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Derek (Hunter PI & Security #1)

Page 39

by Sharon Cummin

  “Right now?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he said. “I can hear Gabby's ass laughing. Have her watch the desk, and meet me at the diner on the corner. Tell her you're hungry or something. See if she wants anything. I'm buying.”

  “Where are you?” I asked.

  “I'm sitting in the diner lot right now,” he said.

  “I don't know,” I said.

  “It's important, Bridget,” he said. “Quit saying things she can hear and get moving.”

  I let out a huff without even realizing it. His bossy tone was pissing me off. What could he possibly have to say that would even matter, I wondered? Had he missed me too? I felt a small smile cross my face. He did want to keep it away from Gabby. That just proved what I'd said to him, and I didn't like it.

  “Please,” he said, pulling me back to the call.

  “Fine,” I said. “Goodbye.”

  I hung up before he could say anything else.

  “I'm hungry,” I said, turning back to Gabby. “I was thinking about going to the corner and grabbing something. With all that action going on this morning, you must be hungry too. Do you want something?”

  “That sounds good,” she said. “Doug won't be here until later today.”

  “Can you watch the desk while I go?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she answered.

  I got her order and left the building. On my way down the street, I thought about what I was doing and stopped walking. I'd already told myself that I needed time, and his first call had me running. I wanted to turn around and go back to work, but I knew two things would happen. Gabby would wonder where her food was, and Derek would be pissed that I hadn't shown up. Neither of those options had a happy ending. I looked up toward the diner and saw his truck. Then I saw his eyes on me. There was no way I was getting away if I went back. He wouldn't let that happen, and I knew it. My feet began moving again, and as soon as I was close enough, his passenger door swung open. He wanted me to sit with him, in his car, with the doors closed. Then I'd have to smell that Derek scent. I'd have to see little signs of him spread around. I'd see Jenny's seat and whatever doll or toy she'd left when she'd gotten out last.

  “Get in the damn truck,” I heard him snap and jumped.

  When I got in, I slammed the door, and he cringed. Mission accomplished, I thought.

  “I'm here,” I said meanly. “What was so important?”

  He reached up and combed his fingers through his hair, and that damn shiver thing happened again. His jaw tightened, and I could see the tension in his shoulders. The moment I noticed, my guard came down.

  “What's wrong?” I asked. “Is everything okay? Is it Jenny? What about Jean and Joe?”

  “They're all fine,” he said.

  “Drake?” I asked. “Is it Taylor?”

  “The guys are good,” he said. “I got a call this morning.”

  He took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

  “Derek,” I said, as I reached over and put my hand on his arm. “What's going on?”

  He looked straight ahead at the building in front of us.

  “You know I have that guy in Michigan?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Doug doesn't know, but I've had him watching things for me. Gabby's ex walked out of jail on Friday, and my guy didn't call me until two hours ago to tell me.”

  “That's not possible,” I said. “He must have the wrong guy. Gabby's ex is going to be in there for years. I heard the judge say it myself.”

  “He's out,” Derek said.

  When I didn't say anything, he turned to me.

  “I don't want you to worry about it,” he said. “Drake came in as soon as I found out, and we already had the guy flagged, so we've been keeping an eye out, in case there was any movement. There's been no activity yet. If he buys a plane ticket, rents a car, goes to the bank, or charges anything, we'll know the moment it happens. I have to get back to the office and make some calls to figure out how the scum managed to get released. I just wanted to let you know.”

  “Have you told Doug?” I asked.

  “No,” he said. “He has a meeting and won't be back until well after lunch. That's not something I want to tell him over the phone. There's nothing to worry about. The asshole can't leave the state, and I'm sure he doesn't want to go back to jail again. Don't say anything to Gabby. I don't want her freaking out over nothing.”

  I turned to look ahead at the building, but I could feel my hands shaking. Before you think it, I wasn't giving my ex power over me. It wasn't that. Gabby's ex was a major asshole and had the potential to hurt someone. He did it to her and then showed up to do it again years later. I was nervous for a very valid reason.

