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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

Page 15

by K E Osborn

  I huff and shake my head. “It should be against the law to have to get up this early for work.”

  She giggles. “I agree, but I’m running late. I need to get a coffee before I start, and I have to leave to get there in about five.”

  I groan and pull back the covers dislodging the pig from my feet and move out of the bed.

  “You don’t have to go, you can sleep and go when you’re ready. I trust you to lock the house when you leave.”

  I look over at her and smile. “No, it’s fine. I’ll go back to the club and sleep there. No pigs to walk all over me.”

  She tries to hide her smile as she picks up Petunia and puts her on the ground. “Sorry about that. Normally it’s me she walks all over. She must like you.”

  I chuckle and stand up gliding over to her completely naked. She looks down at my morning wood and smirks.

  “Shame I can’t help with that… um, issue…”

  My cock twitches just thinking about it. I groan slightly as she leans in kissing me and walks out toward the kitchen. Huffing, I follow her, seeing as how my clothes are scattered out there. She puts some food down for Petunia as I get dressed and she lets out a small whimper as I pull my jeans up. I laugh as she frowns.

  “I was enjoying the view.”

  “Cheeky bitch.”

  She giggles and leans in kissing me then grabs her handbag and keys leaving her pile of clothes on the floor. I smirk looking down at them, as I pull on my shirt and leather jacket.

  “C’mon biker boy, I gotta go.”

  “Being kicked out. Wow! That’s never happened to me before.”

  She smirks. “There’s a first for everything. Now skedaddle. I’ll talk to you soon, though?”

  I nod and lean in pulling her to me so our bodies are flush. “Definitely.” Pressing my lips to hers firmly, I kiss her until she pulls away and sashays out the door.

  She slides into her car and I wave goodbye. Feeling overly tired, I jump on my Hog and ride slowly back to the clubhouse trying not to fall asleep. I make it inside to a deadly quiet club and go to my room just in time to pass out on my bed.


  I’m feeling well rested now and know I’ve been asleep for quite a while, so I figure it’s time to get up. Stretching my tired muscles from two fucking sessions with Willow, I get out of bed and try to think of what I might do today. I think of Willow and her being at work, my mind shifts to the kids she’ll be looking after and one in particular—Jackson. I may as well make good on my promise to Jackson’s mother Nikita to find her husband and make sure he knows not to touch her again.

  Pulling on something decent to wear, I head out down to Techie’s room. He’s the first point of call for a mission like this. I don’t bother knocking, where’s the fun in that? When I stride in Techie’s asleep in bed with club girls Jess on one side, and Jodi on the other. I chuckle to myself.

  He must have had a good night!

  They’re all sleeping soundly, so I walk up to his bed and notice a dildo on the floor. I smile widely picking it up. It’s still a little sticky and I cringe slightly, but grab the end and lean over the bed and slap Techie in the face with it hard. He jolts awake and looks at the dildo as I dangle it in his face while the girls wake up slowly and start to giggle.

  “Fuck off cockhead.”

  “I think you’re the one with a cock near his head right now,” I say and he grabs the dildo from me and flings it across the room.

  “Can’t you see I’m busy here?” Techie says as the girls look up at me wondering what to do.

  I tilt my head toward the door, and they both know that’s the cue for pulling back the covers—showing me their glorious naked bodies as they get out of the bed—and fucking off out of here.

  “Oh c’mon, dude. Don’t go! Girls, he’s just joking. Come back.”

  “Bye ladies,” I say. They wave as they walk out completely naked and close the door behind them.

  Techie huffs and punches my arm while I laugh. “What the fuck dude? You’re killing my morning wood.” He looks up to the ceiling and I roll my eyes knowing another fact session is coming. “Morning wood is important. Not only is it caused from hot as fuck dreams, but in addition to the dreams, it’s characteristic of REM sleep. The cock becomes erect and engorged with blood during this time. It’s called Penile Tumescence and a lack of morning wood can suggest erectile dysfunction, and I don’t know about you, but I want my cock to keep working the way it is on a daily basis.”

  I raise my eyebrows at him and chuckle. “Sooo?”

