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Page 27

by Shannon Pemrick

  I curled up into him. He was right. I couldn’t deny it. “It hurt so much…”

  He stroked my back. “I know, and if he weren’t your friend, I would have torched him.”

  “He’s your friend, too.”

  “That wouldn’t matter.”

  I pulled away and looked at him. I could tell by the way he looked at me, he was being serious. “I don’t want you to kill him. Even if he is being an asshole.”

  “He just needs to see being mad isn’t going to get him anywhere. The only way he’s going to get Ryoko to want him, is to prove he’s better than the competition.”

  “Yeah, fat chance that’ll happen.”

  Raikidan grinned. “Maybe not. I have an idea.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Rylan left after you locked yourself in here, so you can’t knock any sense into him, but there’s someone else who’s out in the city who can.”

  “Ryoko?” I asked. He nodded and my eyes widened in surprise. “Are you actually suggesting we meddle in her personal life?”

  Raikidan shrugged. “Why not? She’s doing it to us all the time.”

  I grinned wickedly and jumped to my feet. “That’s a great idea. At the very least, it’ll help repair their friendship.”

  Raikidan stood up so I could leave. “I’ll let you handle this one. I’m pretty sure I’d just get in the way.”

  I nodded and opened the door but stopped, and turned around. I kissed him quickly on the cheek. “Thanks, Rai. I really appreciate this genius idea.”

  I then turned and made a mad dash for the basement door. Once in the garage, I hopped on my motorcycle and sped off into the city in search of Ryoko and Raid. “They’re about three blocks away. I’ll guide you,” Seda informed me.

  “Thanks, Seda.”

  “I think this plan you two cooked up is a little crazy, but some of your crazier plans have been the best ones.”

  I chuckled and took all the appropriate turns when Seda directed. A grin spread onto my face when Ryoko and Raid came into view. I pulled up next to them and my visor shot up so they could figure out who I was.

  “What’s up, Eira?” Raid asked.

  “Have either of you guys seen Rylan?” I asked.

  “No, last we knew he was still at the house,” Raid said.

  “Why, is everything okay?” Ryoko asked, worry clear in her voice.

  “I’m not sure. He went down to the garage after you guys left, and after giving him a few minutes, I went down to talk to him to figure out why he’s been acting so strange. But when I got there he was gone. If you guys haven’t seen him, then he hasn’t come down this way then.”

  “Or he has and we missed him ‘cause he’s driving,” Raid said. “It’d be hard to know if it was him if we weren’t actually looking for him.”

  “But we should help look,” Ryoko offered. “If he’s out in the city and still acting weird, he might get himself into trouble. I’ll go back to the house and grab a car so I can go over to the shop. If he’s not there, I’ll spread out from there.”

  “All right, thanks, Ryo. I’m going to go to the club to see if he’s checking in with Azriel about hours.”

  She nodded and took off back toward the house.

  When she was out of earshot, Raid rounded on me. “What the hell is your problem, Eira?”

  I blinked. “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t go playing dumb on me. You’re doing this on purpose, and screwing up what chance I have with her.”

  I grabbed him roughly by his shirt and pulled him closer. “You listen here, and listen good. I want Ryoko to be happy, and I will do whatever it takes for her to find the right guy for her. If you really care about her, you’ll help find your brother for the sake of their friendship. If you care, you’ll try to prove that you’ll do anything for her. And if you don’t like the competition your brother gives you, then get lost, because you’re not in it for her.”

  I threw him away and sped off to make it look like I was heading for the club. I knew Rylan wouldn’t be there. Thanks to his foul mood, his attitude was getting in the way of work, so Azriel told him not to come back until he fixed his issues.

  I cruised around the city until Ryoko called in. “Hey, I found his car parked outside the shop. I’m going to go and try to talk to him.”

  “All right, good luck, Ryoko.”

  “Thanks, I think I’ll need it.”

  I prayed things would go smoothly as I turned around and headed back to the house. I was glad she was the one who found him, not that I was surprised. I doubted Raid even made an attempt to look, and I hadn’t been much help, for obvious reasons.

  Once at the house, I parked my motorcycle outside and headed inside. I didn’t want to park it in the garage until I knew I wasn’t going to be needed to give Ryoko a hand. When I made it into the living room, I wasn’t at all surprised to see Raid flipping through the channels on the TV, refusing to pay me any mind as I made my way to the kitchen.

  “No luck?” Argus asked.

  I picked up an apple. “Ryoko found him. She said she was going to talk to him.”

  “Well, let’s hope she can figure out what’s up.”

  I nodded and sat down at bar to wait. It was all I could do now.

  My eyes snapped opened when the front door opened and the sound of two people laughing echoed up the stairs. I stood up from the meditation spot of my bedroom floor and headed for the door. From the sound of it, Ryoko and Rylan had patched things up, but it was wise to check for myself. Raikidan looked at me as I moved, but didn’t say anything.

  Poking my head out, I watched as Rylan carried Ryoko up the stairs on his back. The two were laughing, and Rylan almost fell over when Ryoko yanked his ear playfully. Neither paid anyone in the living room any mind as they went through.

