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The Year's Best Science Fiction - Thirty-Third Annual Collection

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by Gardner Dozois

  Jeffrey Ford, “The Thyme Fiend,”, March 11.

  ______, “The Winter Wraith,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December.

  Amanda Forrest, “Of Apricots and Dying,” Asimov’s, December.

  Neil Gaiman, “Black Dog,” Trigger Warnings.

  Tom Gerencer, “And All Our Donkeys Were Vain,” Galaxy’s Edge, May.

  David Gerrold, “Entanglements,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June.

  ______, “The Great Pan American Airship Mystery, or, Why I Murdered Robert Benchley,” Asimov’s, July.

  ______, “Monsieur,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, September/October.

  Gary Gibson, “Scienceville,” Interzone 251.

  Mira Grant, “The Happiest Place,” The End Has Come.

  Simon R. Green, “Bomber’s Moon,” Operation Arcana.

  John Gribbin, “Breakout,” Postscripts 34/35.

  Jim Grimsley, “The God Year,” Asimov’s, September.

  Jason Gurley, “Quiet Town,” Lightspeed, April.

  Andrea Hairston, “Saltwater Railroad,” Lightspeed, October.

  Joe Haldeman, “Living Hell,” Old Venus.

  Nick Harkaway, “Boxes,” Twelve Tomorrows.

  Gregor Hartmann,”Into the Fiery Planet,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, July–August.

  ______, “The Man From X,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, January/February.

  Ivor W. Hartmann, “Last Wave,” Afrofuture(s).

  Maria Dahvana Headley, “Some Gods of El Paso,”, October 28.

  ______, “Solder and Seam,” Lightspeed, July.

  ______, “The Thirteen Mercies,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December.

  Berrien C. Henderson, “Let Baser Things Devise,” Clarkesworld, April.

  David Herter, “Islands off the Coast of Capitola, 1978,”, July 8.

  Nalo Hopkinson, “Flying Lessons,” Falling in Love with Hominids.

  ______ & Nisi Shawl, “Jamaica Ginger,” Stories for Chip.

  Kat Howard, “A User’s Guide to Increments of Time,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April.

  Matthew Hughes, “A Face of Black Iron,” Lightspeed, March.

  ______ “The Archon,” Lightspeed, January.

  ______, “The Blood of the Dragon,” Lightspeed, May.

  ______, “The Curse of the Myremelon,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August.

  ______, “Greeves and the Evening Star,” Old Venus.

  ______, “Prisoner of Pandarius,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, January/February.

  Kameron Hurley, “Body Politic,” Meeting Infinity.

  ______, “Elephants and Corpses,”, May 13.

  Simon Ings, “Drones,” Meeting Infinity.

  Betsy James, “Paradise and Trout,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August.

  Holly Jennings, “The Time Has Come,” Daily SF.

  Alex Jennings, “Heart of Brass,” Stories for Chip.

  Xia Jia, “If on a Winter Night a Traveler,” Clarksworld, November.

  Hao Jingfang, “Folding Beijing,” Uncanny 2.

  Fadzlishah Johanabas, “Songbird,” Interzone 257.

  Kij Johnson, “The Apartment Dweller’s Bestiary,” Clarkesworld, January.

  Bill Johnson, “Paris, 1835,” Analog, December.

  Gwyneth Jones, “A Planet Named Desire,” Old Venus.

  Naim Kabir, “Slowly Builds an Empire,” Clarkesworld, March.

  Vyler Kaftan, “Last Hunt,” Asimov’s, September.

  Rahul Kanakia, “Here Is My Thinking on a Situation That Affects Us All,” Lightspeed, November.

  James Patrick Kelly, “Oneness: A Triptych,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August.

  Jake Kerr, “The Gray Sunrise,” The End Has Come.

  Garry Kilworth, “Chasing Gaia,” Postscripts 34/35.

  Alica Sola Kim, “A Residence for Friendless Ladies,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April.

  T. Kingfisher, “Telling the Bees,” Strange Horizons, December 21.

  David Klecha & Tobias S. Buckell, “Rules of Enchantment,” Operation Arcana.

  Mary Robinette Kowal, “Like Native Things,” Asimov’s, July.

  ______, “Midnight Hour,” Uncanny 5.

  Nancy Kress, “Blessings,” The End Has Come.

  ______, “Cocoons,” Meeting Infinity.

  Naomi Kritzer, “Cat Pictures, Please,” Clarkesworld, January.

  ______, “Cleanout,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December.

  ______, “Jubilee: A Seastead Story,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, January/February.

  ______, “The Silicon Curtain: A Seastead Story,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August.

  ______, “So Much Cooking,” Clarkesworld, November.

  ______, “Wild,” Apex, April.

  Derek Künsken, “Ghost Colors,” Asimov’s, February.

