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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

Page 99

by K E Osborn

  “I’m allowed to be wherever I want to be!”

  He reaches out grabbing her arm and pulls her away from me. Anger surges through me at the sight of someone manhandling her, so I race forward and grab Gadget by the scruff of his collar which makes him let her go.

  “Don’t you ever grab her like that again. Don’t you ever manhandle her.”

  Gadget pushes me off him forcing me to take a step back. “She’s my sister, arsehole. I have the right. You however, don’t get permission to even look at her—”

  “Ha! She isn’t your property,” I interrupt.

  “Well, she damn well isn’t yours either… and never will be!”

  “Stop it!” Shay yells glaring at us both.

  Taking a long breath, I gather myself for what I’m about to say in front of everyone. “I don’t want her to be my property, I want her to be my girlfriend.”

  Shay’s head flicks to face me and her eyes open wide. “You do?”

  “No fucking way!” Gadget’s fist clenches at his side, and before I can see what’s coming his fist is smashing into the side of my jaw. The pain snaps into my cheek radiates down my neck and up the side of my head as my body swings to the side and I fall to my knees.

  Shay screams as she rushes to Gadget and jumps on him to stop him from continuing to pummel me, as Mooch and Steel rush over, stepping between us. Mooch with his hand on Gadget’s chest and Steel helps me off my knees as I recover from his hard as fuck blow.

  “Stephan, you’re an A-grade arsehole. Techie, are you okay?” Shay asks jumping off Gadget now Mooch has him, and she rushes to my side tracing her fingertips lightly over my seriously aching jaw. I look down at her and nod as she cuddles into my side. I wrap my arm around her shoulders pulling her to me more for my comfort than hers as Gadget huffs shaking his head.

  “I don’t condone this Shay. He’s going to break your heart. He’s only messing around with you to get to me, he doesn’t care about you… At. All,” Gadget sneers walking off, making me wince at his harsh words.

  Shay looks up at me frowning, her eyebrows are drawn together. I shake my head and bring my hand up to her cheek to caress it. The concerned look on her face worries me. I can see Shay is worried Gadget is telling the truth, so I turn to face her completely.

  “Shay, I like you, for you, a lot… not because it has something to do with your imbecilic brother. I promise I’m with you for you, only you. You’re my Leia.”

  She smiles and brings her hand up caressing the good side of my face. “And you’re my Han… before Episode Seven.”

  I chuckle and nod leaning down pressing my lips to hers. My jaw aches, but I don’t care. I’d go through all the pain in the world if it meant I got to kiss her.

  “Woo hoo! I knew you two would get together,” Steel calls out.

  I break free from Shay with a chuckle and sneer at Steel as he winks at me.

  “C’mon, enough drama for one night. Let’s let these guys handle the blackout. I wanna keep you in my room.”

  She nods and takes my hand in hers, and I light up my mock torch again to lead us away. “Steel, can you keep me informed if any news filters through,” I call out.

  “Yes’um. Go be with your girl. I’ll keep everythin’ under control down here,” he replies.

  Heading back up the stairs with Shay, I figure I’ll spend the rest of the night cuddling with my girl and let Gadget handle everything tonight. I think I’ve stepped on his toes enough for one day.


  The power was restored not long after we went back to my room last night, and Shay and I decided to stay in my room and spend it together letting the guys take care of whatever was happening. I think whoever’s targeting the club just wanted to scare us, they weren’t planning an attack or anything, just letting us know they’re still around and still able to mess with us. Which is a problem, because obviously we still have no idea who they are.

  But right now, I’m lying in bed on my back with Shay in my arms resting peacefully while I stroke her hair. Waking up to her like this every morning sounds like heaven to me, and being able to wake to her in my bed for once is something I’ve dreamed about since I first met her. And now it’s a reality. Leaning down, I gently press my lips to her hair as she nuzzles into my chest.

