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Twice the Fun: A Bad Boy MFM Menage Romance

Page 7

by Juliana Conners

  At least until I’m able to sell it, I think, as I count thick wads of bills and load them into round containers to put into the safe.

  “We did well tonight, didn’t we?” Jessica asks me, removing her platinum blonde wig.

  She’s made her look— and her act— even better since the first time I let her walk through these doors when I wasn’t supposed to. I still love to watch Desire on stage, twirling and gyrating, but I hate that other guys can see her too. I can’t stand it much longer.

  Even though she only gives private dances to us, I can’t even take her dancing on stage for other men any more. My favorite part of the night is right now, when she turns back into Jessica, her true self.

  “Financially, we sure did,” I tell her, kissing her on her fucking cute little button nose. “But we were so busy I didn’t get to see you all night.”

  “I know.”

  She pouts.

  “I know it sucks that we couldn’t sneak away but it’s a good thing the VIP room was busy,” I tell her, to cheer her up. “You’ve really helped us make this place into something amazing.”

  “So have you,” she says, gesturing towards the new chandeliers and white washed walls. “I’m glad Dante is finally loosening the reigns and letting you make some more decisions around here.”

  “I’m sure that couldn’t have had anything to do with your influence,” I say, joking. “But you’re right. He’s letting me get this place into good shape.”

  And I have some plans of my own I haven’t let him or even Jessica in on.

  “It’s probably a good thing we weren’t able to meet up in the VIP room tonight,” I tell Jessica. “I’d hate for some potential investors to walk in and see the dirty, filthy things we do in there.”

  “It’s not like we exactly keep our relationship a secret,” she says, winking at me and then at Dante as he walks by. “But I know what you mean.”

  “I miss you,” I tell her, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her close.

  I saw her all night but getting to be with her in the VIP room is different than just watching her dancing for other guys on stage.

  We kiss deeply and passionately and all I want to do is pick her up and wrap her legs around me and fuck her.

  “Come on,” Dante says, as he circles back to us. “We have enough time for a quickie before we have to close up.”

  “But it’s almost three o’clock…” I protest, knowing that the city’s strict laws require everyone to be out and the place to be locked up soon.

  “The more time you talk, the more time we waste,” Dante says, taking Jessica by the hand and leading her to the VIP room.

  She takes my hand in her other hand and I follow them because I’m not about to be fucking left out. Even though I don’t want us to get in trouble now of all times, when I’m close to having a way out for all of us, I also don’t want to miss out on whatever Dante plans to do to Jessica.

  The other dancers barely turn their heads to watch us walk by. They’re used to our antics by now. They probably assume that both Dante and I will just always be with the same girl.

  First it was with Samantha and now it’s with Jessica. But what we have with Jessica feels even more real and better than what we had with Samantha. We didn’t plan for this to happen— in fact, we tried to fight against it happening— but it just fucking did.

  Once we get to the VIP room, Dante nods at me, as if this whole thing was my idea. But I can’t say I’m not happy we’re here. So I push Jessica up against the wall with her arms spread wide up against it.

  “Way to take charge, Marino,” she says. “You’ve really come out of your shell in the past month.”

  “We don’t have a lot of time and I just want to make sure we all get to feel good,” I respond.

  “I always feel good with you,” she says. Then after a pause she adds, “With both of you of course.”

  I can’t help but think she only meant it towards me at first. My cock perks up at the thought of her wanting me just a little bit more than she wants Dante.

  I caress her breasts and slide my cock into her wet pussy. We’ve already had The Talk: we are each other’s only partners and she is on the Pill. So now our cocks are able to fuck her raw pussy as much as they want.

  “You ready for me?” Dante asks Jessica.

  She nods while he slides his cock into her pussy next to mine. We stretch her hole as wide as it can stretch. We thrust ourselves in and out of her while she moans and groans, not even bothering to stifle herself.

  Everyone already knows that she is ours and that we make her feel so good. And we fucking like it that way.

  We’re in the middle of fucking her hard and fast when someone out front yells out, “Dante! Someone’s here!”

  “Fucking inspector,” Dante grunts.

  “I told you they’re looking at us closely,” I tell him as I continue pushing my cock in and out of Jessica’s pussy. “We really shouldn’t be back here doing this.”

  “But you can’t resist fucking me,” Jessica says, moving her hips back and forth so that we can each get further inside her. “And I can’t resist fucking you. It’s worth any risk.”

  “How close are we to being all closed up tonight?” Dante asks me, in between thrusting himself in and out of Jessica.

  “Very close,” I tell him. “I would’ve been finished already if you hadn’t called us back here.”

  “Are you complaining?” he laughs.


  Dante is riding Jessica harder and faster and the thought that we’re double penetrating her is making my own cock swell up so big and hard inside her tight pussy. I wouldn’t mind continuing on like this forever but it would mean losing our business and perhaps our freedom.

  “Dante!” the bouncer out front calls again.

  “Give me a second,” Dante shouts back, frustrated.

  We’re supposed to have rules. We don’t do this without each other. We don’t come without each other. Otherwise people can get jealous and things can get messy. But it feels so good inside Jessica that I don’t want to come out.

