Rose Blossom

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Rose Blossom Page 12

by Renee Travis

  "Yes, vampires are very territorial, with places and people. They probably felt I was a danger to someone who was going to be a new member of their nest," Nana explained.

  "Nest?" I'd never heard that term, but as Grandma talked I was starting to have a wonderful revelation.

  "Yes, that's what we call a group of three or more vampires living together like a family." As she finished her sentence my thoughts stopped forming and I realized I wasn't going to lose everyone I loved.

  "This is wonderful! Now I don't have to lose my whole family!" I was in rapture, I hugged her and she just laughed and petted my hair.

  "No, now you will be able to see me whenever you want. I'm just sad about your father; he will grieve." Nana sighed.

  "It will be hard won't it?" I asked.

  "Yes, but I was like you; my family thought I'd died when I hadn't, so I understand better than your new family does."

  "How so?" I shifted on the couch.

  "Well you see I really am your grandmother, just several times removed. Unfortunately I think you inherited your heart problems from me." My grandmother looked sad, " It's the reason I tried to get your mother to use more unique forms of healing. I lived with my heart problems, got married and had a baby before I died at 35." I can't imagine what my face must have looked like as I listened to her.

  "I died gathering berries in the woods and a stranger found me. He turned me and left. My son came upon my body and the village buried me. I had to dig myself out. It was terrifying. I'd heard all the stories of vampires, so I disappeared into the hills near my home and started a new life for myself after a few mishaps," she finished, a quirky grin on her wrinkle free face.

  "Seriously? And you've been watching your son's family ever since, right?" I was sure I'd guessed correctly.

  "Yes and when your father's parents died in the car accident I scooped him up." We both sat in silence for a few minutes. So many emotions were coursing through me, but our silence didn't last long.

  Everyone piled back into the room and surrounded me, they were singing happy birthday and Mom held a large chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Rho in purple icing. After they were all done singing they clapped and tears came to my eyes. I was much beloved and it truly was going to be hard to leave them.

  Mom put the cake on the table and began to cut it up; as she did I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

  "Here let me carry you," Julian said, he came to my side and gave me his hands; I let him pull me into a standing position.

  "No, I think I can manage to make it to the bathroom myself." I grinned and slowly began to walk through the kitchen to the bathroom next door to the garage door and my father's office.

  Chapter 14

  I got to the bathroom at a snail's pace, but at least I got there without anyone carrying me. The room was like the rest of my house, white and clean, everything in its correct place. Shutting the door and lifting the toilet seat I heard a strange sound and froze. There was a shadow behind the shower curtain. My hand flew to my chest, and I could feel my heart pounding through the pink wool sweater I was wearing.

  As I reached for the door knob and opened my mouth to call for Julian the curtain was ripped back, Athol jumped out and pushed me up against the door, his hand covered my mouth. Eyes wide I struggled against him as best I could, hands reaching up and pounding on his chest.

  "Be quiet and be still," he hissed at me, his hazel eyes looked feverish and his clothing was a mess, like he'd been crouched in the bathroom for hours. "I will kill you here and now if you struggle, then he won't be able to save you."

  I relaxed into his arms and tried to calm my fear before Julian picked up on it. It was hard however because I truly was terrified. I had no idea if Athol meant what he'd said or not. He opened the door slowly and pulled me to the garage door. Once inside the darkness of the garage we moved quicker. The side door that led to the front yard was opened and the cold December air was pouring through it.

  We paused before leaving the garage. Athol turned me to face him, his mouth a stern line of anger, “I know you can speak to him with your mind, if I even have an inkling you’re doing it I will kill you.”

  I nodded my head in agreement, I wouldn’t want to put Julian in danger from this lunatic any way. As I thought about Athol’s words I knew I hadn’t really paid attention when Julian told me his family was a bunch of vampire hunters.