  “Hey,” I heard the concern in his voice.

  Then I felt his hand on my chin and turned toward him so he'd let go. Even though I was freaking out inside, his touch fucked with my head. The feel of his fingers on me was more than I could take.

  “It's okay,” he said. “We're watching. I'm just pissed I wasn't told when it happened.”

  I nodded my head but didn't speak.

  “I just wanted you to know,” he said.

  “I'm going to get food and head back to work,” I said. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  I swung the door open, but he grabbed my arm before I could hop out of the truck. When I felt like electricity shot up my arm, I pulled back from him.

  “I'll let you know if he moves,” he said. “Everything is good. I want you to promise me something though. If you feel nervous or anything happens that you don't like, I need you to call me.”

  I hadn't noticed, but I must have made a sound or changed my expression.

  “If you won't call me, then call Taylor or Drake. Do you hear me?” he asked, with what I would have thought was hurt in his tone.

  I nodded again, but I didn't say anything.

  “Promise me,” he said, much rougher than just a second before.

  “I'll be fine,” I said. “I won't break, remember?”

  “It has nothing to do with your past, Bridget,” he growled out. “This is about now and the asshole I know hurt Gabby and then went back for more years later. I'm watching his ass, but you need to let one of us know if you're not comfortable. Don't pull the whole tough girl shit right now. This is not the time. I'm already going to be worried enough.”

  “Worry about Gabby,” I said. “I'll be fine.”

  Then I shut the door and walked into the diner with my shoulders pulled back, even though, on the inside, I was a mess and so damn scared.

  I grabbed the food, which I paid for, and looked around the entire walk back. It was only a minute, but it felt so much longer. When I walked in, Gabby had a smile on her face.

  “Damn,” she said. “I thought you had to go hunt the food yourself.”

  “Sorry about that,” I said. “They were really busy.”

  I handed her one of the bags and set the other on my desk. She had a huge smile on her face as she walked toward the elevator. I felt so damn bad for not telling her what Derek had told me, but I also didn't want that happy smile to leave her face. She'd felt safe for so long. I knew what it felt like to worry and feel nervous all the time, and I didn't want that for my friend. I wanted her to always have that feeling of freedom, and I knew the minute she found out, it would all be gone.

  I was on guard all day. Each time that front door opened, my eyes were right there seeing who it was. Derek's guys had walked through a few times in both directions. I'd seen them more that day than I had in weeks. I wanted to believe he was worried about me because he cared, but I knew better. He was just like the rest of them. It was all out of pity.

  When Doug walked through the door with a smile on his face, I knew what was coming. Derek was going to tell him, and that smile would vanish. That carefree, happy feeling would leave right along with it. Would he tell Gabby, or would he hide it from her, I wondered? Knowing Doug, he'd want to keep it to himself. He wo
uldn't want that free feeling to leave her either.

  “How's it going?” he asked.

  “Great,” I said. “How was your meeting?”

  “It went well,” he said. “I'm pretty sure I just picked up a huge account.”

  I don't know if it was because of Gabby's ex or not, but I was full of emotion.

  “He'd be so damn proud of you two,” I said.

  He stopped and looked over at me.

  “I'm just saying,” I said with a shrug. “You and Gabby have done an amazing job here.”

  “Thanks,” he said. “I give her the credit. If she hadn't come here, I'd still be doing things exactly the same way he'd done it all along. She really has changed so many things.”

  “I'm glad you found each other again,” I said. “It's nice to see you both happy.”

  He walked to the elevator. When it opened, he held the door, and I heard him call out my name.

  “Yes,” I said, as I leaned over my desk to see him.

  “Do you know anything about my wife sending me a text telling me I need to quiet down at home?” he asked.

  I burst into laughter, and so did he.

  “That is not a discussion I am having with you,” I said.

