Saving Jax

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Saving Jax Page 7

by Ramona Gray

  “When I was twelve, I tried to steal some food from the convenience store near my aunt’s apartment. I – I hadn’t eaten for a few days, she had spent all of the money on drugs, and I was starving. At the time, Mr. Golden owned a string of convenience stores. He happened to be at that particular one when I was caught stealing.”

  She squeezed his hand again as he continued. “I can only imagine what he thought when I was dragged into the back room. I was filthy, skinny, and terrified that I would go to juvie for what I had done. Mr. Golden sent everyone out of the room and told me to sit. He had a big plate of food just sitting in front of him on the desk – fried chicken and this heaping mound of potatoes – and I was nearly drooling from the smell of it.”

  He stopped at a traffic light. “Mr. Golden pushed the plate of food across the desk and told me to eat. I just stared at him, sure it was some kind of trick, and he told me again to eat. So I did. And it was the best fucking meal of my life. When I was done, Mr. Golden offered me a job.”

  “He what?” Mel gave him a look of surprise.

  “He offered me a job. He said I could work for him, doing errands after school and on the weekends or I could go to juvie. I chose the job.”

  “You were only twelve, Jax.”

  “Yeah, but Mr. Golden saved my life that day. The money I earned helped keep me from starving and he was, well, he was good to me. He sort of adopted me, I guess you could say. Made sure I stayed in school, he always said that education was important, and he bought me clothes and supplies for school. When I graduated from high school, I started working for him full time.”

  “What did you do?”

  “By that time, he had opened his first night club. I worked as a waiter and continued to do personal errands for him. I joined a local boxing club and learned to fight.”

  “Did you box professionally?”

  “I did a few fights but Mr. Golden said I was wasting my talent so I quit.”

  “To become his bodyguard?” Mel said skeptically. “That sounds like a waste of your talents.”

  “I’m very good at what I do.”

  “I’m sure you are. But is that what you wanted for your life? Protecting a – a drug dealer?”

  “He’s a businessman, Melanie.”

  “Is he?”


  He was lying. She shouldn’t have known that, she barely knew the man, but she knew instinctively that he wasn’t telling the truth. She sighed as he parked on the street outside of Court’s apartment building and shut the car off. This was why she couldn’t sleep with him. The man worked for a drug dealer and getting involved with him, even if it was only one night, was a dangerous risk. And she didn’t do dangerous. She did stable and reliable. Always had and always would.

  “Thank you, Jax.” She reached for the door handle and he touched her shoulder.

  “Maybe I should follow you home, just to be certain you arrive safe.”

  She laughed. “I’m perfectly fine. But thank you. It was um, good to see you again. Take care.”

  She slid out of the car before he could reply and slammed the door shut before walking briskly to her car. Every nerve in her body was screaming at her to take him up on his offer and she ignored it grimly as she unlocked her car and sat behind the wheel.

  He’s bad for you, Thomas. Just drive away.

  She started the car and sat for a moment, staring in the rear view mirror at Jax’s car. When he didn’t move, she pulled out on to the street. He got out of his car, his face was a mask of frustration, and she watched curiously as he popped the hood. She drove up beside him and rolled down her window as he slammed the hood shut.

  He sat in the driver’s seat, cursing under his breath when he turned the key and there was nothing but a dry clicking noise. Fighting back the urge to giggle, she smiled sweetly at him.

  “How’s that reliable car working out for you?”

  He sighed loudly. “I suppose I deserved that.”

  “You totally did,” she laughed. “Do you need a ride home?”

  He sighed again. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “I really am.”

  He suddenly grinned at her, her breath caught in her throat at the sight, before sliding out of his car and slamming the door shut. “Yes, Ms. Thomas. I would be delighted if you could give me a ride home.”

  “Wait, you didn’t plan this did you?” She asked suspiciously.

  “Yes, I planned for my very expensive car to break down in front of a woman I’m trying valiantly to have sex with, in the hopes that it would make her feel sorry for me and perhaps throw me some pity sex,” he said. “Is it working?”



  “No, not really.”

  “Cruel, Ms. Thomas. And here I was thinking you were the sweetest girl I’d ever met.”



  She laughed again. “Get in. I’ll give you a ride home.”

  He climbed into the car and clasped his hands together like a schoolgirl. “My hero.”

  “I do what I can, ma’am,” she said.

  “Ma’am? Someone deserves a spanking for that.”

  “Actually, I prefer to do the spanking.”

  He jerked in his seat and she almost laughed out loud at the look on his face. “Are you serious?”

  “Would it be a problem if I was?” She asked.


  He grinned at her look of surprise. “What?”

  “There’s no way you like being spanked.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, because, look at you. You’re all muscley and stuff.”

  “So, because I work out I’m not allowed to enjoy a spanking from a woman?”

  “No, but…”

  She trailed off and then suddenly scowled at him. “Tell me the truth – do you like being spanked?”

  “Honestly, not really. But I’m also willing to at least try whatever a woman wants in bed.”

  “So you’d let me stick a vibrator up your ass?”

