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Reach for a Star

Page 17

by Kathryn Freeman

  ‘Jessie must think you’re capable of getting on with her kids, or she wouldn’t be bringing them,’ Robert continued, clearly hell-bent on trying to reassure him. ‘From what I understand, their father is always happy to have them.’

  The thought didn’t actually make him feel any better. Jessie might have divorced Phil years ago, but their relationship still appeared to be close. Michael had observed them at the studio, unable to stop comparing Phil’s easy-going nature, with his own uptight one. Her ex and him were beyond chalk and cheese. At least they began with the same letters. He and Phil were more… apples and zebras.

  And shit, he really didn’t want to add her ex to his list of things to worry about.

  ‘You still quietly stewing over there?’

  Michael smiled grimly. ‘Only two hours and forty-five minutes to go. I’ll be fine.’

  ‘You dumb tenor, of course you will. Just for God’s sake relax, and I’ll catch up with you in Oslo. Oh and please make peace with Georgina. She’s been like a kicked puppy ever since you bawled her out for talking to Jessie.’

  ‘She should have left it alone, like I’d asked her.’ He didn’t add that her intervention had almost cost him his relationship with Jessie.

  ‘You’d just told her she was a mind reader. She thought she was doing you a favour. I’m not a massive fan of the woman but without her we’re screwed, so make friends. Send her flowers or something.’

  After he’d put down the phone Michael rose reluctantly to his feet. Robert was right, he needed Georgina. And there was a florist opposite.

  As the French countryside whizzed past their train windows, Jessie watched Jack and Luke become more and more excited. With her heart feeling full, she glanced back down at Annabel’s text message.

  A: I was at Phil’s when the boys phoned to tell him they were going to Paris. OMG, my friend. Big step.

  Jessie wasn’t going to be diverted from the standout part of that text. You were at Phil’s?? OMG, my friend. Is this getting serious?

  A: I could say the same for you and Michael. For a one-week wonder, it’s now into its second month.

  Jessie’s heart fluttered. The way Annabel phrased it sounded more than it was. Second month, yet in reality they’d only had one weekend together since the show. Was she mad to be involving her sons so soon? One weekend doesn’t a relationship make. she typed.

  A: Yet. Saw your boss last night. John seemed disappointed when I said you and the boys wouldn’t be at footie training Saturday. If it all goes pear-shaped with the famous one, you’ve still got a fall back.

  Choosing not to think about John and his supposed crush on her, Jessie hastily tapped out a reply. Enjoy your weekend with my ex-husband. And if that goes pear-shaped, don’t say I didn’t warn you xx

  Slipping away her phone, she tried to work out how she felt at the thought of Phil and Annabel together. For so many years, Phil had been hers, so it was odd to think of him with someone else. Was she jealous? No, that wasn’t the right word. She felt a little protective, of both of them. Annabel had been through a hellish time, and if Phil was making her happy, she was pleased for them both. But she worried, too. Phil and Annabel were a huge part of her life. She couldn’t bear for either of them to be hurt.

  Yet she was in danger of that happening to her too, the more she continued this affair with Michael.

  ‘How long ’til we’re in Paris?’ Luke’s question jolted her from her gloomy thoughts.

  ‘Soon, my darling.’ She glanced down at her watch. ‘I think another twenty minutes.’ A surge of nervous excitement ran though her.

  In no time at all, they were following a man in a peaked cap and climbing into a waiting car. As the boys wriggled about, babbling about how awesome, cool and intense it was to be in a limo riding through Paris, Jessie relaxed against the soft leather interior. Stuff being sensible, stuff being careful. She was living for now, and she was going to enjoy every wild, crazy moment of it.

  ‘Is this it?’ Jake asked as they came to a stop. Jessie stared out of the window at the beautiful old building in front of them. It didn’t look like a hotel.

  But the driver was already out of the car and opening the door for her. Nodding towards the building entrance, he motioned for them to go ahead while he collected the bags.

  Her legs weren’t quite steady as she herded the boys through the main doors and towards a reception desk. ‘Bonjour,’ she began, but that was as far as her schoolgirl French took her. ‘We’re here to visit Mr Tennant.’

