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Highlander's Dark Pride

Page 7

by Fiona Faris

“Are your sure she came doon here?”

  The girl nodded.

  “I blame that man. When he was asking me da all those questions, I was suspicious; thought he was up to no good, but me da he didn’t agree. He just told him everything he wanted to know.”

  “What man?”

  “The gentleman with golden hair.”

  Rebecca caught her breath. “Philip Bristol, you mean?”

  “Yes indeed. ‘e ‘ad so many questions. Then tonight, I saw ‘im hanging around the bridal chamber. ‘e took her to the tunnels.”

  “He took…Miss Caldwell.”

  Matilda nodded earnestly.

  “She didn’t look as she was being forced to go so I just kept quiet.”

  Rebecca sighed. “Daingead!”

  Alexander was a lot calmer than Rebecca expected when she gave him the news.

  “At least we ken where she is.”

  “Will ye go and bring her back?”

  “Should I?”

  “Yes! She is yer wife.”

  “She doesna act like it.”

  “One more time Alex. Give her one chance. Just think o’ the scandal it would cause not to mention the alliance the sling is so in favour of.”

  Alexander sighed. “Fine I will go. But if I kill that man when I find him ye’ll say not a word to me.”

  “I’ll help ye burn the body.”

  Alexander laughed.

  She watched him mount and ride off with fear in her heart. They had joked about murder but it was no laughing matter- and Alexander was never more likely to slit a man’s throat than he was now.

  The sound of hoof beats gaining on them made Emily nervous. They had been caught and now she would be disgraced.

  Why oh why did I do this foolish thing?

  Suddenly the warmth of the man behind her disappeared and she was forced to grab the reins as the horse ran freely. Pulling the horse to a stop she was not at all surprised to see her nemesis, riding a huge black beast, towering over Phillip with his face like thunder. He turned to her, blue eyes glittering in the dark.

  “Are ye ready to come home now?”

  Her body went cold at the contempt in his voice and for a moment she was tempted to wheel the horses around and take off. Instead, she slid off the horse and stood listlessly, awaiting instruction. He stretched out a hand and she took it, allow him to swing her into the saddle in front of him.

  “D-did you k-kill him?”

  Alexander snorted. “That is the least of your problems.”

  They took off at a gallop, leaving the Philip sprawled across the ground, his horse snorting impatiently at his side.

  They rode in silence and even as they drove into the compound, Alexander remained silent. A few servants were milling about the courtyard looked curiously at the newlyweds, knowing full well they should be ensconced in their bridal suite by now.

  Emily closed her eyes, cursing herself for being such a fool.

  Taking her elbow Alex led her firmly into the house, not sparing a glance nor conversation for anyone they encountered. At the top of the stairs, Rebecca stood waiting. She surveyed them both for signs of blood.

  “Did you kill him?”

  Alexander merely snorted. “Maybe next time.”

  Rebecca gave a curt nod. “Good. Now go and claim your prize.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  The words slipped out as soon as he freed her elbow from his grasp.

  “What are ye sorry for?” his voice was as icy as a tundra as he divested himself of his outer clothes.

  “I was impulsive and acted without thought. I do assure you that I am still pure and did not intend to give myself to any other man. I simply…I was afraid.”

  Alexander paused “Ye were afraid? Of what? The great Scotsman who would soil yer perfectly cleaned floors? Perhaps you thought I would take ye like an animal in the woods?”

  Every word dripped with contempt.

  Emily was shaking. She understood that her words may have been misconstrued.

  “C-can we start again?”

  Alexander threw his coat onto the chair, sat on the bed and pulled off his boots. “I find it difficult to take your word for anything.”

  “I understand. But it is all I have to offer.”

  Alexander pursed his lips, getting to his feet and towering over her. “What I would prefer is if we were more honest with each other from now on. Ye find me abhorrent. I find ye insipid. We will consummate this marriage and try to live side by side without war. Can ye do tha’?”

  Emily was surprised to find that his words hurt her.

  You find me insipid?

  That was definitely a blow to her ego. She would have preferred her husband to find her beautiful or at least passing fair.


  That was insulting.


  She jumped, having forgotten that he had asked a question. She nodded jerkily. “O-of course.”

  He nodded curtly before turning away, his hands going to his throat to unbutton his shirt. Slowly she undid her hastily worn gown, not having buttoned it all the way.

  Throwing it aside she stood in her chemise, waiting for him to turn around and see her. She reached up to loosen her hair so that it fell in waves down her back right to the cusp of her buttocks.