  When the elevator closed, I shook my head. He was not going to be happy when he found out what Derek had to tell him. It wasn't going to be easy on anyone. I looked over at my phone and knew Derek would want to know Doug had gotten there. I didn't want to hear his voice, but I knew I had to do it. I took a deep breath and then dialed the number to the phone on his desk.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “I just wanted to let you know that Doug just got here,” I said.

  “Great,” he said. “Thanks for letting me know. I'll go see him as soon as Drake gets back from lunch. I have to grab the phone.”

  “Can't someone else do that?” I asked, without thinking. “I thought you were the boss.”

  “I am,” he said in a serious tone. “They're all out on cases.”

  “So you're the slacker then,” I said, trying to lighten the mood just a tad.

  “Seriously, are you okay?” he asked, not buying what I was selling.

  “Perfect,” I said, sounding as confident as I possibly could.

  I hung up the phone and tried to concentrate on my work. There was no reason to be nervous. I knew everything was fine, but I couldn't stop worrying. Something in my gut wouldn't let me.

  It wasn't five minutes later that the front door opened. I looked up expecting to see Drake but froze immediately. Shit! It was him. I would never forget the man that hurt my friend. He looked so much worse than when I'd seen him last, but there was no mistaking that face.

  “Where is she?” he snapped, before he was even through the door, and he was looking right at me.

  I felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was going to break down right there. Then I pictured my ex. I couldn't do it. I couldn't give my fear my power. What could I do? If I grabbed the phone, he'd come over the damn desk. I knew he would. There was hate covering his face. He wasn't there to be sweet. The man was on a mission. He wanted Gabby, and there was no fucking way he was getting to her. She'd been there for me so many times. It was my turn to pull my shit together and be there for her.

  “Where the fuck is she?” he snapped again. “Answer me.”

  Derek was the first person I thought of. I had to get to him. Then it hit me. He was the last person I'd called. I'd told him Doug was in the office. Was he still at his desk? Drake hadn't come back yet.

  “Who?” I asked, as I knocked my phone off the base as quietly as I could with my hand.

  He was walking toward my desk. Shit! I felt around on my phone and pressed the redial button. It was on the top left. Every tiny part of me hoped and prayed that Derek was at his desk and that he picked up his phone.

  The asshole was barely standing. He looked rough, like he hadn't slept in days, but that didn't stop him from coming toward me.

  “Don't even try to pretend you don't know who I am. You hear me, Bitch? I'm talking about my wife. Get her ass down here now.”

  “She's not here,” I said.

  “Look,” he snapped out so loud that I jumped.

  He reached into the back of his pants, and I froze.

  “I'm not going to fucking tell you again. If you don't get her down here, you're going to be sorry,” he yelled, as he pulled the gun from his pants and began bringing it up toward me. “Do you really want to pay the price it's going to cost just to protect her? I'm going to get to her one way or the other.”

  I heard the elevator doors open, and the asshole's eyes turned away from me.

  “Not you again,” he snapped. “You're really becoming a pain in my ass. I just want my fucking wife to come down here and give me what's mine. She's already ruined my life. I'd say she owes me.”

  His gun was pointed straight at me. I felt Derek walk next to me. The guys hand shook, and I had never been more afraid in my life, not even with my ex. It would only take a second, and my life would be over. Then it happened, the asshole turned the gun toward Derek, and I gasped for air.

  “No,” I begged the fucker. “No.”

  “Get in the elevator,” Derek whispered over at me.

  I was so afraid. I couldn't move.

  “Bridget,” he hissed. “Now.”

  “But you,” I couldn't even recognize my own strangled voice.

  “Fucking now,” he snapped, and I moved.

  I turned and I heard the asshole yell toward me.


  “Keep going,” Derek yelled over him.

  “I'll fucking shoot him,” the guy yelled.

  “Go,” Derek yelled over him again.

