Last Horizon: Live

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Last Horizon: Live Page 23

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Miriam touched Lavender’s arm, a single tear trickling down her cheek. “He’s just quoting the movie to him. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the plague wagon scene. David’s father had it in his will for David to do the skit with a friend of the family who happened to be the town mortician, during his father's funeral. His father’s extended family was aghast at it. Even though David cried the whole time, he still followed through on his father’s wishes. Will knows, he was there for the funeral. He didn’t mean it the way you think.”

  Lavender settled slightly, still shocked at the banter between the friends in the current situation. “I don’t think I get it.”

  David tried to chuckle but ended up coughing for a moment. “Without laughter, life is only pain and sorrow. I want my friends to be able to laugh even when I am dying or gone. Will knows this very well, which is why he returned my opening quote for me. He has only once said something that hurt me in all the years we have known each other, Lavender. He will always do right for you, I pledge my life on it.”

  Lavender blinked before shaking her head, “It’s in terrible taste to say things like that right now.”

  Miriam nodded, “Yes. Which is why he says them. I wouldn’t have him any other way, either. Okay, I lie. I would rather he wasn’t dying right now.” She wiped at her tears before standing up, “I need to go get some water.” As she went to leave Lavender went with her.

  Will watched them go before taking the chair, “So tell me what happened. Miriam was way too broken up over the last day to relay the story.”

  David nodded and gave his friend the quick version of the last few days related to his health. “So now I am here clinging to life, which is exactly what I didn’t want. It’s why I refused the treatments to try extending my life.”

  “True, however they did bring you back so at least this time you’ll have to deal with it. Besides you ass, you should have told her before this happened.”

  Sighing David nodded, “You’re right. Do the others know?”

  “All the Bananas have been told. I’ll update them later tonight about your status.”

  “What about the Caravan?”

  Will pursed his lips, “The guards have all but single handedly stopped every attack. They split the force into two twenty five man units so there’s always a large force ready to repel attacks. Larry popped in yesterday to talk to you. He was told you were going to be out for a bit. No doubt when you log in again they’ll try and jump you.”

  “I’ll talk to them, it’ll be fine. They probably didn’t expect the guards to show up. I’m sure that’s making waves on the forums and GNN.” David rasped, “Is there any water?”

  Will retrieved the cup with a straw for him, holding it for a second so David could drink before setting it down again. “Oh, GNN is having a field day with it right now. Paval has promised them an interview when the event ends so he can explain the entire thing to them.”

  “Oh goody. Wonder how he’ll try and twist it this time,” David pondered out loud.

  “Twist what?” Miriam asked coming back in with Lavender.

  “Paval’s going to do another interview when the event ends,” Will explained.

  “Oh, speaking of,” Miriam said, “GNN has left a number of requests to speak with you. I told them you’re busy right now but that I would pass it along.”

  David sighed, “Will, you want to jump in front of this one for me?”

  “They probably want to know if we had a hand in the guards showing up,” Will muttered. “Should just get Ashley to talk to Bjorn again. You think your sis will cut another in game snippet for them?” Will asked Lavender the last question.

  “I’ll send her a message and ask,” Lavender said.

  David lost track of the conversation as his mind drifted again. When he focused again only Miriam was with him, “They left?”

  “A few hours ago when they realized you were out again. They’ll be back tomorrow to visit.” Miriam said, giving him some water.

  “You should go home and get some sleep as well, hun,” David urged.

  “I’m fine right here. The nurses have given me a pillow and blanket so I can stay with you.”

  “This is what I didn’t want to happen. Me languishing in a hospital bed with you watching and worrying.”

  “Well, it is and we don’t have much time left and I will not give up what I have of it either.” Miriam said before kissing his cheek, “Now don’t try and send me away again.”

  “Yes dear,” David said a smile briefly settling on his lips.

  The next few days went by in a blur as the doctors ran more tests and waited for the results. David had another small heart attack during that time, as well. Miriam did her best to hide her worry while David gnashed his teeth at his inability to make her feel better. Will and Lavender stopped by multiple times to keep them company and play cribbage with them.

  The fifth day after waking in the hospital David was starting to get angry. “What in the fuck is taking them so long? I just want to go home at this point.”

  Miriam chewed her lip as she watched his heart monitor begin to climb. “David, please stop. They are trying to help and if you get agitated it might trigger another attack.”

  The anguish in her voice cut into him, stopping his budding tirade. “I’m sorry love. We both know they won’t be able to really do anything and it’s been five days of hell here. If they don’t have an answer by tomorrow I’m going to AMA myself.”

  Miriam nodded, her face set into an emotionless mask. “I will support you no matter what. I’ll be right back,” she got up and quickly left the room.

