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Four of Hearts

Page 12

by Roz Lee

  An hour later, they had eliminated a few people from the list, and it was time to delve deeper. If they could determine who leaked the information, they might have a chance of finding the mastermind, and bringing that person to justice.

  * * * * *

  Fallon followed the masked man with her eyes. She had no idea where the rest of the men were, but she wasn’t about to let this one out of her sight. Candace was wide-awake beside her on the sofa, huddled under a light throw against the chill Fallon knew had more to do with fear than the temperature. Fear had a hold on her too, but she wasn’t about to let it get the best of her. If there was a way to escape and make it to the dock, they could make a run for the resort. Sean and Celeste were there. They’d be safe there.

  But first, they had to get away. She wished she had some idea where the other six men had gone. It wouldn’t do any good to escape one and run right into the clutches of another one.

  So far, this one hadn’t said two words. He paced the room, not really watching them, but Fallon knew if she made the slightest move, he’d see it. She nudged Candace with her toe, and as she suspected, their guard stopped his pacing. Candace tensed. Dark eyes glared from the eye slits in his ski mask.

  “My foot was going to sleep,” she said. He resumed his pacing, and Candace visibly relaxed. “Sorry,” Fallon whispered. “Are you okay?”

  Candace nodded. “Yeah. Just tired. And hungry.”

  “Me too. Is that clock right?” She motioned with her head toward the clock on the fireplace mantle.

  Candace shrugged her shoulders before replying in the same hushed tone. “Two o’clock? More or less, I think. I’ve never given it much thought. I usually don’t care what time it is here.”

  Fallon smiled at her. “Yeah, I can understand that. The ship runs on such a tight schedule, that I’ve gotten used to operating that way too. It must be nice not to have a schedule to keep.”

  “It is. Do you think they’ll make it on time?”

  She didn’t have to elaborate. Fallon understood what she was asking. “They’ll be on schedule, even if they have to give the passengers oars.” Candace smiled at her ridiculous comment and she knew her friend was still with her. “Don’t worry. They’ll be here, and this will be over.”

  “I know, it’s just I can’t help but worry about Ryan, and Richard too.” She sniffed back a sob and wiped tears from her eyes. “I can’t imagine what this is doing to them.”

  “Hang in there. Our guys are strong. They’ll get through this, but we have to be strong enough to get through it too.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “I know you are. Could you eat? I’ll ask this guy if we can get something from the kitchen.”

  “No. I don’t think I could keep anything down.”

  “Me either. I’ll eat when this is over.”

  “Fallon? I just want you to know, in case. . . in case we don’t. . . ”

  “Don’t talk like that. We’re going to get out of this.”

  “I know, but still. . . .” Candace took a deep breath and let it out. “I want you to know. I love you. I love Richard, too. I mean, I love you, just like I love Ryan.”

  Fallon searched Candace’s face and saw only sincerity, and a hint of uncertainty. “Oh Candy! Sweetheart, I love you too. Were you afraid to tell me you love Richard?”

  “Yes.” Fallon had to lean close to hear. “I don’t want you to think badly of me. It’s not something I planned. It just happened.”

  “Sweetheart, it’s okay. I understand.”

  “Do you? Really? I couldn’t bear to lose you over something like this. I couldn’t bear to lose either one of you. You’re both a part of me now, just like Ryan is. I know it’s stupid, and I’m not supposed to feel this way, but I do. I can’t help it.”

  “You aren’t going to lose either one of us. I can’t speak for Richard, but I’m pretty sure he won’t be offended to find out you love him. Now Ryan, that might be another story.”

  “He knows. I told him. Well, I told him about you anyway.”

  Fallon couldn’t hide her surprise. Candace sure wasn’t the insecure mouse of a school teacher she’d been when they first met. She’d grown into a self-assured woman, comfortable in her body and confident in her love. “You did?”

  “Uh huh. I would have told him about Richard, but I wasn’t sure about my feelings before this. . . happened. Now, I might not. . . .”

  “Stop right there. We’re going to get out of this, and you’ll have all the time in the world.”

