We’ve admitted Miss Kent into our maternity and birthing ward. She’s in room 404.”
“What happened to her?” I asked.
“From what she’ll tell us, she was reaching for a water bottle.”
“A water bottle. And she just…started bleeding?” I asked.
“I won’t know more until I run more tests.”
“Thank you. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
I hung up the phone and ran from my office, not bothering to close it behind me. Pain? Bleeding? What the fuck had happened? I gave Delilah everything she needed before I left the damn apartment this morning? What could she have possibly needed that caused her to move!?
I rushed past everyone and darted for my car. I raced across downtown, blowing by red lights and speeding around corners. I didn’t give a shit if someone caught me. Something was going on with Delilah and no one was getting in my way.
I skidded into the hospital parking lot and came to an abrupt stop. I leapt from the car and raced into the hospital, my eyes scanning the maps. I found the nearest elevator and took it all the way up to the fourth floor, my eyes searching for the room the attendant had given me.
I rounded the corner and saw Delilah lying there, her face pale and her eyes fraught with fear as her parents doted on her.
“I didn’t know they were in town,” Delilah said. “I called them to tell them what was going on and they just said they would be right over.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. We’ve got you now,” Marcia said.
I walked around the bed and pulled up a chair beside Delilah. I took her hand within mine, her eyes cresting with tears. They barreled down her cheek as her face scrunched in pain as her parents loomed over her every move. I could tell she was uncomfortable. Not just with the pain of what looked like labor, but with the fact that her parents were here.
“How long have you guys been in town?” I asked.
“Just a few days,” Phillip said.
“When were you going to inform us you were here?” I asked.
“When Delilah called this past weekend and told us she was on bedrest we flew in. Hoping to be on standby just in case you guys needed anything.”
“But we didn’t know you were here,” I said. “We could have used you. I would’ve rather had the two of you looking over your daughter instead of hiring a stranger to do it.”
“Preston, not now. Please. I-I-I just…I’m scared. Has anyone told you anything?”
“Only that you said you moved to get a water bottle and that’s when it happened. You know you can be honest with me, right? I won’t get upset if you moved.”
“That was all that happened, I swear. I had to stretch a little bit to get to it, but I didn’t move. My feet didn’t even hit the floor. I don’t know what happened, Preston. I’m sorry.”
“Honey, it’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. Stop making her feel like she did something wrong,” Phillip said.
“With all due respect, I’m still trying to figure out if you guys are here to bring peace or create derision. So excuse me if I don’t listen,” I said.
Marcia scooted Phillip out of the way and placed an ice chip between Delilah’s teeth. I knew having the comfort of her mother was nice for her, even with how awkward things were right now, but part of me wished it was just us. They were creating unnecessary stress and pressure, even if they
didn’t know it. Even if Delilah didn’t know it, having them here without even knowing they were in town was causing unanswered questions to fester.
Plus, I felt I knew her better than anyone else. Even though they were her parents, I felt like they didn’t understand their daughter. If they did, they would be able to see the unease in her eyes every time they got closer. They would see how she tried to scoot herself closer to me just to get from underneath their looming forms.
I was ready to tell the doctors to escort them out just to give us a moment’s rest.
“Okay, everyone. I have results.”
An older doctor with gray at his temples came walking in as his voice registered in my head.
“Mr. Walker, I assume?”
“Yes. It’s nice to meet you,” I said. “What’s going on? What happened to Delilah?”
“You’re aware she has placenta previa, correct?” the doctor asked.
“No. No we uh…we didn’t know that. Honey, we didn’t know that. Why didn’t you tell us?” Phillip asked.
“Because you and Mom are currently fighting and it’s making me uncomfortable. I still don’t know why you didn’t tell me you guys were in town. Were you lurking or spying or some shit?”
She groaned with another contraction as the doctor began fiddling with her IVs.
“We’re going to be administering terbutaline in order to stop her contractions. Even with the regular steroid shots you’ve been getting, Miss Kent, these babies aren’t ready to come out. Your placenta is still attached to your uterine wall, but it did fall. It’s now covering the entirety of your cervix.”
“What does that mean?” I asked. “Is that what caused the bleeding?”
“The pain she felt was from the shifting of her placenta. The bleeding was part of her uterine lining being shed because of the moving. I’m going to get a nurse in here to take frequent ultrasounds to keep tabs on the babies heart rates, but as far as I see only one in distress is Miss Kent.”
“Then let’s fix that,” I said.
“Is there anything we can do, doctor?” Marcia asked.
The doctor looked at us before his eyes fell to Delilah. Her eyes were closed as the terbutaline worked its way through her system. She was in a great deal of pain and snuggled up as close to me as she could get.
And the doctor saw that.
“The best thing you can do right now is let her rest. She needs the father of these children right now. That’s all,” the doctor said.
“We’re her parents,” Phillip said. “I’m her father.”
“And as her parents, you want what’s best for her, right?” the doctor asked.
“Of course. Always,” Marcia said.
“Then give her and Mr. Walker some space. Let’s get her labor under control and stopped, and once she can leave the hospital safely all of you can figure out what will be best for Miss Kent and these babies. Because that’s all that’s important right now.”
I nodded towards the doctor before I pressed a kiss to Delilah’s head.
“I’m so tired,” she said.
“Then get some rest. I’ll be right here when you wake up,” I said.
“Please don’t leave me,” she said with a whisper.
