Last Horizon: Live

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Last Horizon: Live Page 22

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Well she seems all on board with them being alive, doesn’t she?” Miriam said as she hugged her lover. “I would say those interviews did indeed light a passion in her.”

  “Yeah, which is good considering what we know now,” David agreed as he turned the TV off. “Just a bit longer and we’ll have the answers we are curious about. Hun…” He started to tell her but paused again.

  “What is it?” Miriam asked as she stood up.

  “Ah nothing, I’m just tired. How about you help put this old dog to bed for the night?” He said, again not able to bring himself to tell her.

  She smiled at him softly before taking him to bed and tucking him in before climbing in with him and curling up tightly next to him. “Goodnight,” she murmured into his ear.

  David lay awake for a bit as he listened to her breathing steady out as sleep claimed her. He eventually drifted to sleep after he cursed his own selfishness and trying to come to terms with the fact he should tell her.

  Wedding Gift

  Stretching with a relieved sigh, Dumadin waited for a few seconds basking in the absence of pain. Kittish appeared next to him and a few seconds later Terets and Amythyst sprang into existence as well. “Looks like we’re all here for another day. Let's go check in with the others,” Dumadin said as he left the wagon, followed by the other three.

  “Welcome back you guys,” Felton grimaced. “Another fucked up day, but we didn't lose anyone this time. Glad they can't damage the wagons or horses though, otherwise this would be so much worse.”

  “Yeah, but if they could maybe we could knock them all the way back to their keep which would give us more time as well.” Dumadin shrugged, “We work with what the system provides. Any word on Bjorn's surprise?”

  Shaking his head, Felton shrugged, “Not yet, but we all took a small break between attacks so when it happens just toss me a line. I have to see what it is he thinks will stop these attacks.”

  “Will do man. Go get some rest,” Terets patted Felton on the shoulder as the latter climbed into the wagon to log out.

  “We’ll go check in with the other players and townsfolk,” Amythyst said, taking Terets arm.

  “We’ll see if Bjorn has any idea about when we should expect his wife,” Kittish said, taking Dumadin by the arm and moving up to speak with Bjorn.

  “Greetings, Heroes. Your friends worked hard today to stave off the enemy.” Bjorn greeted them, his face drawn. “What can I do for you?”

  “Just curious if you know about when we should expect Tabitha,” Kittish replied.

  “A little after we make camp I would think, unless unexpected delays happened. We will be stopping in half an hour or so.” Bjorn smiled grimly, “right next to a shrine, in fact.”

  Dumadin's head whipped around to look at Bjorn, “Why? Didn't we agree that would be bad, Bjorn?”

  Bjorn chuckled darkly, “Oh, tonight will be different. Tonight we will have a touch of vengeance ourselves.”

  A shiver ran through the duo at his words. “Can you tell us why you think this?”

  Bjorn smiled a bright, brittle smile, “My father has graced me with a wedding gift. He recognized me as his heir.”

  Kittish blinked, “What does that have to do with the situation we’re in?”

  “My father is the first adviser to King Stoneskin. He disowned me when I went off with Thallien and Bettie. My family is nobility and now my father has taken me back into the family. His only child is again his heir. As such, certain things are mandatory.” Bjorn stopped and met their eyes, “Just wait a little longer.”

  Nodding, the duo dropped back down the wagon train to find the other two. “Terets, what did you guys find?”

  “Same. The players are growing a little restless about not leveling any. The townsfolk are still a little down over all the losses they have suffered. Anything from Bjorn?”

  “Heh, funny you ask that. He’s certain that right after we camp Tabitha will be here. He’s also stopping us right at a shrine tonight and he got very creepy when he talked about that. Also, it seems he is nobility, his father is King Stoneskin's first adviser. Seems like a big deal.” Dumadin relayed what they had been told by Bjorn.

  “But why next to a shrine? Fuck, tonight is going to suck.” Terets sighed, “Battles all night long as any attackers keep respawning every half hour right next to us.”

  “He seems certain that whatever it was Tabitha went for is a sure fire answer,” Kittish said frowning.

  Amythyst pursed her lips, “I wonder.”

  The other three looked at her, waiting for her to expound on her thinking. “What?” Kittish finally prompted her.

  “I’m just wondering how Tabitha was able to travel all the way here to meet us without incident. She’s traveled as much as we have but coming to us as we go towards Veno. Surely some asshats would have attacked a lone woman.” Amythyst mused, shaking her head.

  Dumadin frowned, trying to follow her train of logic as Bjorn called a halt to today's travel. The shrine used for respawns was right outside of the wagon circle. “Looks like we’ll have our answers soon. I'll tell Felton to jump on in an hour or so.”

  “Let’s go wait with Bjorn,” Terets suggested. Agreeing, the group moved off to find Bjorn.

  Bjorn was seated in the middle of camp as people set up tents. He was sitting with the other merchants, all of them silent. Bjorn glanced up as the group approached and smiled, “Half an hour.”

