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anthology Once Upon A Prince (Ellora's Cave)

Page 3

by james

  In her dreams, she saw a tall young prince with a narrow, clever face and foxy-bright eyes. In her dream, he took her in his arms and caressed her until she burned again, as if she were wearing the silvery soft dress of desire.

  * * * * *

  That same night, Prince Lupin tossed and turned in his wide bed as he slept. The moon cast its silvery glow onto his face and with its lunatic, mysterious light, meshed his dreams with Lily’s.

  In his dream, Prince Lupin sat in his garden. At his side was a maiden dressed in a robe seemingly woven of silver starlight. The pale velvet dress hugged her slender form, showing off her high, round breasts and narrow waist. She looked at him and her gaze held a flame that burned into the very center of his being. As he looked at her, his cock stiffened until it was unbearably painful.

  Then she smiled and the tip of her tongue touched her upper lip. He nearly lost control. His body shuddered with desire. “Who are you?” he whispered.

  “I can’t tell you.” She sounded sad.

  He noticed then that he could not make out anything but the outline of her body and the intensity of her gaze. As much as he tried to see her clearly, he couldn’t. The color of her hair and eyes was vague and indistinct.

  “Don’t cry.” He longed to comfort her, but he thought that if he touched the apparition she would vanish. His body ached for her, and he shifted on the seat, his cock straining against his trousers.

  “Can I kiss you?” he asked.

  “Please,” she said, and pressed her mouth to his. Her mouth was soft and warm, and tasted of the sea, of tears, of sweet honey and golden apricots.

  His arms came up around her and he held her tightly. She was made for him; they fit together perfectly. But as soon as she melted against him, a cloud covered the moon and the prince woke up.

  He sat up in his bed, his arms outstretched. “No, come back!” he cried. But his room was empty.

  Cursing, he lay back on his bed, all hopes of holding his dream woman in his arms dashed. His cock was still very stiff though, and he moved restlessly beneath the covers. But even the slither of silk sheets against his skin aroused him. His cock twitched and he grasped it with both hands, moaning softly as he thought of his dream.

  He closed his eyes, picturing the slim woman in the silver dress. In his imagination, she raised her dress until she bared her long legs. Then, a teasing smile on her face, she lifted it even higher until a curly triangle was revealed. One hand slid into her cunt, her fingers moving suggestively back and forth. She parted her labia and showed him her shiny, coral-colored flesh. Her finger sought a pearly nub, stroking it gently.

  At the sight, Prince Lupin gave a strangled cry and ejaculated, his hips bucking, his hands tight on his cock. He spurted onto his hands and sheets, his body convulsing with the force of his orgasm. When it was finally over, he lay panting on the bed, his arms and legs splayed. He’d masturbated before, but he’d never come so hard in his life.

  When he could move, he bunched the sheets around his body and buried his head in his pillow. He wanted to dream of his mystery woman, but when he woke in the morning, all he could recall was a deep, burning gaze and the faint scent of lily of the valley.

  He got up and washed then dressed, lost in thought. He was approaching his twentieth birthday and as the only child and heir of his father’s kingdom, he would be expected to marry within the year. He hadn’t given it much thought, figuring his father would arrange something with a neighboring princess, but now all he wanted to do was find his dream woman. He leaned out the window and sent a silent prayer to the dawn.

  “Help me find the one I love,” he whispered. “The one I desire.”

  * * * * *

  The very next week, a servant delivered a dress the color of true love to the princess’s room with a note saying, “Ready yourself for our wedding, which will take place this evening. Signed, REX, the king.”

  The dress was deep, burnished gold and made of the softest, lightest material Lily had ever touched. It looked terribly fragile, being nearly transparent, but when Lily caught it on a nail, the nail bent and the fine cloth was unscathed.

  Lily looked at it, and then at her father, who had arrived soon after the dress. He stood in her doorway, arms folded over his broad chest. “Well? Does it meet your requirements?”

  Her heart sank. She could not deny that the dress was the most beautiful creation she’d ever seen, and that the glowing gold was undoubtedly the color of true love. “Oh yes. Thank you, sire,” she said, curtseying deeply.