  ______, “Pollen from a Future Harvest,” Asimov’s, June.

  Jay Lake, “An Exile of the Heart,” Clarkesworld, January.

  Claude Lalumiére, “Empathy Evolving as a Quantum of Eight-Dimensional Perception,” Stories for Chip.

  Sarah Langan, “Prototype,” The End Has Come.

  Joe R. Lansdale, “The Wizard of the Trees,” Old Venus.

  Rich Larson, “Biding War,” Asimov’s, December.

  ______, “Brainwhales Are Stoners, Too,” Interzone 257.

  ______, “The Delusive Cartographer,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, November 24.

  ______, “Edited,” Interzone 259.

  ______, “Going Endo,” Apex, July.

  ______, “The King of the Cathedral,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, February 5.

  ______, “We Might Be Sims,” Interzone 251.

  Karalynn Lee, “Court Bindings,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, June 25.

  Yoon Ha Lee, “The Cold Inequalities,” Meeting Infinity.

  ______, “Gamer’s End,” Press Start to Play.

  ______, “The Graphology of Hemorrhage,” Operation Arcana.

  ______, “Interlingua,” Uncanny 7.

  ______, “Snakes,” Clarkesworld, July.

  ______, “Two to Leave,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 15.

  ______, “Variations on an Apple,”, October 14.

  Stephen Leigh, “Bones of Air, Bones of Stone,” Old Venus.

  Rose Lemberg, “archival memory fragments/miner’s song,” Uncanny 2.

  ______, “Geometries of Belonging,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 1.

  ______, “How to Remember to Forget to Remember the Old War,” Lightspeed, June.

  Mack Leonard, “Midnight Funk Association,” Interzone 257.

  David D. Levine, “Damage,”

  ______, “Malf,” Mission: Tomorrow.

  Henry Lien, “Bilingual,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April.

  Heather Lindsley, “Werewolf Loves Mermaid,” Lightspeed, September.

  Marissa Lingen, “Blue Ribbon,” Analog, March.

  ______, “It Brought Us All Together,” Strange Horizons, July 13.

  ______, “Out of the Rose Hills,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, May 14.

  ______, “Points of Origin,”, November 4.

  ______, “Surfacing,” Lightspeed, March.

  Ken Liu, “Article 1, Section 8, Class 11,” War Stories from the Future.

  ______, “Compatibility,” Ecotones.

  ______, “The Gods Have Not Died in Vain,” The End Has Come.

  Richard A. Lovertt, “The Wormhole War,” Analog, June.

  Will Lundwigsen, “Acres of Perhaps,” Asimov’s, July.

  Ian R. MacLeod, “Frost on Glass,” Frost on Glass.

  Kate MacLeod, “The Onmyoji’s Wife,” Abyss & Apex, 1st Quarter.

  Bruce McAllister, “Dog,”, March 25.

  ______, “Dreampet,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December.

  ______, “Holy Water, Holy Blood,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, November 12.

“Madonna,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, February 19.

  ______, “My Father’s Crab,” Analog, October.

  Paul McAuley, “Wild Honey,” Asimov’s, August.

  Joe M. McDermott, “Paul and His Son,” Asimov’s, April/May.

  Jack McDevitt, “Excalibur,” Mission: Tomorrow.

  ______, “Riding with the Duke,” Future Visions.

  Sandra McDonald, “The Adjunct Professor’s Guide to Life After Death,” Asimov’s, October/November.

  ______, “Cora Crane and the Trouble with Me,” Cranky Ladies of History.

  Ian McDowell, “The Hard Woman,” Asimov’s, October/November.

  Seanan McGuire, “The Myth of Rain,” Lightspeed, May.

  ______, “Resistance,” The End Has Come.

  ______, “Survival Horror,” Press Start to Play.

  ______, “In Skeleton Leaves,” Operation Arcana.

  Ian McHugh, ‘Demons Enough,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 27.

  Will McIntosh, “A Thousand Nights Till Morning,” Asimov’s, August.

  ______, “Dancing with a Stranger in the Land of Nod,” The End Has Come.

  Angus McIntyre, “Windshear,” Mission: Impossible.

  Vonda N. McIntyre,” Little Sisters,” BookViewCafe.

  Sean McMullen, “The Ninth Seduction,” Lightspeed, September.

  Deverah Major, “Voice Prints,” Stories for Chip.

  Usman Malik, “The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn,”, April 22.

  Anil Menon, “Clarity,” Stories For Chip.

  Sam J. Miller, “Ghosts of Home,” Lightspeed, August.