  “Ms. Thomas, you are not at all what you seem. I would have bet good money that you didn’t even own a vibrator and now you want to stick it up my ass. Maybe I should take a cab home before you completely shock me with your depravity.”

  She blushed. “One – every woman owns a vibrator and two – you’re the one who said you liked to be spanked. Can you blame me for assuming you like other kinky stuff?”

  “Butterfly, if you think spanking is kinky then you really must spend the night with me.”

  Her blush deepened. “I’m not a fragile flower, I’ve done kinky things in the bedroom.”

  “Oh?” He leaned closer and rested his hand on her thigh. “Do share.”

  “That’s not a good idea,” she said a bit shakily before pushing him back gently. “What’s your address?”

  He recited his address and she started toward his home. Her hands were shaking and her pelvis was throbbing with need. She shouldn’t have flirted with him. God, she was being a right idiot, but this charming, funny side of Jax Anderson was even more difficult to resist then the ‘I need to fuck you right now’ version.

  Twenty minutes later, she pulled up in front of the small, modest home in the suburbs. She shut the car off as Jax unbuckled his seat belt.


  “You’re kidding me. This is not where you live.”

  “Of course it is. What were you expecting?” He asked.

  “I don’t know – a mansion on the beach full of half-naked women ready to do your every bidding?”

  “That’s my summer home.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Seriously, Jax? This is where you live?”

  “It is. Would you like to come in for a nightcap?”

  “I don’t think that’s – “

  He leaned forward, cupping her face and pulling her toward him. He kissed her, his tongue stroking her lips, and she made a soft moan
and parted her mouth. He sucked on her lower lip before pulling away.

  “One drink, butterfly. Nothing more,” he whispered persuasively.

  “I – “

  “Say yes,” he whispered again before kissing the tip of her nose. “You know you’re dying to see the inside of my house.”

  She wouldn’t admit it, but she really was. The outside with its wide porch and lush flowerbeds was so completely different from what she had pictured that she was intensely curious about the inside.

  “Just one drink, alright?” She licked her lips nervously.

  “Yes.” He smiled happily as she got out of the car and followed him up the sidewalk to his house.

  Once inside she slipped off her heels as he hung her jacket in the closet. She followed him down the hallway and into the kitchen, blinking in surprise when he turned the light on. She had expected something modern and sleek and, while it was modern, she was totally unprepared for the touches of vintage charm.

  She ran her hand over the small wooden table and the intricate design carved into the side of it. Four chairs with a matching design surrounded it and the table was sanded and polished to perfection. “This is gorgeous. Where did you buy it?”

  “I made it.” He pulled a bottle of scotch and two glasses from an upper cabinet.

  “What?” Her eyes widened. “You made this table?”

  “I did. I like to make furniture. It’s a hobby.”

  “Jax, this – this could be more than a hobby,” she said. “The design alone is incredible.”

  He shrugged as he poured the scotch. “It really is just a hobby.”

  “What else have you made?”

  “Follow me, I’ll show you.”

  He handed her the glass and she followed him out of the kitchen and into the small living room. He pointed to the rocking chair by the fireplace and the small buffet against the far wall. “I made both of those as well.”

  “They’re beautiful. You really should consider trying to sell some of your stuff.”

  “Nah, it’s not that good.”

  “It is,” she insisted. “You have no idea.”

  He just shrugged again and sat down in the armchair as she studied the rest of the room. One wall had built-in bookshelves that were filled to the brim with books. “You like to read, huh?”

  “Yes. Does that surprise you?”

  “No,” she said. She studied the mantle over the fireplace. “Did you make this as well?”

  “Yes. The house was a fixer-upper when I bought it. I’ve done most of the work myself.”

  “It’s really beautiful.”

  “Thank you. Drink up.” He held his glass of scotch up and she tipped her glass toward him before taking a cautious sip of the liquid.

  She rarely drank and she absolutely did not want to get drunk around Jax Anderson. She’d be in his bed with her legs spread wide and screaming his name if she did. The mental image made her shiver with delight and she took another hasty sip before setting the glass on the hearth.

  “May I use your bathroom?”

  “Upstairs, second door on the left.”


  She climbed the staircase and turned down the hall. Had he said the first or second door? She couldn’t remember, probably because she was too busy picturing herself naked in his bed. She opened the first door, a thin thread of light was shining out from under it, and peered into the room. Her mouth dropped open.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” she whispered.

  The two bunnies stared at her from the overstuffed armchair they were sitting on. She stepped into the room and stared around in amazement. The floor was tile but a large plush rug covered the middle of it. There were small dog beds scattered around the room, as well as a number of hard plastic baby toys. A large litter box filled to the brim with fresh hay was pushed against one wall and wicker baskets, most of them with large pieces chewed from their edges, were placed strategically around the room.

  One of the bunnies hopped down from the armchair and hopped nimbly to the hay bin. It jumped in and began to nibble as the second one stretched and yawned before hopping down and joining it.

  “Bunnies?” She whispered. “He has bunnies?”