  David watched her go, sadness filling his eyes. He knew he was being selfish but he had only spoken the truth and he would rather be at home than in a hospital if he only had a few days left. Miriam returned some time later and sat down again. David tried to meet her eyes but she wouldn’t meet his.

  “What did you do?” David asked softly.

  “Left a message with the nurses for the doctor. Now he knows if he doesn’t talk to you tomorrow you’ll be leaving. I also called Will to make sure he was here tomorrow.” Miriam said taking his hand, her eyes full of sorrow as she met his.

  David felt his heart tear, not in pain from another attack, but in agony that this was hurting Miriam. “I’m sorry,” was all he said before she put her head on his chest and began to cry.

  “So am I. I just want you to stay with me even though we both know that isn’t possible. I was hoping they could help stave off the attacks for longer if we gave them time.” Miriam sobbed into his chest as he stroked her hair.

  Silence fell over them as they tried to comfort each other. Eventually night came and sleep claimed them both as each tried to think of ways to console the other.

  The next day the doctor came into the room to find all of them there. “David, sorry for the delay with the results. The attacks you have suffered have really taken a toll on your heart. The best we can do for you considering your other condition is make you comfortable here until you pass on.”

  David nodded once, “I figured as much doctor, but would have been happier if you had told me this a few days ago.”

  “We had hoped that the damage wasn’t as bad as it is. If it wasn’t we could have given you some medications to help reduce the chances of more attacks.”

  “Well, since this is what we have, get my papers in order to leave,” David replied.

  “That wouldn’t be the best thing for you. We can keep you in less pain with constant medications. If you leave now you will only accelerate the attacks and cause yourself more pain,” The doctor said.

  “I have things to do before the end. People to say goodbye to and a task to finish. Get my release papers in order, Doctor.” David said, his voice rising slightly.

  The doctor turned to Miriam, “Ma’am please talk some sense into him. We can help give him a few more days if he stays here.”

  Miriam glanced at David, who was glaring at the
doctor, before shaking her head. “He wants to leave. He will die soon as it is, doctor. I will not stand in the way of him getting a little more happiness from life.”

  The doctor looked at them like they were insane before shaking his head sadly, “Fine. I’ll get the paperwork ready. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  When the doctor left Will snorted, “That last comment was uncalled for. You only give condolences after the fact.”

  It took an hour before the paperwork was signed off. Will arranged for a cab too drive Miriam and David home, with him and Lavender following. Once everyone was inside the house Miriam began bustling around in the kitchen preparing some food. Will and Lavender tried to talk her out of it, but Miriam insisted, after all David hadn’t had decent food in almost a week.

  The night went by with small talk, avoiding the subject of David’s imminent death. The friends enjoyed the food and played a few board games before Will and Lavender finally called it a night. Once they were gone Miriam insisted David take a bath as he had only been sponged at the hospital. She washed him gently and carefully before tucking him into bed. The longtime lovers cuddled as if it might be their last, neither talking as if afraid to break the moment.

  The next morning during breakfast David caught Miriam’s eyes. He could see his own emotions reflected in them before he spoke. “The caravan should make it to Veno today, then two days to the castle. We should log in even if only for a moment or two. I don’t want them to think we’ve abandoned them.”

  Miriam nodded slowly, “They know better than that, the others have told them your health is declining. We should see Alvira again though so you can say goodbye at least.”

  David’s face set, “I will not say goodbye until the event is over. I will not allow myself to die before then.”

  Miriam caught his eyes briefly but agreed, a few minutes later the couple sent a text off to Will before logging in.

  Logging In

  Dumadin blinked as he looked around, at the side of the road and wondering why he wasn’t in a wagon. Standing and stretching, he chuckled as he finally recalled having logged out in Alvira’s tent. They’d been sure they were going to log back in after a short break and be able to get on a wagon. Kittish appeared next to him, sitting on the ground looking up at him. As she climbed to her feet Dumadin swept her up and spun her around before kissing her with all the love he felt.

  A minute later he let her get some air, both of them a little flushed. “Sorry, it’s just so different here. The lack of pain makes me embrace life all the more.”

  She smiled at him, slightly tinged with sadness, “I understand, love. We need to fast travel to Veno to meet up with the others. We should have an hour or two before they get to the gates.”

  The duo clicked the icon on their map and fast traveled to Veno. Appearing outside the gates and having some time to kill before the others got to the city, the duo decided to wander the city themselves. Dumadin stopped by the bank figuring that making sure a guild bank account was set up was a good idea. Stepping into the bank, he smiled at the way it vaguely resembled the real world set up of tellers manning stations ready to assist each person. The big difference was there were no lines, as each time a person stepped up to a teller they were sent into a personalized instance to conduct their transactions.

