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Hand of Thorns

Page 23

by Ashley Beale

  "Monica, so lovely to see you tonight." Her eerily fake voice drives me crazy, but I put on my fake smile and turn towards Ellie. Nope, I'm certainly not the only one dressed up tonight.

  "Thanks for inviting us. I'm not sure if you remember, this is my best friend, Sumner. Sumner, this is Ellie and Leon." Feeling uncomfortable, I avoid eye contact with him while I do introductions. His smell over empowers my senses, and I'm instantly filled with a yearning desire. Maybe it's the hormones, or maybe it's because just last night we made love for almost two solid hours, but either way, I want to shove him into the bathroom for a quickie.

  I won't though, the room is too open and large, there aren’t many places for hiding. It'd be far too easy to get caught here.

  "Yes, Sumner, of course. Beautiful gown. Ralph Lauren?" She says Lauren wrong, but I bite my tongue.

  Thankfully although Sumner feels bad for Ellie- as I used to- she doesn't like her. Not because she's my best friend either, but because she has seen the fake personality first hand, not to mention she's heard enough rumors about her in the Hollywood community. So she decides to be as fake back, first by pronouncing the name correctly. "Ralph Lauren, yes it is. Lovely seeing you as well." I'm thankful when she doesn't compliment her back. "And you Leon. Thanks for the invite. The two of us were about to use the powder room, so if you'd excuse us."

  As we walk through the bathroom doors, I'm able to breathe again. "Thank you for that," I say while letting out a long exhale.

  "I could strangle her." The calm and collective Sumner apparently got left back in the ball room.

  "Yeah, me too. But I think I've done enough damage."

  "Leon was looking sexy though." Sumner winks before walking into a stall.

  I walk into the one next to her, using every opportunity I can to pee. "I didn't look."

  "What, why?" She hollers over.

  "I get antsy when he's with Ellie."

  "Has he talked about leaving her anymore?"

  "Not really," I reply solemnly. "It's all in good time."

  We exit the stalls at the same time to wash our hands. "Well, I do feel bad this has gone on for so long, but I do like him. I like you with him, when y'all aren't fighting that is. I just wish he'd screw his head on straight and use that damn brain of his. Finally leave her ass, you two can be together, and they can split custody. It happens all the time, especially in Hollywood."

  "I know." I pout as I dry my hands. Fixing my dress, I look into the mirror to make sure all is well. "I get where he is coming from, and I don't want to pressure him at all, because I may be the one he walks away from."

  "You two are practically spending every available moment together. If he walks away from you, I'm going to drop kick him in the balls."

  A lady walks into the restroom and gasps at the ending of Sumner's words, staring at the two of us with disgust. Sumner laughs, not caring at all as she exits the restroom and I follow foot.

  There aren't designated seats, so the two of us find an open table where no one has occupied a place yet. I can see both Ellie and Leon out of the corner of my eye, but I pretend not to notice. Our table eventually fills up with two couples, who all end up talking with us, asking who we know here, and then rave about Richard, Leon's brother.

  One of the guy's from the table next to us seems to have caught Sumner's attention. They keep looking at one another with small smiles or flirtatious glances. Finally I nudge her. "What are you doing?" I whisper.

  "He. Is. Hot."

  "Yeah, he is, but you're with Gunther."

  "So? I didn't say I was going to sleep with him. Doesn't mean I can't flirt."

  I have absolutely no right to say anything, so I shrug. "If that's what you want."

  "It's not like he's talking to me anyways." She rolls her eyes, fixing the top of her dress.

  "Then you go talk to him."

  "Ew, no. I never do the talking first."

  "Because you have so much experience," I retort.

  "Touché." She laughs. "Well, I may not be all that experienced, but in my minimal moments of sexual tension with the opposite sex, I've certainly never been the first to put forth effort."

  "Those, uh, classes are working for you, huh?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You've been speaking more thoroughly lately."

  "Oh, probably. I hardly even notice to be honest. We have to answer all questions with full sentences, and even ask questions with full statements. There are absolutely no shortcuts in Speech Analogy."