  The door opened as soon as I hit the button. I stepped in on shaky legs and pressed the button for Doug and Gabby's floor.

  “I warned you,” I heard the asshole yell just as the door began to close, but I couldn't stop them.

  The elevator began to move, and I jumped when I heard a shot go off. The doors opened, and I saw Doug and Gabby running toward me. I felt like I wasn't there, like I was watching someone else. I heard the scream come from my chest, but I never felt my mouth open. Then I heard another shot.

  “He's here,” I felt my body shake. “Your ex, Derek, shots.”

  The moment they were in, I was hitting the button for the lobby. Gabby wasn't moving, but Doug was grabbing at me. Then I heard another shot and cried out.

  “You can't go down there,” I heard Doug yelling.

  He grabbed me, but I fought until I was free. The second those doors opened, I was running.

  “Derek,” I screamed, as I rounded my desk.

  “Bridget,” I heard Doug yell after me.

  Then I saw him and fell to my knees. There was blood on the floor, and his eyes were closed. I wrapped my arms around him and cried out as loud as I could. I could hear voices around me, but they all blurred together. Derek, I thought. He had to be okay. Jenny needed her dad. I needed him. Fuck! He had to be okay. He couldn't leave me too. I'd never survive. Please, I could hear myself begging over and over and over again, as I held him tight and wouldn't let go.

  Chapter 45


  When I picked up the phone, I thought she was calling to fuck with me. When I heard that fucker threaten her, all I could think about was getting down there as fast as I could. I threw the phone down, hit the button on the side of my desk, and took off. The damn elevator took forever, but I jumped in and pushed the lobby button. Don't you fucking touch her, I thought the whole way down. The doors opened, and I saw it. The asshole was standing with a gun aimed right at her. I thought I was going to lose it. I felt like I was going to be sick. Then my mind snapped into place and I stepped next to her with a gun at my side. Two things were possible. Either the fucker was going to shoot her, or his scared ass was going to move that gun to me. I was silently begging for him to take option two, and he did. When I told her to move, she was an in
ch away from losing it. With a little begging and snapping, she finally did. I thought for sure she was going to turn around when he threatened to shoot me and was so glad when she did as I said instead. She was safe. That was all that mattered in that moment. Not for one second did I think about anything else. She had to be safe, and she was. I had a gun pointed right at me, and I'd never before felt so much relief.

  “I warned you,” he said, just as the doors closed.

  I heard the loud pop, felt it hit, and saw the blood before I ever felt pain. The asshole got me. That wasn't who I was. I never let my guard down. I never made that mistake, not ever. Shit! My chest was burning, and I dropped to my knees. I don't fucking think so, I thought. There was no way he was winning. If I was going down, he was going with me. I shot without aiming, trying to scare him while I pulled my shit together. Breathe, I told myself. You got this.

  “You big guys are all the same, all talk and no action. You don't have the balls, do you?”

  I shot again and heard him gasp.

  “Fuck!” he hissed. “That's all you got.”

  I opened my eyes and looked right into his, as I gasped for air. There was nothing but hate behind his eyes. Then Bridget popped into my head. He'd had a gun pointed right at her. Without a second thought, while looking into his eyes the whole time, I aimed my gun at his head. He pulled his up, but I didn't give him the chance. When I pulled that trigger, I did it for her, and I did it for Gabby. I watched him hit the ground and blood run along the floor next to him.

  When I gasped for air again, it felt like nothing was happening. My hand went to my chest. I couldn't fucking breathe. I took another huge breath. Just as I heard the ding of the elevator doors, I heard her call out to me, and then I heard her name. She was there, but I didn't see her. Where was she? Everything was fading. Then it was gone.

  Chapter 46


  Someone was grabbing me. I tried to fight. The tears were coming so hard. They were pulling me away from him.

  “No!” I cried out. “No!”

  “Bridget,” it was Doug's voice. “They need to help him. Let them do their job.”


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