  “Of course it meets your requirements. That is why I took the liberty of posting the banns and sending the invitations. You will now get dressed. It is my command that you wear the dress the color of true love. I shall welcome our guests.” He slapped his palm on his knee. “They have already begun to arrive.”

  Lily felt the blood drain from her face. Carriages full of brightly dressed nobles had been arriving since noon. The whole castle was in a hustle and bustle—now she knew why.

  “Hurry now.” The king spoke sharply. He was clearly used to giving commands and being obeyed.

  Lily bade him farewell and sank to her bed. She must leave, and within the hour.

  But how could she leave? It would break her heart to leave her home. Plus, she was starting to wonder if she should run away. He was her father, but he was the king. His word was her command. To add to her confusion, the feelings Violet had awakened in her body wouldn’t let up. She ached with need, and the thought of the marriage wasn’t as horrifying—

  “Lily!” It was Violet. She transported in through her window, coming to land in front of the princess. Today, she was wearing a frothy, filmy dress of sea green, and her hair was braided and woven with fragrant yellow jasmine flowers. She took Lily by the shoulders and gave her a firm shake. “You must stop thinking those thoughts!”

  “How did you know what I was thinking about?” Lily asked, opening her eyes very wide.

  Violet raised her arms and heaved a sigh. “I am a fairy. I know exactly what you are thinking. Naughty girl.” She grinned and sat on the bed next to Lily. “Don’t you know you’re just of an age where sex is foremost in your mind? What else would you be thinking about?” She lifted a lock of hair off the princess’s bodice, her hand brushing against her breast.

  Lily gave a little gasp. “I can’t help it.” She lay back on the bed and lifted her skirt, baring her naked belly and thighs. “Please, change into a man and pleasure me.” She felt a heat between her legs and reached down to quench it. Her cool fingers strayed into her curly pubic hair, dipped into her slim cleft and slid over swollen, slick flesh. “Please,” she moaned.

  “Well, just this once more, and just so that you calm down a bit.” Violet stood, waved her arms, and became a lithe young man dressed in nothing but a crown of fragrant jasmine. This time, instead of being a pale-skinned blond, she’d chosen the lithe, muscular body of a black man. His eyes were dark, blazing embers. He had short, black, curly hair and his cock was huge, dusky, long, and curved like a scimitar.

  Lily’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw his magnificent cock. “Oh my!” she gasped, and a flood of wetness filled her cunt.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,” said Violet, in a deep voice. He lay next to Lily and stroked her thighs. “Open your legs, princess, so that I may taste some of your honey.”

  Lily did as she was bade, although, truth be told, she was in a hurry to take that huge cock into her throbbing pussy. She wanted to run her hands over Violet’s ebony skin and feel his hard chest pressed against her soft breasts.

  “My, how we have grown,” purred Violet, as he seized Lily’s clit between his teeth and ever so gently pulled on it. At the same time, he tickled her clit with his tongue, until Lily writhed on the bed, her legs flung open wide, her hands clenching the bedspread.

  “Let me feel your cock inside of me,” she begged. Was this another of Violet’s magical illusions? It felt so real, the musky scen
t of the male, the silky covers rubbing against her back, and the strong hands stroking her thighs and belly. Fire seemed to dance from his fingertips and set her alight. Flames of lust and pleasure flickered on her skin and she uttered a frustrated cry. “Now!”

  “In a minute.” Violet chuckled, then he introduced a finger into her cunt and gently probed. Lily gasped as his fingertip entered her slick passage. It rubbed along the contoured sides, sending little sparks of passion through her body.

  “So very, very wet,” he purred. Grinning broadly, he rose onto his knees, and slowly sheathed himself in her. His body covered Lily’s, pressing her onto the bed. He thrust with all his weight, driving his cock slowly into her tight, wet cunt. Lily nearly shrieked as the huge member stretched her tender flesh.

  As his cock inched into her body she humped against him, her breasts chafing against his chest. Her nipples hardened and tickled wildly, and she arched her back the better to feel him against her. Once all the way in, Violet rested for a minute. Deep within her, Lily felt his pulse beat in his cock. She groaned loudly, her heart speeding up and her head spinning.

  He drew back and thrust into her. Lily went wild with delight as he plunged into her. She felt her body open as her cunt expanded to take his length and width.

