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Page 3

by Stacy-Deanne

  “I’ll get it.” Lydia scampered out the kitchen and came back in a second later with a pitiful-looking Winston. “Look who’s here.” Lydia held a goofy smile. “Your Romeo.”

  Winston laid his keys on the countertop. “Am I interrupting?”

  Dee grinned. “You couldn’t ever interrupt me, Winston.”

  He smiled at Lydia. “Dee told me you were coming back this evening. How was the trip.”

  “Amazing,” she sang. “I missed my man so much it almost killed me. I can’t wait to see him again.”

  “Yeah.” Dee smirked at Winston. “I know how it feels to miss someone so much it hurts.”

  Winston rocked on his heels, blushing.

  “That’s my cue.” Lydia snickered as she got her glass and tucked the wine bottle under her arm. “I’ll be in bed if you need me.” She rushed out the kitchen.

  Winston leaned against the island. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Connie and Grayson but it wasn’t my place.”

  Dee poked out her lips. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You sure you don’t have feelings left for Grayson?” He dipped his head, his eyes meeting hers. “It’s human to admit it.”

  “No.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m concerned about Connie. He could be using her.”

  His eyebrows flattened. “For what?”

  “How come he always finds his way back into my life somehow? That’s not a coincidence. As you always say, Grayson’s always there.”

  “You know what?” He pressed his forehead to hers, gripping her waist. “I couldn’t give two shits what’s going on between Connie and Grayson. You’re all on my mind.” He kissed her, moving his hand inside her robe. “You’re going through a lot of shit and your emotions are all over the place, but I’m here for you.” He gave her a panting kiss, the action sending a rush of warmth between her thighs.

  Her cell phone rang.

  Winston let her go, sighing.

  She hopped off the stool and got the phone off the table. “It’s Emory.” She answered the call, “Hey, Emory.”

  “We need to talk.”

  She slipped her hand in the pocket of her robe. “Something tells me I won’t like this conversation.”

  “We’ve run out of time for your decision about the immunity.”

  “Well, it’s not up to you, is it?”

  “Wild and his attorney will be at the police station tomorrow to meet with me and the assistant district attorney.”

  “What? Why in hell is this happening so fast? You just told me about this yesterday. I need time.”

  “We don’t have time, Dee. Horace Black is an impatient son-of-a-bitch and he’ll do anything to get his client off.”

  “Fuck Horace Black.”

  “What’s wrong?” Winston grabbed her shoulders from behind.

  “No one’s forcing me to decide before I’m ready, Emory.”

  “The assistant DA is ready to cut a deal with Wild. He wants to do what he can to put Ro Chavis behind bars and so do I.” Emory sighed. “Dee, this can move forward with or without you but we don’t want it to.”

  “You can’t do that,” she shouted. “Damn it, this is my decision.”

  “It’s up to the assistant DA He’d be prosecuting your case. He doesn’t need your permission to offer immunity.”

  “Don’t do this, Emory. I need more time. This is a huge decision and after what Jonathan did, I deserve more time!”

  Winston stood beside her, glaring.

  “We don’t have more time,” Emory said. “You either give us a decision tomorrow or we move on without you.”

  “If you and the assistant DA are so set on giving Jonathan immunity then what will my opinion matter, anyway?”

  “It matters. We’re giving you this chance but can’t wait forever.”

  She stiffened, suppressing her anger. “I’ll give you my decision tomorrow then.”

  “I’m sorry, Dee.”

  “Yeah right.” She hung up.

  Winston turned her toward him. “What is it?”

  “The assistant DA will be at the station to meet with Emory, Jonathan and Horace Black tomorrow. If I don’t give them a decision, they’ll go on without me and Jonathan will get immunity.”

  “They can’t do that.” His lips trembled. “You’re the victim here. How dare they bully you?”

  “The assistant DA can offer a deal any time he wants.” She straightened her robe on her shoulder. “Emory assures me they want my decision first.”