  In her opinion her hair was her most becoming feature and she was glad that the candles still burned so that the light could reflect on her tresses, causing them to gleam.

  He slipped off his shirt and she froze, taking in the muscled torso in front of her – from the strong broad shoulders tapering all the way down to a slim waist - riddled with scars but still beautiful for all that.

  He turned, pausing as he caught sight of her, taking in her wide eyes, the way her bosom heaved, the trembling in her limbs. His heart softened as he smelled her fear…and arousal.

  Her nipples stood out, sharp and pointed beneath the thin cotton of her chemise as her body leaned toward him, pupils dilated so that the usual light brown was now almost black.

  Leaning down he captured her lips with his own; biting, tasting and sucking. She opened up for him and he pulled her close, revelling in the way his palm spanned the entirety of her waist. He picked her up and she squeaked, wrapping her legs I stink looped around his waist.

  He reached forward, taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking at it over the cotton. She moaned; the sound somewhere between surprise and pleasure and he smiled against her bosom. His fingers dug into the crack of her buttocks, bringing her closer still.

  She made another sound, this one closer to fear at the hardness she felt against her thigh. He thought he might squeeze a few more sounds out of her before this night was done. Climbing onto the bed, he lowered her gently onto the covers, still kissing and suckling at her breast.

  She jerked as his weight and warmth blanketed her but quietened as he ran his hands soothingly down her arms as if she was a spooked horse. She relaxed completely onto the bed, curling her arms around his neck.

  “Do it, Great Scotsman. Do it now.” Her voice trembled with fear and desire as Alexander reached down to gather her chemise in his hands and pull it over her head, leaving her naked and exposed. He went up on his knees and took a good look.

  “God.” He whispered his erection to attention.

  Reaching down he yanked at his breeches, leaving himself exposed to her gaze.

  “Ak,” her throat clicked at the sight of his nakedness. Alexander loomed over her, his eyes on her lips before swooping down to capture them again. His hands snaked between them, widening her legs until his penis sat snugly against her thigh, no more than a single swing of his hips away from plundering her.

  Instead of using his member, he pleasured her first with his finger, rubbing it industriously against her nub and making her drip.

  Her mouth opened into a wide ‘o’, surprised at the growing need building up at her center; an itch that she could not scratch.

  “Please.” She moaned with

  He added a second finger, widening her entrance as he mouthed at her nipples, distracting her with too many feelings. She was lost in a sensory heaven so that when he eventually thrust into her, she barely had time to tense against the sharp pain. She widened her legs, arching her back to give him as much access as he desired.

  Her orgasm crashed over her like a tsunami.

  Holy Heaving Heaven!

  She collapsed back onto the bed and everything went a little fuzzy around the edges.

  At this rate, I do not think I am going to survive this marriage.

  Chapter Nine

  Alexander woke up early and looked over at his bride. She was still asleep, a look of angelic innocence on her face. Last night had been a shock to him. He had not expected the level of connection he had felt when they were joined together.

  He did not know if that was a good or a bad thing.

  She still did not want to be in this marriage and he still did not trust her. So how could they connect so fundamentally in the marriage bed? Especially after he had retrieved her like some recalcitrant child just a few hours earlier.

  His stomach twisted; the truth was that he felt unwanted, and the sexual connection was confusing. It would have been better if things were the other way around - if their sexual connection was non-existent but they were willing to build a life together.

  She stirred, as if she was close to waking and he scrambled out of bed, not quite ready to speak with her. With his emotions close to the surface he felt exposed and vulnerable and was not ready to engage with her just yet. He needed time to rebuild his armour.

  Leaving the room quietly before she stirred, he made his way downstairs for breakfast, wanting to make sure he was well fuelled for the journey ahead.

  It was a relief to see a friendly face in the form of Rebecca, bumping into her at the bottom of the stairs. His face lit up and he grinned, half relieved.

  “Madainn mhath.”

  Rebecca’s eyebrows lifted.

  “Guid morning to ye too. I take it ye had a satisfactory night?”

  Alexander shrugged he was not going to talk about his sex life, especially not with his sister. She looped her arm around his and they walked along companionably.

  “Ye must be hungry then…?”

  Her brother rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “We are not having this conversation. Are ye all packed?”

  “I never unpacked.”

  “Clever girl.”

  They fell silent as they entered the dining hall, where Elinor and Katherine were seated and chatting as they ate. The sisters stopped speaking as soon as they caught sight of Rebecca and Alexander, everyone smiling awkwardly at each other.