  After only two strokes, Lily trembled at the edge of release. Her head tipped back and she keened. Warm, firm lips pressed to her mouth muffled her cries, so she let herself go, diving into her orgasm as if into a deep pond. Ripples of ecstasy surrounded her. Her body was being spun into a whirlpool of pleasure. Tumbled and tossed with unending contractions, she howled as her cunt grabbed hold of the huge cock and sucked it as if it were starving. The man drove his body into her, his cock slamming into the back of her womb, sending tremors rushing throughout her body. Each thrust slid home, parting her tight flesh, sending her over the edge time and time again.

  When the tremors had ceased, her body felt as soft, relaxed and loose as a sack of down feathers. As sated as she felt, she knew, deep in her heart, that something was missing.

  Violet sat up, pulled Lily’s skirt back down and kissed her on the cheek. She seemed to read Lily’s mind, for she smiled and said, “You are in the throes of your hormones. Anyone can bring you pleasure. But remember, it’s not lust you’re after, nor is it desire. You must seek true love.”

  “Are you telling me I’m wanton? Why did you make love to me, then?” Lily asked, smoothing her hand over her hair, trying for some dignity.

  “You asked me. I simply granted your wish. That’s what fairies do best. Just imagine, you’ve made love twice, yet you’re still a virgin!”

  Violet turned back into herself and nodded sagely. “You have seen the colors of desire and lust, but know, dearest one, that the color of true love is the only one worth anything at all. You cannot find it here with your father, no matter what he says. The best thing to do is flee. Now, remember everything I said. Don’t lose the magic nutshell, it will contain your dresses.”

  “And a lovely bubble bath,” said Lily. Violet’s soothing words gave her courage. “You’re right. I must leave. It’s hard, though. I grew up here and I’ll miss everyone.”

  “You must go. You have no choice.” Violet jumped to her feet. “My heavens, look at the time! You’d best hurry. First to the stables, then come back here and dress in these rags.” She waved her hands and some fetid, disgusting pieces of clothing appeared on the floor.

  “Where did those come from?” cried Lily, holding her nose. “Did they come from the latrines? What a horrible stench!”

  “The garbage heap behind the castle. They’ll fit just fine.” Violet turned pale and made a retching sound. She walked quickly to the window, opened it wider, leaned out and drew a deep breath.

  “We fairies just hate bad smells,” she apologized.

  “Well, I’m off. Good luck, my darling!” And in a flash of sparkling pink light, she was gone.

  Lily put the beautiful dresses her father had given her in the trunk and ran to the stables, where the head groom was just dragging the dead donkey out of its stall. When she saw that, Lily cried, “Please sir, give me its skin so that I may remember him. He was my dearest steed.”

  The head groom looked at her as if she’d gone mad, but he was used to taking orders, so he only shrugged and called the chief butcher over to help skin the beast. There was no time for niceties such as curing the leather or even removing the head. Lily grabbed the whole heavy, slippery, bloody, stinking bundle and tried to lift it. Seeing her dilemma, the head groom called a stable lad to help her, and between them, they managed to drag it to her room.

  Lily sent the stable lad away with a gold coin, and then stripped off her dress and donned the rags. She looked for all the world like a beggar. Clutching the magic walnut in her hands, she crawled beneath the donkey skin. It was so heavy she could barely stand. But as soon as she’d gotten to her feet and closed her eyes, there was a lurch as if the floor had tilted sharply, and she fell, dropping through the air. She uttered a shrill scream.

  With a whump that knocked the breath out of her, she landed in a rubbish heap. It was the first time in her life that she’d come in close contact with rotting rubbish. She’d helped out in the kitchen, so she knew about trash, but she’d never had to get close to it and most certainly had never had to sit on it! Something unbearably vile squished beneath her and she gagged as a ghastly stench nearly overwhelmed her. For a minute, she even forgot who she was and what she was supposed to be doing.

  When she got her wits back, she looked about, but no one seemed to have noticed her arrival. Fortunately, the rubbish heap was behind a high wall. Lily took the skin off and then dragged it behind her as she clambered off the pile of garbage. Once on the ground, she brushed herself off the best she could, put the heavy skin back over her head. She noticed that it was lighter, and then all at once, it didn’t touch her at all. Violet’s magic must be working on the skin. Lily sighed with relief and made her way towards the gate in the wall.