  As we stepped outside the freezing air hit my face and filled my lungs I felt short of breath and my body felt thin all over as blood struggled to pump through my failing organ. I noticed a strange car parked near my house, but far enough away that no one would have though anything about it. Athol dragged me to the back, not having any trouble lifting me. He popped the trunk and I let out a small cry.

  "No Athol please don't, I'm afraid of the dark...I'll behave just don't put me in there," I begged, tears beginning to stream down my face, turning cold and making me shiver even more than I already was.

  Athol didn't say anything to me; he tied my hands behind my back and gagged me with a towel from my own home. As he shoved me in the trunk I realized he must had prepared for this moment; the trunk was lined with a thick blanket.

  I tried to scream through my gag, Athol glared at me and took out a syringe from his pocket, I pulled away but not fast enough, holding me in place he pushed up my sleeve and stabbed me with the needle. The drug worked quickly, my heart slowed down to a sluggishness that I knew was almost but not as deadly as it beating too hard. I curled up completely on my side and closed my eyes, sleep trying to fill my brain. I could only imagine how pale and frightened I must have looked as he shut the trunk and plunged me into the pitch black.

  I took a few deep and slow breaths, I was in a dark cramped space; two things I hated combined into one. My whole body wanted to freeze up and panic, but the drug wouldn't let me. I was a little thankful for the injection; it made sure that I wasn't having an anxiety attack from hell.

  I giggled to myself thinking about how vampires are supposed to sleep in a coffin. And how Julian had never been in one, maybe this was what it was like, dark and cramped. Shaking my head I tried to think about what was going on, hysteria wasn't going to help, just make things worse.

  The car started, I could feel the vibration of the engine, it rattled me as we pulled away from the curb. I slightly remembered something about carbon monoxide or some sort of chemical killing you if you stayed in the trunk of a car but pushed it to the back of my mind.

  Rhodanthe! Where are you? Why is the garage door open? I jolted as Julian's voice filled my mind with panic. I bit my lip; every fiber of my being wanted me to cry out to him, to beg him to help me.

  I can sense your panic; you need to tell me where you are and what's happened to you. Love, please we are all worried. You feel like you're getting farther away from us.

  If Athol killed me before Julian could change me I would lose him forever and be forced into an afterlife I wasn't ready for.

  Please my love, I know you're scared, talk to me. Your parents have called the police. Hope filtered through my drugged state. The police? Surely Athol hadn't driven far enough away yet that he couldn't be tracked, followed, whatever terminology police used.

  Fine, you leave me no choice, he sounded angry, I am going to use our bond to find you myself and I will come after you.

  As his thoughts finished the car jerked to a stop. I slammed into the car's rear pretty hard and knew I'd have bruises; my shoulder ached from where it had met metal. I heard the muffled sound of a car door shutting and then footsteps crunching in gravel. I tried to think of where he would have taken me, someplace abandoned or isolated. I'd read books, seen movies. The villain usually tries to dispose of the victim somewhere they wouldn't be found for a long time.

  The trunk popped open, the light of a street lamp blinded me for a second or two. Athol grabbed me roughly and I cried out, more tears slipping out of my eyes. I bit my lip, harder and had to lick away blood, I would
n't cry anymore. Athol wouldn't get the best of me; I would at least try to be strong.

  He pulled me into his arms. I looked around we were at some sort of warehouse that I didn't recognize which was strange since I knew the whole town. Trying to concentrate I realized that we must be in the back of the business district where the old packing company used to be. I had rarely been there; it wasn't the best area to hang out in.

  Athol took me inside, it was bleak and dim, everything was cold and gray. A harsh lamp stood next to a chair and a small heater was plugged in by miles of extension cords a few feet farther away. Again I was surprised at how well Athol had orchestrated the whole event. He untied my arms and set me down in the chair, then retied them to the chair.

  I swallowed but it was difficult because the gag was drying up all my saliva. The chair was cold but I could feel the heat from the small space heater and it felt good, releasing some of the pain from my limbs.