  The group just nodded and took seats themselves. Dumadin and Kittish sat on each side of Alvira, who squeezed their hands. A minute later Kristof came trotting over and sat down with Camelia, kissing her cheek in greeting.

  “We are very happy that you and your friends were with us,” Karst said, to murmurs of agreement from the other merchants.

  “You have stood by us for so long, always aiding us as much as you could.” Dunstun added before looking at his wife with a smile. “We will return the favor soon.”

  Phobee giggled, “Oh, yes.”

  The group was a little taken aback, though Dumadin and Kittish were a little less mystified than the others. Alvira had explained part of what was coming to them.

  “Just curious as to what you have in mind,” Terets said with a raised brow.

  “Not yet,” Camelia replied. “We have much to say, but not yet. When we reach your castle much will be made clear.”

  “We did want you to know that we are grateful, though,” Ivan chimed in. “We would be in a difficult place without your generosity.”

  Weskit chuckled, “Think you understated that one, Ivan. We very well might have fractured as a group, going different ways without their intervention.”

  Thund laughed, his overly loud voice clearly heard around the camp. “Tonight we thank you all for your dedication.”

  A commotion started up on the outskirts of camp, and the players all rushed to a gap and stopped to stare. Bjorn stood up and looked at the others, “Tabitha is here, let us go greet her.”

  The entire clump of people moved over to the mass of players. “Please make way for a husband to greet his wife,” Bjorn said with a touch of steel to his voice. The players all stepped aside slightly, allowing the entire group to walk through in single file.

  The four friends and Kristof stopped just past all the other players, stunned at what they saw. Bjorn and the others walked forward and greeted Tabitha with smiles and laughter. Tabitha sat astride a horse, and behind her were fifty dwarven warriors in full plate astride battle mounts. The same emblem they recalled from the wedding gifts they had recovered for Bjorn in beta was emblazoned on a banner carried by one of the knights.

  Bjorn turned toward the players, a wide smile on his lips, “Friends, please welcome my wife Tabitha back to us. Also my guards that she retrieved for me at Veno.”

  The lead dwarf climbed off his steed and took off his helmet, showing a shock of grey hair. “Lord Tankardson, your father has sent us in accordance to his wishes. You are now the heir to his lords
hip and need protection around you to prevent threats to your life.”

  “Yes, yes. These people here have been doing their best to guard us during our travels so far. You will treat each of them as honored guests.” Bjorn said, turning back to the elder dwarf. “Now get your men set up, Conva. We shall have visitors soon and I want them handled. Half an hour after you cut them down they will come back to life next to the shrine here. Keep that in mind when deploying your men, these men have tormented those I care for.”

  Conva saluted and began to bark orders at the other dwarves. Bjorn and the merchants came back to the players with smiles on their faces. “You are all welcome to stay with us. The guards will help handle our defenses from now on though,” Bjorn chuckled.

  Players stepped out of the way, allowing the group back inside the wagon ring before slipping out of the camp to watch the dwarves set up their defenses.

  “I didn't see this coming,” Dumadin mused.

  “Don't think any of us really did,” Terets agreed.

  “Does this make all of us redundant in helping them?” Kristof asked. “I mean fifty level one hundred guards will be all but impossible for Vengeance to deal with.”

  Camelia took his hand, “You will always be wanted.”

  Kristof blinked, blushing, before a big grin spread over his face. “Words I never thought I would hear.”

  Bjorn looked back at them and chuckled, “We will hold to our previous statements about repaying those that aid us. Everyone is welcome to be with us right up until the end of this journey. Now, though, we should be much better off.”

  The group came back to the center of camp and Bjorn produced a small keg. “We shall have a toast in honor of our fallen.” He handed out cups to everyone who was nearby. “Though we have been tested and we have lost friends, from today going forward we shall fear no more. We shall not forget those taken from us.” With that he drank, followed by everyone who had a cup of mead as well.

  An hour later there was brief excitement as Vengeance sent their stealthers at them again. The new guards cut them down with brutal efficiency. As the attackers respawned after the allotted half hour they were cut down again next to the shrine. Then a third time before they logged off still dead, not wanting to be spawn camped.

  “Well, that was a little funny,” Terets laughed, “bet they didn't see that coming.”

  “Wonder how long until word gets out,” Amythyst mused.

  “Won't be long. Vengeance will kick and scream about things being unfair. We’ll end up seeing one of the Devs, I bet.” Kittish said with pursed lips.

  “Fuck it, we have all night to relax now,” Dumadin said. “Let's go relax. Maybe we can stop splitting the time in game as well now that we have all this extra help.”

  “G will be happy. I’m sure his wife wants time with him out of the game.” Kittish mused as she and Dumadin walked to Alvira's tent.

  “Hey, what's going on?” Felton called out halting the duo. “Did the surprise get here?”

