Saving Jax

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Saving Jax Page 6

by Ramona Gray

  Darla smacked him lightly on the arm. “Watch it, mister. You know I – ”

  “Did you enjoy your meal?” Cal was suddenly standing next to the table and Darla beamed at him.

  “It was delicious, pumpkin. Thank you.”

  “Good. I’d like to introduce my boss, Mr. Jimmy Golden.”

  Bill and Court stood and Mel watched as they shook hands with the short, balding man.

  “Mr. Golden, these are my parents, Bill and Darla Thomas, and my brother Court and his girlfriend, Julie.”

  “Wonderful to meet you.” Mr. Golden smiled at them before turning his attention to Melanie. “And who is this lovely creature?”

  Mel forced herself to smile at him as Cal said, “This is my younger sister, Melanie Thomas.”

  “Hello, Mr. Golden. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Thomas.” He held her hand firmly and she forced herself not to shudder.

  The man had the looks of a kindly grandfather but there was a ruthlessness in his eyes that he couldn’t quite conceal, she decided. She supposed that didn’t automatically make him some kind of crime lord but it did make her extremely uncomfortable.

  He released her hand and she refrained from wiping it on her napkin as he smiled at her parents. “I’m very pleased with your boy’s performance here at the nightclub. He’s done exceedingly well in a very short time.”

  “Well, he’s always been a very quick learner,” Darla said with a hint of pride in her voice.

  “Indeed. I have big plans for your son. He possesses the ability to do quite well in the nightclub business,” Mr. Golden replied.

  “Do you have children, Mr. Golden?” Bill asked.

  “I have a daughter. I had hoped she would join the family business but unfortunately,” he hesitated, a brief look of anger flickering across his face, “we have drifted apart as she’s grown older.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Children often need to find their own path, I suppose,” Darla replied.

  “Yes, I suppose they do.” He glanced behind him and waved. Mel’s stomach dropped when Jax Anderson materialized beside him.

  “This is my associate, Jax Anderson. Jax, this is – “

  “Oh, we’ve already met Mr. Anderson,” Darla said brightly. “He came by the house the other day with Cal for dinner.”

  “Did he?” Mr. Golden said.

  “He did. Hello again, Mr. Anderson,” Darla said.

  “Hello, Mrs. Thomas. You look lovely this evening.”

  “Thank you.”

  As Jax shook hands with her father and her brother, Mel stared down at her plate and willed herself not to blush. Jax was wearing a dark suit that clung to his broad shoulders and emphasized the narrowness of his waist and he looked ridiculously sexy. She could hardly stop herself from taking a quick peek at the front of his pants and she scolded herself fiercely.

  Do not stare at his dick, Thomas! Jesus, get yourself under control. You act like you’ve never seen a man’s dick before.

  “Mel?” Her mother’s voice broke through her thoughts and Mel gave her a strained smile.


  “Mr. Anderson is saying hello.”

  She swallowed thickly and forced herself to smile at Jax. “Sorry. Hello, Mr. Anderson.”

  “Hello, Ms. Thomas. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “You as well.”

  He stared at her, his eyes seemed to pierce right through her, and she cleared her throat nervously before forcing herself to look away.

  There was awkward silence and Mel gave Julie a frantic look as her mother stared curiously at her and Jax. Julie, her face flushing a little, broke the silence.

  “Court, would you dance with me?”

  Court’s face was pale and he looked a little nauseated but he nodded. “I would love to, darlin’.”

  He took her hand and led her toward the dance floor as Darla watched. “Oh, dancing. It’s been so long since we’ve danced, Bill.”

  “Well, I guess we should remedy that. May I have this dance?” Her father held his hand out.

  Darla hesitated, her gaze flickering to Mel. “I don’t want to leave poor Mel sitting here all by herself.”

  “It’s fine, mom,” Mel said. “Go and dance with dad. Have fun.”

