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Love's Taming (The Love's Series)

Page 4

by Maryann Jordan

  After her trip to the bank, Annie ran to the butcher shop and then to the market down the street. Greeting the storeowners as she went, she tried to lighten her mood. Mr. Tochi at the market was always trying to set her up with his nephew.

  “But he’s an accountant and wears a suit to work,” he pleaded. “You’re a doctor. You would make a good match and make pretty babies.”

  Smiling indulgently, she answered, “Mr. Tochi, you know I don’t have time to date. I’m up to my elbows in dogs and cats.”

  Shaking his head, he looked at her with sad eyes and said, “You listen to this wise old man. Don’t let life pass you by, doctor.”

  Annie felt the smile slip from her face. Yeah, well, sometimes we let life in and it bites us in the butt!

  Waving goodbye, she headed home. Her apartment on the second floor could be entered by going through the clinic where a staircase went from the back work area to the living room, or by the old metal stairs attached to the side of the building in the back alley and enter through her kitchen. Deciding to walk through the alley since it was daylight, she headed around the building. Balancing the bags with her purse, she managed to get up the stairs and through the door into her kitchen.

  She never saw the eyes watching her. Eyes that couldn’t believe that a single woman would walk through an alley to go upstairs to her apartment. Alone. Without checking her surroundings. Completely oblivious to possible danger.

  Stoney stayed in the background, his teeth on edge as he watched her. Wanting to go to her. Wanting to help her. Wanting to take care of her. Wanting to…damn! I fucked things up! But I gotta make sure there is no blow-back on her. He found himself wondering what could have happened if he had met her earlier. Before. Before the darkness. Before the secrets. Angry at his thoughts and his situation, he slipped back down the alley careful not to be seen.

  * * *

  Annie spent the rest of her afternoon in the clinic after cleaning her own apartment. Wandering among the rooms, she made sure that the surgery room was once again sterile. Certainly didn’t worry about that last night she thought, as her eyes moved over to the wall where Stoney had pushed her up against it.

  To get those thoughts out of her mind, she flipped on the radio in the clinic letting the country music blast through the speakers. Scrubbing the surgical area she made sure to put everything back in its place, not wanting Leon or Suzanne to suspect that anything had happened.

  When she was sure that everything was ready for Monday morning clients again she walked up the stairs to her apartment.

  “Come on babies,” she called to her cats as she put food in their dishes. Rubbing their heads, she looked up as her cell phone rang. Glancing at the display she saw Mom.

  “Hey mom, what’s up?” she answered.

  “I just wanted to see how you’re doing.”

  She loved her mother dearly, but knew that she was hoping Annie was going to have news of a great date for the evening. Her parents were proud of her being a vet but kept dropping the ‘when are you going to meet someone and give us grandbabies’ hints. Hints? More like demands.

  “I’m fine, mom. How are you and dad?”

  “We’re good. Just haven’t heard from you lately so I thought I would call and see if you had any plans for tonight.”

  Sighing, Annie plopped down on her sofa allowing Boo to climb into her lap. “No, mom. No hot date tonight.”

  “Well dear, why don’t you drive out to our place? Your dad is playing golf with a very nice young man from my office. We could have him stay for dinner and you could meet him. Who knows? You might hit it off.”

  “Mom, stop trying to set me up. And honestly, I have no interest in meeting someone who works in your office.”

  “What’s wrong with meeting a financial consultant?” her mom huffed.

  Images of a muscular, tattooed man kissing her until her toes curled ran through her mind. Dangerous. Wild. Untamed.

  “I don’t know, mom. It just isn’t the right time. Anyway, I’ll probably meet some friends later.”

  “All right, dear. But the invitation stands open for any weekend.”

  She could hear the disappointment in her mother’s voice as she hung up the phone. Looking down at the large cat in her lap, “Looks like another night of just us.” She wanted to forget Stoney. Be angry with him. But she couldn’t. Just for once, I wanted something wild and unpredictable. Grabbing her Kindle, she lay on the couch reading as the evening sun began to lower in the sky.

  That night as she slept, black eyes haunted her dreams.