  “So don’t mess with my morning wood. Fuck! I thought I made myself clear ya fucker.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “You can wank it out later. I have work for you to do.”

  Techie sits up and his boner is evident as it pokes up through his bed sheets. I smirk and pick up the baseball cap on the table and place it over his cock.

  Techie pulls his tablet from his bedside table ignoring me and puts on his glasses. “What do you need?”

  I exhale and sit down on the edge of his bed. “Tyrell Jones. I need a search done on him and his business dealings.”

  Techie raises an eyebrow and stops searching. “This for your Flame?”

  I shake my head. “Not really.”

  “But she knows him?”

  I nod. “She knows of him, but she doesn’t know what’s gonna go down.”

  He nods and continues searching. A few moments later I hear a ping and Techie smiles. “Got it. I got an address and it’s weird Steel. The house has security on it, but I can hack into the feed.”

  I furrow my brows and nod. Techie types into his tablet and I move in next to him to check out the screen. Five camera angles come up, but they show only images of the house with no one home.

  “I can access the security logs past recordings?”

  “Yeah, show me what they’re watchin’,” I say finding it weird that this Tyrell wankstain has security cameras in his own home.

  Techie pulls up some files. We search through them watching Nikita playing with Jackson. Nothing of any significance. We wind forward until I see something.

  “Wait! Stop there. Rewind.”

  Techie rewinds and then presses play. The images start to show Tyrell holding Nikita’s wrists. She’s begging him not to hurt her and he’s yelling in her face, spittle flying everywhere. I tense up and shake my head as he pushes her to the ground. My fists clench as he slaps her hard across the face and she falls flat on the floor. He yells at her some more. She’s crying and he pulls his leg back and kicks into her stomach.

  “Jesus Christ,” Techie, murmurs as I shake my head.

  My shoulders tense tightly as I watch Jackson walk into the room. Tyrell yells at him to stay in the corner, and he stands there just staring wide-eyed at his mother. He tells his dad to stop, but Tyrell bends down and punches Nikita in the eye. My breaths are coming so hard and fast I feel hot all over, and all I want to do is find this cunt and scare the shit out of him for hurting an innocent woman and letting his son witness his barbaric act.

  Tyrell kicks Nikita again and Jackson runs over to her. Tyrell grabs Jackson by the scruff of the collar and pushes him over. I grit my teeth as Jackson scurries under a nearby table to hide from his father. I’m utterly fuming. This cunt’s gotta pay! He bends down pinning Nikita to the floor as he leans on top of her and punches her face again.

  I can’t take any more.


  Techie turns it off, and we’re both breathing hard and fast.

  “Mad Dog doesn’t usually like us interfering in other people’s domestics,” Techie tells me.

  “I’ll do it without him knowin’.”

  “That guy’s a fucking psycho, Steel. No wonder you wanted to look him up. Whatever you have planned… I’m in.”

  I nod taking a deep breath trying to settle the queasiness in my stomach. Seeing Jackson having to go through that has really unsettled me. No kid should have to watc
h that sort of shit go down.

  Standing up, I gather myself. “I’m gonna round up more men to help. Can you get everythin’ ready to ride to his house?”

  Techie nods and I turn not waiting for a second longer. Tyrell needs to pay, and I can’t wait to serve up this dish. Storming out of Techie’s room, I stride out into the clubroom and see everyone I need.

  “Lookout, Behemoth, Jigsaw… assembly room, now!” I demand and they all look up furrowing their brows, obviously wondering what’s going down. Pushing the heavy wooden doors open with a thud as they hit the wall behind them, I walk inside and wait for my brothers to join me. They congregate with Techie, and I take a seat at the table. They all take their places and I take a deep breath trying to calm myself before speaking to them.

  “Okay. There’s a fucktard. Tyrell Jones. Married to Nikita. Father of Jackson. This man’s a fuckin’ wife-basher and he does it all in front of his kid. Now, it’s not just a little slap here and there, this is kickin’ and fuckin’ punchin’. The woman has dark skin, but her bruises are so black they stand out even on her tone. This man is scum, and I want to teach him a lesson or two. I need some support, the more numbers I have, the more fucked up he’ll be. But… this is off book. Mad Dog doesn’t know about it, and it’s not club sanctioned. So you’ll be goin’ on VP orders and not the Prez’s. If anyone doesn’t want to join me, the time to leave is now. No questions asked…” I pause and wait for them to get up and leave. Instead, they all look at me and nod.

