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Hand of Thorns

Page 9

by Ashley Beale

  "You're not going back home for a few days. You need to let your mother cool off. Stay with me, or in a hotel, or with a friend, but you're not going home."

  Knowing damn well I don't have a friend to stay with right now, and that he'll probably follow me to make sure I'm not at home, I nod my head with shame. "Fine. But I'm paying for the room."

  "Like hell you are."

  Rolling my eyes so he sees it, I do my best to take a stance on the subject, even though from the look he gives me, it's certain I'm going to lose. "You've done enough for me. I can't ask for you to pay for a room for me as well. If I walk away now, can we forget I was ever even here?"


  I take a step back, forgetting his arms are still loosely around me. He locks me in place with his hold. I'm sure if I tried to pull back more he'd let go, but maybe a small part of me doesn't want him to. Maybe I want his comfort, even if for a minute.

  "I'm fully capable of caring for myself," I argue more.

  "I never said you weren't."

  "Well, you kind of did. You're not letting me get my own room."

  "I can't force you to do anything you don't want to do, Monica. Go if you want." When I don't move even an inch his lips lift into that panty dropping grin that I shouldn't pine over. "No? Not leaving?"

  "Reverse psychology isn't going to work on me." I try. I try desperately to sound like I'm winning this argument.

  His eyebrow lifts up. "Get in the damn car."

  I wasn't planning on moving until he broke the hold, placing his hands on my shoulders to physically turn me, then starts walking past me towards his garage. Quickly, I follow after him, wondering where he is sending me. I hate feeling like a nuisance. I knew for a long list of reasons I shouldn't have come here. But when he turns to flash a smile at me before opening his garage door, and I get those intense flutters in my stomach, I know exactly what made me call him in the first place. No matter how hard I attempt to tell myself not to feel this way.

  The door slides open, revealing a Nissan of some kind. It's midnight blue and made of beautiful curves. He certainly does have a great taste in cars. "Get in," he hollers over.

  "What about my car?" I ask, looking over at it.

  "It's probably safer here. You got any bags?"

  I nod my head to answer, perplexed by his intense need to take charge. Since I'm being honest about things with myself though, I can admit I enjoy his dominance. A lot.

  He walks over to my car, which I always loved until seeing what Leon drives. It's an older faded yellow Toyota Corolla my dad found for a great price on the side of the road once while we were heading up north to go skiing. It has done me good, and I know it should have many years ahead of it, thankfully.

  He places my bag and purse into his trunk, then closes it while eyeing me, walking back to his driver side door. "Getting in?" He questions amusingly.

  I flash a small, shy smile in his direction then open the door to the passenger side. It's all black and chrome inside until he starts the car, then everything is lit with a blue light. I run my hand over the center console because it looks so smooth. "This is really nice."

  "Nice?" He peeks over at me as he shifts into first. "Nice is what you call your grandmother's flowerbed. This is beautiful."

  "Well, whatever you call it, you have good taste."

  The way his eyes roam my body heats me from the inside out. "That I certainly do."

  Without notice he speeds out of the garage. Instantly I have a shit eating grin on my face, except, I have no idea if it's caused by the throttle of his car or the power of his personality.

  We end up at a five star hotel on the coast of Malibu. The entire drive is silent, except for the music he had on the radio. I enjoyed it surprisingly though, to be lost in my thoughts, even if they're mainly about the man sitting next to me, and the fact he isn't mine- and never will be.

  He idles the car in front of the entrance while a valet driver races to the driver side, opening the door for Leon. Seconds later my door is opened by another man dressed in dark purple, matching the valet driver. I accept his hand as he gracefully helps me out of the small sports car.

  Leon stands to the side of him, slipping him a tip. "This looks really expensive," I whisper loudly as we enter through the front door.

  "It's my favorite place to get away."

  "You come here a lot?"

  "Often enough."

  "Why would you need to get away? You have a huge house. You could hide out for days in that place."