  Stepping up to a teller, Dumadin greeted the person as they welcomed him to the bank and asked how they could assist him. “I need to set up an account for a guild.”

  “Oh, you need to see the manager then sir. His door is straight ahead from the doors when you enter along the back wall. Is there anything else I can do to assist you today?” the teller asked with smile still firmly in place on her face.

  “Nope, that’s it. Thank you and have a good day.” Dumadin said, stepping away from the teller and phasing back into shared playing space.

  “All done?” Kittish asked, surprised at how fast he had come back from the teller.

  “Have to see the manager it seems. His door is that one back there, let’s go. Maybe you can come with me.” Dumadin replied, taking her hand and walking with her to the bank manager’s door. He knocked once before opening the door and entering the room.

  A portly bald man looked up from a ledger on his desk. “Ah, customers to set up a group account I take it. Please have a seat and let us get down to business.”

  Dumadin held Kittish’s chair before taking one for himself. “We are here to set up an account for a guild. We are called the Bananas.”

  The manager frowned and flipped through his book before looking back up. “We already have an account for them on record. Set up some time ago when the castle was registered. The first deposit was entered two days later. Was there an issue with the account?”

  The lovers looked at each other before Dumadin replied, “I don’t recall setting up the account.”

  “Ah, the guild accounts are auto generated when a structure of suitable size is built. This cuts down on the hassle of coming to a major city before starting to collect taxes.” The manager smiled broadly, “Your keep has a guild deposit box set up outside the treasury room so any member of your guild can contribute to the account easily. There is also a small vault next to the treasury room that only people in the guild can access. This way you can set gear aside for others without having to go through the process of letting everyone into the main treasury.”

  “I don’t recall Gehry mentioning those?” Kittish mused.

  “They get added onto all keeps and castles, so he probably didn’t think about it. Just as a small UPS shop to handle all your guild’s mail is also automatic. Is there a problem with your account that I can help you with today?” the bank manager asked, getting back to the issue at hand.

  “Not that… Actually, you said a deposit was made into the account. What was deposited and by whom?” Dumadin asked, getting back to the thing that had caught his attention.

  The manager glanced down at his ledger, “One Tabitha Tankardson, employed by the Bananas made a deposit into the account for you. It was transferred from her joint account with Bjorn Tankardson. The total deposit was two thousand four hundred and fifty gold pieces along with some items that were put into the vault.”

  Kittish and Dumadin blinked and exchanged another glance before Kittish responded. “What items were placed into the vault exactly?”

  “A number of crafting items ranging from various herbs and skins through ores and metals, including Mithril and Star Metal bars.”

  Dumadin chuckled and shook his head, “Remember before the Carnival we gave our excess stuff to Bjorn?” Dumadin said softly looking at Kittish, “He said he would return it to us with at least a little extra.”

  “He was aware at the time and the reset didn’t affect him, so he was able to keep his promise.” Kittish finished, nodding in understanding.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you folks?” the manager asked.

  The pair stood up and shook their heads. “Nope, we’re good. Thank you for the assistance, sir,” Dumadin replied taking Kittish’s arm, “We hope the rest of your day is good.”

  The manager walked them to his door, showing them out. Exiting the bank, Kittish laughed softly, “Well, that was something I didn’t see coming.”

  “I know right,” Dumadin began as a flash of light blinded them for a second.

  Jazzy stood there tapping her foot slightly, “There you are. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.”

  Dumadin felt his face grow hard, “Been busy dying, sorry it was a bother.”

  Jazzy froze, blushing and looking down, “I’m sorry. That was wrong of me and I sounded like a bitch. Please forgive me.”

  Kittish touched Dumadin’s arm, “What’s up, Jazzy?”

  “There have been a lot of irregularities going on and they seem to be spreading. Paval is in a hissy because some of his plans got ruined, which he deserves as he didn’t inform me or Larry. Larry is worried that the whole alternate reality talk could cause a pani
c and get the game shut down. So they are working trying to pin down what is happening and why. They asked me, since they know we have a good relationship to talk to you and see what you can tell us.” Jazzy paused, her eyes shifting slightly to each side before she met their eyes and winked. “So, anything to say?”

  Dumadin’s mind raced, trying to think of why Jazzy had winked. “Nothing I can think of. I thought Bjorn calling in a favor with his father was perfectly normal myself. I would have.”

  Jazzy’s chuckled, “Okay, then. If you do notice anything, just send me an email. The event only has a couple of days left before they reach your castle. After this ends I’m sure Paval will insist on pulling the servers for a day to see if we can find the underlying issue.”

  Kittish nodded, “It would take someone who really knows the game inside and out to find anything wrong, I’m certain.”


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