  A ping sounds on my tablet and I huff, but figure after the events of last night I need to check it. I slowly reach over, so as to not disturb Shay and grab my iPad. Bringing it over, I place the base on my chest and look down at it to see a message alert from Gadget. I glance to Shay to see if she’s looking, but she isn’t so I swipe it to read it.

  Gadget: Is Shay still in your room?

  Taking a deep breath, I want to reply something witty, but I figure antagonising him will make things worse, so I think I better be civil and simple.

  Me: Yes.

  I wait for a reply, but nothing comes up. That isn’t a good sign, and my muscles begin to tense wondering what he has in store. If he’ll be waiting by the door when Shay walks out of my room, or if he’s going to start throwing punches at me again for bedding his sister. Who knows? Suddenly, my door flies open with such force that the door handle slams into the wall cracking the plaster. Shay jumps up with a fright, and I grab her letting her know it’s okay as she turns facing the door to see Gadget in the doorway, his chest is heaving, his face bright red, and his fists clenched at his sides.


  “Shay, how could you be so fucking irresponsible? I thought you were better than this? You were never meant to get into bed with a biker! You were meant to be out of this life! Our parents will be so disappointed in you!”

  Shay pulls the blankets up over her completely as I hold onto her while her body trembles in anger. “How dare you tell me what to do. I’m a grown woman, and I can make my own choices whether I chose a biker or not is no concern of yours, Stephan.”

  “It’s my concern when it is him! Him of all people, Shay. He’s going to hurt you, can’t you see that?” Gadget yells storming closer to the bed.

  “Get out! Get the fuck out, you have no right being in here!”

  He scoffs. “You have no right being in here. You get out Shay. Get out right now, before I drag you out!”

  I tense up about to step in when Shay grunts loudly and sits up pulling the sheets with her. “Well I’m naked under here, so unless you want to see all of me, then I suggest you turn around and walk the fuck away.”

  “You’re naked? Oh, for fuck’s sake, Shay. You better be having safe sex for crying out loud, because if you get pregnant at such a young age, you’ll end up being a single mother to a lowly scum biker. Is that what you want?”

  Heat washes over me, and I can’t take any more. I throw the sheets off me so they cover Shay even more, and stand up completely naked in front of Gadget making him open his eyes wide and stop his attack on her. He frowns at me as I race up to him and push him toward the door.

  “Get the fuck out, Gadget! Stop harassing your sister and stop degrading me. I’m not going to hurt her, and if you come into my room again without my permission, I’m going to break your legs.” I shove him through the door then slam it shut, my chest heaving from the anger and frustration of the brutality he had toward Shay. I hate that he basically called her a biker slut—she’s nothing like that.

  Turning back around, I take a deep breath running my hand through my hair to see Shay radiating which shocks me.

  “Well, that shut him up.”

  “My cock tends to make people speechless.”

  She laughs looking down at my appendage. “Yes, I can see why.” She raises her eyebrows up and down insinuatingly making me chuckle.

  “Right, are you okay?” I ask walking back over to her.

  She nods and pats the bed. “Yeah, thank you for getting rid of him. He’s such an overprotective arse sometimes.”

  Nodding as I get back into the bed, I sigh. “Yeah, well I just hope he doesn’t come between us. I’d hate to lose you again.”
I lay back, and she nuzzles into my side.

  “Not gonna happen.”

  Wrapping my arm around her, something suddenly dawns on me. “Hey, how did you get in last night without me seeing you?”

  She giggles. “With Willow’s help.”

  Smiling, I think back to Flame distracting me with a giraffe cladded pig. Sneaky little schemers. Shay must have been sneaking past while Flame was distracting me. No wonder she stopped me from looking away constantly. I’ll have to remember to thank her later.


  We finally decide to get up for the day. My present I started making Shay, I finished a couple of days ago. Even though we were apart at the time, I still wanted to make it for her. So now that she’s here, I think it’s the right time to surprise her with it.

