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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

Page 83

by K E Osborn

  “Hey, that’s our Prez you’re talking about, brother,” I berate.

  “I know, I’m just saying he needs to see what’s right in front of him before he loses her. Meli’s a catch, he shouldn’t let ego get in the way of that.”

  Steel exhales and raises his eyebrows. “Can’t argue with that. But he is our Prez, and he’s as stubborn as they come, especially when it comes to emotions. He has to figure it out for himself. Anyway, that’s not why we’re here. I have a task for you, it’s top secret, and I think you’re the best brother for the job.”

  Crash’s eyes widen, and he smiles brightly. “Shit, really? VP I don’t know what to say, I’m honoured you chose me. I swear no word of this will leave my lips. What is it?”

  Steel leans in closer and looks around the room, making sure no one’s listening to add to the suspense. I purse my lips trying to hold in my laugh. “The pig.”

  Crash furrows his brows and tilts his head slightly. “Petunia? Our mascot?”

  Steel nods. “Yes’um. She has, umm… well, how do I put it, Techie?”

  “She ate something of great importance, and we need you to sift through her shit to find it.”

  Crash gasps in horror and Steel rolls his eyes at me and chuckles. “I was gonna put it more a little more delicately than that, Techie, but yes… that’s the gist of it.”

  Crash exaggerates a frown and slumps his body, his shoulders sagging as if a heavy weight were atop them. “Can I at least know what she ate and what I’m looking for?”

  I look to Steel, who glances around the practically empty clubroom as he leans in close to Crash. “Don’t say a word, it’s a surprise.” Crash nods. “It’s a ring.”

  He furrows his brows. “A ring?”

  “Yes, cocksucker, a ring. You know… a ring… ring.”

  He continues to look stumped until his eyes slowly light up, his eyebrows lift and he takes in a sudden intake of air. “Oh my God! A ring! Like an I’m-going-to-marry-you ring?”

  Steel chuckles and slaps his arm. “Keep it down, and yes, it’s called an engagement ring. Petunia ate the fuckin’ thing. So I need you to get it from her.”

  He raises his eyebrow. “Can’t you just buy another one? This one is kinda shit on.” He chuckles, and I slap him across the back of his greasy head.

  “It cost me sixty-five thousand, I’m not really in the mood for lettin’ that kind of money just flush down the shitter.”

  Crash chuckles. “I see what you did there, nice play on words. Okay, I’ll do it—”

  “I wasn’t really askin’.”

  Crash rolls his eyes. “Mmm… either way, I’m gonna help a brother out as long as I can have gloves... I can have gloves, right?”

  I seriously hope Steel says no he can’t, that would just be too much fun, but he smiles and nods.

  “Of course, I’m thinkin’ you might have to keep her in your room with the litter tray. I’m gonna have to keep Flame distracted while the process takes… however long it takes… and I’ll check in from time to time to see how things are travellin’.”

  “You mean she’s got to shit in my room?” Crash asks frowning.

  “She uses a litter tray.”

  He huffs. “Okay, when do I start?”



  “Literally,” I tease as I try not to laugh at him. Poor kid always getting the crappy end of the stick.

  “Right, I’ll get the pig. If you wanna get her shit tray and set it up in Crash’s room, I’ll meet you up there,” I suggest and everyone nods.

  “Operation shitstorm is a go,” Steel quips.

  Chuckling, I walk off back toward the red door to head outside to retrieve the tutu wearing pig. The door swings open easily and I step out onto the concrete looking across the freshly cut grass. She’s sitting under the swing set, so I march over to her as she glances up at me and snorts.

  Sighing, I bend down and shake my head. “You really are a trouble maker aren’t you, you little Sus scrofa domesticus!” Chuckling at myself for using the scientific name for a domestic pig, I lean down, pick her up and she nuzzles into my chest. I frown as she cuddles into me and shake my head. “You can’t buy my affection that easily Kermit lover.”