  * * *

  Annie rounded the corner, jogging back toward her apartment. Determined to get outdoors today, she decided to get back into running. Jesus, how out of shape am I? She pounded the pavement, breathing heavily. She had forgotten her iPod and without music her mind was racing with thoughts of Stoney and Friday night. You’ve never had a one-night stand. What were you thinking? What if he wasn’t trustworthy? She remembered him asking her if she was sure. He was trustworthy. I don’t know how I know that, but he was. But it was done and over. He left. He just left. She shook her head in anger, whether more at him or herself she wasn’t sure. Making it to her building she ran into the alley, slowing down as she approached the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, she came to a stop and began her stretching.

  Moving toward the staircase she was startled when Stoney stepped in front of her.

  Shrieking in fright, she dropped her keys as she stumbled backward. His arms reached out to grab her, but held on longer than just to steady her. Jerking back, eyes snapping in anger, she pulled from his grasp and bent to pick up her keys.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, confusion warring with anger and a dose of embarrassment.

  “I need your help again.”

  His eyes darted to the side, under the stairs where Sarge lay wrapped in a blanket.

  Forgetting her irritation she darted around Stoney and knelt at the dog. Her sure hand ran over Sarge and she lifted the blanket to look at the incision site. “He seems a little feverish, but the incision site looks good. Let’s move him inside so that I can get a better look at him.”

  Stoney leaned closely to her as he gathered the dog up in his arms and followed her inside the back door to the clinic.

  She flipped on the lights in the clinic and had him lay Sarge down on the examining table in the back lab area. Quickly, but thoroughly, examining him, she looked up at Stoney’s face, noting the concern etched on his features. Her ire lessened. He really does love this dog.

  Placing her hand on his arm, she pulled his eyes toward hers. “Stoney, he’s going to be fine. His surgical site looks good, but I think he’s in some pain from the surgery. I’ll give him some fluids and pain meds and he really just needs to rest.”

  Stoney’s dark eyes captured hers. “I’m sorry I left the other night. I thought it was best to not be here the next morning.”

  Determined to keep things professional, she spoke quickly. “It’s fine. It was nothing. No worries.”

  He noted her blush, as well as her fast-paced breathing. She’s not as unaffected as she pretends. Smiling at this knowledge, he looked back down at his dog. “So, what should I do about him?”

  “You need to leave him here overnight. Let him get some rest where I can keep an eye on him. You can come back tomorrow and check on him.”

  “Can I stay with him?”

  Seeing Annie’s look of doubt, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave and I won’t move him. I’ll stay right here and keep an eye on him.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me if you leave,” she said defiantly, looking back down at the now sleeping dog as she reached out to gently rub Sarge’s fur. “It’s up to you. But I’m telling you this dog needs to rest.” Raising her gaze back to his dark one, she nodded. “Well…I’ll be upstairs if you need something.”

  Standing at the same time, he moved into her space. Refusing to step away or show fear, Annie leaned her he
ad back as he came nearer, holding his eyes. His hand came up and cupped her face as his thumb moved across her flushed cheeks.

  “Thanks,” was all he said, but his face had gentled. The harsh lines seemed to smooth out as he continued to stroke her cheek. Leaning down slowly, giving her a chance to back away, he touched his lips to hers. She stayed. He took this as a sign and deepened the kiss, angling his head for better access. Licking her lips, he plunged in as she opened her mouth to him. Wanting to control the situation, but knowing he still had a job to do, Stoney reluctantly pulled back, noting her slight whimper as his lips left hers.

  Confusion in her eyes quickly morphed into distress. Turning sharply, she walked on shaky legs to the door leading up to her apartment. Refusing to turn around she closed the door behind her and walked up the stairs, not stopping until she collapsed on her couch.

  Jesus. What is wrong with me? I don’t know anything about him, but I would have let him take me again! Remembering his lips, his strong arms, the hands that stroked Sarge with just as much care as they stroked her face, she felt a tingle of desire pulse through her. What am I doing? Hearing no answer, she lay on the couch staring at the ceiling fan. Moving her hands over her stomach and up toward her breasts, she remembered the feel of his hands on her body. I want that. Again.

