Book Read Free

Trusted Company

Page 3

by Crystal Perkins

  “I agree,” he tells me with a smile. It’s the first one he’s given me since we kissed earlier today, and it warms me all over.

  “I’m going to finish frosting the cookies while you take your shower. Unless you need help washing your back.”

  “Not tonight, Ly.”

  “Can’t blame me for trying.”

  “No, I can’t.”

  He leans in and gives me a sweet kiss on the lips. This man thinks he’s not sweet, but he is. If he wasn’t, I’d be in a hotel right now. Promise or no promise, I’ve got my work cut out for me. Good thing I’m not scared of working hard, especially when it comes to Guil. I’ve waited too long to back down now when I’ve finally got a chance at being with him.

  As he walks away, I think about things I could do to speed things along. I could “accidentally” splash some water on my t-shirt while rinsing off the dishes. Or I could drop some frosting on my collarbone, hoping he’d lick or suck it off. There are lots of things I could do to manipulate the situation, but I won’t do them. I want Guil fair and square and I’m not going to play dirty to get him—at least not yet.

  Chapter 3


  I’m not expecting Miles to call me, but it’s his name flashing across my cell phone the next morning. Lyla’s making breakfast, and looking like she belongs in my house. Two things I both love and hate at the same time. This call is probably the distraction I need.

  “Hey Miles.”

  “Hey. Listen, I need a favor. Or actually just for you to do the job you’re pretending to do.”

  “Of course.”

  “One of the clients I’ve been courting from Amsterdam is vacationing in Santa Barbara. I’ve convinced him to go to dinner with you tonight. A C&C laptop will be delivered shortly so you can go over the info.”

  “You could just email it to me.”

  “No, I really can’t.”

  Gotta love a company that’s got a hidden spy organization running through it. “Gotcha.”

  “Thanks again. Oh, and he’s expecting you to bring a date. His wife didn’t want to be left alone in their room while he was out. I hope that’s not a problem.”

  “I think I can handle it,” I say, looking over at the only woman I would even consider taking to something like this.

  “Great. Call me if you have any questions. Otherwise, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Yep. Talk to you soon.”

  “I think it’s cool you’re working for the Corrigans,” Lyla tells me as she slides a plate across the island to me. The omelet, potatoes, and toast look perfect.

  “Me too. This looks amazing. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. The least I can do is cook for you while I’m here.”

  “I don’t expect that.”

  “I know.”

  “Listen, I know you didn’t bring much with you, but Miles needs me to go to dinner with a prospective client tonight, and he asked me to bring a date.”

  “I can shop. I need painting things anyway.”

  “I’ll pay for whatever you need.”

  “No. You know I have my own 8ujmoney.”

  How am I going to say this to her without sounding like an ass? Not a chance of that, so here I go. “Can you get something a little different than what you’re wearing—what you normally wear?”

  She looks down at her loose dress, which is covered in flowers and hides all of her fantastic curves. “What’s wrong with this dress?”

  “It covers you up.”

  “Unless you’re planning to loan me out or something, that shouldn’t matter.”

  “Hell no, I’m not letting another man touch you.”

  “Then again, what does it matter?”

  I scratch the back of my head and try to come up with the right words once again. “From the small glimpses I’ve seen, and the way you felt when I had my hands on you, I know you’re rocking some serious curves. I want you to embrace their magnificence, and stop hiding.”

  “If I was hiding, I wouldn’t be here right now. I can only do so much in a day.”

  “Tell me what you’re covering up,” I say, standing and moving to hold her hips in my hands again. “Why don’t you want the world to see you?”

  She swallows hard, then moves one of my hands to her stomach. “It’s not flat.”

  “No,” I agree, moving my hand in small circles over her soft skin. “It doesn’t need to be.”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, she moves my other hand lower, letting me feel her thighs touching. I nearly lose all control, but I manage to hold on to a tiny thread for dear life.

  “They touch.”

