Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1)

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Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1) Page 5

by LC Taylor

  Chapter 12

  Waking with a start, I realized I’d gone all night without a nightmare since my parent’s death. It was the first time I slept peacefully; in fact, my dreams were consumed with Jensen. Smiling to myself, I peeked at the clock still laying on the floor. I realized it was 7 am, noting that I’d forgotten to set the alarm. I had just a few minutes before Jensen would arrive to get me. I jumped out of bed, forgetting that my ankle was still not one hundred percent, and nearly fell on my ass from the pain.

  “Damn it!” I hollered, hobbling towards my closet. I didn’t have time for this; I had to hurry and get dressed. I didn’t care so much about my appearance before, but I wanted Jensen to see me in something other than mud or shorts. Opting for a tight-fitting t-shirt and a short flowy skirt that stopped just above my knees.

  It didn’t take long for me to get ready since I showered last night. Carefully getting dressed, I peeked at my reflection in the mirror. Still looking like death warmed over, I sighed as I brushed my hair out. Opting for a French braid, I weaved it securely, letting it drape over the side. I put on some light makeup and slipped on my converse. I figured they would be the easiest to walk around school with my jacked-up ankle.

  Leaving the bathroom, I grabbed my phone from the charger. I saw that Jensen had already texted me, eliciting a smile across my lips.

  Jensen: B there in 5

  Ok ;-), I replied

  I got to the top of the stairs and paused…. confused how to get down them since putting weight on my foot to step down would not go well. Sitting down on my butt instead, I inched my way down the steps. Once I got to the bottom, I couldn’t stand without my foot hurting. I rolled over and pushed myself up my skirt sliding up my hips, exposing my silky white panties.

  “Now, that’s a beautiful view,” Jensen said. I could feel the blood rush to my face and stumble forward. “Real funny. How about some help. Or you could stand there and stare at my underwear all morning.”

  “While I would like to do just that, we should get to school,” he reached over, helping me stand, his touch sending electric ripples through my body.

  “What was that?” I said jerking my arm free. “What was what? Are you feeling ok?” Jensen acted like he didn’t notice the warm pulse, but his body language to the touch said otherwise. Shrugging my shoulders, I grabbed my bookbag and motioned for him to walk out the door, “Whatever…. after you.”

  “Don’t you want to grab something to eat?” Jensen asked looking at my body. “Nope. I’m good,” I smiled, “Let’s go. We’ve still got to get Carly, and I don’t like to be late. Hey, how did you get in my house anyway?”

  “Here, I still had your house key from last night,” tossing me the keys I locked the door. I leaned on him as we made our way down the steps. The site before me was breathtaking, “Wow, that’s a beautiful car…. It’s going to jack up my hair,” I cocked my head to the side and smirked, enamored by the beauty of his black convertible Mustang.

  “Nah…. not much can mess up your looks,” smiling as he closed my door. “Carly lives just around the corner. It’s the white brick house two streets down on the right.”

  “Ok. Let’s go get her then,” he said, backing down my driveway. The tension was palpable between us, both afraid to speak about the quick kiss shared on the stairs hours before. I stayed lost inside my head, fearful of saying anything out loud only to be crushed with rejection. It took less than five minutes, and we were honking the horn in Carly’s driveway. Eventually, she came rushing down the steps towards the car.

  “What’s up bitches?!” Carly said as she swung herself over the passenger door into the seat behind me. “Damn Carly, I could have opened the door for you to get in the car.”

  “No way, I’ve always wanted to ‘Dukes of Hazard’ myself into a car. Now I can say I have - how’s your ankle?” she asked leaning over the seat to get a look. “Sore, but manageable.” I caught Jensen out of the corner of my eye, sensing the heat from him his gaze.

  “Ahem,” Carly cleared her throat, “Any chance you two can stop making goo-goo eyes and get going? We’ll be late for school.”

  “What?! We’re not making eyes!” I snapped, jerking my head towards her to give her a complete bitchface. “Dylan, you can deny whatever you want, but from back here, Y'all are definitely into each other…. AND making goo-goo eyes,” picking at her nails as she sat back in the seat. I peeked at Jensen and saw he was watching me. When he caught me sneaking a glance at him, he winked with his mouth drawn up in a half smile.