  * * *

  Hearing the apartment door above close, Stoney moved to the back door leading to the alley. Slipping out, he walked over to the dumpster behind her building. Quietly lifting the top, he pulled himself up and peered down into the dark, stinking pit. Shining his light down on the garbage bags below, he saw a few smaller bags under some of the larger ones. Knowing that she had already thrown out the clinic’s garbage before he showed up on Friday night, anything that she would have thrown out after that would be in a smaller bag.

  Sliding down into the dumpster, he took out his knife and slit a few of them open. The filled sausage casing was visible, and he pulled it out. Still intact. Fuckin’ hell. She was telling the truth. She threw it away just like she must have thrown away the other one. She has no fuckin’ clue. Stoney slipped the sausage into a plastic bag and zipped it up. Pulling himself back out of the dumpster, he quietly lowered the lid and walked back into the clinic, making sure to lock the door behind him.

  Pulling his cell out of his pocket, he placed a call as he knelt by Sarge to rub his dog’s ears.

  “Got it. Yeah. Bringin’ it in. Tomorrow. Yeah, I know.” Fuck

  Sliding the phone back into his pocket, he shook his head. “Sarge, this shit just got worse. Looks like we’ll be stickin’ around for a bit, and that sure as hell won’t be hard. But when she finds out…fuck. Just gotta make sure that goes the way it needs to.”

  His hand touched his pocket where the plastic bag contained the red sausage. Filled with a quarter of a million dollars of cocaine. And she fuckin’ threw it away.

  Hearing footsteps on the stairs, he shoved the bag deeper in his jean’s pocket. Settling quickly on the floor by Sarge, he assumed the relaxed position as though he had been there all along. The door opened and he looked over as she walked back into the room carrying a small tray.

  Long hair, wet from her shower, pulled back away from her face. The light smell of flowers drifted in the air as she moved over toward him. Her face devoid of makeup was more beautiful than the painted women he had been hanging with. No longer in scrubs, her yoga pants cupped her ass making him remember what it felt like in his hands. Her t-shirt hung on her breasts, not overtly sexy, but showcasing her rack to perfection. He looked at her questioningly as his eyes traveled down to the tray in her hands containing a sandwich, an apple, some chips, and a beer.

  “I thought you might be hungry,” she said with a simple shrug.

  He started to stand, but she was already on her way squatting down on the floor next to him. “This is for me?”

  “Well, I didn’t bring the beer for Sarge,” she said, laughing as she set the tray on the floor.

  Laughter. True, gentle laughter. Not the sound of a hard-pressed woman trying to get a man’s attention. Not the sound of a drunk, stoned woman giggling because they’re high out of their mind. Just pure amusement. Shaking his head, he realized it had been a long time since he had heard that sound.

  Clean. Pure. Light.

  Needing her more than he could believe at that moment, he reached over and quickly pulled her into his lap. Her eyes opened wide but as his lips latched onto hers, he saw her eyes warm with desire.

  Tongues dueling, he explored every crevice of her mouth tasting the fresh mint of her toothpaste. The taste shot straight to his dick, feeling it swell uncomfortably in his jeans. His hands placed on either side of her head as he angled his mouth for deeper access began to slide down. One around her back to hold her to him and the other down over her breast to the bottom of her t-shirt, where it slipped under and began its path back up. Pulling the t-shirt over her head, their lips separated for the second it took the material to pass between them.

  She was slender but had an amazing body. Her breasts, full and round, spilling over the tops of her bra cups, which he quickly pulled down. Now released, her nipples hardened to points, beckoning, to which his lips quickly obliged.

  As his lips attached themselves to her nipple, Annie felt the electric jolt down to her pussy. Desperate for the friction that would ease the ache between her legs she quickly straddled him, rubbing her core on his jean-clad dick. Sliding one hand down she released the button on his jeans and began to unzip them as he leaned back pulling her with him. With his cock free she fisted him, stroking him gently and then with more firmness.

  “Fuck, girl. You’re gonna’ have me come before I’m ready.”