  “Just go,” Jessica tells Dante. “I’ll take care of you later.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  Dante asks, taking his cock out of her and quickly slapping her ass with it.

  “Yes,” she says, moaning as I continue to fuck her all alone now.

  I like that it’s just her and me but I also dislike that she’s promised him more later. I’ve got to not let my jealousy get the best of me.

  “Are you sure?” I ask Dante. “I can keep…”

  “Yeah whatever,” Dante says. “Have fun.”

  “Hurry,” Jessica hisses at him. “Don’t get us shut down.”

  Dante shrugs and walks away. I take that as permission to continue pounding Jessica’s pussy with my cock.

  I’m afraid she won’t be as turned on with just one of us but I can feel her quickening breath. I feel like we’re cheating on Dante and that causes a mixture of shame and excitement and other feelings I didn’t even know existed to well up inside me as my cock swells up with cum.

  I shoot my load into Jessica’s pussy. She moans, squeezing my hand and says, “Oh my god Marino, I’m coming too.”

  We finish coming together and then sit down beside each other on the carpeted bench.

  “I feel bad that Dante didn’t get to finish,” I say.

  “Marino, you really should stop worrying so much about Dante and worry about your own happiness,” Jessica tells me.

  “That’s not really my nature.”

  “I know,” she says.

  There’s a pause and then she continues.

  “Is that what happened with Samantha?” she asks. “You were worrying too much about Dante and not enough about yourself in that relationship?”

  I was wondering when she was going to ask about her. And I suppose she deserves to know.

  I take her hand in mine.

  “Samantha was ki
nd of like what you and I and Dante have,” I tell her. “But not as good or as close. And it wasn’t really that I was worried too much about Dante’s happiness.”

  “Then what happened to cause it to end?” Jessica asks softly.

  “It turns out that Samantha liked the excitement of being with both of us but when it came down to it she really only loved one of us. And that one of us wasn’t me.”

  “I see.”

  I’m grateful that she doesn’t say a lot more. I just sit with my confession for a minute before continuing.

  “I realized that while this arrangement can be fun, someone always loses out. I didn’t mean to get back into another relationship like this. But you are just so fucking amazing.”

  “How do you know?” She asks, staring into my eyes. “How do you know that someone always loses out?”

  “I guess it’s just not in human nature for one person to love two people equally,” I tell her.

  “I think that it is,” she says. “I mean look at you and Dante. That’s real love. And the fact that you’re able to love another person on top of that shows that is possible.”

  I look into her beautiful brown eyes and start to believe her that it can be true.

  “Dante is the only person I ever really had,” I tell her. “We never had any parents to speak of.”

  “I didn’t know that,” she says. “And I’m sorry to hear it.”

  “It’s fine,” I shrug. “At least I have Dante. But he says I fall in love too easily because mommy dearest was never really available.”

  “An armchair psychologist,” she laughs. “But then why wouldn’t he be the same way? It’s his mom too, right?”

  “No, it’s actually not,” I tell her.

  “What?” she says, surprised. “Everyone thinks you’re actually brothers. I know I sure did. You both even have green eyes! How does that even happen?”

  “I know everyone thinks that,” I tell her, with a shrug. “And that’s fine. Because we pretty much are. I’ve known him my whole life.”

  “Well now I feel a little better about some of the things we’ve been doing,” she says with a laugh. “It was a little weird thinking that even if you didn’t do things together, you were so up close and personal with me that it could seem a little…”

  “Weird, yeah,” I admit. “But we share everything else, so it just seems to make sense that we both…”

  I pause.

  “That we both like to be with you.”

  “I see.”

  She smiles, as if picking up on more of the meaning behind my words than I’d meant for her to.

  “Yeah, well anyway,” I continue. “I know now that I didn’t really love Samantha.”

  I pause again, not wanting to say anything else to give away the fact that I’m thinking that what she and I and Dante have is so much different and better.

  “That’s good that you recognize that,” she says with a nod. “And it seems to me that she didn’t really love either of you either. If she can come back like she did, threatening to do things that will hurt you if she actually carries them out, then she never really loved you in the first place.”

  “That’s true,” I admit. “She was mostly just using us for her own gain. We gave her everything that we had to give but she still wanted more. Guess she wanted to own the place.”

  “So don’t let her fuck with your head,” Jessica says.

  She has a point. But I can’t fucking talk about it anymore tonight. I’ve already talked about it too much.

  “Well it’s getting late,” I tell her. “I better go help Dante finish closing up. Hopefully he was able to get the inspector out of here. And at some point we can finish what we all started but Dante didn’t get to finish.”

  “Of course,” she says, standing up and beginning to put her clothes back on.

  Right when I’m about to give her a goodbye hug she asks, “Do you want to come over to my place?”

  “For real?” I ask her, trying not to look too surprised.

  I’d been with Samantha for nearly a year and had never gotten invited to her place. I guess this thing I have— Dante and I have— with Jessica really is a lot more real than whatever we thought we had with Samantha.