  For the first time, when he smiles at me it isn't sincere. It looks sad. "Glass houses, closed doors, those kinds of things." It doesn't make much sense to me to be honest, but I accept what is, because it's obvious he doesn't want to discuss it.

  He books a room for four nights and I try desperately to argue but he doesn't allow me to. He not only pays them but leaves his credit card on file, requesting that I get a hearty three meals a day while I'm here. Once he is finished, Leon walks with me to the elevators. When we're both shut inside, I feel a tension between us that has been building each time we're together. At least for me it has. I'm not sure about Leon, because what I'm starting to suspect with him is that he has that personality. He's the flirt, the sexy and mysterious bad guy that women swoon over left and right, which is why he landed the role he recently did. I want to believe it's only me in which he treats the way he does, I want to be the only one he looks at that way, but I know damn well it's not. Mainly because... he has Ellie.

  A tingling sensation warms low in my stomach, a bit too low, when Leon opens the door to the hotel room. He pushes it all the way open for me, allowing me to enter first. I distract myself with the look of the room, rather than the fact we're alone together in it.

  It's serene to say the least. Light pastel painted walls with a king size bed taking up the center of it, which is covered in an elegant plush white comforter. A TV hung on the wall directly across from the bed, and a matte black dresser below. To the far end of the room are sliding glass doors that bring you out onto the balcony, where I can see a couple chairs already placed. I'm not sure I've ever been in a room like this before.

  "Wow," I say breathlessly. "This is gorgeous." Since it cost him almost two thousand dollars for only four nights, I guess it better be this amazing. That isn't with the food cost either.

  "There is a pool out back surrounded by private cabanas, a hot tub too that is hidden from it all. If you go down through the basement level, you can walk out onto the beach, and on the second floor is the restaurant which overlooks the beach. If you need food or anything, call and order it. It's all on the house."

  I look over at him amazed. "It isn't on the house. You're paying for it."

  "Same thing. Don't think about it, just enjoy yourself."

  "Leon... I..."

  "Don't argue. It's already paid for. Stop stressing. Relax. Okay? I'm pretty certain they have a spa here, too. Get a prenatal massage."

  I continue to stare at him. He doesn't blink a lash. He doesn't look away. He stares back at me. His eyes look soft today, almost gray rather than silver. They're not sharp and demanding, and in this light, he looks absolutely handsome.

  "Do you want to stay?" When I realize how that sounds, I add in... "For a bit." He doesn't answer me right off, so I try to argue my point, not wanting him to think I want more out of him than the company. "Only until dinner or something. I mean, you don't have to or anything. I figured I'd ask, you know, because you drove all the way here, and spent all the money. You may as well get something out of it too."

  He chuckles under his breath, so low it's almost inaudible. "I'll stay... until dinner."

  I have to turn away from him to hide the smile that starts to spread. "Are they bringing up my bag, or?" I head towards the sliding glass doors as I ask, spreading the curtain to open further, then opening the sliding glass after. A soft breeze from the beach comes in, and I love the smell of the salt water in the air.

  "Yeah, the
y should be up soon. I told the valet they were in the trunk."

  I step out onto the cement slab outside to look around. The view is spectacular, regardless with which direction you look. I've dreamed of living on the coast like this before, especially when I'm over to Sumner's beach house. I want to succeed enough in life that I can afford a home where there is both grass and sand, where I can wake up on a Sunday morning with a fresh cup of brewed coffee and watch the sun rise in the distance, or where I can have a small bon fire at night with a beer in hand. Where I can see boats pass by in the distance, and smell the early morning breeze coming through my windows. It doesn't need to be a big home, or anything fancy, even a cabin would do. I just want it on the beach.

  "What are you thinking about?" Leon's voice whispers near my ear.

  My skin pimples with nervousness as a shiver runs down my arm. "How beautiful the view is." It almost takes me a moment to answer. I forgot for all of a moment that Leon was still here with me. I got lost in a distraction that wasn't about him, or this baby, or the lack of support from the two people who should love me regardless. Instead I got lost in something that didn't make my heart wrench. It was exactly what I came here to do. Leon made a perfect choice.