  “I just feel bad, butterfly, leaving you alone at the table.” Her gaze switched to Jax and she smiled sweetly at him as Mel bit back her groan of dismay.

  “I’m sure Jax would be honoured to dance with your daughter,” Mr. Golden said smoothly. “Wouldn’t you, Jax?”

  “I would,” Jax replied immediately. “Ms. Thomas?” He held his hand out to her and, her stomach churning with anxiety, Mel forced herself to smile at him.

  “Oh, I’m really not much of a dancer but thank you anyway, Mr. – “

  “What? You love dancing, Mel,” Cal said. “You took ten years of dance lessons.”

  She could have cheerfully killed her brother in that moment but she ignored her homicidal urge and took Jax’s hand.

  Her mother smiled delightedly and followed her father to the dance floor as Jax, his lean fingers gripping hers tightly, led her past the tables and on to the dance floor. She gasped when he pulled her up against his hard body.

  “You’re holding me too tightly, Mr. Anderson.”

  “You look lovely tonight, butterfly,” he replied as he moved her smoothly around the dance floor.

  She was a little surprised by his dancing abilities and he must have seen it on her face because he said, “You’re not the only one who took dance lessons, you know.”

  “You’re kidding me.” She stared in surprise at him.

  He shrugged. “I have a wide variety of interests.”

  She shivered when the tips of his fingers caressed her bare upper back. “Stop that.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Touching me.”

  “We’re dancing. I kind of have to touch you,” he said.

  “Not like that,” she hissed at him.

  “Have I mentioned how lovely you look?” He asked.

  “Yes.” She scowled at him.

  He laughed. “You know, most women like it when I compliment them.”

  “I’m not most women,”

  “No, you certainly are not, butterfly,” he said.

  “You don’t get to call me that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, because we don’t even know each other and that nickname is reserved for people who are close to me,” she said stupidly.

  He pulled her even closer and her breath stopped when he dipped his head toward her. Her lips parted automatically and he groaned before clearing his throat. “I think fucking you in the bathroom makes us close, don’t you?”

  She flushed bright red and glared at him. “Keep your voice down!”

  She stared nervously at her parents. They were dancing a few feet away and Jax steered her away from them as he grinned at her.

  “You should be apologizing to me for that, by the way,” she said.

  “I never apologize for giving a woman what she needs.”

  “I – I didn’t need it.”

  “Didn’t you?” He asked.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “So you didn’t like having my cock in your tight little pussy?” He asked in a low voice.

  She ignored the way her panties immediately dampened. “I – I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I just didn’t need it.”

  “I did,” he confessed abruptly. “Your wet pussy, the way you moaned my name – it’s all I’ve thought about. I want – need – to finish what we started.”

  “It was a mistake,” she whispered. “I don’t – I don’t date men like you.”

  “Who said anything about dating?” He replied. “Sorry, butterfly, I don’t date at all. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have one night together.”

  “Charming,” she said dryly.

  He shrugged. “Honest. I don’t want you th
inking this is something it isn’t.”

  “It isn’t going to be anything. I’m not going to have sex with you, Mr. Anderson.”

  “You already have,” he pointed out teasingly. “Why not take a night to finish it? I’ll make you feel so good, butterfly. I promise.”

  “Someone’s full of himself,” she muttered.

  He grinned. “You like my confidence.”

  “I don’t even know you. Why would I spend the night with you? You’re dangerous and – and bad for me,” she said lamely.

  His grin widened. “Let me guess, you’ve only ever slept with the good guys.”

  She didn’t reply and he rubbed her lower back. “One night, butterfly. That’s all I’m asking for. Let me show you how good I can make you feel.”

  “Mr. Anderson, I – “


  “Jax, I – despite what happened before, I’m not the girl who just sleeps with someone she barely knows.”

  “I know you’re not,” he said.

  “Then why are you asking me to do this?”