  ‘Ah.’ The man nodded and spoke in quick French on the telephone. ‘’E will be down in a minute,’ he said in halting English.

  Jack and Luke immediately started chasing each other through the large marble pillars, their loud voices penetrating the silence.

  ‘I hear Jack and Luke have arrived.’ Michael’s dry words drifted across to her from the top of the stairs. Within moments he came into view, his tall figure walking down to meet them. Dressed in black; black jeans, black jumper, he looked handsome enough for her heart to lurch, but forbidding enough for butterflies to swarm in her stomach.

  And for Luke and Jack to screech to a halt.

  Her heart was in her mouth by the time he reached the bottom step, but then he smiled. A full, warm smile that lit up his face. She could see the apprehension in his eyes, yet it was drowned out by his obvious delight in seeing her.

  Feeling a million times lighter, Jessie smiled back. ‘I hope we haven’t disturbed the neighbours.’

  He shrugged, his eyes still focussed on hers. ‘I don’t care.’ Bending, he kissed her chastely on the cheek. ‘Hello, Jessie.’

  His breath tickled her ear and she shivered, though nothing about her felt cold.

  Michael turned to Jack and Luke and held out his hand. ‘Hello again.’

  The boys glanced at her. Smiling, she nodded and something in her shifted when she watched them solemnly shake Michael’s hand.

  Please let them get on.

  She knew Michael was trying to make an effort, and that Jack and Luke were on their best behaviour, yet the gulf between them was huge. Michael had no experience with kids; he found getting on with adults hard enough. Luke and Jack were amazing, but they were normal, rap-loving, football-playing boys. Michael was a classical singer. And she couldn’t see him getting muddy on a football pitch.

  ‘Let me grab your bags.’ Michael took the holdalls from the hovering chauffeur, rattling off something in French to him before casually slipping him a twenty euro note.

  ‘We’re heading for the top floor.’ Michael told them as the chauffeur went happily on his way. ‘I’m afraid we need to take the stairs because the lift is very old. I can’t guarantee it’ll make it to the top.’

  The boys scampered ahead. The moment they were out of view, Michael dropped the bags and pulled her close for a long, drugging kiss. Her hand fell to his chest and she felt the wild beat of his heart. Mirroring her own.

  ‘I’ve missed you.’ He eased away, kissing her more softly this time, leaving her aching.

  ‘Me too,’ she breathed, then shook her head, laughing at herself. ‘I mean I’ve missed you. Not that I’ve missed me.’

  His lips curved in the delicious small smile that made her insides flutter. ‘I think I got that.’

  As they carried on up the stairs, Jessie looked around her. ‘My powers of deduction tell me this isn’t a hotel.’

  ‘Ah, no.’ He glanced sideways at her. ‘I hope you’ll like it. I come to Paris a lot, so a few years ago I bought an apartment here.’ He smiled at her unspoken question. ‘There are three bedrooms, though two are next door to each other. It would be easy to mistake which one you should be going to in the middle of the night.’

  Heat flared in his blue eyes, and her heart skipped a beat.

  That was what she’d never had with Phil, and what she didn’t get from John. Fire, passion. The bolt of raw lust that didn’t just lick at her insides when she looked at Michael, it scorched them.
He made her feel sensual, attractive. All woman.

  Jack and Luke were waiting for them at the top of the stairs. Michael turned the lock in the heavy wooden door and stood aside to let them in.

  Jessie’s jaw dropped.

  While the boys dashed inside, shyness forgotten in the excitement of exploring something new, Jessie’s eyes fought to take it all in. In contrast to the outside, inside was very modern. Stepping through the bright hallway she found a huge open living area. Grey leather sofas were arranged around the largest flat screen TV she’d ever seen, but that wasn’t what drew the eye. Nor was it the shiny black grand piano, beautiful as it was. It was the view of Paris from the huge glass windows beyond that demanded the attention

  It was nearly dark and the lights of the city glittered against the inky sky, the Eiffel Tower dominating the skyline. Incredible. As he continued to walk her through the rest of the apartment, she could only look and admire. Michael Tennant dripped money and oozed class.

  What on earth was he doing with her?

  ‘You haven’t said anything since you walked in.’ Michael turned to her, his eyes conveying his concern. ‘Is something wrong?’