  I'm close baby; I should be with you soon. At hearing Julian's voice I felt terror through the medicine I'd been given. No, No, I closed my eyes tightly and began to focus on trying to break my bond with Julian; he just couldn't come until I knew what Athol was planning. In my mind's eye I saw the cord, the same pale pink colored links I'd seen a month before. I reached out in the darkness behind my eye lids and broke the link in half, there was a snap in my mind and I heard Julian's scream: NO!

  Opening my eyes there was silence in my mind a feeling of being alone, and as my eyes focused I saw Athol had a large cross bow in his hands.

  "Call Julian." Athol said, he took the towel from my mouth. I shook my head no as a sad emptiness filled me at the loss of Julian and mine's bond.

  "Do it, or you'll regret it," Athol's voice was angry.

  "If I call for him I will regret it more," I told him. He slapped me across the face. I wasn't prepared for the impact, my chin whipped around to the side, my whole cheek stung with the imprint of his hand. My heart jumped and sucking in a deep breath I faced him again, grim and determined.

  I could feel my body moving past the medication he had given me, my heart starting to speed up to normal; I knew soon it would pass it. I wouldn't call Julian, I just couldn't. This whole thing was a trap so Athol could kill Julian. I began to lag in my chair and Athol grabbed my shoulders and hauled me back into sitting position.

  "Do you want to die?" He snarled, his breath stank, another point not in his favor. I shook my head no again. "Then call him." Spittle hit my face he was so close to me.

  "No." I was proud that my voice didn't quiver. I was a mess, on the inside I wasn't holding up so well, but at least my tone showed conviction.

  He stormed away from my chair and knelt by an old army bag I hadn't noticed before, what he came back with was a frightening sight. It was a large sharp knife with a very dangerous looking blade. He grabbed as much of my arm as he could and before I could scream he'd cut me, not deep enough to be serious but enough that blood began to seep out of the cut.

  It stung and caused me to become light headed as I watched my blood begin to crawl down my arm. It was almost in slow motion as we both watched the thick red liquid dripped from my arm and hit the cement.

  Simultaneously two things happened, I smelled the rich copper scent of my life force which reminded me of Julian and the link between him and I flared back to life, like electricity in my veins. I could feel him again, strong, almost as if he were only a few feet away from me.

  I'm coming. Two words had never scared me so much.

  No, don't he'll kill you. My mind screamed back, pain began to fill my chest, a pain I hadn't ever felt before.

  I must have been very obvious because Athol laughed a sarcastic scary laugh.

  "He must be coming, good it worked." He turned toward the door and kept glancing up at all the high windows, watching for Julian to appear. He looked back at me and I saw his face go white, in a jerky motion he came back over to me. He reached out a hand and wiped at something at the corner of my mouth.

  "Oh Rho, no," he pulled his hand away and there was blood. I swallowed and tasted blood in my mouth, I licked my lip but it wasn't bleeding anymore, realizing what it meant I closed my eyes and listened to myself. My heart wasn't beating fast anymore it was skipping two or three beats at a time. My breathing was shallow and I began to feel peaceful and quiet. Within seconds my neck wouldn't support my head, slowly my chin lowered to my chest and lolled to the side.

  With eyes half closed I watched as the door behind Athol burst open and Avalon and Julian came crashing through it, both of them looked like they'd popped out of a horror movie. Their eyes were glowing red and their fangs were long and pointed.

  I shut my eyes and found I couldn't open them again I was so tired. I heard sounds of fighting, flesh hitting flesh, grunts and groans. Strange growls filled my ears as cold tiny hands touched me and untied me from the chair. I was afraid for Julian but still too exhausted and hurt to open my eyes and watch them fight.

  I was laid on the ground and warm breath touched my ear, "I've got you Rhodanthe," honeysuckles filled my nostrils and for the first time the scent of vampire breath didn't make me feel better.

  I flinched as a horrible scream filled the concrete building, then there was silence, all I could hear was my own frightened gasping. I forced my eyes to open and could barely make out the shape of Avalon holding me.