  “Hey, Rylan,” I called.

  He looked back at me. “Oh hey.”

  “You owe me a new piano and guitar.”

  He smacked his forehead. “Oh, I forgot about that mess. I’ll have it replaced by tomorrow.”

  I snorted in disbelief.

  “What’s wrong with the piano?” Ryoko asked him as he started walking away again.

  “Well, you’ll see when we get to the music room.” Rylan sounded nervous. “Let’s just say I forgot about a mess I’m supposed to clean up in there.”

  “Ry, you promised me music!”

  “And you’ll get it.”

  “You’d better not be lying to me again.”

  I chuckled. The two of them were certainly entertaining.

  “Well at least they’re back to normal,” Zane remarked.

  I sighed quietly. “It’s like old times.”

  I went back into my room before anyone could ask me any questions, and went straight for my closet as good memories of the past flooded through my mind.

  Jasmine brushed my hair out of my face. “I may not be as strong as you and my sister, but no matter what happens, I will do my best to keep you safe. You’re family and I love you.”

  My mother waved me over. “Eira, dear, I want you to meet our medic, Tannek.”

  Each memory came at random—each memory a little harder than the first to handle.

  His dark eyes nullified my want to leave—to run from this. I knew I should, that this would only end in pain but—Tannek cupped my chin. “Eira…”

  I pulled on my light weight motorcycle jacket and grabbed my helmet. I needed some time alone, and not in the house.

  I ran out of the house before anyone could find out where I was going, and hopped on my motorcycle, making sure I was aware of the little space Ryoko and Rylan gave me to get out between their two cars. The motorcycle revved to life and I took off down the street, taking whateve
r turn I deemed necessary at the time. I didn’t have a destination in mind, or a time I wanted to be home.

  I squinted when I took a corner and saw a man standing on the side of the street a little ways off. The moment he saw me, he extended his arm out with a thumb facing up, and I couldn’t figure out why. No one hitch hiked in a city. It wasn’t until I got closer that I realized it was Raikidan. How he had gotten here so fast was beyond me.

  Curious, I slowed down and pulled up beside him. “Need a lift, stranger?”

  “Do you always offer rides to strangers?” he teased.

  I couldn’t help but smirk. “Only to the ones I know. Now get on before I leave you behind.”

  Raikidan hopped on and I sped off.

  “Are you okay, Eira?” he asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You took off after that comment you made.”

  “I just needed to clear my head, that’s all.”

  “You don’t like those memories.”

  I sighed. “It’s not that. They’re just… complicated.”

  Raikidan’s grip on me tightened. “You know, you have some really crazy ways of doing things, but your plans tend to work out regardless.”

  “I have you to thank for it. You’re the one who came up with that idea.”

  “Then I guess you owe me.”

  “I owe you nothing.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Because I did all the leg work.”

  Raikidan chuckled. “Why are you so smart?”

  “Because between you and me, one of us has to be.” Raikidan knocked on my helmet and I laughed. “Hey now, no distracting the driver.”

  “Talking is a distraction.”

  “Hey, none of that. Only one of us can use our brains.”

  Raikidan chuckled and hit my helmet again. I rolled my eyes and took a ramp that led to the freeway.

  “You’re really good to your friends,” Raikidan said.

  I shrugged. “I’d be a bad friend if I wasn’t.”

  “You do more than most would.”

  I was quiet for a moment. “I’d do anything for them.”

  “Even die?”


  Raikidan’s grip tightened. “They’re lucky to have you.”

  I grunted. “Not really.”

  “Not many would give up their one chance at life to let others continue theirs.”

  “Would you?” I was curious.

  “At one time I had a reason to. Then things changed…”

  My gaze faltered from the road for a quick second. “What made it change?” When he didn’t respond, I knew that was the wrong question to ask. “Never mind. It’s not important.”

  We remained silent after that, which was for the best. The freeway was becoming congested and I needed to concentrate.

  It wasn’t until we made it out of that did Raikidan speak again. “Thanks for not leaving me on that street.”

  I chuckled. “You didn’t think I’d pick you up?”

  “To be honest, yes.”

  “Well, if I hadn’t seen you I would have.”

  “Well, I couldn’t blame you for that.”

  “Oh, so now you want something to blame me for?”

  “No, I’m just saying you’re lucky you picked me up since you did see me.”

  “You know, I could just kick you off on this freeway, and you could walk home.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Try me.”

  Raikidan grumble to himself and I smiled triumphantly. “So, are we planning on going home soon?”

  “What, homesick already?” I teased.

  “No, just figured since it’s getting late, you’d want to start heading back.”

  I took a ramp to get off the freeway. “Oh, right, I forgot you have a curfew.”

  Raikidan growled, and I laughed before taking the most direct route home to spend the rest of the day relaxing for once.

