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anthology Once Upon A Prince (Ellora's Cave)

Page 6

by james

This dress! Why had her fairy godmother told her to ask for lust? Why? What was she trying to teach her? The woman shuddered one last time and tightened her thighs around Lily’s hand. Then she pulled away, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath.

  Afterwards, the woman arranged her own robe and kissed Lily on the lips. She gazed for a minute at Lily’s breasts, and then she tucked them back into Lily’s dress, her hands lingering on the smooth fabric.

  “I’m going to search for Prince Lupin. If you see him, tell him his cousin wants to see him.”

  From beneath her dress, Lily heard a quiet laugh. Lily waved goodbye as the woman left, then she sank to her knees.

  Prince Lupin slid out from under her dress. His face was flushed, he had unbuttoned his pants, and his erection jutted out. “What shall I do with this?” he murmured.

  “That was your cousin,” said Lily.

  “My sweet cousin. She’s very pretty, isn’t she? But she’s not as pretty as you are. Can you help me with this?” he asked, his clear eyes guileless.

  “I think so. I’m a virgin, you know and I want to remain so until my marriage,” she added, remembering her fairy godmother’s words about virginity and nobility.

  “I could feel that with my fingers.” His grin was infectious. “But there must be other ways. Please?”

  “Lie down,” ordered Lily. She stood above him and examined his body. He was slender, but it was just his young age. He’d definitely fill out, and would become quite a handsome man, she decided. But his cock was fully mature already. Large and luscious, it strained towards her. Right now, his face still had the softness of youth. It made him resemble her fairy godmother’s disguise as the elfin man.

  She knelt beside him and took his cock in her mouth. She knew she had the perfect mouth for a blowjob. Her fairy godmother had told her this, and that her mouth was sensuous with full lips, and little, pearl-like teeth. She tickled him with her tongue and tasted his saltiness. His flesh was warm and smooth as satin. He gave off a musky odor that quite excited her, and as she thrust her mouth down his firm shaft, she straddled his leg and rubbed herself against his knee.

  He was very excited, and he shivered like a nervous colt as she licked and sucked him. She purred, making a vibration deep in her throat as she took him deeper into her mouth. He gasped, arching his back and clutching at her shoulders. His knee pressed into her cunt and she rubbed against it, stimulating her clit until she was dizzy with yearning. She reached between his legs, tickling his thighs and exploring. She found his soft testicles and she stroked them. He moaned and she quickened her movements, sliding her lips over his stiff shaft.

  Prince Lupin cupped her face in his hands. When he ejaculated into her mouth, his hands trembled and he cried out. As with Violet, Lily found the taste of his cum so exciting her body erupted in another orgasm. She rubbed her bare sex harder against his knee. The contrast of the sharp bone and wiry hair pressed against her soft, tender flesh sent her spiralling over the edge once more, and she gasped as her pussy seemed to clutch at his kneecap. The strange, tangy salty taste in her mouth made her wish she could plunge his cock into her hot cunt, but she knew she had to wait. Perhaps her fairy godmother wanted her to learn to resist lust. She had guarded her virginity, at least.

  Lily got to her feet and looked down at her prince. He lay, arms and legs akimbo, his face flushed. His eyes were very bright, and he smiled at her. “That was incredible,” he said, his chest heaving.

  She blew him a kiss. She was about to leave, but he reached up and took her hand. “No,” he said. “You can not leave me!”

  “I must,” she cried, pulling out of his grasp and darting out of the room. She ran as fast as she could, fearing to meet anyone else with her dress the color of lust. Only after she’d gotten back to the stables did she realize she’d lost her magic ring. It was no longer on her finger. It must have fallen off when the prince held her hand after it had gotten so slippery in his cousin’s cunt. She hoped he had kept it.

  She threw herself onto her pile of straw and wept. She felt completely overwrought. Perhaps part of it was that she was so tired. She had worked all day long, and then finding herself in the prince’s room with him kneeling between her legs… She grew wet just thinking about it and fell asleep with her hand tucked between her thighs, a smile on her lips.

  * * * * *

  The next day, she was late for work. She ran to the kitchens, afraid of being scolded, but everyone was standing around talking animatedly.