  "Julian will be right back, he had to hide Athol's body." A hot blood tear fell on my cheek, "Oh Rho you're really dying."

  But I knew that already, I could taste my own blood mixed in with the bitter flavor of my mortality.

  "He's going to have to turn you as soon as he gets here." Avalon was still talking, I wasn't sure if it was for my benefit or hers. I tried to feel sorry for Athol because at one time he'd been my friend, but I found I had no sympathy.

  Then Julian was there, I smelled him before I saw him. He took me from Avalon and kissed my forehead, I felt rather than heard his breath hitch, I was almost chillier than he'd ever been. He pressed his mouth to my check and began to leave a warm trail down my face and chin to my neck. He licked the skin a couple of inches below my ear and I shivered in a good way. The warmth of his tongue and breath sent pleasure goose bumps over my skin.

  The bite was quick, it hurt and the pain was only a little worse than when Athol had cut me. My stomach turned as I felt his cold fangs in my skin, but before I could throw up, ecstasy surged through me. It was a rush like every inch of me was filling with fire that felt better than a thousand kisses.

  The lightness in my head got worse and travelled through my whole body as Julian drank my blood. I seemed to float out and away as I enjoyed the sensation of him sucking at my neck. I raised high above myself. I could look down at Julian holding me and what I saw wasn't pretty. I looked gray and lifeless. As I came to the conclusion I was dead I watched Julian jerk away. He bit his own wrist and forced it to my mouth.

  BAM! I was forced violently back in my own body. I was aware of everything and now the fire in my veins began to hurt. I grabbed his wrist, pulling myself up, tongue lapping at the open wound; I craved the taste of the liquid gushing from him. I knew that if I was to survive that I had to drink, and drink enough to appease the awful sensations wracking my body. Agony began to wash over me; I dropped his wrist and fell back to the concrete, almost writhing in pain.

  "Calm down baby, try to listen to my voice." I met his eyes and stared at Julian, everything becoming clearer and brighter. I breathed through my nose. I could smell Avalon's shampoo and the detergent Julian used. Every smell assaulted me, even the room had a faint odor I'd never smelled before, I also could smell.... death, Athol's and mine.

  As I started to feel like I'd had the crap beaten out of me, Julian talked and I could only listen.

  "Your body goes through a rapid change my Rose blossom, everything must adapt to your new life style and that's why it hurts. In a few minutes to finish the transformation your body will shut down into a sleep that completel
y mimics death. You have to be found by the police." Sirens were wailing close by and I knew that police and medics were about to stumble upon us. The pain was receding, leaving only lingering aches.

  He leaned down and kissed me again, just feathering his lips across mine, "They will find you dead and cold and take you to the morgue."

  The morgue! Nuh-uh, no way! I began to fight the sleepy sensations that my body was having, I tried to grab Julian and haul myself up but he scooted out of the way. I was having a hard time getting my mouth to move, but the panic must have been evident on my face.

  "You won't wake up there my love, I promise. Don't worry I wouldn't let you wake up alone in a morgue." Julian reassured as he gathered me in his arms and began to rock me. "I love you, and you're going to make such a beautiful vampiress."

  I relaxed in his arms and let the blackness overtake me, I was tired and sleep sounded better than anything else. My last memories before I became comatose were of Avalon telling Julian they'd better leave because they couldn't be caught with me and then the shout of police and the sound of a door being splintered open.

  Chapter 15

  I slowly regained consciousness, my eyes opened to a room that was not mine. I just laid there for a few minutes getting used to the soft light, I was staring at a gold colored wall but my head was turned facing a window with black curtains.

  I frowned and stretched, I felt good, better than good! I gazed down at my chest and jumped as two golden eyes peered back at me. My kitten! I reached a hand out that looked shimmering white and healthy; I paused, blinked a couple of times and then reached for her soft orange fur. I could feel every hair on her body and she felt twice as soft as she had when I got her.


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