Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1)

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Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1) Page 4

by LC Taylor

  “Dylan, we’re here,” Jensen’s soft voice brought me out my heavenly trance. “Oh. We’re home already,” thankfully it was dark so he couldn’t see my humiliation from being so intimately held in his arms.

  “Yeah, here give me your keys, and I’ll unlock the door.” He shifted me in his arms so I could reach them buried in my pocket. Pressing myself flat against him I could feel the warmth of his body, the sensation of his bare chest sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Umm, sorry – here,” I placed the keys in his hand, brushing my fingers across his. Jensen unlocked the door, carrying me inside. We walked into the living room so he could set me down on the couch. He knelt on the floor and began carefully untying my shoelaces.

  “What are you doing?” I placed my hand on him, as he glanced up at me, pausing with his hand on my shoe. “You need that shoe off and some ice on that ankle. It’s swollen, and just from the looks of it under the sock, it’s a funky shade of purple. Do you have anyone you can call? You might need to go to the hospital and get it checked out,” Jensen assessed me with his eyes, waiting for my response.

  “I don’t need the hospital, I’ll manage, you don’t have to stress about me,” I couldn’t take my eyes off him… I was lucky that he was running near my house and found me. Had I been out there in the dark much longer, I’m sure the wild animals or wolf I heard would’ve surely gotten me.

  “Wait, why were you running in the dark anyway?” I realized I hadn’t asked him why he was even running in the dark.

  “I was running some of the trails, and it got dark faster than I expected. I was heading home when I heard you crying... I mean someone crying,” he stared at me, hoping I hadn’t caught his mistake. I shouldn’t have been so rude, he did find me.

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to question you. It caught me off guard to see you there in the dark… OW,” I jerked my foot away from his grasp as he slid my shoe and sock off. Seeing my ankle without the sock covering it, blue and purple dotted the skin. It was sprained, no questions about that. “Dylan, I can’t leave knowing you’re in pain. I can stay, at least to help you get settled.”

  “Sure. Um, I guess you can stay for a little while,” I told him, as I wiggled myself further onto the couch. Having him so close was making me feel flustered. The wetness was pooling between my legs, my desire threatening to rip out of me at any minute. Jensen’s pupils dilated, and he inhaled deeply through his nose closing his eyes as if he could sense my desire. He stood abruptly, moving away from me. “Ok, where’s your first aid kit. I’ll go grab it, so we can get you cleaned up.”

  “It’s in the cabinet, next to the fridge. But, I can manage,” I told him – even though I knew it was a lie. Jensen smiled and shook his head as he turned, walking into the kitchen.

  When he was out of sight, I took a moment to assess myself – I was a disaster. My knees were bloody, covered in remnants from my tussle with the root. I dusted off small rocks that were still embedded in the scrapes, my clothes were a total wreck, and I was pretty sure I smelled. I had mud caked in my hair and smeared down one side of my face.

  Wonderful. I have the hottest guy from school in my house, and I look like I mud wrestled a bear. He probably thinks I’m a total loser. The fact I cared about what he thought, left me confused about my own emotions. It wasn’t like I was interested in him, or that he would be interested in me. Even still, he was so confusing. Plus, every time he got near me, my senses went into hyper drive. I craved his scent, his touch... I was screwed up in the head.

  Chapter 9

  “Ahem,” Jensen stood, watching me with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk, “You ok? You looked a little off in space there. What were you thinking about?”

  Jensen’s smile was radiant as he poked me. “Uh, I was thinking about a shower. I must look like a train wreck – I feel gross,” I lied. I mean, I needed a shower, but there was no way I’d confess I was day-dreaming, with him as the star of my fantasy.

  “I need to figure out how to get upstairs so I can take oomph--” before I could finish, he’d plucked me off the couch and made his way to the stairs.

  “Which way? You should wash up before I clean your knees. Plus, you ARE covered in mud,” he inhaled against my neck as he pulled me into his body. “Ok I get it, I stink! God, I could have managed myself. You didn’t have to carry me!” I tried pushing away from his body.

  “Right… because you can walk up the stairs on that swollen foot, plus you don’t stink,” he inhaled again, “you smell nice.”