  “Dylan, what are we going to do for your birthday?” Jesus, sometimes I wish she would just be quiet. I wasn’t sure I wanted Jensen to know about my birthday – moreover, I didn’t want to think about my birthday. “I didn’t realize your birthday was coming up, when is it?” Jensen turned and asked me.

  “Um, May 17th,”

  “Wow, that’s Friday. You’re turning eighteen, right?”

  “Yep, the big eighteen.” I sighed. It would be a hard birthday since my parents just died. The thought of celebrating without them pained my heart. We always celebrated by going out for pizza and then eating ice cream cake at home.

  “Do you want to have a party... Yeah, I think we should throw a party,” Carly mumbled to herself, attempting to convince herself more than me. “NO – Carly. I don’t want a party. Tessa is moving in this weekend, so it will be crazy anyway.”

  “Tessa?” Jensen’s confusion was written all over his face. “She is, was, ah – my mom’s best friend. She doesn’t want me living in the house alone, and I don’t want to be alone – so she’s moving in with me.”

  “Will you guys need any help? I’m free this weekend, and my sister drives a truck…. I could borrow it – so I could help,” Jensen offered. He’d become a wonder to me, being so kind in the last twenty-four hours. His desire to comfort me was so confusing, and it was making it harder not to fall for him.

  “Kai drives a truck?” I chuckled and shook my head, “Yeah any help would be great. We can talk at lunch if you like and work out the details. That is if you can stand to be seen with us. I’d hate for your entourage to get upset.” Carly let out a big huff from the backseat, turning to see her rolling her eyes at me again.

  “Dylan, I plan on walking you to all your classes today. So, I’d say sitting with you at lunch is a definite yes.” I sat with my mouth open. I didn’t expect that response; in fact, I didn’t want him to help me at all.

  “Yep, you’ve got it bad for my girl up there,” Carly remarked. “I don’t blame you though; she’s the best gal at this school. So, don’t fuck her over or I will ruin you. Ok?”

  “I don’t plan on it,” Jensen said. We pulled into the parking lot with 15 minutes to spare.

  Chapter 13

  As we walked up the steps to the school, Megan Monroe blocked our path. She was the varsity cheer captain, which by default made her the most popular girl in school – oh, and she was beautiful. With long red hair, green eyes, and a perfect body, it wasn’t hard to see why everyone wanted to be her or date her. Hell, she was more Jensen’s league than I was. Strangely enough, I cringed on the inside as I tried to shake myself from the thought of them together.

  Her hand found its way to Jensen’s chest forcing him to stop. Batting her eyes and rubbing her hand across his chest, then resting them on his sculpted shoulders, “Jensen, why are you with these freaks? Someone like you should walk with someone like me.” Jensen pushed her hand off his shoulder, “Someone like me, is with – exactly the person I want to be with. So, if you’ll excuse me, these beautiful ladies and I will go.” He shouldered around her, dragging us inside, dismissing her like yesterday’s news.

  “Whatever – it won’t take you long, you’ll see what a joke she is, her friend too,” she giggled squeezing between us, breaking Jensen’s hold on my hand. The motion caused me to stumble into Carly. Megan turned to say something, but the low rumble, almost a growl from Jensen sent her stumbling away wide-eyed.
br />   “Well, that’s one way to make her leave,” Carly mocked. Walking into the school, a dizzy spell caused me to falter in my footing.

  “You all right?”

  Not wanting to alarm anyone, plus the dizzy spell vanished just as quickly as it occurred; I blamed my ankle, “Yeah, my ankle just buckled. Sorry,”

  The three of us walked into class together. Jensen and I walked to the back and took seats next to each other. Carly paused, giving me an ‘I told you so’ smirk. She sat behind us and whispered, “You two are hot for each other, just admit it,” I turned in time to see her wink, shooting her a glare in return.

  Kai walked in and took the seat next to her. “What’s up Dylan?” Kai asked. “Not much... So, I hear you drive a truck?”

  “Umm yeah... Why?” she gave me a puzzled look while cocking her eyebrow at her brother.