  “I can’t sleep, I can’t concentrate, and you’re all I think about. I want you in my bed. I want to be between those smooth thighs and deep inside of you. I want to hear you cry my name when you come,” he said honestly.

  She blinked at him. She had never once had a man be so direct with her about sex and it was making her hotter than hell. Her gaze dropped to his mouth. She could still remember how it felt to kiss him, how good he had tasted, and he inhaled sharply as his arm tightened around her.

  “Keep looking at me like that, butterfly, and I’ll fuck you right here.”

  “You would not,” she whispered weakly.

  He gave her a predator grin. “Well, maybe not right here but definitely in the bathroom.”

  She flushed and stared at his chest as he moved her easily around the dance floor. “What about Mr. Golden?”

  “What about him?” He asked.

  “You work for a crime lord. What happens if he finds out we slept together? Will it put me in some kind of danger?”

  “I’m a very private person, Melanie. No one will know anything that happens between us.”

  She was tempted, fuck was she tempted. What harm would there be in one night of sex?

  Plenty of harm, Thomas. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re the type of girl who can sleep with a guy and then just walk away. It doesn’t matter how much you want him or –


  Julie’s soft voice spoke behind her. She was standing behind her and she gave Jax an apologetic look. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m going to take Court home. He’s really feeling awful.”

  Court was standing next to her, his eyes closed and his face pale, and Mel tried to step away from Jax. He tightened his hold on her and she gave him a frustrated look.

  “I have to go, Jax. Court and Julie are my ride home.”

  “Mom and dad can give you a ride home,” Court mumbled. “Don’t leave early because of me.”

  “I don’t mind, honey,” Mel said. “In fact, I – “

  He shook his head and then winced a little. “Stay and have a good time.”

  He took Julie’s hand and she squeezed it lightly before smiling at Mel. “Do you want to stay, Mel?”

  Mel hesitated before nodding. She did want to stay. She wanted to keep dancing with Jax, wanted to give him the chance to convince her that she should spend the night with him. Knowing it was madness but unable to resist the urge to stay in his arms, she patted Court’s shoulder lightly.

  “Go home and go to bed, honey. I’ll call you tomorrow and see how you’re feeling, okay?”

  He smiled faintly and allowed Julie to lead him off the dance floor.

  “I’m glad you stayed, butterfly,” Jax said.

  She stared up at him as the song ended. “I stayed because I want to support Cal in his new job.”

  “Of course,” he grinned as he stepped away from her.

  “Thank you for the dance, Ms. Thomas.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Anderson.”

  She walked back to the table, entirely too aware of his hot gaze.

  Chapter 7

  “You drove the Miata?” Mel said.

  Her dad gave her an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, Mel. We weren’t expecting to give you a ride home tonight.”

  “It’s alright. I’ll take a cab back to Court’s and grab my car,” Mel drained the last of her wine.

  After their dance Jax had, to her dismay, disappeared and she was feeling irritable and out of sorts.

  Bullshit. You’re horny and pissed because Jax is gone and you’re not getting laid tonight.

  Shut up!

  “I’ll give you some money for the cab,” Bill said.

  Mel laughed. “Dad, I’m not a teenager. I can pay for my own cab.”

  “Why are you taking a cab?” Cal appeared at the table.

  “Butterfly got a ride here with Court and Julie and thought she could get a ride home with us. Unfortunately we drove the Miata.”

  “If you want to stick around for another few hours, I’ll give you a lift home,” Cal said.

  Mel shook her head. “It’s already past my bedtime.”

  Cal rolled his eyes. “It’s eleven, Mel. God, live a little, would you?”

  She shrugged. “You know I’m not a night owl like you, Cal.”

  “I guess. Hey, I bet Jax would give you a lift home. I think he’s about to leave.”

  “Oh – no, that’s okay,” Mel said quickly but it was too late.

  Cal turned and waved and she groaned when she saw Jax emerging from the kitchen. He joined them and Mel stood hurriedly.

  “Cal, I don’t need – “

  “Jax, you’re leaving right?”