  ______, “The Heat of Us,” Uncanny 2.

  ______, “When Your Child Strays from God,” Clarkesworld, July.

  Kris Millerine, “This Wanderer, in the Dark of the Year,” Clarkesworld, June.

  Sean Monaghan, “The Molenstraat Music Festival,” Asimov’s, September.

  Elizabeth Moon, “Mercenary’s Honor,” Operation Arcana.

  Sunny Moraine, “At Whatever Are Their Moons,” Strange Horizons, December 14.

  ______, “It Is Healing, It Is Never Whole, Apex, August.

  Tamsyn Muir, “The Deepwater Bride,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August.

  ______, “Union,” Clarkesworld, December.

  Karen Myers, “The Visitor,” Strange Horizons, July 20.

  Ramez Naam, “Exile From Extinction,” Meeting Infinity.

  Linda Nagata, “The Way Home,” Operation Arcana.

  T.R. Napper, “An Advanced Guide to Successful Price-Fixing in Extraterrestrial Betting Markets,” Interzone 256.

  ______, “A Shout Is a Prayer for the Waiting Centuries,” Interzone 258.

  Ray Nayler, “Mutability,” Asimov’s, June.

  Mari Ness, “The Fox Bride,” Daily SF, March 20.

  ______, “Inhabiting Your Skin,” Apex, June.

  Ruth Nestvold, “Degrees of Seperation,” Abyss & Apex, 3rd Quarter.

  Alec Nevala-Lee, “Stonebrood,” Analog, October.

  Annalee Newitz, “All-Natural Organic Microbes,” Twelve Tomorrows.

  Garth Nix, “By Frogsled and Lizardback to Ourcast Venusian Lepers,” Old Venus.

  ______, “The Company of Women,” Cranky Ladies of History.

  Jay O’Connell, “Candy from Strangers,” Asimov’s, January.

  ______, “Things Worth Knowing,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April.

  ______, “Willing Flesh,” Asimov’s, April/May.

  Yukimi Ogawa, “Hundred Eyes,” Strange Horizons, September 28.

  Megan E. O’Keefe, “Of Blood and Brine,” Shimmer, January 15.

  Daniel Jose Older, “Kia and Glo,”

  Malka Older, “Tear Tracks,”, October 21.

  An Owomoyele, “Outsider,” Meeting Infinity.

  Suzanne Palmer, “Tuesdays,” Asimov’s, March.

  K.J. Parker, “The Last Witness,”

  Richard Parks, “The Bride Doll,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, October 1.

  Shannon Peavey, “The Snake-Oil Salesman and the Prophet’s Head,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, April 30.

  Brooks Peck, “With Folded RAM,” Asimov’s, October/November.

  Sarah Pinsker, “Our Lady of the Open Road,” Asimov’s, June.

  ______, “Remembery Day,” Apex, May.

  ______, “Today’s Smarthouse in Love,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June.

  Rachel Pollack, “Johnny Rev,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, July/August.

  Bill Powell, “The Punctuality Machine; Or, A Steampunk Libretto,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, May 14.

  Gareth L. Powell, “Ride the Blue Horse,” Matter, July 28.

  Tom Purdom, “Day Job,” Asimov’s, April/May.

  Chen Qiufan, “Coming of the Light,” Clarkesworld, March.

  Carmelo Rafala, “Song for the Asking,” Stories for Chip.

  Zhang Ran, “Ether,” Clarkesworld, January.

  Kit Reed, “Military Secrets,” Asimov’s, March.

  Robert Reed, “The City of Your Soul,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December.

  ______, “Cremulator,” Clarkesworld, September.

  ______, “Curb,” Postscripts 34/35.

  ______, “The Empress in Her Glory,” Clarkesworld, April.

  ______, “Empty,” Asimov’s, December.

  ______, “What I Intend,” Asimov’s, April/May.

  Jessica Reisman & Steven Utley, “The Cicadas,” Postscripts 34/35.

  Alastair Reynolds, “A Murmuration,” Interzone 257.

  ______, “Slow Bullets,” Tachyon.

  Adam Roberts, “Zayinim,” Jews vs. Zombies.

  Kim Stanley Robinson, “Oral Argument,”, December 7.

  Kelly Robson, “Two-Year Man,” Asimov’s, August.

  ______, “Waters of Versailles,”, June 10.

  Margaret Ronald, “Let’s Tell Stories of the Death of Children,” Strange Horizons, October 12.

  Christopher Rowe, “The Unveiling,” Asimov’s, January.

  S.J. Rozan, “Hanami,” Hanzai Japan.

  Rudy Rucker & Marc Laidlaw, “Watergirl,” Asimov’s, January.

