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Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1)

Page 7

by LC Taylor

  “WAIT. How can Tess explain everything?” my brain was kicking into overdrive, it was overwhelming and confusing. I stood up and paced. “Tessa’s a shifter like us Dylan.”

  “There’s so much you need to understand,” he rubbed his hands down his face, shaking his head, “I can’t believe you weren’t told about your family or what you are.” Jensen grabbed me, cupping my face in his hands forcing me to stop and look at him, “I’m here for you... I promise.”

  As if on cue, Tessa stormed into the room looking concerned, I spun out of Jensen’s grasp. “Oh God Dylan,” mumbling through her tears, “I’m so sorry.” She grabbed me into a tight embrace. “Um Tessa…. you’re kinda crushing me,” I pushed away from her and stepped back. “Dylan, I’m so, so sorry, I should have told you. I assumed your parents had filled you in on all of this….” she said waving her hands in the air for effect.

  “Yeah, well they didn’t... Tessa, you’re a Wolfen too?” I studied her as she moved to sit down in the chair next to my bed. “Yes honey, I’m a shifter like you. I guess……” she took a breath, “I guess, I should start at the beginning huh?”

  “Yeah, that might be helpful,” my stomach growled loudly, “but maybe I should eat something?” I was starving; I hadn’t eaten well in days, “I’m not sure I can think straight, I’m so hungry.”

  “Kai is bringing food any minute now. You’ve been unconscious for three days, it’s no surprise your starving,” Jensen rested his hand on the small of my back, “Dylan, let Tessa talk. We will stop when Kai gets here with the food, ok?”

  “Ok, fine….” I sat back down, and Jensen pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my stomach. He laced his fingers through mine, kissing my neck. I could feel his warm breath against my collar bone, his scent taking over my senses calming my nerves.

  “Ok. Well…. Dylan, let’s start with who we are and how we got here,” Tessa paused, trying to find her words. “As Cassandra already told you, we’re wolfen. Her husband, Jack, was the pack's Alpha. Your dad, Garrett, was the Beta – his second in command. I was married to Cassandra’s brother, Rob, who was a pack enforcer. We lived here for years with no problems. The land has been ours for centuries, but about a year before you were born, we suffered a great loss. An attack was made on our pack, and it left us devastated,” fighting back the tears she continued, “another pack, who still live in Flint Lake, wanted our territory. They brought the conflict to Mystic Valley hoping to take it for themselves. We thought we were prepared, but we underestimated them.”

  “So many of our people sacrificed themselves that day. Your dad and Jack survived, Rob,” tears staining her cheeks as her voice broke, “Rob died that day, along with many others. When the fighting ended, and the Alpha from Flint Lake demanded our surrender, we decided to leave Mystic Valley instead. The remaining pack members scattered across the country, trying to find peace and start over. We disbanded the pack, we were too devastated to remain whole, and we knew we weren’t strong enough to survive another attack from Flint Lake. Parting ways were for the best…. for everyone.”

  “Wait, you’re related to Jensen?” I looked from her to Jensen, “Jensen if your dad didn’t die in the fight, what happened to him? You said he had died before you were born,” I didn’t mean to sound so callous, but the details had my head spinning. Hell, I just learned Tessa, and he were related, and no one had mentioned that tiny detail before.

  “No, he didn’t die in the attack Dylan. Several months after everyone left, he was killed in a robbery at the corner store. It was an accident – he was at the wrong place at the wrong time,” his pain was visible, so I squeezed his hand to reassure him.

  “I tried to stay in touch with your parents, but your dad was so devastated by the loss of his best friend, he shut everyone out. Until he and your mom came home. I stayed here in Mystic Valley; I couldn’t fathom leaving Rob here alone, he was buried here, after all.” She seemed to get lost in her memories, remembering that her husband was here, buried in the same cool ground as my parents.

  “A few weeks after Jack died, Cassandra found out she was pregnant with the twins. She moved away for their safety; she didn’t want to live in fear or put her children at risk. We always felt the robbery was a cover up and Jack was murdered, never proving anyone else’s involvement,” Tessa squeezed Jensen’s leg, silently conveying a message with her eyes.

