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Derek (Hunter PI & Security #1)

Page 30

by Sharon Cummin

  I could feel him looking me over but couldn't open my eyes, too afraid of what I'd see in his. His mouth moved from one breast to the other and back, and I felt like I was going to come from that alone. My hands came down and gripped his shoulders. They felt so hard, so muscular. When I moved my hands slowly down his back, I could feel his muscles move as he did.

  “Derek,” I whimpered, unable to help it. “Please.”

  He released my breast with a loud pop and brought his mouth again to mine. His hands moved down my stomach, as his body held me against the wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him as hard as I could. I needed more. I felt like I could have crawled inside of him and still not been close enough. When I felt the button on my pants release, I sucked in a huge breath. His hand moved down the inside of my pants and stopped just as the edge of my panties. I knew he was waiting for me to let him know he could continue.

  “Touch me,” I whispered against his lips. “Please.”

  His fingers moved beneath the fabric, and I felt like I was going to melt from the heat of his touch. When they moved down and brushed against me, a shiver ran through my body. Then he was there. I felt his finger move in a circle. Then I felt it spread me as he slipped it carefully inside.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moaned, as I released my hold on his mouth and my head fell back. “Derek.”

  “So wet,” he said in the sexiest tone, as his mouth hit my neck. “You're so fucking tight around my finger, baby. Can you feel that?”

  I have no idea what sound came out of my mouth, but I couldn't have formed words in that moment no matter how hard I tried. He moved his finger in and back out slowly a few times before he began to speed his movements a bit. When he added a second finger, I felt my body tighten around him.

  “Fuck,” he hissed. “Bridget.”

  His mouth came back to mine again, and I had to gasp for air. He was kissing me like he needed to be as close to me as I needed to be to him. It was so hard, deep, and demanding, but it was also so filled with passion.

  “Derek,” I cried out into his mouth. “I need you.”

  He continued moving his fingers faster and deeper. My hand moved down his body. I pulled his sweats back enough to get my hand under them. Then I slid it beneath his boxers. When I felt the skin of his hard shaft beneath my fingers, I gripped him tight. He was big, bigger than I'd ever felt before. I'd only been with two men in my life, but he was by far the biggest. He felt long and wide, and I had no idea how he would ever fit inside of me without tearing me apart. That should have scared me, but it didn't. I wanted so badly to feel him inside of me while I looked into his dark, sexy eyes.

  When I circled my finger around his tip and spread the liquid that had already come from him, I heard a sound so deep in his chest that I felt it vibrate against my own. His hands shoved at my pants. He broke our connection and leaned down. When he slid my pants off with my panties in them, I stepped out of them one leg at a time. Then he took a step back and I felt as if he were touching me in each spot his eyes traveled.

  “Derek,” I said quietly, as I put my hands down to cover my myself.

  “Stop,” he snapped. “Do not.”

  “But,” I began, but he quickly cut me off, as he stepped forward so his body was against mine again.

  “You are perfect,” he said, as he leaned in to kiss me again. “Fucking perfect.”

  I shook my head, but he held it still.

  “Yes,” he said.

  Then his hand grabbed mine and covered his cock with it.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked, and I nodded. “That is all because of you. I will not hear you say anything different. You are perfect.”

  I felt his words go straight to my heart and kissed him back even harder than before. When my hands moved against his sweats, he shoved them down with his boxers and kicked them off. I was so damn glad he didn't have a shirt on, because I wasn't about to let another second pass without feeling him inside of me. I grabbed his shaft and began stroking him hard and slow.

  “Fuck,” he hissed.

  Then I knew I had to see him. When I stepped back and my eyes landed on his cock, I gasped and my eyes widened. He let out a proud laugh and smiled.

  “Your,” I began.

  “Perfect,” he said in warning but also with humor.

  I looked back up to his eyes but didn't speak. He grabbed my face in his hands and looked into my eyes.

  “We don't have,” he started, but it was my turn to quickly cut him off.