  “All Emory cares about is making history with this case and assistant DA Peoples will do anything to rescue his sagging career, and that slick ass Horace Black...” His cheeks puffed out. “He’d defend someone if they killed his mother if it meant another notch on his belt and more money in his pocket. They’re using you as a pawn.”

  “It’s fine. I’ve decided.”

  “I’ll be right by your side when you tell them you’re rejecting the immunity in case they try to gang up on you.” He hugged her. “You’re doing the right thing, Dee. Jonathan needs to be in prison and they’ll have to find another way to get Ro Chavis.”

  She laid her head on his shoulder, praying he’d forgive her for what she intended to do.


  Emory and District Attorney Hershel Peoples were in deep conversation when Dee and Winston arrived at Emory’s office the next day.

  “Detective Quarter.” The 6’3, dark-brown Hershel extended his hand to her. “Nice to see you again though I wish it were under better circumstances.”

  Dee flinched, taking his ashy hand. “Nice to see you again.”

  Hershel straightened his blinding gold watch and shoved his hands in the pocket of his gray slacks that matched his blazer. “I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through.”

  “If that’s true then why are you trying to help the man who kidnapped her?” Winston propped his arm on the top of the black file cabinet.

  “Detective Lewis.” Herschel dipped his bald, peanut head. “I understand how this looks but I want the best for everyone involved.”

  Winston stroked his curls with a condescending expression. “Yet, you wanna use Dee’s kidnapping to get what you want.”

  “This isn’t about me.” Herschel batted his striking, hazel eyes. “Dania Shorter deserves justice for what that cretin did to her.”

  “What about Dee’s justice?” Winston huffed. “Is she not important enough for you to care about?”

  “Winston.” She touched his arm. “Stop, okay?”

  Emory walked from his desk with his hands in his pockets. “This isn’t personal, Winston.”

  “How can you say that?” He hit the top of the file cabinet. “Jonathan held Dee prisoner and took her memory and that’s not personal?”

  Hershel sighed. “What’s important is Dee’s decision.”

  “Jonathan’s here?” she asked.

  “He’s in another room with his lawyer waiting on your decision,” Emory said.

  “I don’t want to see him.”

  “You don’t have to.” Hershel wore a sympathetic expression. “Have you decided what you want to do?”

  “If I don’t agree to give Jonathan immunity, will you respect that decision and not grant it?”

  Hershel exhaled, glancing at Emory. “It would be hard to, but I’d have to find another way to get Chavis.” He pulled the chair from the desk. “Sit down, please. I’d like to show you something just to drive home the man Ro Chavis is.”

  “I know what he is.” Dee sat in the chair.

  “Yes, but pictures are worth a thousand words.” Hershel got a briefcase from the floor and set it on the desk.

  “God.” Winston scoffed. “Are you going there, Hershel? I know what you’re trying to do.”

  “Do you?” He took out a folder as Dee braced herself for the horrible pictures he’d show her.

  “Using that tactic, huh?” Dee crossed her legs, pretending it wouldn’t faze her. “It’s one
of the best.”

  Hershel placed a large photo of a hacked up Dania Shorter in front of her.

  Dee stared at the innocent, helpless young woman whose soul called out from her torn, bloody flesh.

  “He stabbed her over fifteen times.” Hershel showed another photo of the murder scene. “The sad thing is, she remained alive through the whole thing. Suffered.”

  Dee groaned, closing her eyes.

  “Can you imagine the pain she went through?” Hershel put his fingertip on the photo. “The agony of knowing she was dying and couldn’t do a thing to stop it?”

  “Don’t do this,” Winston said. “She doesn’t deserve this torture.”

  “Dania didn’t deserve to be stabbed like a piece of meat and left in the woods but it happened.” Hershel’s overbite showed underneath his kinky, black mustache. “I can’t imagine what she was thinking, can you?”

  Dee sobbed. “Please.”

  “I couldn’t imagine,” Hershel said. “How about what her family felt when they heard what happened to their beloved loved one?”

  Dee held onto the armrests of the chair, sweat drowning her palms.