  Chapter 22


  Iwatched as he walked away dejectedly. Laz stood next to me, unaffected by Rylan’s reaction to her rejection. It wasn’t the first time she had done it, but the way she looked didn’t seem right. Maybe it was because… well, it didn’t matter. The truth was right in front of me, and I needed to accept it. Zeek had been the only one meant for me, and now that he was gone—

  “It bothers you that he attempts to give me the affection you crave from him.”

  I looked at her. “No, of course not.”

  “You can’t lie to me, Ryoko. I see how you react. It upsets you greatly.”

  I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. It is what it is. You’re the lucky one.”

  “I’m incapable of reciprocating those feelings. You should be the one receiving his affection.”

  I went to reply but someone yelled out, preventing me. “Captain!”

  We both looked to see a muscular young man with black hair running over to us. It was Rylan’s younger brother Raid. I didn’t know him well, but I doubted that would last long. He was being transferred soon to our special unit per Amara’s request.

  “Raid,” Laz greeted with a curt nod.

  He took a few breaths before speaking. “Amara wants to see you. She says she has something good to tell you.”

  “Do you know what about?”

  Raid shook his head. “She didn’t say, but if I had to speculate, you may be getting the promotion she put you in for.”

  “Very well. I’ll go see her.”

  Raid nodded and then looked at me and smiled. “Hey, Ryoko.”

  I smiled back. “Hey.”

  Laz gave me and a funny look, then she gave Raid the same look, and then walked off, leaving the two of us alone…

  My eyes fluttered open. Someone’s hand was shaking me and I was not happy. I did not enjoy someone waking me up, especially if it wasn’t an emergency, and by the light touch, this wasn’t an emergency.

  “Ryoko, wake up,” Danika urged.

  I rolled over and looked at her with tired eyes. “Why?”

  “There’s something you’re going to want to see.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Tell me or I’m going back to bed.”

  Danika chuckled. “Just crawl out of bed and you’ll see. You can go back to sleeping after.”

  I sighed and sat up. I rubbed my eyes to help me wake up a little more, and then tugged on my cropped shirt to make sure I wasn’t falling out of it. Slowly getting to my feet, I followed Danika out of my room and down the hall. I wished she’d just tell me what was going on, but the moment I heard the piano playing, I started to get an idea.

  Danika led me right to the music room where Rylan and Seda were standing outside the room looking in. Rylan smiled at me when I stood next to him, and I smiled back. I was glad he was better now. I had been getting worried. It hadn’t been like him at all to act the way he was. Then again, until talking with him, I hadn’t realized it was because of me. He had been honest with me, and had explained how it upset him how much time I had stopped spending with him to start spending it with Raid.

  I hadn’t realized that I had been spending so much time with Raid, and never thought it would upset Rylan so much. I didn’t know he liked spending so much time with me. It made me wonder if I was wrong to give up on him. Laz had hurt him pretty badly, but I waited so long, I really could have just been dreaming. He wasn’t going to choose, me and I needed to come to terms with that. I needed to come to terms that we were only going to be friends. But after waiting this long, longer than any sane person would have, I wasn’t sure if I could come to those terms.

  Rylan jerked his head to get me to look into the musi
c room, so I peered in. At the piano, playing the beautiful tune that flowed through the house, was Laz. She played flawlessly, completely unaware of our presence. The piano Rylan had picked out for her was nice. Instead of getting her a baby grand piano, he dished out the extra cash to buy her a grand piano. He had chosen a burgundy color, and he had plans to have someone come in and add some small details to it.

  He had done this for destroying her piano and guitar, and for everyone else, as well. It was his way of showing he was sorry to everyone for the way he had been acting. He had even done something for me. When I walked into the shop, he was working on my favorite car, and it wasn’t just a tune-up. He had added so many features to it, and he even took the time to do some special detailing all on his own. I absolutely loved it. He told me it was an early birthday present, but my birthday wasn’t for another few months, so I knew it was an apology.

  I looked at Raikidan when he came up behind me and rested his hand on the top of the doorframe as he peered into the room. I couldn’t help but look him over. He was shirtless, and it was hard not to notice every muscle and scar. How Laz managed to not see something was beyond me. Sure he was a dragon, but his body was godly, and the amount of focus he placed on something, especially her, was so intense. If someone looked at me like he looked at her, I’d melt into a puddle.

  My attention was pulled from my ogling when Laz began to sing. I could hardly believe it. There was no fighting, no excuses, just her singing in Old Tongue all on her own. I didn’t even know she knew Old Tongue. Laz was definitely full of surprises.

  My eyes widened when she pulled out another surprise. Her eyes flashed from being clear to glazed over. I had seen that look only twice since she had been back, and my body tingled with anticipation. Except for when she came back knowing something new, or when she had moved elsewhere, nothing had ever happened when this change occurred. But something told me this time would be different. Like something was going to appear.

  Just then, out of nowhere, translucent figures began appearing one by one. My heart almost stopped when I realized I could put names to many of the faces of these strange figures. One in particular stood out to me as she walked over to Laz. It was Amara. I watched as she sat down on the piano seat next to Laz, who seemed oblivious to Amara’s presence.


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