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Claimed: A For Her Novel

Page 21

by Alexa Riley

“I can’t help it,” I tell him, beaming over at him. Jordan has been excited about the baby, too, but I know this is going to be different for Pop. He’s all about family, and this is us growing that family.

  “You take your vitamins?” Jordan asks for the third time today.

  “Yes. Pretty sure you already asked me.” I pretend to be annoyed, but I do love how doting he is about me being pregnant. He leans over, burying his face in my neck and kissing me there. I tilt my head, letting him have his way with me. I get lost when Jordan has his mouth on me, thinking about nothing but how he makes me feel.

  My neck is a weakness. He kisses it and I forget everything else. “We’re here, little bird,” he whispers in my ear. The cab comes to a stop in front of Pop’s. He tosses the cabbie some money, then hops out, coming around to open my door and pulling me from the cab.

  “You distracted me,” I tell him. I love how he can do that. I get so worked up about something and he calms me down by letting me get lost in him. No one else in the world can do that to me but him. He’s my calm.

  “Hmm.” He kisses me as the cab pulls away.

  “Pop is going to be so excited,” I tell him. I feel like I’m going to burst. Grabbing Jordan’s hand, I start pulling him to the house, where Pop is already opening the front door to greet us.

  “I’m pregnant!” I scream, unable to control myself and launching myself at him, but Jordan grabs me and holds me back, stopping me midair.

  “No jumping,” he tells me sternly. I roll my eyes. Pop smiles, and I see tears form in his eyes.

  “Give her to me,” he tells Jordan.

  Jordan grunts before reluctantly letting me go. I go to Pop and wrap my arms around him. He picks me up, swinging me around and making me laugh.

  “You don’t know what this means to me,” he whispers in my ear before putting me back down on my feet. “You’re giving this family light.”

  Jordan grabs me, pulling me back to him. Pop laughs, a knowing smile on his face.

  “Come inside,” he says, ushering us inside. Jordan stops to kiss the picture of his mom. I look at him and do the same.

  “Thank you.” I tell the picture. This woman gave me the man who has made my life. Jordan turns me in his arms, his mouth landing on mine in a soft, sweet kiss.

  “I love you so much,” he whispers against my mouth.

  “Stop hogging her,” Pop says. I smile against Jordan’s mouth. I’ve never felt more loved and wanted than I have with this family. My new family. I didn’t even know families could be like this.

  “I want to try out this new recipe,” Pop says, taking my hand and pulling me toward the kitchen. Jordan follows us. When we get to the kitchen, Jordan picks me up and sits me on the counter. He thinks I can’t do anything but eat now that I’m pregnant.

  “You taste and watch,” he tells me.

  I lean back, watching my men go to work, thinking I’ve never been happier. I’ve never felt like I belonged more in my life.

  “Hey!” I hear as Summer comes walking in. She gives Pop a kiss on the cheek before coming over to me and giving me a hug. I love how much she has molded into this family with me. I want her to be a part of it, too. We’ve never had something like this, something that feels so stable.

  “You look like you’re glowing,” she tells me. As she stands in front of me, she looks happy, too.

  “That’s because you’re going to be an aunt!” Her face lights up and she starts jumping up and down, making me laugh. She grabs my hands, locks her fingers with mine, and steps between my legs.

  “Being kidnapped was the best thing to have happened to us. I know it was terrible, but I got a family out of it. It made me grow up,” she says. “I don’t want for you to feel bad for one second about me getting wrapped up in what happened. Oddly, I’m thankful for it.” She drops her forehead to mine. “I love you, and I’m going to be the best aunt in the world.”

  My eyes grow wet. “I love you, too,” I tell her. When we pull back, I see Pop and Jordan watching us both with smiles on their faces.

  I didn’t know life could be so perfect.



  Two months later...

  “Did you feel that?” Jay asks excitedly as Pop presses on her growing belly.

  “Wow! She’s going to be a strong little girl,” he exclaims, and I see them share a look.

  We haven’t found out what we’re having yet, but they both swear it’s a girl. I don’t care either way, as long as both Jay and our baby are healthy. Although I wouldn’t mind a little girl running around our home. I can picture it with a little boy, too, and my heart can’t decide. Good thing we can always have more.

  Checking my phone to make sure everything is in place, I walk out on the balcony, where they’re sitting. Pop looks up at me and winks. He’s almost as excited as I am for the surprise.

  “Here you go, little bird,” I say, holding out the drink.

  She looks up at me with confusion and then shakes her head. “You know I can’t have a margarita.”

  “It’s virgin,” I say, holding it out to her.

  She still doesn’t get it, looking at Pop now and then back to me. “Jordan, it’s ten in the morning. Why are you bringing me a margarita?”

  “Because it’s your birthday, and I always keep my promises.”

  I watch her for a second, and then I see the memory click. A promise to bring her a margarita and take her away to an island on her birthday.

  “Jordan.” She says my name with warning and excitement. “What did you do?”

  “We better go. Our drive is waiting downstairs.”

  She takes the margarita from me and stands up, looking at me and then at Pop. She’s speechless. Then I see tears form, and I shake my head.

