My Great Inspirational Poetry Picture Book

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My Great Inspirational Poetry Picture Book Page 2

by Joshua Idemudia-Silva

Tapped wisdom from this school,

  A bank of unending data

  Often avoided by fools,

  Who feel wiser than thinkers?

  Though their folly earns them a boo,

  They hardly learn from the latter.

  A constant dip in this pool,

  And with time you’ll become smarter,

  As it takes iron to sharpen an iron tool,

  And thinking to get inspired!

  A labor far from cool,

  Every thinker is a laborer,

  Harder work than mining coal,

  But its profit lasts longer.



  Life is time,

  Time spent on earth,

  To contribute your own mite,

  Let this be your search.

  The paths full of slime,

  Learn to tread with care,

  With faces covered in grime,

  Men go ahead seeking for bread.

  We enter in without a dime,

  Yet unafraid of any dearth,

  But some soon take to crime,

  Out of negative craving for wealth

  Be on course at your prime,

  Carrying a purpose filled heart,

  Later on when the calling bells chime,

  You won’t have any regrets.


  The cross he endured,

  Despite sin’s lure,

  For men the truth to adore,

  Jesus the Saviour

  None can be ever so pure,

  Despite Satan’s plans for a fall,

  Bringing to men of the way a call,

  Light to a world dark and dull

  Bore suffering ever so raw,

  The rich coming down to the poor,

  To break the destroyer’s claws,

  What great redeemer-our Saviour.

  Hosanna to the virgin born,

  Coming to make many reborn,

  Those who’ve been dead for long,

  Rise up when he appears;Jesus the Saviour!


  The fighting spirit,

  Sees a barrier and breaks it,

  Rides on obstacles to gain height,

  Possesses people to make them swift,

  You can’t have it and lack grit!

  The fighting spirit,

  Turns a reed into a flint,

  Drives warriors on to victory,

  Its possessors don’t know quit,

  Not until they reach the peak!

  The fighting spirit,

  A companion of those who succeed,

  Men with this spirit are men of steel,

  Never to give room to the negative,

  Their one goal is to take the city!

  Many from the lowest become top flight,

  With their inner man strengthened with might,

  Coming to scale heights they never could for fright,

  You can never lose the fight,

  Not with your fighting spirit intact.


  The consistent insist,

  They stand their ground and never desist,

  From that of which they’re convinced,

  And they become the crown prince.

  Consistency breeds efficiency,

  Cures innovation deficiency,

  Births success by its efficacy,

  Never weakened by illiteracy

  The consistent disregard time,

  Only the path they choose they mind,

  They see through and follow through,

  Until their lives become proofs.

  Many a runner lost the race,

  When out of fatigue they dumped their ace,

  But the consistent keep their faith,

  And win that which they crave.



  The passage of time births seasons,

  By this you know when next it’ll be drizzling,

  As to prepare your beds and plant your daisies,

  For out of season men call you crazy.

  Every season certainly gives a reason,

  A reason to do something with a meaning,

  The wise carefully wait for the due season;

  Acting on time, they stay out of prison.

  The creator changes times and seasons,

  Rewarding men according to their doings,

  To stop evil men and their acts of treason,

  And the Just find reason to keep increasing.

  Knowing that times and seasons change,

  Gives men courage to move and not faint,

  Assured that dry would give way to wet,

  And the rocky would become smooth terrain.


  Wisdom decides the form,

  Bringing brighter brilliance than diamond,

  Births solutions despite the norm,

  By it men survive every storm.

  Great kingdoms built upon wisdom,

  Gave regard to human freedom,

  Though the rebellious are put in dungeons,

  It’s for them to learn wisdom.

  Wisdom is not plenty of knowledge,

  Only knowledge applied takes you there,

  For understanding must come first,

  A necessity that births an adage

  By their actions the wise are known,

  Pity blind fools who call them clowns,

  No wonder their folly gets them drowned,

  Only for the wise to take their crown!



  Not seen

  Yet moves mountains,

  No trace,

  Yet breaks chains;

  Faith leads to fame!

  Even without money,

  And you feel so lonely,

  To many you’re drowning,

  Just quit complaining,

  And faith will take you soaring!

  Faith means to march forward,

  Never a game for cowards,

  Your word is your sword,

  Your steps forward drives back floods,

  For without works faith is dead!

  Can’t please God without faith,

  Faith knows no impossible case,

  Not with God’s reputation at stake,

  Heaven will never go on break,

  So your desire you can take.



  One thing, one time,

  Which some decline?

  Doing several at a time,

  Thereby achieving nothing on time

  One thing on time,

  Brings your focus from behind,

  To know what’s next in line,

  As you make your climb

  One thing, one time,

  And you won’t miss the signs,

  So you’ll get it done on time,

  As to sit down and dine.

  One thing, one time,

  A rule to keep in mind,

  So you won’t lack behind,

  In this race against time.



  Chase it out of the system,

  This enemy of the eminent,

  That leaves many without defense,

  Kick it from your end.

  Unknowingly invited by some,

  Who sacrifice work for fun?

  Don’t give poverty ground,

  Get it overthrown.

  You’ve got to work and pray,

  This destroyer to keep at bay,

  Seize your day without dismay,

  To get poverty off your trail

  Lord make my hands strong,

  Forsake me not in a hill of dung,

  So my life would sing your song,

  For silver and gold to you belong!