  “…. Anyway, when your parents called and told me they were coming home, I was ecstatic. They’d only lived in the city for a year, but the loneliness I felt during that time consumed me. When they got back, and I found out she was pregnant. Well…I was beside myself. Dylan, I understood why your parents never told you about our heritage. They were convinced they should wait until you were closer to eighteen to tell you, your mom thought it would be safer that way. I’m sorry, it didn’t cross my mind they didn’t get the chance to tell you,” Tessa was crying hard, trying to speak through her sobs, “she did what she thought was best to protect you. She didn’t want you living in fear. Or worse, like someone from the other pack learning they had come back to Mystic Valley and were pregnant with you.”

  “Ok, let me get this straight. My parents were shifters; my dad was the second in command to some pack? So, Jensen’s what, the alpha’s son?” I leaned back wanting to see Jensen’s expression – he had a scowl on his face, and his brows pinched in frustration.

  “Yes,” Tessa continued, “and me, you, Jensen, Cassandra, and Kai, are the remaining members of the pack here in Mystic. When it was just your parents and me, it was easy to stay under the radar. But the alphas family is back, so it won’t take long for the pack at Flint Lake to catch wind of us, they possibly already know the Alpha’s son is here.”

  “So…. what if they do? All that crap happened almost 19 years ago. Why would they have an issue with us now?” Trying to make sense of all this, I looked at Tessa for understanding. “It’s not about that Dylan. There are still members who may still hold a grudge. They didn’t get the control they wanted, and they lost a lot of lives trying. When the pack scattered, it angered them so much that they didn’t even fight to take the territory. Mystic Valley still belongs to us. I fear they’ll try to come back and hurt us again.” She seemed legitimately worried; she stood and paced the floor.

  “So now what? You think they’re going to come to try and take control of the few of us left? This is crazy,” I huffed. “No one is touching me. SO, they can just go to Hell for all I care.”

  “I got dinner bitches!!,” Kai entered carrying food. “Jesus Kai, can you show restraint and watch your mouth,” Jensen said. “What?” Kai asked looking like she did not understand what the problem was. “I got Chinese, a little bit of everything since I didn’t know what Dylan liked. Plus, I know she is starving!” Kai winked at me as she handed out different containers. Cassandra came back and smiled at me.

  “Dylan, I know this is so much to process. And now you know everything, Jensen can work with you on shifting. It’s important you know how to do it as Tessa said, we don’t know what the other pack knows or if they’ll try anything.”

  “Wait, I’ll help her learn, not Jensen,” Tessa looked at Cassandra and frowned. “Tessa, I guess we should tell you... Jensen and Dylan are destined mates, I’m sure Jensen will want to show her how to shift,” her face lit up as she glanced between he and I.

  Tessa looked over at us, “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she huffed staring at our proximity. “I’m serious. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?” Cassandra asked.

  “No. Why would I have a problem with my nephew being the destined mate to my best friend’s daughter? I’m just surprised, it certainly explains things,” her eyebrow arching as she stared at me in his lap.

  “Well, let’s eat. We can talk later. Plus, I’m sure those two, need time alone to figure STUFF out,” Cassandra took a bite of Chow Mein, pointing at us with her chopsticks. I took the box of fried rice from Kai, stuffing my mouth full. It was a weir
d feeling no longer alone, the emptiness of my parent’s death fading away, being replaced by a pack of wolves – err…extended family.

  Chapter 19

  I woke to the rays of the early morning sun peeking through my window. The feeling of a warm, hard body pressed against me, and a strong arm draped over my stomach felt like heaven. I shifted my body and rolled to find Jensen laying on his side. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and I found myself staring at the lines and contours of his perfectly chiseled chest muscles. They flexed under each breath he took, it was mesmerizing, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

  Trying to remember how he got there, recalling that the last thing was us eating with everyone, and then spending a few hours talking about our lives. After everyone had left my room, Jensen and I talked about our plans after we graduated. I don’t remember a lot beyond that because we must have dozed off. I felt safe in his embrace, not wanting to leave the warm cocoon his arms provided.