  “Sure, why don’t you guys head over there when you’re finished closing up?” she suggests. “I’m going to go straight there so I can shower first.”

  “You’d better shower,” I tell her. “Because you’re a dirty naughty girl who has had dirty naughty things done to you.”

  She smiles at me and winks.

  “And I can’t wait for you both to do even more. So hurry up and come see me.”

  “Yes ma’am,” I tell her, hurrying to let Dante in on the good news. “Your wish is our command.”

  Chapter 20 – Dante

  It’s late when Marino and I arrive at Jessica’s apartment but she seems happy to see us here. She leads us up the stairwell and into her small studio apartment.

  “Sorry there’s not a lot of room,” she says with a chuckle.

  “Tell me about it,” Marino says. “Three can get crowded sometimes when it’s all jammed into one small area.”

  We all laugh.

  She twirls around with her arm out and says, “Well I’d give you a tour but this is all there is. My small kitchen is over there and my small bathroom is right there, and this is my living room- slash- bedroom.”

  “Thank you for inviting us into your bedroom,” I tell her and we laugh again.

  “Were you able to cut off the investigator?” she asks

  “Yeah,” I tell her. “He had just stopped by to give us a warning that we had to close soon.”

  “How very nice of him,” Jessica says.

  “We just got everyone out of there and busted our asses to get over here,” Marino says. “I have to go back soon to finish cleaning everything up but I needed to be out of there myself so it’s a good thing we could come here.”

  “Marino and I were thinking of something on the way over here that we wanted to talk to you about,” I tell Jessica.

  She nods and we sit down on her bed, each taking one of her hands in ours.

  “Since you and Marino were alone together in the VIP room we’re thinking it’s only fair that you and I can be alone together for a little bit when he has to go back to the club tonight,” I tell her.

  “Sure,” she says, nodding.

  I’m glad that there’s no jealousy or fighting over this issue. I told Marino that this would work out just fine but he always seems to think that something will go wrong.

  “So are you ready to go again?” she asks Marino, taking his cock out of his pants.

  “I’m always ready for you,” he says.

  “And I owe you one,” she tells me, taking off my pants as well.

  I love how she’s turned into quite the aggressor. Our shy little Jessica has completely transformed. She obviously goes crazy for some Rossi cock.

  She’s on her knees on the floor, sucking my cock and then Marino’s. She moves deftly back and forth, alternating one of our cocks in her mouth with the other. She has one hand on each of our shafts and she jerks one of us off while she sucks on the other one. Then she shoves both in into her mouth and sucks on both of us good and hard.

  “I’m close to coming again,” Marino says, grunting out the words.

  “Don’t,” she commands. “I need you both inside me again.”

  I lie down on her bed and she gets on top of me, facing me. I stuff my hard cock into her pussy. Then Marino gets on top of her and slides his cock in on top of mine.

  “Both of your cocks feel so good in my pussy,” she says, moaning.

  It’s great to be able to lie down and do this and also not to have to worry about how loud we’re being, like we have to worry about at The Fun House. We take turns pumping our cocks in and out of her and then we do it together, increasing our rhythm and force.

  “I’m going to come in your pussy,” Marino says, and
I can feel Jessica’s pussy tightening up even more around both of our cocks.

  “I’m coming too,” she says.

  She grabs onto my shoulders while Marino comes in her and she comes on both of our cocks.

  Panting, I tell Marino, “Okay get out of here dude. Get back to the club and finish cleaning up. You had your one on one time with her and now it’s my turn.”

  “But that was just…”

  Marino begins to protest but then thinks better of it. I can tell he doesn’t want to leave. But I’m excited to just be alone with Jessica.

  “Turn over,” I tell her, once he’s gone. “Let me get behind you.”

  I fuck her doggy style, my cock cramming into her pussy and pounding it fast and hard. I love to take my cock nearly all the way out of her pussy and then slide it back in, watching myself fuck her. She plays with her clit as I pound her pussy hole, and she says, “I’m going to come on your cock Dante.”

  “I’m going to shoot my cum into you,” I tell her.

  We both reach climax at the same time and I pull my cock out, watching as my cum dribbles out of her pussy. Then we collapse on her bed and I put my arm around her.

  “It’s nice to just lie here in your bed with you,” I tell her.

  “Yeah.” She sighs. “I wish Marino could be here. Then it’d be perfect.”

  I brush a strand of hair away from her eyes.

  “He really didn’t want to leave,” I laugh. “He looked like a puppy dog being forced to wait outside in the rain.”

  “Awww,” she says. “He’s a really sensitive soul. I love how he looks up to you. And how sweet he is to me.”

  Well, fuck. It’s true that Marino is supposed to be the sensitive one. But I’m falling for Jessica in a way I never have for anyone.

  Just the fact that she looks out for Marino like I always have shows me that she’s the right one for me. For us.

  “Marino told me a little bit about Samantha,” she says, and I can tell she’s purposefully trying to keep the tone of her voice nonchalant. “She sounds like a real piece of work.”

  “I warned him about her,” I tell her, angry all over again at Marino for never listening to me. “It was just supposed to be about sex. He had to go and get his heart involved. Just like he always does.”


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