  “What are you doing in here?”

  She whipped around at the sound of Jax’s voice. He was standing in the doorway and she smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t remember what door you said so I just tried this one.”

  “It’s the next door,” he said. “Here, I’ll show you.”

  “Hang on a minute, I want to know why you have bunnies.”

  Colour stained his cheeks. “They’re my pets.”

  She studied him for so long that his flush deepened. “What?”

  “That’s seriously adorable.”

  “Yeah, didn’t you say you had to use the bathroom?”

  “In a minute,” she said. “What are their names?”

  He sighed and finished the last of his scotch. “Ricky and Lucy.”

  She grinned. “That is also adorable.”

  “Alright, you’ve seen them. Let’s go.”

  “Can I pet them?”

  “Mel, I – “

  “Pretty please?” She asked.

  He sighed again. “Fine.”

  “So do you have to like catch them with a net or something?”

  “A net?” He rolled his eyes.

  “What? I’ve never had a pet bunny before. Although I have had rabbit stew.”

  “Not funny.” He glowered at her and she giggled.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He squatted down and she watched in amazement as the two bunnies hopped rapidly across the room to him. They flattened their chins on the floor and he rubbed and stroked the tops of their heads and pulled lightly on their long ears before picking up the bigger of the two.

  “This is Lucy.”

  Mel stroked the large white rabbit’s ears tentatively before running her fingers along her back. “She’s so soft.”

  “She has some rex in her. That makes her a bit softer.”

  “Rex?” She asked curiously.

  “It’s a breed of rabbit.”

  “How old are they?”

  “They’re both four years old. I adopted them from a bunny rescue on the outskirts of the city a couple of years ago.”

  She stepped back as he gently set Lucy on the ground. She hopped back to the hay bin, the smaller grey bunny followed her immediately, and Jax smiled faintly.

  “Ricky does whatever Lucy wants.”

  “Smart bunny.” She grinned at him as he brushed the white fur from his suit jacket.

  “Since you’re up here, I might as well give you a tour of the upstairs.”

  “Sure,” she said. “Just give me a minute.”

  He nodded and she left the room and entered the washroom. She peed quickly and stared at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands. “Get a quick tour and then head home, Thomas. Don’t let the fact that he has pet bunnies make you start thinking he’s all sweetness and light.”

  Pep talk over, she let the bathroom and followed Jax down the hall. “This is the guest room. It still needs some work.”

  “It’s nice,” she said. It was nice, just lacked the small touches of warmth that permeated the rest of the home.

  He led her to the next door. “This is my bedroom.”

  She stepped into the room. It was decorated in shades of blue and grey and she stared for a long moment at the bed before swallowing and examining the rest of the room.

  “Do you like it?”

  He was standing behind her, his breath stirring her hair, and she nodded. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” His arm snaked around her waist and his hard hand cupped her hip as he brushed her hair aside and kissed the side of her neck. She shuddered against him.

  “Jax, you – you said just a drink.”

  “I lied,” he whispered before licking the column of her throat.

bsp; “This is such a bad idea,” she moaned as his hand moved upward to cup her breast.

  “Is it? I think it’s an excellent idea.” He squeezed her breast firmly, rubbing his thumb across her nipple. “Stay the night with me, butterfly. Let’s finish what we started earlier.”

  “Just tonight, right?” She whispered.


  “You can’t tell Cal.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  He turned her and pressed a soft kiss against her mouth. “Stay the night, butterfly.”

  She stared up at him, her entire body vibrating with need for him, and nodded. “Yes.”

  Chapter 8

  Jax gave her a sexy little grin before sliding his hands down and squeezing her ass. “It’s going to be so good, butterfly.”

  “You keep saying that,” she said a bit breathlessly. “Maybe it’s time you stopped talking and started showing.”

  “Is that a challenge?”


  “Challenge accepted.” His fingers found the zipper on her dress and pulled. He tugged on the material and she shimmied out of it. He bent and picked it up and she watched with amusement as he shook it out and draped it carefully over the dresser.

  “What?” He asked.

  “For someone who keeps saying he’s dying to fuck me, you’re certainly taking your sweet time.”

  He laughed and pulled her into his embrace, his hands reaching for the clasp of her bra. “Are you always this impatient?”

  “I just know what I want.”

  “What is it that you want?”

  “You. Inside of me.”

  “Jesus, butterfly.” His pelvis pressed against her and she rubbed herself against his erection before pressing kisses against his throat.

  “I suppose you want me to be sweet and submissive?” She asked as she undid his pants and wiggled her hand into his briefs. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroked firmly.

  “Butterfly, you can be whatever you want to be,” he groaned as his pelvis arched.

  “Good,” she murmured as she tugged his pants and his briefs down before sinking to her knees in front of him.

  Without hesitating she slid her mouth over his cock. He made a muttered curse and his hands threaded through her hair to hold her head tightly as she sucked on the head of his cock. He moaned and she took more of him into her mouth, running her tongue over the smooth skin as he twitched and shuddered.


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