  She nuzzles into me further then her little eyes close, and she starts to snore in my arms. Little thing fell asleep, just like that. “Huh, maybe you’re not so rodenty after all.” I carry her toward the door when a warmth floods down my chest. I tilt my head wondering what the sensation is and then the wetness soon follows.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, pig!” I call out grabbing her around her stomach and holding her out in front of me as she snorts like she’s laughing. “I swear you love to hate me, you little runt!” Looking down I’m completely covered in piss all over my white shirt. I huff and groan then storm toward the door with her still snorting her laugh at me. Pulling back the door with my foot, I traipse inside and up the stairs. Now that her bladder seems fully relieved, I don’t want to risk being shit on, so I rush to Crash’s room and storm through the door to see Steel and Crash setting up a little princess bed and a litter tray.

  “Here’s your fucking pissing princess, Steel.”

  He turns to face me, his lips pull up on his face as he takes in my now yellow stained shirt and he moves his hand over his mouth to try and hide his smile. Crash isn’t so kind, and he breaks out into a full fit of laughter.

  “Oh, you find this shit funny? The urea in pig piss can be made into plastic forks, fuel additives, and shit. You think this yellow puddle of piss on me is not infecting me with lethal germs!”

  Steel comes over and takes Petunia away from me, and I slam the door closed behind me.

  “This is just fucking great,” I murmur under my breath as I slump down onto Crash’s queen sized bed.

  “Hey… don’t get piss on my quilt!”

  “Listen fuckface, you’re gonna have shit all through your room, so don’t you worry about a little piss. You might also want to worry about my fist breaking your face, too.”

  He throws his hands in the air in surrender. “Okay, okay… geez man, it’s just a little piss.”

  “Oh, it is, is it?” Standing up I slide off my cut, throw it on his bed and pull my shirt over my head as I walk up to him. His eyes widen, while I scrunch up the shirt with the piss side showing, and shove it right into his face. He groans as I smoosh it into his face, and Steel laughs hard as Crash’s hands flail about trying to get me off him.

  “All right, all right you two, stop piss fartin’ around,” Steel teases.

  I pull my shirt from Crash’s face and wink as he pushes me back in my naked chest.


  “Piss face.”

  “Enough! Crash you stay here, watch Petunia. Dig through her shit. Call me if you see any movement and I’ll come up.”

  “So, I’m just supposed to sit in my room for the next few hours until she shits the ring out?”

  “Yes’um. It can take up to thirty-six hours. You might be in for a long wait and a few shits to shift through.”

  He throws his hands in the air. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.”

  “It’s a shitty job, but someone’s gotta do it,” I tease and he rolls his eyes at me.

  “Fine, but take your pissy shirt with you when you leave, it stinks.”

  Chuckling, I walk back over to grab my cut from the bed and turn toward the door. “I’d say have a good time, Crash, but I’m pretty sure it’s just going to be shitty.”

  He picks up a pen from his desk and throws it at me. It hits the door with a ping and then cascades to the floor as I duck out the way.

  “Call me when there’s news.” Steel slaps his shoulder and walks toward me as I open the door. Petunia runs toward Steel, and he shakes his head. “No Petunia, you gotta stay here with Crash. Be a good girl for him,” he tells her.

  Aaand… I want to actually vomit, as some bile creeps up my throat. The way he loves that thing is ridicu
lous. He turns her patting her rear, and she trots back over to Crash, who bends down picking her up.

  “Call me when she starts to… you know.”

  “Sure thing, VP,” Crash says, and I exhale. We walk through Crash’s bedroom door closing it behind us. Turning to look at Steel, he smugly looks down at my naked chest.

  “Irina will love you walkin’ downstairs topless.”

  I glance down and huff. “I think I’ll shower first. Eau de pig piss doesn’t quite suit my natural body odour.”

  “And what’s your natural body odour besides sweat and sex?”

  “Bad ass techspert biker man meat,” I quip.

  Steel throws his head back in a deep belly laugh and shakes his head. “That’s why you’re my best mate, you’re a fuckin’ Looney Tune.”

  “Right fuck off, I need to shower.”

  “In all seriousness, thanks for today. Even though the ring ended up in Petunia’s guts, it was good to have you by my side.”