  “Good morning beautiful,” he smiled cracking his eyes open. “Um…. Morning,” I smiled back, “Jensen, how are you in my bed?”

  “Well, we talked for a couple more hours after everyone left. You dozed off around 3 am, and I couldn’t leave you,” reaching up and smoothing a stray strand of hair out of my eyes. “So, you slept here? We didn’t you know…um well, we only slept, right?”

  He let out a deep laugh, “Dylan, you will know if we EVER do more than sleep, I can promise you that. I’ll make sure you remember every single detail…. leaving little doubt if all we did was just sleep,” he cocked an eyebrow as he responded. I hit him with my pillow, “You seem so sure of yourself.”

  “Oh, I am sure,” he pulled me into his body and kissing my head. “Ok, as much as I would love to lay here with you all day... I think we gotta get up so we can eat breakfast before attempting to shift,” he slid out of my grasp and got up.

  “Shift? If it hurts near as bad as the last few days, I don’t think I want to,” I whined. “Dylan, you must. If you don’t, it will be much worse for you. Your wolf side is just as much a part of you, as your human side is – you can’t ignore her or she’ll literally tear you apart from the inside out.”

  “Fine, but I need a shower and to brush my teeth, Ok?” I kissed his neck. “Humm…a shower isn’t a bad idea” he grabbed me close, kissing me hard on the lips.

  “Ewwww…Jensen! I haven’t brushed my teeth yet!” I screamed, shoving him off as I ran towards the bathroom, “and DON’T you dare come in here!!” I slammed the door and leaned against it. Holy shit, it was hard not to rip off what little clothes he had on, my body craved him, unlike anything I’d ever experienced. A thirst I needed to quench, and soon. A cold shower was just the thing I needed.

  I turned on the water, brushing my teeth before stepping in. The cool water bit my skin but felt refreshing. I squirted shampoo in my hand and scrubbed my hair. The minty scent invaded my senses, like an early morning wake up call. As I rinsed my hair, I turned my face to the pelting spray water and let it wash over me. Entranced by the sensation of water tickling my skin and lost in the soothing sounds as the water fell, I didn’t hear the bathroom door creak open and close. Moving with stealth, Jensen stepped in behind me. Leaning into my body, he placed a kiss on the curve of my neck.

  “What the fuck!” I jumped almost falling into Jensen as he steadied me from behind. The sudden movement causing our bodies to brush against one another. “I couldn’t stand it. I kept imagining you in here, naked with the water dripping down your curves, I couldn’t stay away. You’re my siren…. you call to my soul,” Jensen traced my arm with the edge of his hand.

  “Jensen. GET OUT. You’re naked. Oh, MY GOD, I am naked. Jensen don’t look at me,” I tried covering myself with my arms, “Dylan, stop. Don’t hide, please turn around,” he gripped my wrists in his hands, kissing my shoulder, “God you're beautiful.”

  “Jensen. Seriously, you’re naked”

  “Yes, I am…. So are you, and you’re breathtaking. Turn Around Dylan.” He released my wrists and I dropped my arms to my side, still refusing to face him. I felt so out of depth, I’d never seen a guy naked. Not in person anyway and T.V. didn’t count. I dug deep within myself, finally finding my courage hidden behind the scared girl living inside me. I turned around, even though I was terrified. Keeping my eyes on his, afraid to look anywhere else. I covered what I could of myself using my hands and stood to face him.

  “Dylan. You’re beautiful. Stop hiding. You. Are. Mine,” he tilted my chin up and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, slowly moving my arms from my body to his shoulders. I was exposing my entire soul to him, while my fear and embarrassment slipped away. He leaned back, taking in the full view of my naked self. I took that moment to look at him, all of him. He was beautiful. His body was toned to perfection, and his skin glowed like it’d been kissed by the sun. The water glistened off the ridges of his body, making him shimmer under the light. Blushing I dared a glance down, settling on his very hard erection. It was jutting out, slightly pressed against his stomach. I was intimidated by his size and inhaled suddenly. Visualizing him pushing it into me, caused butterflies between my legs. I shifted uncomfortably, squeezing my knees together to halt the wetness that was beginning to gather.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked. “Stop, you’re just saying that,” I looked away, embarrassed, “it’s not like I’ve been naked with men in my shower before.”