  Candace sniffed back tears. “You’re right. I know you’re right, but sometimes. . . .”

  “I know. I’m worried too, but I know our guys won’t let us down.” Fallon scooted closer to Candace and wrapped her arms around her. Candace wiggled around until her back was to Fallon’s front. “Close your eyes. We need to get some rest.”

  Their guard stopped his pacing and waved his gun at them. “Shut up. I can’t stand all this chatter.”

  Candace sank lower and pulled her throw higher. Fallon nodded and tightened her arms around Candace. “Okay, okay. No problem. We’ll be quiet as church mice.”

  He grunted something and continued his pacing. Fallon leaned over and whispered against Candace’s ear. “Try to get some rest. Just don’t snore.” Fallon was relieved to hear Candace stifle a giggle. It fueled her confidence that they were going to get out of this.

  * * * * *

  Richard stared at the printout in his hands. “Good God. This is like looking for a needle in a haystack.”

  “Maybe, but it’s all we’ve got to go on. Hand me one of the reports,” Ryan said.

  “Nothing in the personnel files?” Richard sorted through the stack, and handed over half the list of Internet connections made through the satellite link.

  “Not that raised any red flags. All these guys have been with us since the beginning.”

  “I’m thinking e-mail would have been the most likely. If he made a phone call, someone might have overheard.”

  “Even so, would anyone have thought it was an unusual conversation? People talk about us all the time.”

  “Probably not, but you can say more in an e-mail than you can over the phone.”

  “But e-mail leaves a trail. If we can figure out who did it, a computer forensic team can find the e-mails, even if they were deleted. We need evidence to link these guys back to the source.”

  “Vernon Cannon,” Richard said.

  “Probably. But we won’t know that for sure unless we find a connection,” Ryan said.

  “We’ll find a connection. We have to put an end to this shit. Hell, I’d give the guy the Lothario if I thought it would end there, but I don’t think it would. This guy is nuts, and he’s getting crazier by the day.” They returned to the reports for lack of anything better to do.

  Time crawled slower than snails on a petunia. Finally, more exhausted than he’d ever been in his life, and no closer to finding the answer he was looking for, Richard tossed the stack of papers on the Captain’s desk and stood. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. It’s a waste of time.”

  Ryan added his stack to the pile on the desk. “It’s all we’ve got. I’ve got to be doing something. The waiting is killing me.”

  Richard stood with his back to the office. A broad window provided an unobstructed view of the Bridge. The fact that everything looked like business as usual did nothing to calm him. “It’s been hours.”

  Ryan joined him, stretching his arms above his head as he did so. “Yeah. I keep telling myself not to panic, but then I remember the picture they sent, and I can’t breathe.”

  “I know. What are we going to do if. . . .”

  “No. Don’t even think it. Sean, Drew and Celeste have faced worse than this, I’m sure. And Bree may look like the girl next door, but she’s far from it. When she joined us, I checked out her referrals from the FBI. Trust me the woman knows what she’s doing.”

  “I wish to hell I knew what she was doing
right now. If we get out of this­. . . .”

  “When we get out of this,” Ryan corrected.

  “When we get out of this, I’m not letting Fallon out of my sight again.”

  * * * * *

  Candace woke with a start. The rise and fall of Fallon’s chest at her back told Candace whatever woke her hadn’t done the same for her friend. She took stock of her surroundings. Lights still blazed in the house. Their captor had stopped his pacing and settled into a chair facing them. From the looks of him, he’d fallen asleep too, but the difference was, he still had a gun in his hand. Candace hoped he didn’t wake up and start shooting. She and Fallon would be the first thing he saw, and the most likely victims.

  Nothing seemed different from when she’d dozed off. The mantel clock told her she’d slept several hours. It would be getting light out soon. Was the Lothario getting close? She couldn’t remember exactly what the demand had been. She’d been scared out of her mind with the gunmen surrounding her, and one holding a gun to her temple. They wanted the ship. That much she remembered.