  What was there to say? It’s beautiful, but it’s too much? Stuff being sensible, stuff being careful, she reminded herself. ‘Just drinking it in. It’s fabulous.’

  ‘Mum, look in here, it’s awesome!’

  Jack’s voice boomed across the apartment and when she glanced questioningly at Michael he smiled. ‘I think he’s found the games room.’

  And sure enough, the boys had found a room that looked like a schoolboy’s fantasy. Dark navy walls were lined with photographs of red Ferraris and yellow Lamborghinis. There was a bright red drinks fridge filled with Coke. Another flat screen TV dominated one wall, this time attached to a PlayStation. There was a leather sofa, a gaming chair.

  Worry gnawed at her. Her feelings must have shown on her face because Michael sighed. ‘It’s all my stuff, Jessie.’ As if to prove his point, he nodded over to Jack. ‘Fancy a game?’

  Jack looked at him hesitantly and once again Jessie felt that squirmy sensation in her stomach. She was scared Michael and her sons wouldn’t be able to connect, yet also terrified that they would. She didn’t want to be that woman who introduced her new lovers to her children, only for the lover to disappear after the kids had become attached.

  But they have a father, she reminded herself. And she was allowed to find happiness, wasn’t she?

  Jack accepted the PlayStation control and sat on the gaming chair while Michael moved to the sofa.

  ‘What’s your preference?’ As Jack frowned, Michael winced and tried again. ‘Which game do you like best?’

  ‘Oh, okay. Football. FIFA?’

  For a second Michael closed his eyes and she could almost feel his annoyance at himself. It was like he was trying too hard. ‘Sorry, I’m not a big fan of football. More of a rugby man.’ The apology in his voice made her heart ache. She hated that he felt so unsure around her children that he was apologising for being himself. ‘What about a car race?’

  The tension radiating off Michael had now clearly reached her son, because Jack simply nodded.

  The game had only just started when the doorbell sounded.

  Michael flicked her a sideways look. ‘Do you mind answering it?’ He gestured to the cars whizzing round the track on the screen. ‘I’m a bit tied up.’

  ‘Absolutely.’ Relieved to be doing something other than watching two people she cared about tiptoe round each other, Jessie almost ran out of the room. Luke was hot on her heels.

  ‘Darling, you stay in there and keep Jack company.’

  But her usually chatterbox son shook his head and clung to her side. ‘I want to stay with you.’

  With a heavy sigh, she went with him to answer the door.

  The heavy feeling magnified the moment she opened it.

  ‘Oh, I didn’t expect to find you here.’ Georgina looked as shocked as Jessie felt. Her eyes swept down to where Luke was clutching her hand. ‘And who’s this?’

  Luke, the traitor, grinned. ‘I’m Luke. My brother is playing a racing game. He’s called Jack.’

  ‘I see.’ Though clearly Georgina didn’t. ‘And where’s Michael?’

  Before Jessie could open her mouth, Luke was there again. ‘He’s racing Jack.’

  ‘Right then.’ Georgina’s gaze swept over Luke. In the background, Jack could be heard shouting at the screen. ‘As Michael’s busy, perhaps you’d give him a message from me.’ Her cool blue eyes settled back on Jessie’s. And was that a smirk on her lips? ‘Could you thank him for the flowers? Tell him they were lovely. And very thoughtful.’

  While Jessie tried to register the words, Georgina slunk back down the stairs.

  ‘She’s pretty,’ Luke declared. ‘Is that why Michael gave her flowers?’

  Jessie tried not to overreact. Tried to push away the prickles of jealousy, the cold fingers of doom that gripped her insides. ‘You think she’s pretty, huh?’

  Luke gave her a heart-melting smile. ‘Yeah. But not as pretty as you.’

  Swallowing down her tears, she laughed and hugged him to her. ‘Have I told you recently how wise you are?’

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Michael nearly wept with relief when Jack started shouting at the racing game, shrieking when he overtook Michael.

  He’d died a thousand deaths when the boy had asked for FIFA. Of course Jessie’s sons loved football. Most kids did. He’d been an anomaly as a child. A freak, a misfit. Psycho, nutter, whack job were other ways he’d had it expressed.