  "It certainly is."

  I turn backwards to look at Leon, to ask him a question, but I'm completely distracted. He isn't taking in the awe-inspiring view, or looking around at the beach goers. No, he is staring directly at me, a smirk on his face. Does he mean me? There is no way he could, but... my heart constricts anyways.

  Clearing my throat, I look away, becoming far too captivated way too easily with Leon. I told myself to stop, and I keep messing up. I keep wanting his attention. I keep wanting him. "I’m getting hungry," I tell him. I didn't exactly get to eat dinner with my mom, and it's getting late. My stomach gurgles, and I'm pretty certain he can hear it, but he doesn't make it known if he does in fact.

  "Let's go eat then."

  "Are you going to eat, too?"

  "Do you want me to?"

  I nod my head, knowing I probably shouldn't.

  "Then I'll stay. Do you want to eat here or somewhere else?"

  "Um. I don't know. I don't really care. Food is food at this point." I rub my belly to remind him that I'm pregnant.

  He looks down as I do and his smile lifts. "You're starting to show, you know. Are you having cravings?" He looks up at me and I shake my head back and forth. I haven't felt sick, had cravings, nothing. In fact, I probably wouldn't know I was pregnant had it not been for my heightened senses or insane exhaustion. "Nothing you're in the mood for at all?"

  "Food. I'm in the mood for food."

  "Do you like steak?"

  "Who doesn't?"

  "Got the perfect place then."

  He drives us to a pretty fancy looking restaurant, then again, anything on the coast of Malibu looks fancy. He has the option to valet park but chooses to pull into a parking spot instead. It is a great night out; still sunny, not much of a breeze, but definitely not too hot either. One of the best evenings we've had this summer, so I definitely don't mind walking.

  We're seated and given our drinks within minutes, despite it being crowded. I guess that is what happens when you dine with a celebrity, they cater to your every need. The restaurant is somewhat dim, but there is an individual miniature chandelier over each table. It's sort of romantic, but I try to ignore that fact. I believe Leon is too, as he picked up his phone after he got served his Coke and he hasn't put it down.

  I glance around the place while he types away on his phone. He keeps whispering, "Sorry, I have to get this," each time he picks up his phone. I haven't said anything, because although it's a tad bit aggravating, I know he has a life other than me. I'm sure it's Ellie texting from New York, telling him about all the amazing things she's currently doing.

  Once the waiter comes over to take our order, he finally slips the phone into his pocket. We both put in our food order, then less than a minute later a waitress walks by placing down salads in front of each of us. The salad is loaded with peanuts, cucumbers, and what appears to be blue cheese, and it kind of grosses me out. Although I'm not typically a picky eater, it's just not what I had in mind for an appetizer. I'd rather have... well, anything else.

  Leon doesn't eat his either, he laughs softly when he collects both our plates and sets them to the edge of the table. "They usually ask before serving it, sorry."

  "Oh, don't be sorry. I'm just not in the mood for it."

  "Sorry I'm not completely here. I was supposed to have a business dinner with the director of another film they want me to star in. I was trying to explain why I needed to postpone."

  I'm completely baffled why he'd cancel something like that... for someone like me.

  "What? You should have said something. I never meant to interfere with your career." My heart actually starts pounding as guilt takes over.

  He shakes it off as if it is no big deal to him. "They want me pretty bad. They deal with this kind of bullshit all the time. It's part of the industry."

  "Sounds annoying to be honest."

  "It can be. On both parts."

  "Do you enjoy acting? Is it what you thought it'd be?"

  "Most days I love it, and there isn't exactly anything to complain about. Except the facades you have to put on for the public. My manager runs more of my life than I care to admit."

  "You don't seem like the kind of person that would allow that."

  He lets out a sarcastic rumble of laughter. "Sometimes you have give a little to receive a lot. I never would let anyone overstep their boundaries, but there aren't many moments in my life like this, where I can leave my house as I please and take off for hours without letting anyone know where I am. I do it every so often, but one of these days someone is going to find out my secret hiding place and it won't be mine any longer."