  “Right, I’m sure I smell great. It’s right there,” I pointed towards my room, ushering him towards the door. My dad had been the only male ever to step foot in my room. To say I was nervous was an understatement; Jensen would be the first boy I’d ever had in my room. My heart was pounding, and the wetness was gathering between my legs again, being in his arms was torturous, if he could sense my desire, I’d be mortified. Jensen moved to my bed and set me down. My four-poster bed was large, covered in a lot of cushions and a fluffy blue down comforter. He was looking around smiling; his eyebrow was raised when his eyes met mine, “Nice room.”

  “Hey…. don’t make fun,” I frowned looking around at my decorations. “I wasn’t making fun. I mean, it’s nice to learn something about you. And your room tells me a story,” he smiled.

  As he walked around my room looking at the posters and pictures littering the walls, I thought about my mom. I missed her and needed her right now. How was I going to undress and get in the shower? Jensen must have sensed my worry because he moved to sit next to me.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” he wiped the tear from my lip with his thumb. The pad of his thumb was salty, leaving the taste of him there. My tongue swept across, trying to steal remnants of his touch.

  “I miss my mom,” I half sobbed trying to keep the tears at bay; Jensen pulled me into a warm embrace against his chest. “I’m so sorry this happened to you Dylan,” he softly ran his hand down the back of my head, entwining his fingers in my hair; “I know it’s hard, I promise it will get easier. Let your friends help you... let me help you.”

  I couldn’t hold back my tears; they surged through the barriers once keeping them at bay. Barely just friends, his embrace just felt right, and his closeness put me at ease. I stopped crying and leaned away from his embrace, “I’m so embarrassed, I shouldn’t have cried on you like that,” I said wiping my face.

  “I don’t mind Dylan,” He smiled as he pushed hair from my face, “I know this sounds weird, but can I help you to the shower – you can’t do it yourself. I can at least assist you to the bathroom and turn on the shower. Then I’ll wait out here until you’re done – I promise to be a gentleman,” visibly fighting the inner turmoil as he gave me a reassuring wink.

  “Umm – ok. Thank you. I need to get something from my dresser,” Jensen helped me over to the dresser, and I grabbed some clothes. Leaning against him, we made our way to the bathroom. Jensen guided me to the toilet to sit, and then turned on the shower for me.

  “I’ll just chill on your bed while you do your thing. Be careful and don’t put too much weight on your foot. I wouldn’t want you to fall in the shower… and then need rescuing,” his eyes twinkled as he backed out of the bathroom.

  I watched him leave, shutting the door behind him, feeling a sudden emptiness from his absence. I peeled off my muddy shirt and shorts, carefully using the wall for support and stepped into the shower. My shower was large, a bench along the wall allowed me to avoid standing.

  Using the detachable shower, I rinsed the mud off my body, the water turning a murky brown color – I was nasty. Grabbing my lavender scented shampoo; I scrubbed out the layers of mud caked in my hair. I shaved my legs since I was already sitting; weirdly they needed it, even though I had shaved yesterday. I didn’t want Jensen touching my knees with stubble. I was careful not to nick the scrapes caused from smashing into the forest floor. Once I was through shaving, and certain I’d removed all the mud from my crevice’s, I rin
sed under the hot water one last time before turning it off.

  I stepped out, leaning against the wall, and grabbed a fluffy towel to dry off. I slid on my athletic shorts, pulled on my bra and tank top. Using the sink for support, I chanced a glance at my reflection in the mirror; I was a mess. I towel dried my hair again, realizing nothing helped, I was hopeless. I decided to just pull it up in a ponytail. After brushing my teeth, and convinced there was nothing more I could do, I opened the bathroom door to step out.

  Jensen was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling. The creak of the bathroom door startled him, and he sat up stealing a glance my way. The look he gave me caused me to inhale suddenly. It was like he was seeing his long-lost love for the first time. His eyes were filled with longing and admiration. I shook myself from the enthrallment he held on me, the emotion in his eyes captivating me.

  “Hang on,” jumping from the bed stalking towards me, his arm wrapped around my waist navigating me to the bed. “Thanks.” Sitting on the edge with my legs resting against him, he kneeled forcing my legs apart. Reaching for the first aid kit he’d set on my nightstand, “Ok, let’s look at these knees.”