  “How do you think her mother felt to see these pictures?” Hershel exhaled. “To see her baby like this?”

  Winston breathed through his nostrils.

  “It killed her mother,” Hershel said. “She nearly had a heart attack when Emory broke the news to her.” He turned toward Emory. “Am I right?”

  Emory nodded with despair in his eyes.

  “Ro killed that sweet, innocent child and goes on living and hurting other women.” Hershel slid the photos closer to Dee. “Men, who do this to women, don’t stop. Now I can’t prove that he’s killed others but one thing I am sure of is he’ll kill again.” He leaned over Dee, blowing his coffee breath in her face. “He will do this again, Dee. And, you know it.”

  “Leave her alone,” Winston said.

  “Dee, you’re a cop,” Hershel whispered. “Sworn to uphold the law and protect. A warrior of justice.”

  Winston stood from the file cabinet. “How dare you put all this on her?”

  “Dee?” Hershel knelt beside her.

  She shivered, tears flowing.

  “We can’t bring Dania back, but we can bring the Shorters closure,” Hershel said. “We can bring them peace of knowing Ro Chavis can never do this again. I can put him away for life, Dee. Could you live with yourself if you let him go free and he kills someone else?”

  Winston pulled Hershel from the floor. “That’s enough!”

  “It is enough,” Dee whimpered, her eyes cloudy from tears. “It’s enough of little girls dying at the hands of monsters like Chavis.”

  The men glared at her.

  “It’s enough of families suffering and not being able to pick up the pieces.” She wiped tears with both hands. “Hershel is right, Winston. We took oaths to uphold the law. To protect and serve and to bring killers to justice.”

  He rushed to her chair. “Dee—”

  “I’ll do it.” She sat back, staring at the photos. “I’ll agree with Jonathan having immunity if you promise you can get Chavis in prison.”

  Winston bared his teeth. “Dee?”

  “Promise me.” A tear dangled from her lashes. “Don’t make me do this for nothing.”

  “I promise you.” Hershel grabbed her hand. “Ro Chavis will never hurt another woman again.”

  “Dee.” Winston reached for her but stopped short of touching her. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “The right thing.” She couldn’t bear looking at him.

  “Are you sure?” Emory asked. “You agree for Jonathan to have immunity for kidnapping you? Meaning he won’t be able to be prosecuted for the crime.”

  Winston gripped his head. “Dee—”

  “Yes.” She licked a tear from her lips. “But, you tell Jonathan not to call or come near me again. That’s part of this deal and I want him to agree with that before proceeding.”

  Winston scoffed.

  “Done.” Hershel nodded. “Thank you, Dee.”

  “Yes,” Emory said. “Thank you—”

  “You both mind getting the fuck out?” Winston demanded. “I need to speak to Dee.”

  “I’ll tell Wild and Black the news.” Hershel got his briefcase and left.

  “I’m sorry, Dee.” Emory rubbed her arm on his way out the office. “I wish we could put them both away.”


  “Okay.” Winston sat on the edge of Emory’s desk, sweeping his hand over his face. “What just happened here?”

  Dee straightened in the chair. “I agreed to give Jonathan immunity.”

  His face turned red. “Can you tell me why the hell you’d do that?”

  “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Right my ass.” He leapt off the desk. “You’re supposed to be this strong woman who doesn’t take shit from anybody and you let Jonathan get away with what he did?”

  “I didn’t have a choice.” She jumped out the chair. “Chavis is a monster. Look at these pictures, Winston.” She grabbed them from the desk. “Can you say you wouldn’t have done the same thing?”

  “Emory and Hershel played you and you fell right into their hands.”

  “This was my decision.” Dee turned her back to him and walked behind the chair. “I’m the one who has to live with it and not you.”

  He grabbed her arm, spinning her around. “Jonathan is just as dangerous as Chavis is. How could you be so stupid?”

  “Who are you calling stupid?”

  He frowned, shoving his fingers through his hair. “You said you wouldn’t agree to this and you get here and do a one-eighty.”