  We're interrupted when a chair squeals, moving closer to us. We both turn to look as the guy she was being flirtatious with leans towards her. "I'm Smitty Thomas. And you're beautiful." He runs tongue over his lip before pressing down on it with his teeth, gliding it out from his mouth slowly in a seductive manner. He's smooth, I can give him that.

  Sumner gives me a look that says, I told you so, then smiles her full wattage smile at Smitty. "Try Sumner Nysson, but I'll accept being called beautiful."

  "Nysson? As in?"

  "Yes, my father is York."

  "Well, damn, I didn't know I was introducing myself to a real life celebrity. I guess that's why you look straight from the red carpet."

  Sumner blushes but holds her head up well. "I'm not a celebrity, yet, but one day hopefully."

  He starts to ask her about her school and career, until she starts in asking about his dirt bike racing. They both laugh together, leaving me out of all communication. I guess I should be used to being a third wheel.

  Apparently Ellie finds this as a perfect opportunity to head in my direction. I ignore her, wishing I would have gone up to the buffet when I thought of it a few minutes ago, but now it's too late. She sits at my table, taking one of the empty seats someone left behind while they danced.

  "You look bored. Why don't you come speak with Richard? He didn't bring a date and was asking about you." She reaches for my arm but something catches my glimpse. It's simple, yet stunning, and it's definitely real.

  I look back up to Ellie with a questioning look. "Are you and Leon?" I let the question hang off the tip of my tongue.

  She glances down at her diamond ring. "Oh, this? Yes. He proposed two nights ago." She squeals with delight, looking at the ring herself. "Isn't it gorgeous? Three carats. I couldn't believe it. Such a surprise."

  "Oh." I'm left speechless, as I try to rack my brain about two nights ago. That was the night Leon canceled last minute to say there was an emergency, but I was so exhausted I didn't argue or think twice about it. "Well... wow. Um, congratulations. That is wonderful news."

  "Thank you. That means the world to me. Now, come-come, speak with Richard."

  I look at Sumner who is staring at me with despair, but neither of us wanting to give away quite how hurtful it really is. I stand up and follow with Ellie over to the table where Richard sits, which happens to be next to Leon.

  Giving my biggest, fakest grin, I tell him, "Congrats on the engagement. You two make a wonderful couple."

  He face falls, being caught off guard, as he turns to look at Ellie. "We weren't saying anything yet."

  Weren't saying anything yet. God, those words piss me off tremendously. I can picture myself picking up a glass of water and tossing it into his face. No, screw that, a glass of gasoline. Then I can set him on fire as I storm out of here. Since that is impossible, I stand here, holding onto my willpower to get through at least another half hour before leaving. I have ten days until my due date, after that I don't have to speak to either of them again. I can play nice until that moment comes. Not that I want to.

  She scoffs. "She saw the ring and asked, I only told her the truth." I can see the dare in Ellie's eyes for him to argue about any of this right now, while in public. "Besides, it's not like the tabloids haven't been posting about it. I mean, have you seen them lately? All three of our faces plastered on them, talking about affairs and babies and hidden weddings." She rolls her eyes. "May as well start setting the truth straight abo
ut it all."

  "What do you mean?" I ask.

  "You haven't seen? Oh sweetie, you're practically a celebrity. You and Leon have been photo shopped together a few times, seen going into a hospital supposedly together, talk about how the baby is you and his, not mine, talk about affairs, asking who the mistress is." She chuckles. "I finally had to call Cite Magazine this week to set up an exclusive interview. It's going to be awfully disappointing when I let them know it's all false, but at least I can publicly announce the engagement when I do."

  I truly feel like I'm going to be sick. "I'm on the cover of... tabloids?"

  "I'm shocked you didn't know. None of your friends told you?"

  "No." Penelope is the only one that reads those things like a religious Bible, but she's been busy with the new baby, so it's not surprising she hasn't seen them. Rochelle has been out of town for the last week with her newest fling, José. And Sumner avoids those things like the plague. "Nobody has said anything."