  “Dylan, surely, you’ve had before? Have none of them showered with you?” Jensen asked me, looking confused. “No…umm, never in fact,” glancing at my feel sheepishly, “boys haven’t been interested in me like this…. this is a first for me.”

  Chapter 20

  Jensen tilted my chin up and claimed my lips once more. He pressed me against the shower wall and ran his hands down my back, resting them on my butt. His urgency to feel me was obvious, as his hard erection pressed into my abdomen signaling his desire for me. “Oh God Jensen,” my moan escaped brushing across his lips. The heat of him rubbing against my thigh caused my insides to quiver with need.

  “Dylan,” Jensen whispered my name, as he sucked my lobe, biting it softly. His lips traced a path along my neck, finding their way to my shoulder. Lingering only for a moment, his mouth found my breast. He teased my nipple with his tongue, biting and pulling on it between his teeth. I didn’t want to stop, I wanted him. I eased his arms forward, trying to encourage him to take more.

  His hands kneading my butt as they traced their way along my hip. Using his knee, he spread my legs open, his hands caressing the inside of my thigh. His fingers tickled my soft curls before making their way to my apex. His tongue found its way into my mouth, hunger for me evident. Feelings overwhelming my senses, I couldn’t control myself and moaned sinking into his touch. His fingers danced across my folds as he slipped one inside me. “Oh God, you’re so warm and ready for me,” he jerked against me as his hot breath tickled my neck.

  “Yes, Jensen…please don’t stop,” I couldn’t think straight, I was breathing heavy and moaning as his fingers stroked my inner walls. He slipped another finger in stretching me, simultaneously rubbing his thumb across my sensitive bud. The gesture sending me into overdrive, his movements were electrifying, coaxing me towards my first climax. My orgasm spilled from me like a volcanic eruption, the force of it causing my knees to buckle and my legs to go weak.

  Jensen shifted his weight, lifting me against the shower wall. My legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer. He slipped his fingers from my core, leaving me to feel hollow. His erection teased the entrance between my legs, “I want you inside me.”

  With one hand he reached between us, gripping his erection in his hands, he positioned the head of his cock between my folds, “are you sure you’re ready?” pausing as if searching for my certainty.

  “Yes. Jensen, make me yours. Inside me, NOW,” bucking my hips to urge him on. That’s all it took, it was like a damn breaking free, and with a slow push, his cock slid
into me. Giving me a moment to adjust, he pushed in breaking through the barrier making us one. I inhaled sharply through the initial jolt of pain, but once it subsided, the feeling of being complete consumed me. “Did I hurt you?” his body tensing, as he searched my face for reassurance.

  “It’s ok now; just move slow for a minute.” I was panting from the sheer pleasure of him being in me. “Hold on,” he smiled as he turned off the now, freezing water. Grabbing the towel, he covered us and moved us into the bedroom, “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Water was still dripping from his body as he laid us down and positioned himself over me. I wiggled my hips, urging him to bury himself in me again and sedate the emptiness I felt. He pushed himself into my slick folds, peppering kisses over my body with his soft warm lips. Wrapping my legs around him, urging him deeper to touch the furthest depths within me. He took the hint slamming into me, the sensation forcing out my screams of pleasure. He moved inside me, teasing me with his tongue. We moved in rhythm, lost in each other’s embrace. My hands felt his muscles flex and tighten as he moved against me, I was close to my climax, “Jensen, I’m so close, don’t stop.”

  The walls of my center began to spasm and tighten around him, sending him over the edge. I felt his muscles tense as the warmth of his seed filled me, erupting together. “Baby….,” Jensen kissed me as he collapsed out of breath, “that was…., God you were amazing.” He kissed my hand he as entwined his fingers with mine. I smiled, rolling over to kiss his chest, “Jensen, I love you.”

  “Did I hurt you? Are you ok?” he looked me over like he expected to find something wrong. “Jensen, that was better than I ever imagined. I never thought it would feel so – so unbelievably good. I always thought it would hurt the whole time.”


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