  Now that we’re dressed and about to head down to the clubroom, I reach out and grab her pulling her to me. “So there’s been something I’ve been working on for a while, and I want you to have it. I made it just for you.”

  She opens her eyes wide. “But we’ve been apart for the last week?”

  I nod. “I know, I’ve been working on it for a few weeks now. It’s taken some time to get it perfect, and have everything lining up just right. But I’m a master craftsman, so I got it right in the end.”

  She chuckles and raises her eyebrow. “I’m intrigued.”

  Smiling, I slide open the top drawer of my desk and pull out the little device. She furrows her brows as I place it in her hands.

  She exhales and half-smiles. “You built me an MP3 player?”

  Grinning like a fucking school boy, I nod. “Yes, but it’s not just any MP3 player.”

  She tilts her head. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Move your fingers and press that little button on the top hard,” I instruct, she presses the button and a blade flies out of the side.

  She gasps and almost drops the device, but then her eyes open wide in awe as she brings the blade up and studies it intently. I chew on my bottom lip and smile.

  “It’s an iBlade?” She lets out a small giggle.

  “Well, it’s not patented, so you can call it what you like. But basically, it’s an iPod and a switch blade all in one. I want you to have some sort of protection out there. Whether it be from biker stuff, or just from arseholes in general.”

  She smiles and leans in hugging me. “First, I thought it was weird, but I see it’s your way of protecting me when you’re not around. I love it, thank you, Yoshi.”

  “It’s my pleasure. So shall I take you to Uni?”

  She nods. “Yes, please.”


  We’re at the car park of Shay’s Uni, and I know she’s going to be running late for class because we’ve been out here kissing for the last twenty minutes. Not that I’m complaining, but I do know she has her finals coming up, so as much as I don’t want to I need to break this up.

  Pulling back from her, I take a deep breath and rest my forehead against hers. “Make sure you have a great day today.”

  “I will now that you’re back in my life.”

  “You better go before I decide to take you back to your place where I’ll ravish you all day.”

  She chuckles and raises an eyebrow. “Would that be so bad?”

  I turn her and slap her arse. “Go, and have a good day.”

  She chuckles and walks off waggling her arse from side to side. Suddenly, I really want to know the answer to my question. “So will you?” I call out to her.

  She turns back to face me. “Sorry, what?”

  “Will you be my girlfriend? I’ve never really asked a girl before. I don’t know the right protocol.”

  She slumps and smiles walking back to me. “You’re utterly adorable, you know that?”

  Jolting my head back in mock disgust, I shake my head. “What? Me? No way. I’m rugged and manly and macho and shit.”

  She wraps her arms around my neck and rubs her body against mine. “You don’t fool me for a second, Spike Williams.”

  I rest my forehead against hers. “Well, don’t go telling everyone. I’m a biker, and I have a rep to protect.”

  “Secret’s safe with me, biker boy. Now rack off so I can study.”

  Chuckling, I nod. “Yes, ma’am.” I lean in kissing her. My tongue dances with hers, and I love this feeling. It truly is one of the best in the world.

  A cough breaks me from my moment, and I regretfully pull back from Shay to see Brandon standing there gawking at us.

  “I didn’t know you were seeing someone, Shay?” he says.

  I frown and tilt my head. “How is that your business, Brandon?”

  “I guess it’s good to know what’s happening in the lives of our students. Something like dating a biker is kind of a big deal.”

  I glance at Shay noticing her unusually quiet demeanor. “Well, to be honest, it isn’t a big deal at all. At least it shouldn’t be because it’s none of your damned business.”

  “I think it is my business if it’s going to interfere with a student’s study, especially in her final year.”

  “Well, it’s not going to interfere. If anything I’m going to help her.”

  He scoffs and half laughs. “You? A biker? What would you know?”

  Furrowing my brows, I glare at him. “I know the percentage of me being able to kick your arse is about ninety-seven point six percent, and the likelihood of you obtaining a concussion is fifty percent.”