  "Oh, so you have a secret hiding place?" I lift my eyebrows with question.

  "Well, it's a secret so long as you don't tell."

  It takes a second to register what he means. "Wait. The hotel I'm staying at? That is your hidden gem?"

  He winks and it nearly takes my breath away- not because he looks incredible doing it, although he does, but for the fact that he trusts me enough to bring me there. "Who else knows about it?"

  Tilting his head to the side, entertained by something, he says, "Spud." And that is when my stomach decides to do a flip. "Going to keep my secret?" I see the dare in his eyes. Although, I think he is being playful, I can still sense that he doesn't want me to rat him out.

  Which I don't plan on doing anyways. "Of course. Any secret you share with me will stay safe."

  "And your secrets are safe with me."

  When he says things like that, or continues to look at me with a heartwarming smile, it makes it near impossible to forget everything I'm supposed to.

  Our food arrives and it’s absolutely delicious. I savor each bite and consume far too much, but as I've noticed recently, I'll be hungry again in an hour. In the meantime, I lean back in the chair, rubbing my hand against my swollen stomach. Glancing up from staring at my stomach, I catch the fear in Leon's eyes before he looks away, putting his hand in the air to catch our waiter’s attention.

  I understand his look all too well. There are many things I'm scared of. Mainly, I keep wondering to myself if I made the right choice. Since receiving my first paycheck, I currently have enough to pay the car insurance, help mom with the mortgage, get us groceries, and still have some spending money, so for those reasons I believe I made the right choice. I also know when I see Ellie and Leon holding their precious newborn baby, I'll know with complete certainty I made the right choice. But there are those moments, such as Sumner's disapproval and my Mom's hatred that has me questioning why I went about things the way I did. I messed a lot of things up, but I'm hoping with all my heart and soul in the end, everything will be worth it.

  While waiting for the waiter to cash us out, Leon picks up his phone once
more, shaking his head at something he reads on his screen. I decide to take the opportunity to use the restroom. "Excuse me," I tell Leon. Placing down my napkin on my plate, I stand up, pulling the hem of my shirt in place.

  "You okay?" he asks, looking up at me.

  "Yeah, just going to use the restroom."

  "Okay, I'll be here waiting."

  Bashfully I walk away, heading towards the back of the restaurant where the bathrooms are. After using the facilities, I look into the mirror while washing my hands. I have to do a double take. I almost don't recognize myself. When Mom said I looked sun kissed, she meant it. My face is glowing, and my cheeks rosy without the help of blush. Although one side still showing signs of Mom’s mark. It appears I have a permanent smile on my face as well, which I didn't realize at all. Watching my reflection, I try to stop myself from grinning, but each time I contour my face to look normal, it's as if it naturally slides back into a smile.

  I can't tell if it's due to my pregnancy... or Leon.

  Either way, it feels good to be this happy, even if I'm unbeknownst to the reason behind it. It does look good on me.

  Walking from the restroom, I instantly pause. Dustin stands before me, his arms crossed in front of his chest, and a cocky smile that isn't nearly as attractive as I used to think painted upon his face. "Wow. Monica. I almost didn't recognize you, you look... great."

  "Hey, Dustin." It almost comes out sounding like a question. Mainly because I'm dubious as to why I bumped into him here of all places. "What are you doing here?"

  "Having dinner," he states with a laugh. "As I'm sure most everyone in here is doing. You here with your family?"

  I want to roll my eyes. Of course he would assume my family, because I guarantee he thinks I'm still stuck on him. "No, a friend actually."

  "Sumner? Where is she?" He turns to look as I tell him no, but we're both frozen in place with Leon standing there, almost pushing into Dustin with the way his arms are folded against his chest.

  Leon glares at Dustin with a fierceness I haven't yet seen. An intimidating look that is also downright sexy. "Who are you?" he asks.


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