  Katherine turned to the footman standing by the food platters.

  “Serve our guests some food please.”

  The Scots took their places, accepting their plates with nods of thanks before digging in. The dining hall was silent apart from the scraping sounds of spoons on plates and the gurgling of ale being swallowed.

  “So you found Emily okay?”

  Elinor’s voice came out of the blue.

  “I beg yer pardon?” Alexander put his spoon down and gave his attention to Elinor.

  “Rebecca told me you lost her.”

  “Oh.” Alexander sighed with relief, picking his spoon back up. “Yes, we found her.”

  “Was she up to no good?”

  Alexander chuckled. “Ye could say that.”

  Elinor sighed. “I’m sorry. Do not hold it against her. She’s a little impulsive.”

  “Impulsive? Aye I suppose that is one way to put it.”

  Elinor watched him intently, making Alexander shift uncomfortably in his seat. “Didn’t yer mother teach ye it’s rude to stare?”

  Rebecca thumped him on the shoulder, narrowing her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t hear very well and so I have to watch your lips to be sure about what you’re saying.”

  “Oh.” Alexander’s eyes dropped, cheeks colouring.

  “Well…we must go and pack our things. Thank ye very much for breakfast.”

  “You’re welcome.” Elinor nodded as they left the dining room.

  Emily was quiet and sulky as she waited for the servants to load the carriages. Waking up alone in her marriage bed had disappointed and now she was in a bad mood; her emotions turned upside down.

  Clearly, she had made no impression on her new husband last night and he had found it easy to leave her alone and go in search of his sister. She could see them across from her, in animated discussion as they arranged their belongings. Was there even a place for her in her husband’s heart?

  It did not seem so.

  Rebecca walked towards her, a slight smile on her face.

  “Good morning to ye.”

  Emily nodded curtly. “Morning.”

  “Ye ready to go?”

  Emily shrugged, turning away from Rebecca to fiddle with her reticule, her face flushed with anger. Her sister-in-law blinked at her, mystified but the cold reaction, but then Alexander called her name and she walked away.

  “Do ye know if we have enough salt?” she heard Alexander ask Rebecca.

  Rebecca shrugged. “I dinna pack the food. I expect the kitchens took care of it. They dinna want their princess to starve no?”

  Alexander laughed and to Emily’s ear, it sounded cruel and hateful. She bit her trembling lip, trying not to burst into tears, cursing herself for ignoring her instincts. She had known that Alexander was a barbarian and she was bitterly regretting returning with him last night. Perhaps she should have insisted on staying with Philip.

  Poor man, is he even alive?

  Emily felt shamefaced that she was only now just thinking of Philip and his fate.

  Rebecca had lowered her voice, but Emily could still hear them. “What’s got herso het up?”

  Alexander shrugged.

  “Why don’t ye go find out then?”

  Alexander hesitated.

  Rebecca remained unimpressed, lifting an eyebrow as if to say, ‘Well? What are you waiting for?’

  Alexander sighed before stomping over to Emily, a strained smile on his face.

  “Good morning to ye.”

  She gave him a stony glare. “Is it?”

  There was a cold wind blowing but the sun was peeking out of the clouds, with the promise of warmth.

  “I would say so.”

  “Yes well…” she trailed off, lips working but not finding the right words to express her ire. “We should be going. We have a long journey ahead.”


  He reached for her waist, lifting her easily up onto her horse. They had three mules packed high with supplies and six horses, two pushing a wagon and four for riding. Her lady’s maid, Frances, would be joining them on the journey but was their only servant. Emily was not sure how they were supposed to survive but refrained from asking lest she look a fool in front of Alexander and his sister.

  The journey was accomplished in relative silence. It had been a fraught few days. Emily had been occupied with hosting the king, getting married, running away, as well as dealing with the emotional toll of her fraught emotions. She was quite exhausted.

  Rebecca was worried about her brother and his new bride. To say that the marriage had got off to a bad start was the understatement of the century. What that would mean for them going forward?

  Alexander was tired, from the wedding, socialising with the king, chasing after his bride and…the wedding night. He was glad of the quiet time to reflect and rejuvenate his spirit. Perhaps at the end of this journey he would have a better idea of how to proceed with this marriage.

  In the late afternoon, they came upon an inn.

  Rebecca looked tired.

  “We should stop here for the night.”

  Alexander squinted into the horizon, measuring the sun’s progression across the sky. “We still have a few hours of riding time.”

  “Yes, but we’re
all tired. We will make an early start and do better time tomorrow. Tonight, let us get some rest.”


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