  “What is going on?” she cried.

  The maids were all talking at once. “It’s the prince! He’s ordered every unmarried female in his kingdom to come to the palace this evening. He says he’s seeking a bride!”

  Lily felt her face grow warm. “All the single women in the kingdom? But, how will he find his bride?”

  “He says he has her ring!” cried the maids. “He will marry the maiden whose finger fits the ring!”

  “But what about the law stating that he has to marry a princess?” Lily asked.

  “Prince Lupin managed to sway his father, the king, with an impassioned plea. Now, there is a new law stating that the prince can marry whoever he wants!” The serving maid was pink with excitement. “And the prince loves the woman whose ring he has!”

  Lily felt faint from relief. It was her ring, of course. As it was magic—it would fit only her hand. She would go to the palace dressed in her beautiful dress, and then—

  Her thoughts were interrupted by a shout from outside. The royal messenger cried out loudly, so all could hear. “His Majesty King Henri from the kingdom of Barvars, has come to parley with Prince Lupin.”

  Lily gave a choked cry. It was her father. He’d come looking for her. If he found her, he would claim her as his bride and she would never be able to marry Prince Lupin. Now she had to stay in her disguise until Prince Lupin married her! She only hoped Prince Lupin would be as good as his word; otherwise, all was lost.

  * * * * *

  The rest of the day, Lily worked hard in the kitchens, preparing for the feast Prince Lupin had ordered for his upcoming wedding. Supposedly, as soon as he found the girl whose finger fit the ring, he would marry her on the spot. Lily certainly hoped so. She also hoped that King Henri, her father, would not recognise her hidden beneath the tattered rags and smelly donkey’s skin.

  After her work, she bathed in the magic tub. This time, she asked for yellow rose, and she put on her last dress—the golden dress the color of true love. She left her hair loose, and it hung in soft curls to the middle of her back. Then she flung the rotting donkey skin over her head. Violet’s magic kept the skin from really touching her and ruining her hair or dress, but even still, its smell was so foul that it was an effort to keep it on. And the thought that Prince Lupin would order her out before she could try on the ring filled her with dread.

  As soon as the sun set, all the unmarried women in the kingdom showed up at the palace gates. The courtiers had their hands full putting everyone in line according to rank, and the line reached right down to the village, three leagues away. Lily, as part of the castle staff, stood in the end of a separate line right inside the throne room. She was hidden in the shadows though, and nobody noticed her dreadful attire.

  All the women had put on their fanciest gowns, and the line was as gaudy as a rainbow parade. First in line was the prince’s own cousin, Princess Silvia, dressed in a splendid dress of purple silk. After Princess Silvia, came her younger sisters, the Princesses Royal, and then there were ten or fifteen grand duchesses, duchesses, and countesses. Several baronesses joined their ranks, and then came the daughters of minor nobility, the ladies, then the daughters of wealthy townsmen, and the daughters of the king’s own courtiers. Afterwards were the daughters of the wealthy landowners and farmers, and then came the more ordinary women, dressed in their Sunday best, their faces scrubbed clean, their hair brushed shiny and tightly braided. Fidgeting behind them were the daughters of the king’s guards, soldiers, gro
oms, and cooks. Then came the commoners, the women of the town and countryside, the maids, servants and peasants.

  Finally, last in line after the entire castle staff, came Lily, dressed in her magic dress hidden beneath the ghastly donkey skin.

  She stood patiently for hours as the line advanced at the pace of a snail. In the beginning, the noblewomen spent ages trying to cram the magic ring on their fingers. But the ring was enchanted, and would not slide past the first knuckle of any woman, no matter how fine and slender her fingers.

  Prince Lupin sat upon his throne, flanked by his mother, father and King Henri. All watched the proceedings with interest. Behind them, in a corner, was the priest all set for the royal wedding. Standing beside the prince was a young page holding a purple cushion upon which sat a gold crown, wrought with pearls, to be set upon the future bride’s head. All the women stared at it with longing, except Lily, who could not tear her eyes from Lupin.

  As the evening wore on, the king and queen drew up chairs and made themselves more comfortable. The page sat at the prince’s feet and was soon sound asleep, the crown cuddled in his lap.