  "Well if you're in for a good laugh, I'd certainly pick them up. Anything to do with Leon or myself I pick up a copy to stash away for some time in the future. You just never know what will be worth money one day. Plus, it's always entertaining to see what stories these lowlifes have concocted. I mean, honestly, they all seem to think you two are having an affair."

  She roars with laughter, so I pretend to laugh too. "Yeah, hilarious. Definitely far from the truth." I glance at Leon. He stares at me angrily, but I don't give him any more of my time. "I'll have to pick up a few copies. Never thought I'd end up on a magazine cover."

  Ellie looks down at her wedding ring, gleaming with pride. "Yes, and it'll probably be short lived, so enjoy it while it lasts." She drops her hand to look up at me, her face is full of happiness and pride. I deserve it, to see her like this, to see her so happy, all because of Leon. I destroyed their relationship without her acknowledgment, and now I'm getting major payback for it all.

  "If you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom."

  I turn around to head towards the bathroom, eyeing Sumner as I go. She hops up from the chair to join me. When we get through the door, I walk over to one of the stalls and kick the door. It swings open, making an echoing bang, then swings back shut. I kick it a second time, then turn to face her, holding back my tears with all my might. "Did you know I was a gossip celebrity now?! Do you know I'm also going to be on the front of newspapers soon, for killing him?!" I should probably tame my words, but no way in hell I can do that right now.

  "Whoa. What happened?"

  "They're engaged, yeah. And guess what? Apparently all those fucking stupid tabloids have pictures of him and I together on the cover, with headlines including the words affair and mistress. Fuck, I don't even know, all I know is that cunt bag out there is laughing about the audacity of that ever being a possibility, flashing her three carat diamond ring around, being all fucking annoying and beautiful and... dumb!" I don't even know what I'm saying at this point, I'm that furious.

  Sumner takes a few deep breathes in front of me, trying to ease my breathing as well. "Calm, Monica. Calm down. It could all be a ploy."

  "A ploy, really?" I snap.

  "Yes, really." Her voice remaining smooth and charismatic. "Tabloids come out on Wednesday mornings, they're obviously recently engaged. What if she saw the tabloids, and either asked him about them and that was his answer to deny the claims, or she saw them and told him he better make it right. Either way, do you think after how you two have been, he'd suddenly propose to her, and it coincidently be the same week you're on the cover apparently having an affair together?"

  I think about what she says, and it surprisingly makes sense. "Do you really think?"

  "I think it's an absolute possibility. More so, I think you need to speak with him about it. Not simply assume what Ellie of all people is claiming."

  I look down in embarrassment and shame. "This is a lot of work. Relationships shouldn't be this hard."

  "I hate to break it to you, but you're not in a relationship. If you were though, you'd go through hard times then too. No relationship is perfect, and they all have obstacles, especially when you're with someone famous. Speak with him, figure things out on your own, and I'll be here to help you through the process, regardless to what your choice may be."

  I hug Sumner to me. "Thank you. You really are amazing."


  Exiting the restroom, Richard stands nearby, smiling at me. "Hey," he says, stopping me. "I was wondering if you'd like to dance."

  I glance at my protruding belly, wondering if he realizes how difficult that will be. "Um. Sure. If you really want."

  Sumner bumps her shoulder into mine as she passes by. "Have fun you too, I'm going to find Smitty and have him dance with me."

  Richard takes my hand in his, bringing us out the dance floor. He spins me around then pulls me back in elegantly, then we dance alongside many others to a slow rhythm. "You look beautiful tonight, by the way," he compliments me.

  I purse my lips. "Thank you." I don't want to return the sentiment, because I don't want him to think I'm interested.

  He laughs under his breath, lifting both his brows. "Ouch."

  "Sorry. I'm not trying to be mean," I tell him. I may as well be nice, so long as he knows I'm not hitting on him. "You look great, too. Congratulations on tonight, you must be excited to start racing across the nation soon."

  "Yeah, it'll be fun. I've been anticipating it for quite some time."

  "Good luck."