  He’d tried to fit in. Tried to listen to pop music and take an interest in football, but his parents had loved classical music and hated sport. They weren’t going to change, no matter how much their son might have wanted them to.

  ‘Who’s winning?’

  Michael noticed the younger son standing in the doorway. Shorter and skinnier than his brother, Luke was still a boy where Jack was growing into a teenager. He seemed the more gregarious of the pair, though. Until he looked at Michael, when the lad clammed up. Probably because of the atmosphere killing, tension-inducing vibe Michael was giving off. How else to explain how the same kids who’d laughed with their father at the studio, and with Robert and members of the crew, turned into robots when Michael was around?

  ‘I am,’ Jack boasted.

  Michael fixed his gaze at the screen and let his fingers race over the control, causing his car to make a slick manoeuvre. ‘Are you sure about that?’

  Jack huffed. ‘No way.’

  Maybe beating the boy wasn’t the best way to win him over, but Michael’s competitive streak was in full flow now. He zipped round the rest of the track and took the chequered flag, raising his eyes triumphantly to meet Jessie’s.

  His smile died as soon as he saw her face. She looked upset. Cursing himself for not letting Jack win, Michael put down the control. ‘Actually that race doesn’t count because it’s my game, and you’re not used to it yet. Maybe we can race again at the end of the weekend.’

  A cautious smile crept over Jack’s face. ‘Okay.’ His eyes dropped to the control, and then briefly back up to Michael’s. ‘You’re pretty good for a grown up.’

  Michael laughed out his relief. ‘Thanks.’ But he couldn’t focus on the son when he knew the mother was standing in the doorway, looking like she was trying to be happy but failing miserably. ‘You boys have a game. I’ll talk to your mum about somewhere to eat.’

  As Luke scuttled in and took his place on the sofa, Michael took hold of Jessie’s arm and led her into the sitting room. ‘What’s wrong?’

  She shook her head. ‘Nothing. That was Georgina at the door.’ Her hazel eyes darted away from his and over to the windows leading to the balcony. ‘She wanted to thank you for the flowers.’

  Irritation pricked. Didn’t Jessie trust him? ‘I yelled at her for phoning you about Frankfurt when I expressly told her I’d do it,’ he explained fl
atly. ‘Ever since then things have been a bit strained. I sent her flowers to keep the peace.’


  Sighing, he reached to cup her face. ‘How can I convince you she means nothing to me? She worked for me for two months before you came along. Don’t you think if I’d wanted something to happen, I would have done something about it by then? Not waited to date you and then tried to woo her behind your back? I mean, Christ, I know I said I’m rubbish with people, but I’m not that much of a cretin.’

  Tears began to leak down Jessie’s cheeks but she was laughing as she placed her hands over his. ‘Sorry. It’s just I look at all this,’ she nodded over to the balcony, and the lights of Paris beyond, ‘and wonder what I’m doing here.’

  He frowned, wiping at her tears with his thumb. ‘I hope you’re here because you want to be.’

  ‘Yes, yes, of course. I didn’t mean that. I meant how did I get this lucky, being here with you?’

  It was his turn to feel a wave of emotion and though he was damned certain he wasn’t going to cry, his voice was awfully hoarse when he tried to speak. ‘I think that’s my line.’

  She smiled and he bent to kiss her, tasting the salt of her tears before diving into the heat of her mouth. ‘I’d love to stay right here and kiss you all night,’ he whispered as he reluctantly drew back, ‘but I fear one thing might lead to another. And there are two impressionable boys in the room next door.’ His eyes skimmed her face, checking for any lingering doubt. When he was reassured there was none, he smiled. ‘Shall we go out to eat? And before you ask, I chose it myself, booked it myself. And made sure it serves hamburgers.’

  Half an hour later they walked into the casual, American style diner he’d chosen, complete with a pool table. Call him sad, but he’d been thrilled to see it when he’d booked the place.

  ‘I’m about to show off,’ he told Jessie as they walked up to the pool table after ordering their food. ‘I need all the cool points I can muster.’

  As Michael fizzed a few balls in, Luke’s big blue eyes almost boggled out of his head. ‘Can I have a go?’


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