  “Oh, and where are you pulling those odds from?”

  “My head, I’m calculating them as I try to think of a way to get you sacked for hitting on students.”

  He turns bright red and starts to back away with his eyes open wide. “You… you told him?”

  My stomach twists, and I really want to punch him now as a low grunt escapes my mouth. “No, but you just did, and I swear to God if you ever hit on Shay again you’ll have me to answer to. And the percentage of my fist breaking your eye socket is one hundred percent… just remember that.”

  He nods and continues to back away, like the snivelling little runt that he is. “Message received loud and clear. See you in class, Shay.” He backs off racing away, and I smile feeling like I’ve just beaten a bad guy as I turn to face Shay, but she’s scowling at me. I frown, and she slaps my chest hard.

  “Ouch, what was that for?”

  “He’s going to mark me really harshly now!”

  Furrowing my brows, I shake my head. “What? Really?”

  She scoffs. “For a smart guy, you really are dumb.”

  Huffing, I shake my head. “Shay, you need to tell your lecturer.”

  She slumps her body and sighs. “I can’t, it’s his father—”

  “Even more reason to tell him.”

  “He won’t believe me.”

  “Then I’ll come with you!”

  She exhales and cracks her neck to the side. “Techie, I think you’ve done enough. Thank you for standing up for me, but I can look after myself.”

  “Babe, if he tries anything you call me. I’ll be here in a flash, and I’ll sort him out. I won’t hold back next time. I’m actually being quite polite.”

  She chuckles and nods. “I bet you are. Now go, before you yell at anyone else.”

  “Okay, but have you got your iBlade with you?”

  She smiles and nods. “Yes.”

  “Good, just one more thing before I go.”

  She huffs. “Yeah?”

  I lean in toward her and whisper, “Can you wear that bikini for me again?”

  She slaps my chest and pushes me away from her, as I laugh leaning back in giving her a quick kiss. She kisses me back and turns heading for class.

  I can’t help but watch her gorgeous arse as she walks away from me, and hope like fuck that Brandon stays the hell away from her.


  All the way back to the clubhouse my mind was on Shay and Brandon. The smug little turd that I just want to sucker punch in his junk. I just hope like fuck I’ve done enoug
h to keep him away from her. I wish she’d told me he was making the moves on her. But to be honest, I think I knew something was suss with him right from the first time I saw him. But one thing’s for sure, if he tries anything with her again I’ll be after him quick smart.

  As I make my way back inside the clubhouse, I want to make sure that Shay is okay. So I pull out my phone and send a quick text.

  Me: Hey babe, just checking everything is going okay?

  Continuing to walk in, my phone beeps quickly after.

  Peach: I’m fine, please stop worrying. I promise I will call or message if anything is wrong. xo

  Taking a deep breath, I nod and put my phone away satisfied with her answer. I notice Steel sitting down over by himself, and so I wander over knowing we have to go to the Jones’s today. I slide in next to him and he glances up at me.

  “Hey brother. How’s life going with Jackson?”

  He shrugs. “He misses Nikita, so much. But he’s taken to Flame instantly. I think because he already had a bond with her from the kindergarten. So it was an easy connection for them.”

  Nodding, I swallow hard wondering something that’s been bugging me. “So you guys basically have a kid now, and I noticed there’s still no ring on her finger. We went through so much to get said ring, and it’s just wasting away somewhere in a cupboard I’m assuming?”

  Steel slumps his body and runs his hand through his short beard. “It doesn’t seem like the right time now. I want her to think I’m askin’ because I want to, not out of obligation because of Jackson. You know what I mean?”

  Nodding, I sigh. “Yeah, makes perfect sense… How did you know Flame was the one?”

  Steel looks at me raising an eyebrow. “You want to really talk about this?”

  “Yeah. I know I haven’t been all about the moosh in the past, but yes, I really want to fucking talk about this. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “It’s just you don’t like love?”


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