  Smiling at the mateship my brothers have for me, I stand and nod. “Let’s get this fucker then.” Walking out of the assembly room, my brothers flank me and we all head out of the clubhouse toward our bikes. Techie tells us the address, and we leap on our bikes and start the engines. Techie slides into his black ops van, and we head out the gates ready to light a fire up this fuckbrain’s arse.


  Techie, through whatever means he has, found out Tyrell wouldn’t be home. So that’s where we head. We set up down the street and Techie has hacked into the house security cameras and is shutting them all down as we speak.

  “Right, they’ve gone dark,” he says showing me his tablet with the security footage of fuzzy screens.

  “My turn,” Lookout adds picking up a burner phone and dialling Tyrell’s mobile number. “Hi, Mr. Jones? Yes, it’s Frederick from Clarke Security here. Just a courtesy call to inform you that there’s been a technical glitch with your security and the system has failed. We’ll have a team around to fix it within twenty-four hours.” Lookout pulls the phone from his ear and Tyrell’s voice echoes from the speaker as he yells, “Twenty-four fucking hours? That’s a God damned joke. You guys are fucking ridiculous. Don’t bother sending a team, I’m going to fix the damn system myself, you lazy good-for-nothing fuckers.” The line goes dead and we all smile knowing our plan worked successfully. Tyrell’s an arsehole and we were counting on him being impatient and wanting to fix the issue himself. We had a feeling he’d want to come home as soon as he found out things were not perfect at his home.

  Could the dumb-fucking-arse play right into our hands any better?

  I glimpse up at Lookout who smirks at me and I purse my lips. “Frederick?” I ask

  Lookout furrows his brows as the others chuckle. “What? It’s a good strong name.”

  I raise my eyebrows and nod. “Ah-huh.”

  Everyone chuckles as Lookout looks around at us. “What? It’s strong like Bruce and Tristan and Reginald. They are all very strong male names.”

  Everyone chuckles at Lookout and I shake my head. “Right, let’s get to work.”

  “Motherfuckers making fun of me? Stupid bitches,” Lookout mumbles under his breath as we all get ready. After knowing that Tyrell was heading home, we make our way to his house and let ourselves in. Making ourselves at home in the big expanse of his dining room, I walk around looking thinking how empty it feels, not like a home at all. There’s no pictures, not even of Jackson, and not even any knickknacks or vases on the cabinets. It’s all stark and bland and I bet it’s all Tyrell’s doing. I hate this place, just being in here gives me the shits.

  “Car pulling in the drive. Positions,” Techie says as he sits at the dining table on his notebook hacking into Tyrell’s accounts.

  Lookout stands by the front door and Jigsaw on the other side. Behemoth to the side as I stand inside the dining room waiting for Tyrell to walk in. Techie stays at the table deep in work. The front door clicks open and Tyrell is mumbling to himself as he marches in. The guy looks like a douche with his fake suit and his bald shiny ridiculous head. His tiny weeny thin moustache goatee makes me cringe at how much of a wannabee this guy really is. He looks up to see me standing in his dining room with my arms folded across my chest.

  “Surprise, fucker.”

  He stops dead in his tracks and opens his eyes wide while he goes to grab something. Lookout jumps from behind him and latches onto his arms pulling them behind his back. Behemoth closes the front door.

  “What the fuck?” Tyrell yells. Jigsaw comes around from other side and punches him right in the jaw, he groans out in pain and his knees give way, the sight making me smile wide.

  “Who the hell are you?” he murmurs.

  “We’re here to seek vengeance,” I say as Lookout drags him toward me. “It’s not fuckin’ right to pick on your wife while your four-year-old watches on.”

  Tyrell tenses as he kneels on the floor and shakes his head. “Nikita put you up to this? That bitch is going to pay.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “No fuckhead, you’re the one who’s going to pay! Behemoth take over from Lookout. Lookout, go outside and keep watch.” I’m sending Lookout away not only because we need eyes outside, but also because I’m envisioning blood—lots of it—and we all know how well Lookout does with blood.