  “I want to,” I said.

  Then he kissed me again.

  “I won't hurt you,” he said between kisses. “I would never hurt you.”

  That was all I needed. When I jumped up and he caught me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He was right there, so damn close to entering me. Then he pulled back from our kiss.

  “Shit,” he said. “I don't have a condom.”

  “I'm on birth control,” I said without thinking.

  I couldn't wait another second. I needed him inside of me like I needed to breathe.

  “You're sure,” he said. “I'm clean.”

  “Me too,” I said. “Please, Derek. I need you.”

  I reached down between us, lined him up, and looked into his eyes.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  His grip on my ass tightened, and I felt him slowly lower me. I felt my body begin to stretch around him and whimpered. He stopped for a moment. Then he continued little by little. When he closed his eyes tight and I heard a rumble in his chest, I grabbed hold of him and kissed him. He was all the way in. We were completely connected. Then he stilled. I put my hands on his shoulders and lifted until I was almost completely empty. Then I slowly slid down his shaft and cried out when he hit an amazing spot deep inside of me. That was when he lost it, and I couldn't have been happier. He held my body hard against the wall and gripped my hips tight as he lifted me up before dropping me down, causing me to cry out again. He picked up the pace, and I'd never felt so full in all of my life. The feeling of him inside of me was so intense that I could barely control my emotions. Before I could tell him how amazing it felt, he'd opened his mouth to tell me.

  “So fucking good,” he said. “It feels so damn good being inside of you, baby. So tight. So perfect.”

  I gripped tight to his shoulders as I moved my body over him, and he met each of my moves with a perfect, hard thrust. When he grabbed the back of my head and demanded entrance to my mouth, I was barely holding on. He was hitting that perfect spot inside of me so rough and deep while his tongue was softly making love to mine. The two sides of him were coming together, and I couldn't hold back and longer.

  “Derek,” I cried out his name and felt my body tighten around him as I exploded, gripping him over and over.

  “Fuck, baby,” I heard his voice boom through the room, as he held me tight and jolt after jolt from him entered me.

  We rode out our orgasms together before my body went limp in his arms, feeling more comfortable than I thought was possible. When he released one of my legs, and I slid down his body, I didn't want to let him go. I didn't want to lose the feeling his touch gave me. Then my other foot hit the ground too. I knew I had to let him go, but I did very slowly.

  When he didn't say anything for a moment, I didn't know what to do. The only thing I could think of was getting my clothes on and getting out of there. Jean could bring Jenny home at any moment, and we were standing against his living room wall with nothing on. Oh shit, I thought! I was naked in front of Derek. When I looked down at my body and thought about the picture of his beautiful wife, I freaked inside and hurried around for my clothes.

  “Bridget,” I heard him say, almost as if he were off in the distance.

  I had my panties and pants on when I felt huge hands come around my waist and turn me around.

  “Get dressed,” I said in a panic. “If they come home.”

  “They won't be home for a bit,” he said. “We need to talk.”
  “I have to go. I told them I went home sick. What if they call? Shit! I came to yell at you. That was what I came here for.”

  “Bridget,” he said again, as I pushed out of his hands.

  I grabbed my bra and quickly put it on. Then I pulled my shirt over my head. When I turned and looked at him again, he was still completely naked. My eyes went right to his cock, and then I quickly looked away. He reached for me again, but I shook my head.

  “I have to go,” I said. “I'm not her. I'm not even close.”

  “What?” he asked, with a confused look on his face.

  “Nothing,” I said, as I grabbed my phone and keys. I quickly slipped my feet into my shoes. “I'll see you later.”

  “Bridget,” he growled out, as I opened his front door. “Stop!”

  I kept moving. It was the first time I hadn't done as he asked. He was still naked, so I knew there was no chance of him coming after me.

  “I can't,” I yelled out over my shoulder, and I took off down his porch steps and hurried to my car.

