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Wildfire: Book Two of the Everealm Series

Page 25

by J. D. Wright

  “You don’t even like him, Dyna. So why are you trying to convince me to go back to him?”

  “Because you are becoming obnoxious.”

  Adelphie smiled. She knew that wasn’t the real reason, but getting Dyna to admit her feelings, or even to admit that she had feelings, would be a miracle.

  “I appreciate the concern. I really do. But even if I did go back, things would never work with Finn. We are just too different. It may be entertaining now, but it won’t last.”

  She had the sudden urge to cry, which almost never happened. Though, she was able to hold back her tears, she still felt terrible for what she was saying. It was true. There was no future for her and Finn. He belonged in the castle and she belonged in the forest.

  “That may be true, Adelphie. But can you honestly say that you could live with yourself, for the rest of your life, knowing that you were too much of a coward to give it a try?”

  “Coward?” Now that was a name she had never been called.

  “Yes. Coward.”

  “I am no coward.”

  “Prove it.” Dyna lifted Beauty’s reins up into the air. “Remember what you told Sidonie? It also applies to you. You are a Sabra. And Sabra’s do not give up easily.”

  She tried to think of a good argument, but Dyna was using Adelphie’s own words against her. Finally, after several moments, Adelphie relented and took the reins. She mounted the horse and looked back at her hut. She wasn’t leaving for good. She would be back. When Finn decided that their relationship was no longer entertaining, and she was sure he would, she would return to the Sabras.

  After a few quick goodbyes, she pulled the reins to the side and rode her horse out of the camp. The trail back to Junacave was a long one and it would take several days for her to reach the castle. She stopped only to let her horse rest and take short naps.

  On the second day, she was resting against a boulder, eating a piece of dried beef when she heard rustling from a nearby bush. Slowly, she stood, picked up her bow, and nocked an arrow. She slowed her breathing so she could focus on the sound. Lightly, she crept toward the bush.

  Suddenly, a large rabbit hopped out and onto the ground in front of her. Her muscles flinched, but the arrow stayed put. She sighed in relief and lowered the bow. Then he heard another noise behind her, like the snap of a twig. She quickly spun around and dropped to one knee, with her bow at the ready. Then she gasped.

  “Finn? What are you doing here?”

  He didn’t reply but smiled.

  “You scared me half to death. You shouldn’t do that.” She lowered her bow and walked up to him. “I was just coming to Junacave, to see you.”

  He held out a hand and she took it, then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. The kiss was hard and fast and entirely different than he had ever kissed her before. It felt strange and confusing. She pulled away.

  “What is wrong with you? That actually, hurt!” He still didn’t speak, but she noticed something about him. Something that didn’t quite feel right. She looked into his eyes. They were the same hazel beauties that she was used to seeing, but around the outside of the pupil was a dark line. She stumbled back.

  An imp.

  “You’re not Finn.”

  The imp started to laugh with a high-pitched voice, only the laugh was coming out Finn’s face. It was bizarre to witness. She had heard of imps before but had never actually come into contact with one. Thankfully, she did know how to pull him from his disguise.

  “Come out, come out, whoever you are!” she shouted. Suddenly, Finn’s body began to shrink and melt into another form. A short black form that looked like an ugly demon with two small horns on his head and wings that spanned over the length of her horse.

  She stared at the creature and didn’t move, her bow still in her hands. She knew from stories that imps were once fairies who were overcome by darkness. They didn’t have a choice, really. Sometimes the evil would just consume them and change them into the demon form that stood before her. Imps were incredibly dangerous, often leading an unsuspecting passerby to their death. Imps fed on the suffering of others. Like the fairies they once were, they used trickery to fool their victims.

  Now that she forced the imp to reveal himself, she wasn’t sure what to do. She felt a pang of sorrow for the poor soul. It was once a beautiful fairy and now it lived in this cursed body. She almost didn’t want to kill it. But when it reared back and bared its nasty teeth at her, she changed her mind. She pulled back the string of the bow and let the arrow fly.

  The imp’s wings expanded and he flew into the air, avoiding the arrow. She took another shot at it while it hovered above her. Another miss. The imp swooped down and charged her. She dropped to the ground and his claws barely missed her head. Then she sprung up and chased it.

  Swiftly, she ran, jumping over rocks and fallen trees, following the creature as it weaved in and around the branches. She shot two more arrows as she ran, but neither of them hit the beast. She nocked her next arrow, but when she looked up to shoot it, the imp was gone. She spun around, searching for it.

  Then she heard it laugh. Its squeaky voice echoed through the forest and she followed the sound. She came to the edge of a small cliff and glanced over the edge. She couldn’t see anything except for the ground below, covered with leaves and brush. A noise behind her got her attention. She turned to see the imp, standing just a few feet away from her. Its large beady eyes were watching her.

  “It’s alright,” she said. “If you won’t hurt me, I won’t hurt you. I’ll just go and we can pretend that this never happened.”