  Behemoth comes over and grabs Tyrell, and Lookout scurries off outside.

  “What are you going to do to me?” Tyrell asks and I smirk.

  “It’s not me you need to worry about… Jigsaw.” I call him over and he smiles and looks right at Tyrell pulling out a set of brass knuckles from his jean’s pocket. I chuckle slightly because I didn’t even know he had them with him, and it thrills me to know he has.

  “No, no, please. I’ll do anything—”

  “Don’t beg, it’s pathetic,” I say and nod to Jigsaw. He places the knuckles on his fingers and clenches his fist.

  “Bones, collagen, calcium, carbonate… breakable.”

  “What? Tyrell asks and Jigsaw smiles and brings his fist up and slams it into his nose.

  The cracking sound of sinus severing echoes through the room making Techie look up briefly, but then back down again as he continues to type. Blood spurts out Tyrell’s nose as he yelps out in pain. Jigsaw pulls back and his fist connects with his eye socket this time. His eyebrow splits apart, and blood oozes down his face pooling at his chin as he starts to hunch over in Behemoth’s arms.

  Jigsaw turns, looking at me with the biggest smile on his face. I chuckle and shake my head at him. He steps aside and I move forward grabbing Tyrell’s chin and lifting it up, so his chest and stomach is open wide. I grin and bring my leg up and side kick him right in his guts. He lets out a harsh breath and hunches over as the blood pools on the floor. I’m loving this. Not so much the violence, but the fact that this fucker is getting a taste of his own fucking medicine!

  “I’ve gotten into his offshore bank accounts and I’m transferring all his money to Nikita,” Techie calls out.

  Tyrell groans and shakes his head. “No.”

  “Yes! This is what happens when you mess with women fuckhead,” I say and punch him in his other eye socket. The sting of his eye bone hitting my knuckles reverbs through my hand, but I shake it off and laugh as we destroy this man’s life.

  Jigsaw steps up again and punches Tyrell’s jaw and it cracks so loud I cringe and then he moans out in severe agony. I look at his jaw and it’s displaced to one side. I chuck
le slightly and pat Jigsaw on the back.

  “I think you broke it, killer.”

  He smiles wide and nods like he’s proud of himself.

  “All the cash has been transferred. The sex tapes of him with underage girls have been leaked via social media, too,” Techie tells me.

  I laugh as Tyrell groans and moans only staying upright because Behemoth is holding him by the scruff of the neck. I had no idea about the underage girls, but Techie is the best, and he finds anything and everything.

  Now that we’ve messed him up well and truly, I have every intention of letting him go. He has no money, his career is ruined, his reputation is in the gutter, and to top it off he’s in a world of pain. Our job here is done.

  I lean in next to Tyrell’s ear. “If you ever, and I mean ever, go near Jackson or Nikita again we will be back, and we won’t be so lenient next time. If you send anyone after us, we will kill you.” I pull out Wesley from the back of my jeans and drag the tip along the edge of his sternum to give him a final scare.

  Suddenly, the door swings open and Lookout comes barrelling in behind Behemoth. “There’s cop’s circling the area…” He stops in his tracks, looking down at Tyrell and all the blood, and he starts to sway on the spot. “Fucking cock up my motherfucking arse. Catch me fucker.”

  I tense up as Lookout passes out. It’s like slow motion as he falls forward onto Behemoth, which makes him fall forward with Tyrell pushing him straight down onto my knife. The pull of the muscles and flesh tense against the knife as he falls on top of me while Wesley pierces straight through his heart.

  I’m on the floor, Tyrell’s on top of me, Behemoth is on top of Tyrell, and Lookout is on top of Behemoth.

  “Fuckin’ hell!” I call out as Tyrell gurgles and moans out his lasts breaths on top of me, blood oozing from his chest all over my clothes.

  Jigsaw pulls Lookout off and onto the floor as Behemoth stands up. I push Tyrell off me as he rolls onto his back on the floor with Wesley hanging out of his chest.

  “Shit! Fuck! Crap! Balls! I didn’t mean to kill the fucker!”


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