  My entire drive home, the scene played over in my head. I'd been with Derek. Shit! I couldn't believe it. He knew what happened, but he was still with me. It was so different. Every second with him was different than anything I'd ever experienced. I'd been with my ex in good times and in bad. Then I'd been with Gabe. Being with Derek was not even close to the same at all. My ex was my first. It was okay. I guess I figured it would get better with time. When he forced himself on me, it was horrible. He was drunk, so I begged him not to do it. When I realized he wasn't going to stop, I quit fighting and stayed as quiet and still as I could until he was done. When I was with Gabe, he treated me like I might break. He was always so careful and nervous. Even after being together so many times, he still treated me the same. It was always the same. When Derek kissed me, I felt things I never knew I could feel. He was sweet and loving, but he was also rough and demanding. I felt passion when we touched. That alone scared the shit out of me, but what scared me even more was the fact that I hadn't been afraid at all.

  As soon as I was home, I fell back onto the couch and looked up at the urn on the fireplace. Then I cried. The longer I sat there, the harder I cried. I loved him. I loved Gabe. I didn't love Derek. How could I have felt with Derek things I'd never felt in my years with Gabe? How could I let that happen? I felt so guilty for being with another man. I felt even worse that I'd enjoyed it. It was wrong, I knew it was. Then I started to feel angry. I loved Gabe. If he loved me even half as much as I did him, why didn't being with him feel better than being with Derek. What had we done wrong? I was angry at myself for letting me do what I'd done earlier in the day, but I was also angry at Gabe for leaving me, for not treating me like a normal person, for not making love to me the way Derek had. He was supposed to love me. How could another man, who didn't love me, make me feel better than he had.

  “Fuck!” I screamed out toward the urn. “I'm so mad at you. I hope you know that. If you had been watching what you were doing, you would be here right now. What the fuck were you doing that night, Gabe? Why weren't you being careful? Why aren't you here with me and our son?”

  The tears continued streaming down my face, and I began to sob.

  “Why didn't you make me feel that way?” I yelled out. “Why did you treat me like I was fragile? Why didn't you treat me like a normal person? Did you love me like Gabby thinks or did you feel sorry for me? I loved you, and you left me. How could you? Why didn't you ever say it?”

  So many thoughts were flying through my mind. I knew almost all of them were ridiculous, but they wouldn't go away.

  I heard my phone ding and picked it up.

  Derek: Are you home?

  Fuck that, I thought. If he didn't have to answer me, then I didn't have to answer him. I needed time to think, and he was going to let me have it.

  When I heard another ding, I thought for sure it was one of his threats, but it wasn't. Instead, it was Doug.

  Doug: I'll pick Gabe up. Get some rest.

  “Fuck you too,” I yelled at the phone, so pissed that something had gone on between him and Derek that I still couldn't figure out.

  I fell back onto the couch and let my tears fall. When I closed my eyes, all I could see was an image of Derek holding me up, with my legs wrapped around his waist, as he kissed me breathless. All I could do was cry even more.

  Chapter 35


  Just like that, she was gone, and I was left standing there naked in my own living room. What the fuck just happened, I thought, as I pulled my boxers and sweats back on. It felt like she was there, I could still smell the sweet smell of her hair around me.

  I walked over to the couch and sat down with my head in my hands. If I would have thought about being with Bridget, I knew I wouldn't have thought it could be like that. Kissing her that one time was explosive, but it had nothing on what had just happened moments before.

  When she reached forward and took my face in her hands, I knew I had to have my mouth on hers, but she beat me to it. She made the first move. Then my world exploded. There was no stopping it. Her breasts felt perfect in my hands and tasted sweet on my tongue. When I pulled her shirt off, she was even more beautiful than I'd imagined. When my hands slipped into her panties and between her legs, I was done. There was no stopping what was coming at us at high speeds. I think she knew it too. When I slid my cock into her slowly, her pussy sucked me in tighter than I could have imagined. It took all I had not to burst into her before ever being fully inside of her. When I hit her deep and she whimpered, I knew I needed to take her hard and fast. I needed to feel her skin slamming down against mine. When she lifted up and came down on me, I almost came instantly, but I was so glad I didn't. When we both flew over that edge together, something shot through my body that I'd never felt before.