  Part Two

  When Princess Lily opened the gate, she found herself in the far corner of a vast courtyard. Facing her was the royal palace, made of white marble. Three stories high, with a red-tiled roof and many, multi-paned windows, it was set well back from the courtyard. A wide marble stairway led up to it. Huge potted palm trees lined the stairs. To her left were the kitchens; she’d arrived in the kitchen dump, it seemed. The kitchens had a red-tiled roof too and were made of cut stone. They took up fully three buildings—with the spit, caldrons and fireplaces in one building, the storage and ice-cellar in another building, and the bakery in the last building. On her right were the stables, with a huge carriage house, and grooms leading splendid horses to their stalls. She stood, staring at the activity, amazed, until someone caught sight of her.

  “Hey! You! Beggars around the back. We’ll throw you some scraps when we’re finished cooking lunch!”

  Lily whirled around, her mouth open in shock. None had ever spoken to her in that tone of voice. Facing her was a large woman dressed in a clean blue dress over which was a voluminous apron. In her hand she held a wooden spoon.

  “Be gone with you now! Don’t hang about in the courtyard!” The woman waved her off with the spoon.

  “Please Madame,” said Lily with a curtsey. “I’ve come begging, ‘tis true, but it’s work I’m begging for, not charity.”

  “What sort of work can you do?”

  “I can work in the kitchens, scrub, cut vegetables and cook,” said Lily. This was true. She’d spent most of her time in the castle kitchen. She’d learned to run it from the bottom up, and there was nothing she couldn’t cook.

  The woman eyed her with doubt, but then shrugged. “Nora’s daughter up and married last month and we’ve yet to find a suitable drudge for the kitchens. You’ll clean and do odd jobs. You’ll not be paid, but you’ll get room and board. Behind the stables is an empty shed. You can sleep there. We’ll feed you in the kitchens. Now, be gone to the s
hed and clean yourself up—you’re not fit to be seen here.”

  “Thank you.” Lily dropped another curtsey, and then went to find the shed, still wearing her donkey skin over her head.

  That evening, she crawled into the heap of straw the stable lad had given her for a bed. Her body ached with fatigue and homesickness tore little sobs from her throat. Curling up in a ball, she shivered until she fell asleep and dreamed.

  In her dream, she wore a deep red dress, the color of lust, and everyone who saw her was stricken with the urge to make wild love to her. But the only person she longed to see was the prince Violet had told her about. What did he look like? She didn’t know. But she ran down endless hallways, calling his name, until a door opened and he stood there, his arms outstretched.

  “Come to me!” he cried, and she fell into his arms. The dress swirled around them, submerging them in lust. In her dream, she had the impression of thrashing limbs, and of straining bodies. She uttered a frustrated cry. It was too hurried, too rushed, and she couldn’t see her prince’s face. But then, just as she was about to see everything clearly for once, the scene shifted.

  She found herself in a sunny meadow. She was watching a stallion as it approached a mare. The horse was magnificent. He had a burnished, chestnut coat and fiery eyes. The mare was prancing nervously. Her coat was white and already sweat darkened her neck and chest. As the stallion drew near, he threw his head back and trumpeted his need. Lily gasped as the force of his desire shot through her.

  The mare felt it too. She turned, her neck arched, her tail held high. The mare’s eyes were bright as she watched the proud stallion approach. Her flanks quivered, and her tail lifted even higher. Lily saw that the mare was in heat. Her vulva gaped open, then clenched, and the stallion caught her scent and whinnied again. He reared, and Lily saw his organ.

  A stallion’s cock is impressive, and this stallion’s was no exception. He galloped to the mare and they touched noses and then drew apart with loud squeals. The mare pawed the grass and the stallion arched his neck. His cock was now stiff with desire and he reared again, this time over the mare’s back. She braced herself against his weight, her legs trembling with the effort. When the stallion reached over and grasped her mane with his large teeth, she squealed again, but softly. Using his teeth, he pulled himself onto her back. Then he tightened his strong flanks and propelled his cock into the mare.


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