  His words, meant to dissuade, only seemed to inflame her more. Sliding down, she took him in her mouth. Never having given head before, she only hoped that her romance novels had taught her something. Swirling her tongue around the tip, she heard the sharp intake of his breath. Encouraged, she continued to take him in her mouth. He was large. Much larger than her few sexual experiences in college. She moved her mouth over him, gently fondling his balls with one hand while the other pumped him at the base.

  Suddenly, he lifted her off of him and laid her on her back. His hands grabbed the top of her yoga pants and panties and jerked them down and off in seconds. Pulling a condom from his back pocket he sheathed himself as her legs fell naturally open.

  Stoney fingered her quickly, feeling the slick moisture that had pooled between her folds. “Fuck. You’re already wet for me, baby.” Looking down at her face, wanting to ascertain that she wanted this as much as he did, he found her eyes staring into his. Not with question. Not with concern. The look on her face was one of trust. Fuck! She goddamn trusts me. Not willing to stop, he plunged into her waiting body, feeling her tightness surround him. Cushion him. Hold him.

  Stoney never lost control. With his job. With a woman. Everything he did was about control. But Annie undid him. Thrusting into her, he felt her tight walls pulling at his dick as he leaned over and clasped his lips over a swollen nipple. Sucking deeply, he felt her body buck under his. Nipping with his teeth, he quickly licked the pain away then moved up toward her mouth. His tongue slipped in and began thrusting in time to his dick.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he kissed a woman, certainly not like this. Before Annie, his last fuck had been pounding into some junkie, a woman who worked for a supplier. She wasn’t too hard to look at, but she’d been a job. Part of the job. Part of dealing the drugs that kept coming.

  But Annie. She was no fuck. Looking down at her face as she leaned her head back and screamed his name as the orgasm ripped through her, he knew that no matter what else happened, she was no fuck. Thrusting a few more times was all it took and he pushed through his release, his neck straining. Collapsing on top of her but quickly rolling to the side, he gathered her in his arms, cradling her gently. Listening to their breathing as it slowly regulated, he saw her looking at him. Those gorg
eous green eyes, staring into his darkness. With trust. I am so fucked. Don’t know how, but I gotta protect her. He tried to convince himself that he would protect her for his job, but he knew as that thought flitted through his mind that it was shit. Clean. Pure. The one. I gotta protect her from everything. Trying to figure out how was killing him.

  Annie looked up into his dark eyes, wishing she could tell what he was thinking. This time she felt no guilt. This time she felt no embarrassment. If a few stolen minutes with Stoney was all she would get, she wanted them. Reaching her hand to cup his face, she pulled him down for a soft kiss.

  Looking down at the still sleeping Sarge, she asked Stoney, “Do you want to come upstairs? You could have your sandwich there.” Her eyes raised to his face, knowing that she couldn’t keep the hope out of them.

  Stoney, realizing that he just fucked her on the floor, was almost overcome with disgust. Knowing that he should get the hell out of her clinic and her life, he also knew he was never going to do that. “Yeah, baby. I’d like that,” he answered softly. Getting to his feet while adjusting his pants, he assisted her up from the floor.

  Annie pulled her bra cups back into place and scooped her t-shirt, panties, and yoga pants off of the floor. She noticed Stoney picking up the tray while she quickly dressed. Smiling up at his face, she turned and walked to the door leading to her apartment. “Come on up,” she said as she disappeared through the doorway.

  Stoney hesitated for only a second. Fucked up timing was all that he could think, but he followed her anyway.

  Chapter 5

  After they both had eaten, Annie and Stoney settled into comfortable positions on her sofa. Tucking her feet up under her, she twisted her body so that she could see him at the other end. At the moment, he was looking down at his rough-worn hands rubbing Boo’s fur and she wondered what was going through his mind.

  “What are you thinking, Stoney?” she asked softly.

  He lifted his face to hers. “Honestly?” he asked. When she nodded, he answered, “Glad I’m here, but kinda’ pissed you’d bring a strange man up to your apartment, doc. You’re too trusting and this ain’t the smart play.”


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