  Decide your destiny,

  Leave it not with any entity,

  Forces may plan a mutiny,

  Total triumph is still your duty.

  If y
ou fail it’s your fault,

  So prove your worth,

  Give it all you’ve got,

  Despite evil plots

  Your potential is a clue,

  To what you have to do,

  Start early and pay your dues,

  Destiny will meet you soon.

  Trust in God to win,

  In all that you dream,

  Though the world’s mean,

  Your destiny won’t go dim!



  Compass of men on a mission,

  That determines every decision,

  Exists before any manifestation,

  Vision is the captain of reformation.

  With it you must run,

  All distractions to shun,

  Though it may not all be fun,

  That’s the only way to get it done.

  Vision transcends knowledge,

  Taking men out of life’s dregs,

  For a transformed future to emerge,

  Even of men though not dead but at the verge,

  This tool of great leaders,

  Their caps by it gained the feathers,

  Though you start from the desert,

  Your vision could take you to your palace!



  You still have hope,

  I’m just too sure of it,

  You can still cope;

  Being able to read this,

  Enough proof that lo!

  You still got the grit,

  So hold on to life’s rope,

  You sure can swing it!

  You won’t go down slope,

  Only hold on to your kit,

  Life is a large loop,

  Since you can still hear this,

  Means you’re still in school,

  Your breath is your kit,

  Fear not the foe,

  Vow to complete your beat!



  Get out of the Can,

  Realize that you can,

  None shall rise who thinks he can’t.


  Look beyond your dark tan,

  Use your inner resilient man,

  Stagnation can’t withstand your fangs,


  Let the world see your crown,

  Awake, pursue you’re far behind,

  Take strides befitting a giant,


  Only in unity shall you stand,

  Let all your borders come down,

  Africans must be free in Africa!



  Land of the River Niger area,

  Nature’s highly endowed area,

  Few have resources greater,

  That you become greater is our prayer.


  Deny not that you can be better,

  O that God would raise selfless leaders,

  And that Nigerians be good followers,

  Then shall emerge Nigeria; the world leader.


  Your children must embrace the truth,

  Leaders must serve and not loot,

  An example to be followed by the grassroots,

  Who hate to watch leaders sharing the Loot!

  Nigerians arise!

  Think how to make Nigeria nice,

  Not how to get your own slice,

  For that only reduces the size,

  And many would go without a bite!



  D eeds are accomplished,

  E nding stagnation,

  T erminating retrogression,

  E very mortal with this quality,

  R eigns despite challenges,

  M ovement is never hindered,

  I nactivity is turned around,

  N one with enough determination,

  A ttempts and fails,

  T rouble toughens such,

  I neptitude is far from them,

  O ccupy they must, for

  N ew horizons beckons on them.



  It was tough going uphill,

  The slippery pathway was a drill,

  Chances of success almost nil,

  But deep, deep down within,

  I heard my guiding spirit’s plea,

  Never, never, never give up!

  Rains and fatigue stole the thrill,

  Frankly, I’ve had my fill,

  This really is a bitter pill,

  Despite I’m a bag of skills,

  For a moment I stood still,

  Again never, never, never give up!

  Looking behind downhill,

  Thought my followers the gap would fill,

  None was close at my heels,

  By utter fatigue were captured downhill,

  Only take courage and catch your breath there,

  But never, never, never give up the climb!


  I magination can lead to distinction,

  M anaging it poorly extinction,

  A nyone can use their imagination,

  G iants there are giants in creation,

  I mmune to foreign distraction,

  N o castle’s too large for the imagination,

  A ll are free there to roam without persecution,

  T onight I’ll land in the moon,

  I magination produces inventions,

  O ne door leads to many innovations,

  N onentities visit and come out as nobles.



  O greatness pathfinder,

  Human irrelevance grinder,

  Born amidst diligence,

  Your sons don’t sit on the fence,

  You disapprove of selfish acts,

  To help men gain tact,

  The laborer of love is your friend,

  For service is laboring to mend,

  A spirit that’s not a men pleaser,

  Neither are you a man hater,

  The greatest of men with you align,

  To demonstrate their creator’s strength,

  For wealth men indirectly entice,

  Who have a heart for service.


  Live and let live,

  Makes the world beauty-filled,

  For those who trouble their neighbour,

  Will never find their favour,

  Live and let live,

  This is better indeed,

  Would the world had discovered it sooner,

  She would have long become better.

  Live and let live,

  Refrain from your deceit,

  For going against this law,

  Is the cause of many a war,

  For to life your utmost you’ll give,

  If only you’ll live and let live!



  United States of America,

  A nation planted by the maker,

  To demonstrate to their kind,

  The oneness of human kind,

  Endowed with so large a heart,

  As to play your noble part,

  You take many from behind,

  And give them a chance to shine,

  United States of America,

  Land of numerous stars,

  How I salute your efforts,

  For you dethrone evil despots,

  It’s not to say you’re perfect,

  But you give the world good effects,

  How you tirelessly strive,

  So that man on earth should thrive,

  United States of America,

  Your enemies though critical,

  Can’t stop you from this work,

  The work of the God you trust.


  A ll men are born equal,

  B elief in the brotherhood of man,
br />   R ascists with selfish interests,

  A rrayed themselves together,

  H oping to defy the union,

  A braham stood with like minds,

  M aking the American States one nation,

  L incoln lived purposefully,


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