  He grabbed an antiseptic towel and lightly ran it over my tattered skin. His touch was feather light and sent chills through my body. Finally, tossing the dirty wipe in the trashcan, he soothed ointment over my knees. When he finished, he rested his hand on my thigh gently.

  “There ya go. Good as new,” smiling, he looked up at me. Pulling his hand away, he pushed a strand of hair covering my face, “Dylan, do you realize how beautiful you are?”

  “You’re just saying that,” I pulled away from his touch and looked away, “I know I’m not in your league. You’re used to prettier girls, not me.”

  “Don’t be so sure you know me or what I want,” he stood up, pausing he sighed, “Do you have anything to eat?”

  “You can go, don’t worry about me, I’ll find something to eat later, you’ve helped more than enough,” I said never making eye contact with him. I was giving him an out to leave. I was worried he was here out of pity and I couldn’t bear the thought of him ignoring me tomorrow at school.

  “Dylan, I’m hungry, and you look like you haven’t eaten in days,” he waved his hand in the air like he was appraising my body. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I have eaten little. I’ve just been too depressed or busy to worry about food.”

  He must have sensed my desperation not to cry with him there because he left the bedroom without saying another word. For a moment, I worried that he had left, but he came back in as I was wiping away my tears.

  “Ok, I ordered pizza. It should be here in a little bit. Would you rather we go downstairs and eat or stay here,” he asked as he walked back to sit beside me. “Yeah, downstairs would be better.” Another minute in my bed with him so close, I might do something crazy and regret it later.

  Chapter 10

  Jensen scooped me off the bed, carrying me downstairs. Trying to keep my head angled as far away from his neck as possible to stifle the overwhelming urge to kiss him was a challenge. I couldn’t deny the attraction to him, and he smelled so good.

  As he bent down to situate me on the couch, I sneezed, throwing him off balance. He fell on the couch inches from crushing me with his weight. His closeness sending ripples of desire through my body, I wanted to pull him towards me and bury myself in his arms... “Oomph” he grunted pushing himself up onto his forearms.

  “Oh. My. God. Are you ok Dylan? Jesus, I could have crushed you.” He was literally straddling me, looking down into my eyes. His gaze was smoldering, he angled himself as though he was going to kiss me, but the sound of the doorbell snapped us out of our trance. Jensen pulled himself off the couch and went to answer the door. Carrying a pizza and two cokes, he set it on the table, never taking his eyes off me.

  “I hope you like pepperoni, I got us a large.” As if answering for me, my stomach let out a monstrous growl, “Yep, it’s my favorite, thanks.” Jensen grabbed some plates and some ice for my ankle from the kitchen. Propping my foot up, we sat there in silence, both obviously hungry. My mind drifted to our ‘almost’ kiss. Did I read the moment wrong? I wanted him, and I hoped he wanted me as much, but I was terrified of rejection, so I sat in silence watching him eat.

  Standing up, Jensen took the empty pizza box and the now, melted ice, throwing them away in the kitchen. “I guess we were hungry” Jensen smirked as he walked over. “Yeah, I didn’t realize how famished I was. Thanks again for everything. I mean, I would still be laying out there waiting to be a wolf’s dinner.”

  “Wolf? What wolf?” Jensen wore a confused expression as he watched me for an explanation. “Yeah. Didn’t you hear it? A wolf was howling, and I assumed it was hungry and coming to eat me. But then you appeared.”

  “Nah, I didn’t hear anything, maybe it was the wind,” Jensen looked out the window getting lost inside his head for a minute. “Hum, weird, I don’t think it was the wind, but whatever. You rescued me,” I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my coke. Jensen reached for my foot and lifted it up to inspect the swelling.

  “Well, it looks like the swelling has gone down some, I would still try and keep it elevated, maybe put more ice on it. Do you want me to help you back upstairs before I leave? I should get going since we have school tomorrow.”

  “Crap, I bet your mom is worried sick about you. I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.”

  “Nah, I called her when you were in the shower and told her what happened. She was just glad I found you when I did.”