  “Well, Jensen mentioned you drove a truck, and my mom’s best friend is moving in with me this weekend. He thought you might let him borrow it so he could help us move her stuff.”

  “Well, you can use the truck, but I’ll drive and help out too. Besides, Jensen can’t touch Earl.”

  “Earl? You named your truck Earl?” Kai didn’t strike me as the type to give her truck a pet name, much less one like Earl. I giggled at her serious expression.

  “Ladies, please open your books and keep the chatter down,” Mr. Griggs asked from the front. I turned around trying to focus on the class, but with Jensen right next to me, my mind wandered to the feel of kissing his lips again. Lost in thought, I almost missed the bell ringing. As I was gathering my things to leave, Jensen leaned in and whispered, “I can’t fake it anymore. We gotta talk.”

  I turned my head, bumping my nose on his. “OW! What? Talk about what? Let me guess; you realized that I’m a loser like Megan said,” I hurried to get outside. He followed me out into the hallway and grabbed my arm.

  “Dylan, please stop. It’s not what you think,” he spun me around pinning me against the lockers, my bag tumbling to the ground.

  “Well then what is it? What can’t you hide anymore Jensen?” I was fuming; I looked away embarrassed for him to see the tears pooling in my eyes. He caught my face in his hands, “Dylan, please look at me.” I closed my eyes, refusing to open them. I didn’t want him to see I’d fallen for him.

  “No. Just say it, Jensen. What can’t you hide…” His mouth covering mine stunned me into silence. The intensity of his kiss exuded passion and desire, melting into him I hugged him close. All the anger I had vanished, leaving me feeling warm and loved. “I can’t hide my feelings for you. I know you feel it too,” he mumbled as he pulled away from me. Blinking myself to, I stared into his blue eyes. The color drowning me in a sea of emotion.

  “Whew that was hot!” whistled Drake. Drake was your typical jock He stood at 6 feet with short cropped blonde hair, with muscles and arrogance to match. Known as the football god, Drake was the hometown quarterback. No doubt was making all the other girls drop their panties just from his presence.

  Jensen broke our embrace, giving me a look of pure lust, making me go weak in my knees. “Yeah, she is.” leaving me against the lockers, he turned and sauntered away. As he walked away, I reached up touching my swollen lips, trying to hold onto the feeling he left me with.

  “Damn girl, that boy has it bad for you. He was looking at you like there was no one else in the school. And that kiss, shit, I thought I would have to get the fire extinguisher and put you two out!!” Scooping up my discarded bag, I tentatively smiled at Drake trying to hide the flush covering my face.

  Walking to class in a fog, I noticed Kai leaned against the wall. “Dylan, you got a second?”

  “Yeah, Kai, what’s up?”

  “Look, I want you to know my brother genuinely likes you. This isn’t a game for him. I know you don’t give yourself much credit, why I still don’t understand – you’re beautiful. Anyways, I wanted to tell you, so maybe give him a chance?” Unsure of what to say, I glanced around the room seeking refuge from the conversation.

  “Say nothing,” she held her hand up to stop me from responding. “I can see you like him. So just think about it ok?” I couldn’t focus the entire class; the heated kiss we shared consumed my every thought.

  Jensen wasn’t at lunch. Kai said he wanted to give me space. Undoubtedly, so I could think about what happened at the lockers without him making me uncomfortable. Kai wound up giving Carly a ride; she said Jensen and I needed time to talk alone – seeing as how the entire school was talking about the smoking hot kiss we shared.

  Mrs. Wright stopped me as I neared the front office looking for Jensen. “Dylan, can you step in the room for a minute?” she asked. “Ah, sure. Is there a problem?”

  “No, No. I wanted to see how you’re doing and how your first week back has been so far.” I walked into her office and sat down. She pulled the door closed behind me. “Dylan, how are you?” she asked as she sat down in the chair and placed her hand on my knee. “I’m fine. I mean I have my moments. And if it wasn’t for your son, I’m not sure I’d be able to say that.”