  The beast seem to be considering her words as it tilted its head and continued to look at her. For good measure, she lowered the bow, to prove that she meant it. But the creature didn’t believe her. It flung its wings out and started to flap them at her. The wind that the wings were creating was strong and only got stronger as the imp flapped faster. The gusts made Adelphie stumble backward, toward the cliff. She tried to move against the wind, but it was no use. Her feet slid on the ground, pushing her to edge.

  She looked up into the beast’s eyes just before she lost her footing and tumbled over the edge, landing on the ground below. The imp stopped flapping his wings. Then it curled up its thin mouth, revealing its black fangs, pushed off of the ground, and flew away.


  Cicilly felt the warm sun on her skin. She noticed a breeze blowing through her dark red hair as she sat up on the sand and looked around. The tropical air was exhilarating and the salty ocean aroma relaxed her. From a distance, she saw him coming toward her. He looked very handsome in his formal attire of blue and red. The way he walked with such confidence and poise made her toes curl.

  He took her hand and kissed it when he approached and kneeled.

  “We meet again, Cicilly,” he said, smiling and revealing his perfect white teeth. He put his hand on her leg and started to rub it, which felt familiar to her. She had been here before, with him, like this. He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear.

  “I’ve missed you, my love. But not to worry… We will be together someday soon…”

  It was happening again. He was invading her dreams. He was back. Somehow, he had survived.

  Cicilly shot up out of bed as fast as lightning and screamed.

  Her nightmare wasn’t over.

  Silas was alive.

  Flip to the next page for a sneak peek of:

  B oo Moo

  By: J.D. Wright

  Book Three of the Everealm Series

  Blood Moon – Prologue


  I hope this message arrives swiftly and safely. There is no easy way to say this. It’s exactly what we feared would happen. Your mother has died at the hands of your step-father. I wish I was able to deliver this message in person, but I can’t.

  I’ve been tracking Henry across the southern half of the realm. He fled Hosselly once I discovered he had ki
lled my sister. I tracked him to Fairkeep, but I lost him there. I believe he may be headed to Hallowood, the city south of Labara. He has family there.

  I will continue to follow Henry and keep you updated as much as I can. I will find him. Stay in Vale and do not attempt to find him, yourself. I mean it Zander. You are only eighteen years old and I swore to Alma that if anything ever happened to her, I would watch over you. I am so sorry about your mother. I wish I had done something sooner. Maybe I could have saved her.

  Please give my regards to Leitis. I know he still cared for your mother, in his own way. Be strong for each other. I love you.

  Uncle Everett

  Blood Moon – Chapter One

  He was glad his crotch was hidden under the table, but he was sure his face was giving him away as he watched her. Her voice was tantalizing and her large perky breasts were barely contained in her blouse from being cinched so tightly by her corset. He watched the way her hips swayed as she sang and danced around the room. That beautiful blonde hair was partially pinned back, revealing the front of her neck and the tops of her shoulders. He wanted that neck and those shoulders. He wanted to taste those pink lips that were singing that sweet tune.

  And he wasn’t the only one.

  The entire room was fixated on her. Every other man there was captivated by her. Every one of them wanted to bed her. He accepted the challenge. He had to have her.

  The tavern had more people in it than he could ever remember seeing. And he had spent a lot of time in this tavern. The barkeep knew him well and always made sure his table in the corner was empty or became empty when he arrived. And the drinks were always complimentary. Tonight, however, he wasn’t drinking. He had made an idiotic promise that he wouldn’t drink for a while. It was a feeble attempt to regain his focus. Focus which had been blurred by too many drunken nights as of late.

  Tonight would be different. Tonight, he would soothe himself with something other than a drink. He would regain his focus by placing it on her.

  When she finished the song, she was met with applause. She glanced at him in the corner. He wasn’t applauding, but he was watching her. He had been watching her all evening. And she was beginning to like it. His gaze was strong and sensual. She couldn’t tell what color his eyes were from this distance, but she was sure they were dazzling.

  Even though he was dressed in clothing a commoner would wear, she knew he wasn’t one. His shirt was clean and starched. His leather boots that she could see under the table would have cost almost an entire year’s coin for a peasant to afford. The way he was leaning back so casually with his arm propped up on the window ledge behind him, she knew he was a confident man. And probably great in bed.

  His thick brown hair hung down to the corner of his eyes and put a shadow over them. Adding in the way he bit his lip when she looked in his direction. His entire aura spoke of danger. And she hadn’t had enough danger recently.

  This should have been her last song, but she decided that one more wouldn’t hurt. This time, she would really turn up the heat on her performance and guarantee the gorgeous man in the corner would be eating out of the palm of her hand when she was finished.

  When the song was over, she knew she couldn’t stay in the room any longer than necessary. If there was one thing she learned from traveling and singing in taverns, it was that intoxicated men were not to be trusted. Thankfully, she had rented a spare room above the tavern and could slip upstairs without having to chance walking outside alone in the dark.

  The crowd was still applauding so she gave a quick bow, signifying that her performance was finished. Then she stepped over to the counter and took a key from the barkeeper. She didn’t need to look back at the man in the corner. She knew he was watching her. She could feel his eyes on her as she walked up the stairs.