  "I could say the same." He looks down at the object separating us. "Any time now, huh?"

  "Yup. I'm ready for it to be over with. My friend Penelope went over two weeks early, so I'm wondering if I have the chance to go sometime in the next ten days."

  "What do you think of Leon and Eleanor's engagement?" He asks suddenly.

  I'm sure my face blanches. "Oh. Um. Good for them. I figured it'd be sometime in the near future."

  "You did?" He looks truly surprised. "Odd. I thought he'd propose to you first."

  "What?" I gasp.

  Richard chuckles, leaning forward. "After the Christmas party he explained it all to me. I've been voting for you both all along, which is why I invited you tonight."

  I'm speechless. "Oh. Wow. Really?" I cock my head in question. "So do you know why they're engaged?"

  "Actually, he hasn't said anything to me yet. I didn't even know they were. To be honest, I think she somehow tricked him though, probably because of the tabloids."

  "That is what my friend Sumner said, too."

  The song stops and the crowd starts to disperse. Taking my hand, Richard leads me to the buffet. "You must be hungry, let’s get something to eat."

  He walks me over to get some food, and then we bring our plates to the table I was sitting at with Sumner, whom is now sitting with Smitty. Richard kicks his head in their direction. "Tell her to be careful of that one there. He doesn't have flavors of the week, they're more like flavors of the night."

  "She has a boyfriend. She's just using him to feel good about herself, I think."

  We both look in their direction but don't say anything. Sumner peeks over with pulled eyebrows, questioning why we're staring at her. I laugh as Richard smacks my hand, turning away to start eating my food. "You're a sweet girl, you know. What were you thinking getting caught up with my brother anyhow?"

  "I bet you have sweet girls falling at your feet left and right."

  He nods, pleased with himself. "Probably more than I should care to admit."

  "It happens. It's that whole bad boy persona. I can't explain it. Never thought I'd get caught up in it, but..." I look over to where Leon is- and it catches me off guard to see him staring at his brother and I the way he is, while Ellie gabs on about something, paying no attention to the fact he's lost in a different world. I glance back to Richard. "But he's addicting."

  "You love him?"

  "With all my heart."

  "He loves you, too."

; I shrug. "Did. Maybe. I don't know."

  "I do know, and he does. Wanna know what he told me at the Christmas party after you left?"

  "Maybe. I don't know. I thought that was the end of us."

  "The argument you two had?" He chuckles. "Yeah, you drove him fucking crazy for weeks. Mom and I were throwing ideas at him on how to win you back."

  "Wait!” I interrupt. "Your mom knows?" My face heats up with embarrassment. I liked their mom a lot, I don't want her to think I'm some kind of hussy.

  Richard nods, seemingly amused. "Yeah, she had it figured out early on. Nothing gets past her. She likes you, too. A lot actually. She's been upset with Leon for not being open and honest with everyone, but that's a different story. Anyways, he busted open my door after you left the house, and chucked my damn lamp at my head, smashing it into pieces. Told me if I ever even attempted to touch you or flirt with you he'd rip my head off. It took me almost an hour to get him to calm the fuck down enough to talk with me about shit. He's kept me pretty well updated since."

  "Hopefully not too updated." I think back to the kinky things we've gotten into recently, and I would be mortified if his brother or anyone else knew the things we've tried.

  He winks before roaring with laughter. "No. Nothing with details, don't worry. What I do know is he's been pissed for the last forty some odd hours. Something went down between them, and she has the upper hand. For now. Don't stress about it. It'll work out, trust me."

  "What if it doesn't?"

  "Will that be the worst thing?"

  I have to chance looking at him once more. He stands up when I do, walking towards the main entrance. Ellie is currently talking with other people at the table. I don't even think she knows he's gone. My line of sight follows back to the front door, but he rounds the corner as if he's about to leave. "No," I admit. "But close." Tears start to brim, but I try not to let Richard see. I turn my head slightly, pulling a napkin up to dot under my eyelids. Clearing my throat, I finish what I was about to say before emotions get the best of me. "It's painful."


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