  The priest tried everything to stay awake, and mostly amused himself imagining which of the women would fit the ring. That was the cook’s assistant, and a plump little pigeon indeed, thought the priest, as the girl hastened to the throne, gave a deep curtsey and tried to shove the ring on her finger. It wouldn’t fit, and she, like all the others before her, burst into tears and was escorted to the door.

  “Next! Miss Rose from Vertdegris Farm!” called the crier. His voice was hoarse from announcing all the candidates. A young farm girl crept in, her eyes wide, her round face flushed. She curtseyed awkwardly, wiped her hands on her apron and took the ring. It wouldn’t fit, and she burst into sobs of disappointment as she rushed to the door.

  The evening turned to night, and still the women came. Old, young, fat, thin, and getting more ragged as the line drew to the end. The last ten girls, indentured peasants from farms in the countryside, were barefoot and wore potato sacks in guise of dresses. Taking pity on them, Prince Lupin ordered their indentures over, and told his courtier to give each girl ten gold pieces as a dowry, so that they might marry. Then it was Lily’s turn.

  “Lady Donkey-skin, from the kitchen royal!” croaked the crier. He nearly choked on the stench as Lily swept by him wrapped in her repulsive skin coat.

  “What is that creature?” shrieked the queen, drawing back into her chair.

  “Lady Donkey-skin, at your service,” said Lily, curtseying.

  “Good heavens!” cried the queen. “Must we let this, this, person try the ring?”

  “We must,” said Prince Lupin. He sighed. “I fear my true love is not to be found in this kingdom. Here, whoever or whatever you are. Take this ring and try it on, but don’t drop it and don’t lose it.” He handed the ring to Lily, who stuck her arm out of the skin and took it.

  As soon as she slipped it on her finger, the donkey skin vanished. There was a burst of light, and Lily found herself standing alone in a meadow with Prince Lupin. He was disconcerted, and could only stammer, “What… I say… what, I mean, what is going on?”

  Lily laughed and spun in a circle, her dress floating in the light breeze. “It must be my fairy godmother. She’s up to her tricks.”

  Lupin took her in his arms. “Tricks or no, I have found you and I’ll never let you go.”

  “It’s more complicated than that,” said Lily, kissing him softly on the lips. “My father, King Henri, wants to marry me. I ran away with the help of my fairy godmother. Now, you must find a way to keep me or my father will declare war on your kingdom.”

  “That would be unfortunate,” said Prince Lupin. “Pray, tell me what I must do?”

  “Take off your clothes,” said Lily, and she unbuttoned his shirt. “I think I know why my fairy godmother transported us here, all by ourselves.”


  “So you could profit from her lessons,” said Lily very seriously.

  Prince Lupin was now under the spell of Lily’s dress, but that was not all. He knelt at her feet and took her hand. “Will you marry me?” he asked. “I think I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you.”

  “Of course I’ll marry you,” said Lily. “But that was just my magic dresses.” She sighed and looked sad. “You don’t really love me. It’s just my enchanted dress.”

  “No, I don’t think so. Here take off your dress.” Prince Lupin pulled her dress over her head and tossed it to the ground. She stood in front of him, modestly covering her sex with her hands. “You are kind and faithful. I love you, even without your dress,” he declared. His words made Lily’s heart leap with gladness.

  He took off his own clothes too, and then he knelt once more in front of her and pushed her hands aside. “I want to do what we did last night, but without your dress over my head,” he said. He slid a finger into her golden curls, and parted them, baring her pink labia. His tongue found her clit, and he began to massage her with deft fingers, dipping them into her tight cunt.

  Lily swallowed hard, and opened her legs some more. She could feel his fingers getting more slippery, and her head began to spin. A throbbing started in her belly, and spread downwards and upwards, so that her whole body seemed aglow. Prince Lupin pressed his mouth harder against her sex, his tongue working over her clit, two of his fingers now deep within her.

  “Look at this,” he whispered, pointing to his erection.

  Lily smiled. “I think we can take care of that,” she said, and lay down on her dress, her legs wide open.