  The wait was incredibly annoying. She knew he would come, but she wasn’t sure when. When she heard a short rap on the door, she took her time in opening it. But once the door was open, she wasted no time in grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling him inside.

  Immediately, his mouth was on hers. Her stomach burned from the nerves and excitement. He was a stranger, but they had been toying with each other all evening. There was no denying their attraction. It was fierce and explosive.

  He knew her lips would be soft because he had watched them all night, singing and teasing him. But he didn’t expect her to taste so amazing, like a fine wine. And he certainly knew something about wine. She pushed him backward against the door and pressed her body to him.

  When her hands flew to his hair, he grabbed her waist and spun her around, pinning her to the door this time. She had already found his weakness. He loved feeling a woman’s hands in his hair. She had managed to remove her corset before he arrived, which made things much easier. He pulled her blouse up and over her head while she yanked her skirts down. They stopped kissing just long enough for him to remove his own shirt. Then their lips were back together again, their tongues taking turns teasing each other.

  He was already aroused before he came up the stairs, so it took almost nothing to make him completely stiff again. And she was definitely able to feel it against her thigh. She moved her hands down and unbuttoned his trousers, freeing him. Even though the room was cool, the heat from their bodies made it impossible for either of them to notice.

  He stopped kissing her mouth and moved to her neck and shoulders. The same neck and shoulders that he had been fantasizing about all evening. Her smooth skin was warm and smelled like wildflowers. When he kissed the base of her neck, she groaned and squeezed his bare bottom, pulling him closer. It seemed that he may have found her weakness, as well. It was a huge boost to his ego. He put his hands under her rear and gripped her, lifting her up. She put her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist just as he slipped inside her. This time, he was the one who groaned.

  They moved together as if they had done this hundreds of times. She could barely see him in the candlelit room, so she used her hands to explore his body. She ran them over his back, shoulders, neck, and anywhere else she could reach, enjoying the feel of his warm skin under her fingertips. He seemed to enjoy her touch because it made him tighten his grip on her legs and thrust even harder. Her hairpin had fallen out from rubbing against the door behind her, causing her blonde hair to drop to her shoulder. He buried his face in it.

  He would have loved to stay there longer, but his legs were shaking too much to continue standing. He glanced behind him and spotted the bed to his right. Carrying her, he walked over to it and collapsed with her. His mouth found hers again and he rolled onto his back with her straddling him. She broke the kiss, sat up, and shook her hair back. He could really see her body now from the candles next to the bed. He watched her curls swing and her breasts bounce as she rocked back and forth. He wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer, but he knew better than to leave her empty handed. It just wasn’t his style.

  He reached a hand down between them and started to rub her. She moaned and bit her lip but continued to move. His fingers were driving her wild. She opened her eyes and looked down to see him watching her. From his expression, she could tell that he knew exactly what he was causing her body to feel. This wasn’t the first time he had pleased a woman. She had been right when she assumed he would be great in bed.

  As much as she liked watching him while he watched her, she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer once she felt it. A tickle started to form inside her and grew stronger. Her heartbeat quickened and she started taking short breaths, moaning loudly each time she exhaled as the tickle turned into heat. Suddenly, it exploded and rushed through her body like steam escaping a kettle.

  He was so incredibly aroused from hearing her sweet voice moaning from his touch. He took pride in being the only man to hear her sing this particular tune tonight.

  She couldn’t believe how amazing it felt. It wasn’t her first, but it certainly was the best. The entire evening
of toying with each other downstairs had set up for the best night of sex she had ever had. Coming to this place was entirely worth it. But it wasn’t over yet.

  She kept her hips moving, leaned back down on top of his chest, and kissed him. He welcomed her lips, opening so she could slip her tongue inside as she ran a hand over the side of his head. His hair was soft and smooth between her fingers. The combination of her lips, hands, and breasts pressed against his chest made it impossible to hold on any longer. He took a deep breath and groaned, releasing everything he had been holding back. Emptying himself had never felt better.

  Exhausted, she fell onto the bed beside him. They were silent, but it wasn’t awkward, at all. It felt amazing. He started to think of something to say. Some way to show his appreciation for her company and excuse himself from staying at the same time. But his thoughts faded away.

  Dahlia woke and yawned, then realized that she was laying on his chest. She had fallen asleep. She never fell asleep. Not when a stranger was in her bed. For the first time since she pulled him into her room, she didn’t know what to do. Should she wake him? Pretend to sleep until he left on his own?

  The sun was just starting to peek through the window. Whatever she was going to do, she needed to do it now before he woke. She gently pulled away from his warm body and tiptoed across the room to where her skirts and blouse lay on the floor. She quickly pulled them on and slipped her shoes over her feet. Then she grabbed the key from the table beside the bed and walked to the door. Turning her head, Dahlia gave the handsome stranger one last glance to remember him by. Then she smiled and slipped out of the room.

  Xavier opened his eyes just a sliver and shut them again. The morning sunlight was in his eyes. Morning, sunlight? His eyes flew open and he shot up out of the bed. It was morning. He had fallen asleep. He shouldn’t have fallen asleep. Panic was his first emotion. It was soon replaced with confusion. The room was empty. He was alone. She was gone.


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