  “Yes.” Jax nodded.

  “Think you could give my baby sister a ride home?”

  “I’d be delighted to,” he replied.

  “I don’t need a ride home. I can take a cab,” Mel said.

  “Jax doesn’t mind, do you?” Cal said.

  “No, I do not.” Jax gave her a sexy little grin and she bit the inside of her cheek as he moved behind her and plucked her jacket from her chair.

  “Ready to go, Ms. Thomas?”

  “I really don’t want to inconvenience you, Mr. Anderson.”

  “You’re not.” He turned to her parents and shook their hands. “It was nice to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.”

  “So lovely to see you, Jax,” Darla said. “Make sure you get my butterfly home safely, alright?”

  “Of course.” Jax helped her into her coat, his hands lingering on her upper arms for just a moment too long before holding his arm out.


  “Yes.” She kissed her parents and hugged Cal before taking Jax’s arm. He led her out of the restaurant and across the parking lot to a dark grey sports car. He opened the passenger door for her and she glanced up at him.

  “Mercedes Benz SLS?”

  He gave her an admiring look. “You know your cars, Ms. Thomas.”

  “My dad is a car freak.”

  She buckled her seat belt as he slid behind the wheel. “So is it safe to say I’ve impressed you with my car?”

  “It’s a bit on the flashy side for me. My personal feeling is that a man is usually compensating for something when he buys a car this expensive.”

  He laughed loudly as he pulled out of the parking lot. “You know I have nothing to compensate for.”

  She blushed furiously and his grin widened. “You’re adorable when you blush, butterfly. Besides, I bought this car for its reliability and safety.”

  She laughed. “Of course you did. It does seem very reliable.”

  “What’s your address, butterfly?”

  “My car is parked at Court’s place.” She recited the address and tried to calm her racing nerves as Jax drove. The interior of the car was small and Jax was a big man. His arm brushed against hers and a tingle of excitement went
through her. She ignored it. She was acting like a teenager with a ridiculous crush. She needed a night with Jax like she needed another hole in her head.

  You should give him road head.

  Her eyes widened, her face flamed, and she shot the errant thought out of her head like a bullet. Christ, she was losing it.

  He’d like it. You’d definitely like it. Be wild and crazy, Thomas.

  She swallowed thickly and stared blindly out the window. She was absolutely, positively not going to reach over and undo Jax’s pants. She wouldn’t lean down and slide that thick cock into her mouth while he wrapped his hand in her hair and urged her to suck harder.

  Her eyes flickered to his crotch and to her absolute horror she could feel her nipples hardening as a slow burn of need started in her belly.

  Thomas! Get it the fuck together!!


  Sucking a stranger’s cock was absolutely, positively, not something that girls like her did.

  “Melanie? Are you alright?”

  She gave Jax a blank look. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Uh, yes. Why?”

  “You look like you’re going to punch something.”

  He reached over and took her hand. It was clenched into a tight fist and he soothed it open with his long fingers before squeezing it gently. She tugged her hand free of his grip. If he kept touching her, even innocently, she really would lose all control and give him goddamn road head.

  “I’m fine. Just, uh, thinking.”

  “About what?”

  About sucking on that delicious cock of yours.

  “How you started working for Jimmy Golden.”

  There was silence in the car. She wasn’t surprised. Jax didn’t strike her as the kind of man who willingly shared personal information and he had already made it clear what he was interested in from her.

  “When I was nine, my parents died in a car accident.”

  She studied him in the dim light of the car. “I’m very sorry.”

  He nodded, “My mother had a sister. She took me in.”

  “That was kind of her.”

  He laughed bitterly. “She was a drug addict. She didn’t give a shit about me, and I spent the next three years afraid and nearly starving to death.”

  “Oh, Jax.” She gave him an empathetic look and, without thinking about it, reached out and took his hand. She held it tightly as he stared woodenly out the windshield.


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