  “Aww, Jay, don’t do that. Don’t cry.”

  “I’m just so happy,” she sobs, putting a hand over her mouth.

  I pull her to my chest and try to hold back my laugh. God, my woman is so hormonal. But I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  “You better go, honey. I’m going to take care of things here and I’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” Pop says, and leans over, putting a kiss on Jay’s cheek and then on mine. “Love you both. Be safe, and take care of my granddaughter.”

  “Oh God, Jordan, I’m pregnant,” Jay says, popping up and looking at me with panic.

  “Yes, I’m aware.” I’m the one who’s confused now.

  “Can I travel in this condition?” She’s worrying her lip, and I swear she’s never looked cuter.

  “Yes. You’re just over three months along. This may be the perfect time. And the last time for a while with the baby coming.”

  We were married at city hall with a few friends and family present. Summer was Jay’s maid of honor, but her parents weren’t able to make it. Jay was disappointed but not surprised. When my father offered to give her away, I think that might have been the best part of her day. Well, other than marrying me.

  The wedding was so quick that we didn’t have time to plan for a honeymoon, and Jay said she wanted to wait until after the baby was born. But I know her, and I knew that she was just afraid. I asked all her doctors and called the place we’re staying about seventeen thousand times to make sure we had everything we needed. They know me by first name now, but I don’t care. I want her to have the best time possible, and putting her worries aside would do that.

  When I saw her birthday was coming up, it worked out perfectly, and I’ve done all of this without her knowing.

  She’s spent the last two months training two people to come in and take over her job at Osbourne Corp. She loves to rub it in Miles’s face that it took two people to make one of her. But they seem to have it figured out. At least once a week Miles calls and gives her hell, but I think mostly he just wants to check in. Through everythin
g that happened, it bonded all of us. Even me with the security team. We’ve all created our own little family, and it’s growing by the day.

  I take Jay’s hand and lead her off the balcony and inside.

  “Jordan, I haven’t even packed.” She tries to pull from my grip, but I shake my head.

  “You specifically said that you wouldn’t need clothes. And I’ve got plans to keep you from getting tan lines.” I watch her blush as she looks over to where Pop is, but he ignores us. “Just you and me in the island sun. Think you can handle that, little bird?”

  She presses her body against mine and gets on her tiptoes. “If you say it’s okay, then I know it’s handled. Take me to paradise.”

  * * *

  The travel time is hard for Jay. Hell, it’s hard for the both of us. But I know once we get to the island it will all be worth it. It’s a twenty-hour flight, and then a small water plane to the remote location. When we arrive, I don’t know what day it is, but the sun is still shining.

  We’re greeted by several people who work on the island getaway, including a doctor from the mainland. I hired him to come meet us here, just to check Jay over after the journey. It may have been overly cautious, but better safe than sorry.

  Contrary to what I told Jay, I did pack her a bag, but it’s a small one. Someone grabs them for us, and I end up carrying Jay to the house, and any sort of protest she made was half-hearted. She’s exhausted, and even the short distance from the shore to the house has her passing out in my arms.

  The house is large with glass windows lining one side. I carry her straight to the master bedroom and lay her down on the bed, opening the doors that lead onto the sandy beach and smooth water a short distance away.

  The doctor comes in, and they talk for a moment. He listens to her and reminds her to drink plenty of fluids. He leaves me with some nausea medicine just in case and shows me how to work the satellite phone for emergencies. Jay is asleep before he’s even said goodbye to her, having reassured us both that everything is okay.

  The staff takes me through the house, showing me the things I need, including the stocked kitchen. If we don’t have something we need, we can call for it. Otherwise they’ll see us in a few days to clean and restock. I’ve booked this place for three weeks, wanting a quiet place to love my woman in peace.

  I walk down to the boats and watch everyone leave, making sure we’re completely alone. Once they’re gone, I go to the kitchen and grab a couple of bottles of water and return to the bedroom. I set them on the side Jay is lying on and look down at her.

  She’s so tired, but her hand is stretched out on the side of the bed I usually sleep on. She’s looking for me, even though I’m right here.

  My eyes fall to where her shirt has ridden up, and the small baby bump that’s formed makes my heart fill with love.

  Kneeling down beside the bed, I press my lips to her belly and then nuzzle it with my nose.

  “I love you,” I whisper to our baby and then feel Jay’s fingers in my hair.

  Leaning into her touch, I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the ocean. Already I’m more at peace than I have been in a long time. I love the city, and I don’t want to leave, but being able to get away and knowing there’s no one here but Jay and me is intoxicating.

  When I open my eyes, the sun is streaming in and Jay looks like an angel. Her face is content as she sighs, and I need to make love to her.

  Reaching under her skirt, I find the edge of her panties and slowly pull them down her legs. She lies still, tired and turned on as I move her thighs apart and settle between her legs.

  She hums with appreciation when my mouth covers her center. Her flavor is warm and sweet, just like she is. I lick her slowly, making love to her with my mouth. I’m gentle and coaxing, neither of us in a hurry.

  “I’ve waited so long to have you like this,” I say, tasting her lower lips and then teasing her bud. “You are so fucking beautiful.” I stare between her thighs and let my eyes roam up her body before they lock with hers.