I leaned my forehead against hers as she sighed. I captured her lips within mine, feeling the way she melted into me. I could feel a part of myself cracking. Giving way to her as my confidence began to fade. We were teetering on the edge between a future and a total disaster, and the only thing I was focused on was keeping her safe.
No matter who I had to keep her safe from.
“I missed you today,” Delilah said breathlessly.
“I missed you, too,” I said as I kissed her skin. “So much more than I care to admit to.”
A giggle fell from her lips as her body relaxed into the bed. I held tightly onto her hand as she fell asleep, her parents standing in the corner. I scooted my chair closer to her, watching her as she slept. My heart pounded in my chest and my legs began to grow weak. I watched Delilah’s shapely chest rise and fall with her breaths as I smoothed my free hand over her stomach.
I was shaking. My strength was cracking. I could feel a lump in my throat threatening to choke me to death as I swallowed hard. I had almost lost them today. All of them because of this damn secret. Because I had to be pulled between her and work instead of being truthful and getting the time with her I deserved. I leaned my head next to hers as she slept, feeling her soft breaths against my lips.
There was something about Delilah that drove me nuts.
And there was something about her that drove me home.
When I woke up, I saw Preston’s face laying next to mine. I smiled as I kissed the tip of his nose, edging him awake. I lifted my head and saw my parents in the corner, my body feeling heavier by the second.
I didn’t care that they were in town for me. All I wanted to do was make them go home.
“How are you feeling?” Preston asked.
“Delilah? Are you up?” my mother asked.
I felt my mother rush to my side and take my hand, but I pulled it from her. She looked at me with wild eyes before shooting a glare over towards Preston. I had no idea what the hell had gotten into them, but they weren’t bringing this drama into my life. Whatever it was they are fighting about, they could work it out between the two of them.
“Is she awake?” my father asked.
“I am, and I have something I want to tell you guys,” I said.
“Delilah, maybe we should hold off on this,” Preston said.
“I’ve got this,” I reassured him.
“What is it?” my mother asked. “What do you need?”
“I need you guys to go home,” I said.
I could see the hurt in my mother’s features as tears welled in her eyes. She sought comfort in the arms of my father, but they didn’t fight it. I told them that we would call them when they could come in and see the kids, just like we told them in the beginning. We would fly them out so they could be here and everything would be okay.
“You can’t just swoop in here unannounced, though,” I said.
“We were worried about you, sweetie,” my mother said.
“Then that’s what a phone call is for. I’m not sure what any of this is about, and I’m too tired to figure it out. But whatever has gotten into you and Dad needs to go home with you and Dad. I’ve got too much to focus on to try and decipher why you were okay with Preston that weekend wevisited but are now throwing him nasty looks,” I said.
That day in the hospital was hard. It was hard watching my parents leave with unresolved issues between all of us, but it had to happen. They couldn’t spring stuff like this on us, and we had to put a stop to it now. If they became those kinds of grandparents, it would drive us wild and really rift our relationship.
And I didn’t want that to happen to anyone.
As the weeks of bedrest passed by, I looked at Preston with a bit more kindness. He spent even more time away from work and started conferencing in on the meetings instead of going in. He kept sticking to my wishes of not wanting to tell anyone in the office, even though I saw how much it hurt him. He wanted to tell people. He wanted to be known as the father of these children. And it was that knowledge that had obliterated our hands-off policy I had instilled.
I was falling in love with Preston, and there was nothing I could do about it.
My heart yearned for him whenever I was in bed at night. Preston had been the perfect gentleman, staying until I fell asleep then slipping off to one of the guest bedrooms. But when I woke up in the middle of the night, I longed for him to be there. My body and my soul reached out for him, wanting to feel his arms around my body.
The one thing I wanted to prevent was the one thing that happened, and I didn’t know what to do. My heart wanted to be with Preston, but my soul wanted us to be a family. I wanted to wake up to him and cook breakfast for him. I want
ed to raise these children with him and take family vacations with him. I wanted all of it…with him.
How the hell was I supposed to tell him that?
A few days before my planned cesarean section, I had a rough night. I woke up thirsty and I called out for Preston, begging for a bottle of water for my parched mouth. He strode into the room with his chest puffed out and his eyes on high-alert, his hands rubbing my body as I chugged the water down.
Then he fell asleep in the corner of the room, never once leaving my side.
I laid there and watched him, his strong chest rising up and down. His long, toned legs were stretched out, crossed at the ankle and propped up on the edge of the bed. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as I laid there that night, taking him all in as the moonlight streamed through the window.
But then, he started murmuring to himself.
My ears perked up at the sound of what I thought was my name.
Lilah? Was that supposed to be me?
I furrowed my brow as I propped myself up in bed.
“Love you…Lilah…”
Did he just say he loved me? No, he couldn’t have said that. But then, it happened again. Clear as the daytime sky and unavoidable in its interpretation.
“I love you, Delilah.”
I couldn’t believe it. Preston was having a dream about me. Did he mean those words? Was that something he said to me in his dreams often? I leaned back into the headboard of the bed, turning the moment around in my thoughts. Was I making something out of nothing? It was possible I was dreaming myself. That I could wake up and this could all be some dream-within-a-dream thing. But my heart leapt with joy as the phrase fell from his lips again.
Unmistakable and clear as day.
This was what I wanted, but I couldn’t trust a man in a dream state. Could I? Dreams were just a manifestation of the subconscious, right? And those were usually things people wanted, no matter how weird. I mean, loving me wasn’t weird. I didn’t think so. But that was what I wanted.