  “Beautiful. All of you is beautiful.”

  “I’m a sure thing, Guil. You don’t need to say things you think I need to hear.”

  “We’ve already established how non-sweet I am, so why would you think I’m acting that way right now. I love the way you look.”

  I look her in the eyes when I say the words, making sure she knows I mean what I say. She’s gorgeous and I can’t believe she doesn’t know that. She looks in my eyes for a long minute before nodding.

  “I could maybe find something a little more fitted. Not tight or revealing, but I know I have nice breasts I could showcase.”

  “Your rack is the thing of wet dreams, Ly. Once we get a little further in whatever this is we’re doing, I’m going to be spending a lot of time there.”

  “It’s not nice to tease me.”

  “Not teasing.”

  “Your hands are.”

  Her words hit me and I freeze. I hadn’t even notice how one hand was moving up her ribs while the other was sliding between her thighs. I immediately remove my hands and step back.


  “I’m only sorry you’ve stopped now.”


  “Not soon enough,” she mumbles, and I silently agree.

  That one little touch was enough to make me forget myself. I’m already craving more of her, and now that I know she’s willing, it’s getting even harder to resist her. Oh yeah, I’m definitely in trouble. If I’m being honest, I can admit to myself that’s exactly where I want to be.


  I want to make Guil happy. It’s the reason I left Newport, the reason I’m ignoring the calls from my parents—although I texted that I’m fine and just need time alone—and it’s the reason I’m in this dress right now. It’s off the shoulder, fitted through the bodice, and flares out from my hips. There’s still flowers trailing over it, but it’s nothing like the dress I was wearing when I walked into the boutique earlier today.

  The women working there said I looked good, and objectively I know I do, but it’s hard to get over a lifetime of insecurities in one afternoon. I’m going to keep this dress on, and not change into the looser dress I bought, because Guil asked me for this. I’m not going to be that girl who only dresses for her guy, but I can do it for one night. Moving out of my comfort zone is a good thing. It led me here, and I’ve already been kissed in a way I only dreamed of before.

  “Ly, you ready?” Guil asks, knocking lightly on my door.


  “Can I come in?”



  “You don’t have to say that. It’s a little tight in my stomach, and my breasts and ass look huge.”

  He walks forward, and takes my hands in his, placing them on my shoulders. “These shoulders drive me insane.” Moving our hands, he runs them over my breasts. “And well, we already talked about these this morning. Perfection.” Down to my waist. “I want you to be able to breathe and eat comfortably. Can you?” I nod. “I like that it’s snug, because I know how soft your skin is beneath here, and it makes me want to touch it again.” Over to my hips. “I love holding onto these.” Across my ass, where he squeezes each cheek. “Your ass inspires lots of dreams and fantasies.”

  “You make me feel more beautiful than I ever have in my life.”


  He kisses me lightly on the lips, a mere brush that doesn’t disturb my lipstick. It disturbs me because I want so much more from him. I reach for him, but he backs up.

  “I want a proper kiss!”

  “After dinner, I’ll kiss you all you want. If I do it now, your beautiful hair is going to be a mess, and your mouth is going to be swollen. I can’t mess you up before I take you out.”

  “I want more than kisses tonight. Touching at least.”


  “I’ll be good at dinner. I’ll eat a little and make interesting conversation.”

  “That’s not what this is about. I never want you to think you have to act a certain way, or eat a certain way, or be a certain way. I invited you because I want you. However you want to be. I shouldn’t have asked you to dress differently than you usually do. I just want you to see how perfect you are. Do you want to change?”

  He’s looking me in the eye, waiting for my answer. I know he means everything he says, and while it’s hard for me to accept, I want to. I want to accept that I’m as beautiful as he makes me feel.

  “No. I like this. I didn’t think I would, but I do.”

  Guil’s smile lights up his face, and then he’s leaning down to kiss my collarbone. It’s sweet and sexy all at once. “We need to go before I lose the willpower to resist you.”