  “Always brother, always.”

  He slaps my shoulder and turns to head toward the stairs. I turn in the opposite direction heading further down the hall to my room, for a shower and get this god-awful pig stench off me.


  As I wander downstairs all refreshed and feeling like I smell human again and less like pig piss, the sounds of my brothers causing a ruckus in the clubroom is evident. I round the corner to see them all laughing and sitting at the bar. The guys are all in from the auto shop and the tattoo parlour for the day, and now it’s time to just enjoy being in a brotherhood.

  Moving over to a spare stool, I take a seat next to Lookout, who’s chuckling along with Mooch. Lookout is sculling back a beer and everyone’s laughing. I’ve obviously walked in halfway through a joke.

  “He should have himself hooked up to a drip, then he doesn’t even need to swallow,” Mooch chuckles.

  “But Lookout lives to swallow,” Switch calls out and Lookout spits his beer out right into Mooch’s face, and we all crack up as Lookout furrows his brows at Switch.

  “You motherfucken punk arse bitch, I should slap your arse and tickle your balls for saying that you little prick,” Lookout scolds but with a smile on his face.

  “Oh, you love me, Lookout,” Switch says punching his arm and chuckling.

  “Yeah, just as much as I love having crabs on my balls,” Lookout replies.

  We all laugh again as Switch pouts but then smiles.

  “You guys are fucking mentally unstable. I swear,” I tease, and they nod matter-of-factly as an alert comes out over the speaker. Swivelling on my chair, I look across at Gadget as he pulls out his tablet and stares at the screen.

  “There’s a woman at the gate asking for Lookout,” Gadget says, and we all look at him.

  “I have no motherfucken idea,” he replies as we all stand up and head outside toward the gate to greet the mystery woman.

  Gadget opens the gate, and as it slides open the beautiful Nikita Jones is standing there. Now there’s a blast from the past. We haven’t seen her in ages.

  “Niki?” Lookout questions as he rushes to her. “Goddamn woman, it’s good to see you. But fuck me you’re a long way from home.”

  She nods and moves to him taking him in an embrace. “Hey, Lookout. I didn’t want to come, but you told me you’d changed chapters and that if I ever needed you that this is where you’d be.”

  Steel walks up from behind us and chuckles. “Nikita fuckin’ Jones, how the hell are you?”

  “Hey Steel, I’m okay. Think I’m actually in a bit of trouble if I’m telling the truth.”

  Steel rushes forward quickly and moves in front of Niki. “Right, well, come in and we can talk about it. You’re always welcome here.”

  We all move back inside the compound, and I can’t help but notice all the Aldinga crew checking Niki out. She’s new to most of these boys as she was only known to the Virginia boys, so some fresh meat in this place is nice for the guys to look at. But we all know she only has eyes for Lookout, in whatever weird relationship they have.

  We make our way inside the clubrooms and all take a seat, as Gator walks out of the assembly room and looks toward the newcomer furrowing his brows looking to Steel. “What’s going on?” Gator asks.

  “Gator, this is Niki. She’s a good friend to Virginia. She needs our help, I’m assumin’?” Steel says and Niki nods.

  “I think I do. Unfortunately, Tyrell’s family want info on his whereabouts. They’re getting real pushy, and not taking no for an answer anymore. I’m really worried for Jackson and myself and what they might do to us if we don’t give them an answer soon.”

  “So you think you’re in danger?” Steel asks.

  She nods. “I’m sure I am. They’re saying they’re starting to see between the lines, and they know he isn’t coming back, and that I had something to do with it. I’m scared, Steel!”

  “Gator, can we let Niki and Jackson have sanctuary here, just until we can figure somethin’ out? A safe house or somethin’. Niki means a lot to us, and so does Jackson. We have history, please brother.” Steel doesn’t beg often, so I know he’s serious and by the look on Gator’s face, he can tell Steel is too.

  “Okay. Lookout go with Niki to grab the kid, bring what you need not what you want and we can sort something out.”