  Prince Lupin lay upon her, and taking his cock in his hand, gently introduced it to her hot and swollen cunt. Her juices had made her so slippery that he had no trouble entering her. He gave a prod, then, pushed harder as his cock stuck in her tight passage.

  Something gave, and Lily felt a slight tearing sensation. Lupin gave a hoarse cry and sheathed himself fully within her. There was a strong ache in the small of her back and she gasped as the head of his cock hit her womb. A shockwave rushed over her, and her thighs trembled.

  “Are you all right?”

  Lily nodded, too overcome with emotion to speak. The itching feeling was replacing the ache and her cunt began to pulse in time to her heartbeat. Another heartbeat was beating inside her cunt, she could feel his cock twitching.

  “Oh!” she cried, and her hips rose of their own accord, begging him to move. She wanted to feel Lupin’s cock plunging in and out of her pussy. Lupin’s belly and chest were glued to hers, and when he moved, his chest rubbed against her sensitive nipples. He arched into her, his cock first pulling nearly out then sliding slowly in.

  Lily was shaking all over. She felt her orgasm like a bubble getting bigger and bigger. In a second, she would burst. “Faster,” she begged, and she grabbed his hips with her hands and pulled him into her.

  He gave a little cry, and then spurted into her, his hips thrusting madly. Afterwards, he rolled over with a groan. “That was too quick,” he gasped.

  For a moment, Lily was too stunned to answer. Her hands fluttered over her belly and breasts, stroking her body, calming her beating heart. She moved her legs, revelling in the sudden soreness between them. There was a gush of wetness when she moved, and Lupin’s hot seed spilled out of her. She curled her legs up, wanting to keep everything inside.

  “What are you doing?” Lupin lay on his back, breathing heavily.

  “I want more,” said Lily. She shivered as she remembered his cock sliding into her body.

  “I think it’s over,” said Lupin, regret in his voice.

  “It’s not over yet,” Lily informed him. She slid her lush mouth over his cock and soon sucked him hard again. Then she bade him lie back, and she sat upon him, easing his cock into her until the penetration was complete. She rocked back and forth, sliding up and down his belly. Then she lifted herself off him until the tip of his cock just touched her labia. Smiling, she thrust her hips downwards again, slidin
g her tight pussy along his entire length, her face flushed and she felt heat spread all over her body. Soon she felt her cunt start to pulse, and her nipples tingled as she arched her back and drove him into her harder and harder.

  She looked down at her husband to be, and her heart swelled with joy. They were made for each other. He fit into her so perfectly, stretching her to almost the point of painful pleasure. When he smiled, she knew she would do anything for him, and the things she wanted to do made the blood rush to her cheeks. He was kind and considerate, and handsome to boot. He had offered a dowry to the peasant girls, and he’d be a just, able ruler. She would serve him as well as he served his people. She would serve him with her heart, and with her body.

  “More!” she cried, as her body seemed to explode in a starburst of colors, and her vagina throbbed in time to her beating heart. Trembling, she lay on her prince, clasping him tightly as her body convulsed, and she felt his body buck as he emptied his seed within her.

  “Is it done yet?” Prince Lupin asked, as he kissed her breasts.

  “What do you think?” she said, reaching between his legs and caressing his cock. It was sticky with their juices, and she had the strongest urge to lick it clean. His mouth found her nipples, and the cock in her hand grew stiff.

  “I don’t think it’s over,” he moaned, and thrust against her hand.

  He sucked her nipples and she felt herself getting excited again. She got to her hands and knees and said, “Mount me from behind.”

  He stared at her body, so wantonly displayed, and he felt his cock get so hard it nearly hurt. He wasted no time rearing over her, and thrust himself to the hilt, moaning with pleasure. He couldn’t believe his good fortune. The woman of his dreams was in his arms. He’d found her at last, and now he would never let her go.

  Lily reached under her belly and grasped his cock as he thrust in and out. Holding it, she let him withdraw, and then lifted it slightly, so that it was aligned with another hole. “Go slowly,” she managed to gasp.

  Prince Lupin was startled, but managed to control himself a bit, and made it past the tight ring of Lily’s ass before losing his head. She cried out, and then, taking his hand, placed it on her cunt. He drove his fingers into her, with the same rhythm as his cock, filling her completely.


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