  “This isn’t about me, you, or Jonathan, Winston. It’s about Dania and Candra and whoever else Chavis has hurt or will hurt.” She got the photos again. “Hershel is right. Chavis will kill again if he’s not stopped and as a cop it’s my job to make sure no one else ends up like Dania.”

  “So Jonathan just walks free?” He hit the side of his thighs. “He just goes on like he didn’t do a damn thing?”

  “I want his ass locked up as much as you do.”

  “You sure?” He bobbed his head, glaring. “I’m starting to think you liked being Jonathan’s prisoner.”

  She slapped him. “How dare you?”

  He huffed and puffed, a red spot forming on his cheek.

  “I don’t have to explain myself to you.” She pointed downward. “This is my life Winston, not yours.”

  “Let’s see how much you enjoy life with Jonathan breathing down your neck.”

  He left, slamming the door.


  Five Days Later

  “Welcome to Maeby Jeon’s Dental Practice.” The chubby-cheeked Asian woman in blue scrubs gushed at Dee and Connie from behind a laminate counter with a glass surface. “May I help you?” Her coal-black hair set on her round head in a bowl cut with thick bangs.

  Dee and Connie introduced themselves while showing their badges.

  “Ah, the detectives.” The woman smiled. “Dr. Jeon is wrapping things up with a patient. Please wait here and I’ll let her know you’ve arrived.”

  “Thank you.” Dee and Connie walked across the tile to the teal waiting room.

  Dee sat in the armless chair while Connie grabbed a car racing magazine off the shiny, wood table.

  “Ooh.” Connie sat. “Smells like formaldehyde in here.”

  “I always hated that smell.” Dee laid her head back on the chair. “It’s the first thing you notice when you come to the dentist and I hate going to the dentist.”

  Connie smiled while flipping through the magazine. “You and Winston still not speaking to each other?”

  Dee concentrated on her nails. “Hell no.”

  “Can’t you let it go? He only acted that way because he loves you.”

  “I’m not the one being the asshole.” Dee grabbed a pamphlet on the table. “The immunity was my decisi
on and if he can’t accept that I don’t need him.”

  Connie shook her head.

  “Enough about that curly-head jerk. How are you?” Dee watched Connie from the corner of her eyes. “And Grayson?”

  Connie stiffened. “Fine.”

  “How did you get close, anyway?”

  “It just happened.” Connie slapped the page of the magazine as she turned it.

  “Nothing just happens.”

  “It started innocent where we’d get together as friends. He’s easy to talk to and comforting. We realized we had a lot in common and things grew from there.” She blushed. “He’s charming, sensitive, and attractive. The nicest man I’ve met in a while.”

  “Yes, Grayson’s definitely charming. He had me out of my panties on our first date and trust me it’s difficult for a man to get this.”

  Connie’s chest rose as she took a deep breath.

  “I’m not surprised Grayson went after you.”

  “He didn’t go after me.” Connie laid the magazine on her lap. “Dee, don’t do this. Neither of us are trying to hurt you.”

  “I’m not hurt.” She faked a chuckle. “I’m looking out for you that’s all.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Grayson’s a woman magnet, Connie. He never has to look far to find one who’s more than willing to let him in.”

  Connie pursed her lips, the pink, matte lipstick making them appear fuller than usual. “Are you saying Grayson’s playing me?”

  Dee held up her hands. “I didn’t say a damn thing.”

  Connie gazed at the magazine but Dee knew she wasn’t reading it.

  “Level with me. Did it once cross your mind that maybe Grayson is with you because of me?”

  “Stop it, Dee.” Connie threw the magazine on the table. “Grayson and I care about each other and it has nothing to do with you. What’s the problem?”

  “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  “I’m more hurt by this conversation than anything Grayson could do.”

  “Are you sleeping with him?”

  “Excuse me?” Connie’s ponytail fell over her shoulder when she whipped her head toward Dee. “It’s not your business.”

  “You forgot he cheated on me?” Dee picked lint off her black slacks. “I never looked at him the same again.”


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