  “Yes, it would appear my son has developed a fondness for you. I’m glad he found you last night, something bad could have happened if he hadn’t. The woods aren’t safe at night. Dylan, this may seem weird, but I’d love for you to come over for dinner one night soon, and get to know you,” she smiled at me. “I would like that,” I said as I stood and started towards the door. “Dylan,” Mrs. Wright called out, “I’m glad Jensen found you.” I smiled and left her office, “Uh, yeah me too.”

  The sunshine was streaming over Jensen, highlighting his perfect physique, as he propped himself against the side of the Mustang. He looked sexy as has looked at the ground fiddling with his pockets. The breeze blew softly, causing him to look up as though it had whispered my presence. His eyes found mine, the world fading out as though there was no one else in the parking lot with us. Walking towards him, he stood to his full height to greet me.

  “Hey,” Jensen said. “Hi,” I smiled at him awkwardly. Confused after what we shared. “How’s your ankle?” he looked down at my foot. It was weird; I hadn’t thought about my ankle since this morning. I’d been walking fine and didn’t need to hobble to get around, “Actually, my ankle is fine. I hadn’t noticed, but it stopped bothering me sometime today.” The uncomfortable silence had us frozen, neither of us sure what to say.

  “Um, well we should head on,” I moved towards the car. “Dylan – wait,” Jensen reached out and grabbed my arm. “I…. we need to talk about today. About what happened?”

  “Look, it’s all right. I get it. The kiss was a mistake, and you want to just forget about it. I know someone like you wouldn’t be with... Well, me,” I was letting him off the hook; it would be easier this way. He scrubbed his chin and sighed. “What? Wait – why would you think I would want to forget it? Jesus Dylan. I like you. I mean more than like you. It’s... I think I’m falling for you,” he stuttered, “I know it’s crazy, but don’t you feel it?”

  Shocked and dizzy with confusion. “I – I…. are you sure? I don’t get it, Jensen? You could have anyone,” as I turned into him, his lips found mine again.

  This kiss differed from the one we shared at the lockers. It was needy and full of want. He bit my lip, pushing his tongue in between my lips. I gave in, sinking into his body desperate for more. His hands roamed down my back, resting on my hips. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I drew him in closer.

  Breaking apart for air, he rested his forehead on mine, kissing it tenderly. The warmth of his lips against my skin sent shivers through my body.

  “God Dylan, where have you been my whole life. I never thought I would find you, and yet here you are,” he whispered in my ear, “I dreamed about finding you – you’re the other half of my heart, and I can’t let you go.” his lips caressed my forehead again, “You’re my destiny, my destined mate.”

  “Destined Mate? Jensen, you’re not making any sense? God this is a
ll happening so fast,” I pulled away and stepped back giving myself space to digest what just happened. “Can you please take me home? Please, I need time to think.” He sighed, nodding his head he opened the door for me. My head was spinning; I just needed to gather myself together.

  “Will you call me tonight? So – we can talk?” his expression was painful like a distance was growing between us he couldn’t stop. “Yeah,” I grabbed his hand and squeezed as we exited the parking lot.

  Chapter 14

  Jensen pulled into my driveway and cut the engine. “Dylan, please talk to me,” the concern was evident in his voice, “I’m falling for you. I know it’s been just a few days, I know you don’t understand, but I know you’re meant for me.”

  “Jensen, I like you, a lot. But this is so overwhelming. I just buried my parents for crying out loud. I – I need time,” I watched him, as he listened to me plead, “Can you give me that? I promise to call you later; I need to rest. I’m not feeling great, and there’s just so much stuff in my head it hurts, ok?” With my bag in tow, I heaved myself from the passenger seat, letting go of his hand.

  Walking away the look of defeat in his eyes crushed me, “Jensen – I feel the same way. I need to take it all in. You understand, right? I mean, I don’t expect you to wait on me. You could have any girl you want.”

  “Dylan. Listen to me. I will wait if I have to. You. Are. Mine,” he grunted, “Get some rest. I’ll call you in a few hours, ok?”

  “Ok. Thanks,” I turned and walked in the house. AS soon as I stepped in, locking the door, my cell rang – it was Carly. “Hey Carly”

  “DYLAN, you better talk,” she demanded. “What?” I played dumb. “Do. Not. What me. How about for starters you tell me about the kiss you avoided talking about at lunch.”


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