  I accept the hand he holds out to me, lacing my fingers with his as we walk downstairs and into the garage. He has his two motorcycles in here, along with various cars and an SUV. I’m not surprised when he leads me to the Maybach, as I know we’re making an impression tonight.

  The drive to the restaurant is short, and I can’t help but smile when Guil tells the valet to leave my door for him. His hand is on my back as we walk in and I like it. I like feeling possessed by this man.

  “You must be Guil and Lyla,” an older gentleman says, rising from the table. The stunning woman sitting next to him just smiles at us.

  “Yes. Thank you for meeting with us George.”

  “Well, I’ve wanted to talk to someone from C&C, but Vegas isn’t our favorite place to travel to. Too much noise and tourists.”

  “You just need to find some out of the way places to hang out, and then it’s pretty great.”

  “We might take you up on that one day, but for now, I’m happy we could talk here in this beautiful city.”

  George introduces us to his wife, Emily, and we all take our seats. Emily and I make small talk while the men talk business, which makes me glad for my upbringing. I can talk to anyone, anywhere, about almost anything.

  “Are you ready to order?” the waitress asks, coming to stand next to our table. Or more accurately, next to Guil who she’s been eye-fucking since we arrived.

  The men order steak, Emily orders the sea bass, and then it’s my turn. I want to order something sensible, but the menu just looks too good. I’m feeling confident tonight and I want to eat something good.

  “I’ll have the seafood risotto.”

  “Are you sure?” the waitress asks.

  “Is it not good?”

  “Oh, it’s delicious. I just wasn’t sure you really wanted to order that on a date.”

  “Thanks for thinking of me, but I’m good.”

  She walks away, and Guil starts to get out of his chair. “I’m going to speak to the manager.”

  “No,” I say, putting my hand on his arm. “She’s not important.”

  “Well, all I can say is that the risotto sounded heavenly, and I’m hoping you’ll let me try a bite,” Emily tells me.

  “Of course.”

  The food is wonderful, and the conversation keeps flowing through the meal. Guil and I share a dessert after our meals, and I only turn a little red when he kisses a bit of chocolate from my mouth. I’m not used to PDA of any kind, even though I love that he did it.

  “You two are adorable together,” Emily tells me as we walk out together.

  “Thanks. I’ve had a crush on him for a long time, and he’s finally coming around.”

  “I’m glad. He’s completely smitten with you. I’m looking forward to us all getting together again at the C&C gala next month.”

  “Me too,” I tell her, even though I don’t know if I’ll be invited.

  I mean, I’m pretty sure I will by the Corrigans, but I’d like to be Guil’s date. I think we’re headed in that direction, but I don’t know for sure. I don’t seem to know anything for sure. Other than my crush is turning into so much more, and I can’t wait to get him home for more.

  Chapter 4


  I haven’t been nervous around a woman for a lot of years, but I’m nervous with Lyla tonight. Maybe it’s because she matters, when so many of the other women I’ve been with haven’t. Or maybe I’m finally realizing what it’s like to want more than sex. Then there’s the fact that this was our first official date—double or not. Whatever it is, my hands are sweating as I drive us home.

  Home. The place I used to hide out alone. A place to lie my head until Lyla came here yesterday. In one day, my house really does feel like home, and I’m trying hard not to analyze that too much.

  “Do you want something to drink?” I ask once we’re in the house again.

  “Only you.”

  “You are definitely embracing your sexual side.”

  “Is that a problem?” she asks, and I see the flicker of uncertainty cross her eyes.

  “Only in that I’m trying to be a gentleman with you, and take things slow,” I say, placing my hands on her hips and pulling her close to me. “I want you to feel cherished and appreciated.”

  “Maybe I just need to feel wanted.”

  I thrust my hips against her, letting her feel how much I want her. “You are. I don’t want you to doubt that when I’m around.”