  It happened so fast she couldn’t even register what was happening. Suddenly, the room filled with black-clad figures moving on silent feet. Her sleep-fogged brain registered the menacing guns, and little else. Were these the same people? A wave of fresh panic twisted her stomach into a tight knot as two of the new arrivals jerked the man in the chair up and slammed him facedown to the floor. Two others stood between her and Fallon, and the scene playing out across the room.

  Fallon jerked awake behind her, and they both sat up straighter. “What?” Fallon gasped.

  One of the figures turned and pulled their ski mask off. A familiar fall of dark wavy hair tumbled down. “Good morning. How are you ladies this fine day?” Candace gaped at her sister-in-law.

  “Celeste! Oh my God!” Candace was on her feet in seconds. Celeste wrapped her arms around her in a bear hug.

  “Are you okay?” Celeste asked.

  Candace moved from her embrace and looked around at the others in the room. “Bree. Drew. Sean! God, am I glad to see all of you!”

  Fallon got to her feet. “What? How?”

  “We thought we’d drop in for a visit. Didn’t know you all ready had company,” Sean quipped.

  “Oh God!” Candace dropped back to the sofa.

  “Hey, you okay?” Bree asked. She sat beside Candace and wrapped an arm around her.

  “I’m fine. Just a little confused. But I’m so damned glad to see you.”

  “I’d love to sit around and chat, but we need your help,” Sean said. “Can either one of you tell us how many there were?”

  “Seven,” Fallon said. Their rescuers all turned as one.

  “Two to go,” Drew said.

  Sean nodded at Celeste and Drew. “Take this one in the kitchen and find out what he knows. We don’t have much time.”

  Candace followed Celeste and Drew with her eyes as they hoisted the now handcuffed and gagged man from the floor, and half dragged him out of sight. Bree did her best to block the view, hovering like a mother hen.

  “Do either of you need anything? Water, food?”

  “The bathroom, then food,” Fallon said.

  “Okay, let’s go. Bathroom first.” Bree led the way down the hall. Fallon rushed into the small guest bathroom off the main hall.

  “I’ll use the one in our bedroom. Is that okay?” Candace asked.

  “Go ahead. We checked the rest of the house before we came in. It’s clear.”

  A few minutes later, Bree escorted them back to the front room and left them on the sofa, promising to return with food. They watched her disappear into the kitchen, leaving them alone with Sean who lounged against the wall as if storming an island and rescuing hostages was something he did every day.

  “Sean, I can’t thank you enough,” Candace said.

  “Don’t thank me yet. We have a few more to round up before this is over.”

  “The others?”


  “They aren’t. . . .” She couldn’t bring herself to say the word.

  “No. They’re alive, unfortunately. We found three stationed as lookouts around the island, one outside the house and the guy in there,” he jerked his thumb in the direction of the kitchen. “I’d guess the other two are on the other side of the island, waiting for the ship. We’ll know soon enough.”

  Candace didn’t want to think about what was going on in her kitchen. Her brother and sister-in-law had been spies for years before they retired. Now they operated a high-end security business, and consulted for R&R Enterprises, Richard and Ryan’s conglomerate.

  “Ryan?” Candace asked.

  “And Richard?” Fallon added.

  “They’re fine. They’re bringing the Lothario in as we speak. Gotta make a show of paying the ransom, just in case.”

  “They want the ship.” Fallon said.

  “That’s what they said. Drew thought we could pull off a rescue so they wouldn’t have to turn over the ship. Personally, I think it would be a lousy trade. I can’t imagine what anyone would want with that ship, or any other, for that matter.”

  Candace smiled. Sean had no love for boats of any kind, his brother’s included, and he didn’t mind who knew it.

  Bree returned with a plate of cheese and crackers and two water bottles. “This will have to do for now.”

  “Its fine, thanks,” Candace said.

  Drew and Celeste came back, minus the kidnapper. “Let’s go,” Drew said, heading for the door. Sean and Celeste followed.

  “Bree, stay here. One of us will come back when it’s clear.” Sean turned to Candace and Fallon. “As soon as it’s safe, you two can come down to the beach. The ship should be here soon.”