  Kristine Kathryn Rusch, “The First Step, Asimov’s, August.

  ______, “The Last Surviving Gondola Widow,” Clarkesworld, February.

  ______, “The Museum of Modern Warfare,” Analog, December.

  Sarah Saab, “In the Queue for the Worldship Munawwer,” Clarkesworld, November.

  Sofia Samatar, “A Brief History of Nonduality Studies,” Afrofuture(s).

  Jason Sanford, “Duller’s Peace,” Asimov’s, September.

  Robert Sawyer, “Looking for Gordo,” Future Visions.

  Kenneth Schneyer, “The Plausibility of Dragons,” Lightspeed, November.

  Veronica Shanoes, “Ballroom Blitz,”, April 1.

  Priya Sharma, “Fabulous Beasts,”, July 27.

  Nisi Shawl, “A Beautiful Stream,” Cranky Ladies of History.

  John Shirley, “Weedkiller,” Interzone 260.

  Martin L. Shoemaker, “Brigas Nunca Mals,” Analog, March.

  ______, “Racing to Mars,” Analog, September.

  Bao Shu, “Preserve Her Memory,” Clarkesworld, September.

  ______, “What Has Passed Shall in Kinder Light Appear,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April.

  Vandana Singh, “Ambiguity Machines,”, April 29.

  Jack Skillingstead, “Tribute,” Mission: Impossible.

  Alan Smale, “English Wildlife,” Asimov’s, October/November.

  Cat Sparks, “Hot Rods,” Lightspeed, March.

  ______, “Veteran’s Day,” Hear Me Roar!

  Kendra Leigh Spedding, “The Exile of the Eldest Son of the Family Ysanne,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, August 7.

  Allen M. Steele, “Frogheads,” Old Venus.

  ______, “The Long Wait,” Asimov’s, January.

  Bruce Sterling, “The Ancient Engineer,�
� Twelve Tomorrows.

  ______, “Pictures from the Resurrection,” Meeting Infinity.

  Bonnie Joe Stufflebeam, “He Came from a Place of Openness and Truth,” Lightspeed, February.

  ______, “Nostalgia,” Interzone 256.

  Tim Sullivan, “Hob’s Choice,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December.

  Mike Sulway, “The Karen Joy Fowler Book Club,” Lightspeed, October.

  Michael Swanwick, “The Night of the Salamander,”, August 5.

  ______, “The Phantom in the Maze,”, December 1.

  ______, “The Pyramid of Krakow,”, September 30.

  ______& Gregory Frost, “Lock Up Your Chickens and Daughters—H’ard and Andy Are Come To Town!,” Asimov’s, April/May.

  Rachel Swirsky, “The Reluctant Jew,” Jews vs. Aliens.

  ______, “Tea Time,” Lightspeed, December.

  Sheree Renée Thomas, “The Dragon Can’t Dance,” Afrofuture(s).

  Lavie Tidhar, “The Drowned Celestial,” Old Venus.

  ______, “The Last Dinosaur,” Shimmer 26.

  E. Catherine Tobler, “Somewhere I Have Never Traveled (Third Sound Remix), Clarkesworld, June.

  Jeremiah Tolbert, “Men of Unborrowed Vision,” Lightspeed, January.

  Steven Utley & Camille Alexa, “All the Layers of the World,” Postscripts 34/35.

  Robin Wasserman, “All the People in Your Party Have Died,” Press Start to Play.

  Catherynne A. Valente, “The Lily and the Horn,” Fantasy Magazine.

  Genevieve Valentine, “Blood, Ash, Braids,” Operation Arcana.

  Carrie Vaughn, “Crazy Rhythm,” Lightspeed, October.

  ______, “The Girl Who Loved Shonen Knife,” Hanzai Japan.

  ______, “Sealskin,” Operation Arcana.

  ______, “Sun, Stone, Spear,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March.

  ______, “That Game We Played During the War,”

  Ursula Vernon, “Pocosin,” Apex, January.

  James Victor, “Mustard World,” Abyss & Apex, 3rd Quarter.

  Thomas M. Waldroon, “Sinseerly a Friend & Yr. Obed’t,” Beneath Ceaseless Skies, April 16.

  Kali Wallace, “The Proper Motion of Extraordinary Stars,” Shimmer 25.

  George S. Walker, “Dreadnought Under Ice,” Abyss & Apex, 1st Quarter.

  Janeen Webb, “A Wonderous Necessary Woman,” Hear Me Roar!

  Bud Webster, “Farewell Blues,” Fantasy & Science Fiction, January/February.

  Andrew Weir, “Twarrior,” Press Start to Play.

  Henry Wessells, “The Beast Unknown to Heraldry,” Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, June.


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