  I stood silent while I tried to get my shit together, but she never even gave me the chance. Bridget was getting dressed and high tailing it out of there as fast as she could. Even when I snapped her name and told her to stop, she kept going. There was no way she was going to stay. I had to let her go. Who was I fooling? I needed the space as much as she did. That woman had just rocked my world, and I couldn't make sense of it.

  When I heard the front door open, I quickly looked around the room to make sure everything was back to normal. They were back before they were supposed to be. What if Bridget hadn't left, I thought? What if we were both naked? Shit!

  Jenny came barreling at me and knocked me back on the couch.

  “Daddy,” she yelled. “Do you feel better?”

  I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her tight.

  “I do,” I said, as I held my little girl. “I feel much better.”

  Jenny went on about the museum and how she'd wanted to come home to check on me. I looked up to see Jean with a concerned look on her face.

  “She wanted to see you,” she said. “She was worried about you.”

  “I'm just fine, baby girl,” I said.

  “We went to get ice cream too,” Jenny said. “Just when we were getting home, grandma asked if I wanted ice cream, and we kept right on driving. I wanted to bring you some, but she said it was going to melt.”

  “That's okay,” I said. “Did you like yours?”

  Then it hit me, she said they were almost home. Shit! Had Jean seen Bridget's car?

  “I'm going to wash my hands,” Jenny said, as she wiped them together. “I'm all sticky.”

  “Okay,” I said. “I'll see you in a minute.”

  The moment she was gone, I stood and walked toward Jean.

  “You came by here,” I said, as more of an answer than a question.

  “We did,” she said.

  “And,” I said, waiting to see her disappointment in me.

  “Bridget's car was here, so I asked if she wanted ice cream. I was pretty sure you needed a few minutes,” she said in an innocent, non-judgmental tone.

  “Why would we need a minute
?” I asked nervously.

  “You're not sick, Derek,” she said. “I'm pretty sure you staying home had something to do with her. I'm going to see if Jenny needs help. She was pretty sticky.”

  “Jean,” I said, as I reached for her arm before she reached the first step.

  She turned to me, shook her head, and placed her hand on mine.

  “I sure hope you two can figure things out before you mess this up,” she said.

  “There is no this,” I said. “I love Jennifer.”

  “I know you do,” she said. “But there can be enough love in you for someone else too.”

  Then she took my hand from her arm and walked up the stairs.

  I grabbed my phone and walked out to sit on the front porch. When I looked around my yard, I wasn't sure what to think. I looked down at my phone, sure Bridget should have been home by then. I didn't ask her to text me, but she should have already known that I'd want her to. I shook my head and sent a quick message.

  Me: Are you home.

  Minutes passed, and she didn't respond. Then I thought about the fact that I'd been inside of her bare, with nothing between us. When she said she'd been on birth control, I wanted to say something, but I didn't. Sitting alone on the porch, the thought of her being with someone else popped into my head. If she hadn't been, then why did she need birth control? Bullshit! She couldn't have been. We'd been talking since days after Gabe had been born. I had to know, and I wasn't about to wait to find out.

  Me: Why are you on birth control?

  Before long, Jenny came out front to sit with me, and Jean came with her. Jenny crawled into my lap while Jean sat down next to me.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “I don't know,” I answered honestly. “I really don't know.”

  “It's okay, Derek,” she said. “It's okay to move on.”

  “No,” I said. “It's not.”

  I thought about the text I'd sent minutes before. That shit was none of my business. Sure, it felt good being with Bridget, but it would have felt good with anyone. It had been a very long time.

  “I have to set a good example for my little girl,” I said, as I kissed the top of Jenny's head as she rested it on my shoulder while I rocked her.


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