  “Thanks, Sean,” Candace said. Ryan’s brother could be an intimidating man, and seeing him like this, ready and able to do whatever needed to be done only added to his stature. Sean nodded, and the three of them left. A chill raced down her spine.

  “Don’t worry. They know what they’re doing. This whole thing will be over in a matter of minutes,” Bree said.

  “How did you get here?” Fallon asked.

  “The hard way. Do you have any idea how long a swim it is between these two islands? I’m going to be sore all over tomorrow.” Bree shrugged and rolled her head on her shoulders.

  “You swam? You’re kidding, right?” Candace asked.

  “Nope. With scuba gear, and carrying a small arsenal to boot. I have all kinds of respect for those three, but next time, I want a boat.”

  Candace stared at Bree. She couldn’t believe they’d all swam, in the dead of night, to their rescue. “We can’t thank you enough, Bree.”

  “No thanks needed. This is the most excitement I’ve ever had. I trained for every possible scenario with the FBI, but never even had to draw my gun. Maybe I should have signed on with one of the more exciting agencies. I still could, I guess.”

  “This is the kind of excitement I can do without,” Fallon said, oblivious to Bree’s obvious interest in pursuing a more exciting life. Candace wondered if Drew knew about Bree’s yearning for adventure.

  “Who are these people?” Candace asked.

  “Don’t have a clue. I’m sure we’ll have some answers before we turn them over.”

  “You’ll be turning them over to the FBI?” Fallon asked.

  “Yes, and they won’t be happy about the kidnapping and ransoming of American citizens.”

  The room took on a rosy hue as the sun gradually pushed the darkness into the shadows where it belonged. Candace rubbed her arms, hugged tight across her chest. “How much longer?” she asked.

  Bree consulted her dive watch. “I’d say they should be wrapping things up about now.”

  A few minutes later, Celeste returned with a big smile on her face. “Let’s go. Bree, can you help me with the scumbag in the kitchen? His friends are all in knots, waiting for him to join them.”

  They all groaned in unison at her ridi
culous joke. “Is the ship here?” Fallon asked.

  “On the horizon. You two should get down to the beach. I’d bet those men of yours are scanning the beach with binoculars right now.”

  They didn’t waste any time. They hugged Bree and Celeste in thanks, and took off for the public beach to wait for Richard and Ryan.

  Chapter Thirteen

  From the second he spotted his wife and Fallon on the beach, Ryan began to live again. For the last twenty-four hours, he’d been in a state of suspended animation. His body had functioned on a marginal level, but it was as if his soul had left, and he existed as nothing more than an empty shell.

  The sight of the two women he loved, safe and unharmed, filled him with life again. “Sean said they weren’t hurt in any way,” he said.

  “I’ll kill them all myself if Sean lied to us,” Richard said. “Then, I’ll kill Sean.”

  The tender lumbered through the surf, and Ryan silently willed it to move faster. He couldn’t wait to hold Candace in his arms, to feel her skin warm against his.

  He moved to the front as they neared the beach. Candace and Fallon stood just beyond the surf line, their faces wreathed in smiles. Before the crew lowered the drop-gate, Ryan launched himself over the rail. He caught Candace as she flung herself against him. God, she felt good. Desire ran through him, hot and wild. He buried his face in the mass of hair billowing over her shoulder and drank in her scent. When he registered the beat of her heart against his, he relaxed his hold and cradled her face in one palm. He gently tilted her chin upward.

  Tears streaked her beautiful face, and he cursed himself for putting her through this. He used his thumb to brush the moisture from her cheek. “I’m sorry. So sorry,” he whispered and covered her mouth with his. Candace plastered herself against him and returned his kiss with an equal passion. He couldn’t get enough of her. Ryan swept his tongue across the seam of her lips, and she opened for him. He plunged in, tasting, taking, promising. A soft moan rose from her throat, and Ryan drank her in. Candace was heaven in his arms, and for the first time since the ordeal began, he began to relax.


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