  She slides her hands through my hair and pulls me to her, kissing me hard. This time, I’m the one who’s backed up, pressed to the refrigerator. I let her take control for a few minutes, because I think she needs it—and let’s face it, being kissed by her is no hardship.

  Once our kisses start getting more intense, I place my hands under her ass and lift her up. Her legs immediately go around my waist as I carry her through the kitchen and up the stairs. I hesitate for a second at the top, trying to decide where to go. It’s only a second, because I know in my heart that she belongs in my bed and nowhere else.

  “Underwear stays on,” I tell her, breaking our kiss.

  “So, my bra can come off?” she asks, reaching behind her for the zipper to her dress.

  “Lyla,” I warn, my mouth going dry as her dress drops and she’s standing in front of me in red lace.

  “You’re no fun.”

  I rip the last buttons from my shirt and drop my pants as she licks her lips. “The hell I’m not.”

  After that, we fall onto the bed in a mess of limbs and lips. I touch every inch of her and kiss all of her exposed skin. It’s not enough. It will never be enough, but it has to be for right now. Tomorrow, I may not be able to hold onto my control, but for today, I will. No matter how hard it is—and I am.

  Hours later, with the sun coming in through the window, I wake up wrapped in soft skin and red lace. Lyla slept with me all night, and more importantly, I slept all night with her.

  “Ooh, I’m like an octopus or something,” she says, waking up and trying to disentangle herself from me.

  “Or something,” I say, placing my hand on her thigh to stop her from moving too far away.

  “What time is it?”

  “No clue. Got somewhere to be?”

  “I was just planning on hanging around here, painting. The views are gorgeous. Especially down onto the beach.”

  “The view right here is pretty damn gorgeous too, so give me a little more time with you, yeah?”

  “I think I can fit you in.”

  “Oh you will,” I say before I can stop myself.


  Shit. “You�
�re really sure?”


  Who am I to keep denying a sexy woman when she’s already nearly naked in my bed?

  “We’re going to take it slow, and I’m going to eat you first to make sure you’re ready.”

  “Are you expecting me to argue?”

  “No, but I am expecting you to do what I say.”

  “Just in bed, right?”

  “And the shower, floor, kitchen island, against the wall, the pool—you get the picture, Ly? Once is never going to be enough.”

  “Again, I’m not arguing. I didn’t come here for one time.”

  No, she didn’t, and that’s why I should stop right now. There are too many secrets between us, too many things I’m hiding from her. But, I can’t stop. I want this and so does she. Like the greedy bastard I am, I’m taking everything she has to offer—and more.


  The moment I’ve been waiting for is here, and it’s better than I could’ve ever imagined. Guil turns me onto my back and climbs over me. I can see his cock straining against his boxer briefs and my panties get even wetter realizing he’ll be inside of me soon.

  He whispers sweet and sexy things to me as he places little kisses across my forehead, down my cheeks, and over my mouth. I moan when he sucks on my neck and licks my earlobe. This man’s mouth is beyond amazing and it’s nearly killing me to wait as he makes his journey down my body. Between his mouth and his goatee, I know my skin will be red all day, which makes this even hotter.

  The shoulders he said he loves get attention as does my collarbone. One both arms and hands are shown some love, he leans back and looks at me.

  “Take off your bra.”

  I don’t hesitate to do what he says, reaching behind me to pull it off, despite knowing how bad I’m going to look with it off. Sleeping in an underwire when you’ve got big boobs means red marks, and lace marks, and just…yeah. I cover my chest, because it’s embarrassing.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think about how your bra might hurt you when I made you leave it on. I’ll make them feel better, I promise.”

  A part of me wants to let him keep thinking I’m in pain, so he can follow up on his promise, but I know he’s going to have his hands and mouth on me regardless, so I go with the truth. “They aren’t hurt. It’s just embarrassing for the first time you see them to have them all marked up. I want you to be turned on, and not repulsed.”


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