  Lookout stands up along with Niki, and they head for the door. Everyone jumps up and gathers into smaller groups as I stand with Steel. It’s going to be good for Steel to have Jackson here. I know how much he loves that kid.


  The tapping of heels alerts us to someone incoming, and we all look up to see Flame strut in. All eyes light up as the red-headed beauty walks in. Everyone here adores her. Even me. She really is the queen of this club. She looks around and notices us all gathered in groups and furrows her brows.

  “What’s going on?”

  Steel exhales running his hand through his hair as she walks up to us. “Niki was just here. She’s in trouble, and Lookout’s just taken her to get Jackson. Then they’re comin’ back here to stay with the club for a while.”

  She purses her lips and glares slightly looking annoyed. “Is this something to do with what happened to her husband?”

  Steel nods as his face falls into a frown. The death of Tyrell is a sore spot for Flame and Steel, they broke up because of it.

  “Are they in danger?” she almost whispers.

  Steel exhales taking her hands in his and wincing. “I hope not, but we’re takin’ precautions, babe. I’d rather them be here where we can protect them than out there alone.”

  “They wouldn’t need protecting if you didn’t do what you did.”

  I wonder if I should walk away and let them have this fight on their own, but I don’t want to draw attention.

  “I know, baby. Trust me, I know. And I regret that every day, but I can’t take it back now. Nothin’ will change it. So we have to do what we can to help Niki and Jackson because I know this is all my fault.”

  Flame slumps her body and moves in wrapping her arms around Steel’s waist. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t rub it in. You know how it makes me angry about what happened, but I don’t have to be a bitch about it. We just need to make sure they’re okay, I couldn’t handle it if something happened to them, especially Jackson, I love him too much.”

  Steel leans in and kisses her hair, moving some behind her ear. It makes me wonder briefly, watching them, what it would be like to have someone to love, to feel that kind of deep connection with. To want to share your life with another person. The thing is, I just can’t see that happening for me.

  “Don’t worry, babe, I’m gonna do everythin’ in my power to protect them. Especially Jackson. He has a special place in my heart, too. The crazy little kid kinda grows on you.”

  She giggles and leans on her toes pressing her lips to Steel’s. They deepen the kiss as his fingers wrap into her hair, and now, I can safely walk away. Taking a deep breath as I step over to
the bar, I take a stool, sitting down and slap the bench signalling to Blake—the prospect—for a beer.

  He nods and starts to pour one for me. “You okay, Techie? You look down?”

  Exhaling as I try to think of what’s bugging me, I can’t quite put my finger on it. Something feels off, like a part of me is missing, or broken, or something. Seeing Steel moving on with his life and starting this new chapter with Flame—while I am stoked for him—it means he’ll be spending more time with her. While that might make me seem selfish for wanting him around, it’s been him and me for years, and I guess even though Flame has been around for over a year and a half now, it’s just hard having to share him with her.

  But in saying that, he deserves to be happy, of course he does. He’s always wanted the family life and she’s perfect for him. I guess I’m just the jaded one who can’t see how having one woman for the rest of your life makes sense. I suppose I’ve never met anyone that I thought would be worthy of that, so I can’t see the reason for it. I don’t see that changing either, she’d have to be pretty fucking amazing to make me want to settle down.

  Blake plants the stein in front of me and raises his eyebrow with a slight smirk. I frown at him and shake my head. “What?”

  “I said are you okay? You look down.”

  I half laugh and pick up my stein, shaking my head. “Yeah, just in a deep thinking mood.”

  He nods and wipes down the surface of the already clean bar top. “Anything you wanna talk about?”

  “Nah, I don’t even really know what’s wrong with me.”

  Blake murmurs in acknowledgement and nods. “Right, well, sometimes when things are changing around us, the change we see in others is the change we want in ourselves.”

  Raising my eyebrow at the young prospect. “That’s very insightful.”

  “Just something I learned myself once. Sometimes things that make us sad are because we secretly crave it ourselves.”

  “Huh, right, well, that’s all a bit Freudian for today. I think I’ll just drink, and maybe play some Call Of Duty or something to shake it off.”


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