  Dumadin laughed and pointed over at Bjorn holding Tabitha. “Oh yes. We can stop the rotating help now as well. Go talk with his lordship over there.”

  Felton's brow wrinkled but he walked towards Bjorn and was joined by Garthur along the way. “Think we should go over as well?” Kittish asked looking at the two friends as they took seats to speak with Bjorn.

  “Naw, we have a lover waiting for us after all.” Dumadin said gently towing her with him. “Let's enjoy as much as we can tonight.”

  Health Issues

  David groaned as the pain come flooding back to him. His leg and hand with the broken bones throbbed more than the constant background ache from the rest of his bones. As his mind informed him of all of the issues he felt his chest constrict again as another heart attack hit him. Gasping, his eyes opened to find Miriam leaning over his pod with water in her hand along with his meds. He tried to smile and say something but he couldn’t get his mouth to work as he tried to catch his breath.

  Miriam frowned momentarily before her eyes widened and she ran to get her phone. David could hear her speaking frantically but he couldn’t make out the words as the only clear sound was the hammering of his heart in his ears. He clutched at his left shoulder with his right hand trying to get air into his lungs as bands seemed to constrict tight around him. His eyes began to water at the intense pain only to meet Miriam’s eyes, which were also filled with tears as she looked down at him while she was talking into her phone. His sight began to dim and his eyes droop as he couldn’t get enough air. He tried to tell Miriam he loved her one last time but couldn’t get the words as darkness claimed him.

  David came to slowly, groggily, his eyes fluttering as he tried to get his scrambled thoughts together. The last thing he could recall was the pain in his chest and Miriam crying over him. He was finally able to look around to note he was in a hospital by the sound of the heart monitor beeping above his head. He took a cautious breath, glad that the pain was not constricting him but also wondering why his mind was so sluggish. He heard a soft snore to his right and found Miriam sleeping in a chair next to his bed. He tried to reach out his hand, only to find it responding slowly, causing him to gently brush Miriam’s hand instead of resting on it.

  “Hmm,” Miriam’s eyes fluttered open as she looked at her hand resting on the bed. David’s hand feebly trying to grab hers, causing her eyes to meet his to find pain, worry and heartache in them.

  “How long?” David said, his words slurred slightly as he spoke slowly.

  “You came in almost a day ago.” Miriam replied placing her hand on top of his. “You died on me before the medics got to the house. They got your heart started again before they put you in the ambulance and brought you here.” Her eyes were twin pools of sadness as she looked at him. “You had a heart attack, a severe one from what the doctors tell me.”

  “Sorry, wanted to tell you...” David cut off his throat dry and constricting as he felt his emotions overflow. Tears began to trickle down his cheeks and he clenched his eyes closed.

  “Shh, it’s okay. They want to keep you and run tests for the next couple of days. The doctors said they can give us a better idea of how long you have left.” Miriam whispered, her words full of pain as she wiped his tears away. “We still have time left together.”

  David just wanted to let out the anger he felt at the world. Not so much for what he was going through, but for the pain the woman he loved felt right now. Seeing him broken like he was, laying in the hospital and not laughing with her about inane things. He gladly would have punched God in the nose if the mythical being had shown up to talk with him.

  In time he was able to master himself and the tears stopped flowing. When he opened his eyes again he found Miriam looking at him with a false smile on her lips. “Had one the other day, meant to tell you but didn’t. Remember what the doctor said, once my heart starts to go it will rapidly escalate and my end will follow soon after. I was afraid to tell you the other day, I’m sorry.” His words were softly spoken as they caused him shame for trying to hide important things from the woman he loved.

  “I thought that might be, but brushed it off hoping it wasn’t true. When I saw you yesterday gasping it dawned on me what was happening. The medics got to you shortly after you stopped breathing. Will came and drove me here after I called him. I didn’t trust myself behind the wheel at the time. I need to let him and Lavender know that you’re awake, I promised I would.” She sent a quick text before taking his hand again. “You have to tell me hun. Please don’t hide anything from me now, we have so little time left.”

  David nodded before he felt his mind start to drift again. “What is wrong with me?”

  “The meds they have you on right now have a side effect of making you sleepy and a little dissociative. When the nurse comes in we can see if the doctor will allow you to shift meds. If you need to just sleep for a bit, I’ll wake you when the others get here.” Miriam spoke softly to him and gently rubbed the back of
his hand with her thumb.

  David felt his mind slip away as darkness claimed him again, he didn’t know for how long before someone gently shook him. “Wake up love, Will and Lavender are here now.” Miriam’s voice woke him from his nap.

  David tried to smile for his friends who looked at him with worry and sympathy. “I’m not dead yet.”

  Will gave a feeble chuckle, “You’ll be stone dead in a moment.”

  Lavender gasped at Will’s words, “You shouldn’t say that. What is wrong with you?”

  David shook his head, “Think I’ll go for a walk.”


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