  I keep contact as I lower my mouth to her sex, and this time, there is no tease. This time, I lick her exactly how she likes it, wanting to get her off.

  I’m so attuned to her that when her climax approaches, I know it. With every twitch of her fingers, with every hitch in her breath. I know that her body is primed for release, and I give her exactly what it craves.

  As long as I live, I will give her what she needs, and that includes her body’s passion. I’ll never take for granted the privilege of being between her legs and being allowed to touch something so pure and perfect.

  When she gives herself over to the demands of my mouth, I drink down her sweetness. The taste of her orgasm in my mouth and the sight of her clawing at the sheets are enough for me to lose control.

  Reaching down, I pull my cock out as I move up her body and slide inside her while she’s still pulsing from her release. The feel of her honey-soaked pussy wrapped tight around me is pure heaven.

  She pulls at my shirt, and I take it off while thrusting inside her. She always demands skin on skin, and it’s another thing I’ll never deny her.

  “Give me your mouth,” I order, and she tilts her chin up, opening for me.

  I need to kiss her while I’m inside her. I have to have my whole body bound to hers in every way that I can. Something about the taste of her on my tongue while I fill her body is primal and raw.

  “I love you,” she moans when I move down her neck and to her breasts.

  They’re so sensitive now that she’s pregnant, and I can’t wait to see them full of milk. To be able to taste what her body can give our babies is another way for me to bond to her. Another way that I will know her intimately, and in a way that’s just between us.

  Sucking her nipple into my mouth, I graze it with my teeth as she cries out in pleasure. I do the same to the other one, then kiss my way back up, whispering my own words of love.

  Her body is wound tight again so quickly, and mine has been ready since the day I saw her. Reaching between us, I rub her clit as my cock dips in and out of her.

  Sweat and sex spread from one another, and it’s so fucking sexy. It’s raw and real, yet it’s safe and loving. Making love to Jay is the most intense and beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced.

  “Come with me,” she moans, and pulls me down for a kiss.

  She gasps into my mouth as her climax hits her, and I have no choice but to follow. The edge is steep and my release is intense as I hold myself deep in her body and come with her. Just as she told me to.

  It takes me longer than I imagined to catch my breath, feeling wave after wave of pleasure wrack my body. The combination of being exhausted and having an orgasm is enough to have me nearly blacking out.

  Instead, I pull myself off of Jay and kick the rest of my clothes off.

  “Come on, little bird. You can’t sleep yet.”

  “Why the hell not?” she mumbles into the pillow as she rolls over and shows me her naked ass.

  “Because it’s daylight, and unless you want to be wide-awake tonight, we need to stay up just a little longer.” I kiss her back, and she swats her hand at me.

  “Maybe you should have thought of that before you gave me that good loving.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “I’ll be back,” I say in my best Terminator voice.

  I go into the kitchen and get a tote bag out from one of the drawers. I fill it up with snacks from the pantry, then grab some more from the fridge.

  My woman loves to snack, so when I think I have enough food for the both of us, plus enough to feed at least ten more, I step out onto the beach.

  The water is only a few yards away from us, so this is perfect. I grab a blanket and lay it out under some trees, and then grab some pillows off the chairs nearby.

  When I go back inside, Jay’s skirt is still
bunched around her hips and she’s giving me suspicious eyes.

  “You’re naked. Where did you go?” she asks, sitting up.

  I smile because I can’t tell if she’s curious or mad that someone could have seen me. “We’re all alone. Come with me and see.”

  Walking over to the bed, I strip off the rest of her clothes so she’s naked with me.

  “This feels a little weird,” she says, looking around when we step outside.

  “It’s our very own private naked island,” I say, winking at her. “I made us a naked picnic.”

  “Is everything going to have the word ‘naked’ in it?” she asks, giggling at me.

  I scoop her up in my arms and carry her over to the blanket, laying her down on the pillow. “Potentially. I’ve got a naked movie and dinner planned after this, if you want.”

  “I’m liking the sound of that. At least this way I can keep an eye on your balls so I don’t go kicking them by mistake.”

  I can’t hold back my own laugh. “You can keep anything you want on them.” I pull her feet into my lap and then bring one to my mouth, kissing the top of it.

  “What are we going to do for three weeks?”

  “Not a damn thing,” I say, sighing and leaning back, rubbing her feet. “That’s the point.”

  She looks out onto the water, and the way the soft sea breeze blows her hair is like something out of a movie.

  She rubs her belly as her naked breasts warm in the shaded sun. I could look at her for hours. And I intend to.

  The light reflecting off my wedding band catches her eye, and she reaches out and takes my hand, placing it on her belly with hers.

  “You’ve made me the happiest woman on the planet. You know that, right?”

  “That’s all I ever wanted to do, little bird.”

  “I want to name her after your mother,” she says as she continues to stroke her belly.

  I nod, thinking it would be a beautiful tribute to my mother if our baby does turn out to be a girl.

  “I’d like that. And you know Pop would, too.”

  “Thank you. Not only for this, but for giving me a family.”


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