  “Oh. Um, I think I can manage to get up there by myself. You can probably go, it doesn’t hurt as bad now,” I smiled as I wiggled my toes.

  “Ok. Well, you should still take it easy and not use it for a day or two. I’ll be here at 7:30 tomorrow morning to take you to school,” walking towards the door, me hobbling behind him, I stopped him.

  “Wait. What? I don’t need a ride. I can drive myself to school. Plus, no way am I getting on that death bike of yours,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Dylan, your injured foot is your driving foot. You can’t take that chance. I’ll come get you, in my car; did you honestly think I’d pick you up on my motorcycle? Please, let me do this. It will make me feel better.”

  I studied his face and sighed. He was right, I couldn’t drive, but the thought of being so close to him scared me. The attraction was getting harder to avoid, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself.

  “Fine. Just for tomorrow. We’ve got to pick up Carly because I drive her to school, so be here by 7:15,” I said matter of fact, “do you have a car, for real? Because there's no way I’m getting on that thing.”

  “Yes, I have a car too. I wouldn’t force you to ride my motorcycle, Dylan. Besides, when you do finally get on the back of my Ducati,” he leaned in close to my ear, “It'll be because you want to feel the cool hard metal vibrating from the rev of my engine between your legs.”

  I flushed with desire, thinking about him between my legs, not his bike, as he looked me up and down, “I was looking forward to having just you in the car – alone. But I don’t mind giving Carly a lift.” He leaned in touching his lips to mine. It was just a quick brush of his lips, but it left me feeling empty as he hurried down the steps running towards a trail at the edge of the woods. I stood there shocked, staring at his strong shoulders and watching them flex in the moonlight as he ran. God, he was beautiful, his muscles bunched and shimmered as he tossed one last glance over his shoulder, as he disappeared into the thicket.

  Chapter 11

  I leaned against the door after closing and locking the deadbolt. My phone chirped on the kitchen counter drawing me from lustful fantasies. “Damn it.” I had forgotten Jensen plugged it up in the kitchen. I hobbled my way to the counter and picked my phone. Sure enough, I had ten missed calls and a slew of text messages from Carly.

  Carly: Whatcha doin?

  Carly: Hello?

: R U OK

  Carly: WHERE the FUCK R U??

  The messages were all the same, Carly was pissed. Clicking her contact, she answered on the first ring. “OH, MY GOD Dylan. Where the HELL have you been?” she screamed into the phone.

  “Carly, calm down. My phone died, and I had to charge it. I’m fine. Really” I told her, “I walked out to the waterfall and sprained my ankle walking back,” I left off the part about falling asleep, and it became dark. “WHAT. How did you walk home if you sprained your ankle?”

  “Jensen was running on the trails and found me. He helped me home... By the way, he’ll be giving us a ride to school since it’s my right ankle – which means no driving for me,” I told her, closing my eyes thinking back to sitting on the couch with him shirtless just within my reach.

  “Whoa. Hold up. Did you say the hottest guy in school was in the woods at the same time as you? And he saved you? What aren’t you telling me D?” I pinched my nose between my eyebrows and sighed, “It was a coincidence he found me, Carly. Anyway, be ready in the morning. He’s getting me first, and then we will be by to get you. Look I’m tired... Can we talk about this tomorrow?”

  “Sure, but you better tell me whatever parts you’re omitting now,” she demanded.

  “Fine. I promise. We’ll talk tomorrow. I’ll see you in the morning,” I said as I pressed end. Carly would not let this slide; she’d grill me tomorrow. Hopefully, she wouldn’t make too big a deal and embarrass me.

  I made my way up the stairs holding onto the railing, trying not to put pressure on my foot as I went. Hobbling into my room, I flopped onto the bed. Inhaling deeply, I could still smell him on my pillow, making me smile thinking about him laying shirtless here.

  Lusting over a guy so soon after my parent’s death felt wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. His every being consumed my thoughts and I craved to be near him. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could fight the pull towards him, I just prayed he felt the same way, or I’d certainly be making a fool of myself. It didn’t take long before sleep claimed me, sending me into a blissful dream of Jensen as his scent enveloped me in comfort.


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