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Empire of the One (Wine of the Gods Book 14)

Page 20

by Pam Uphoff

  The beautiful teeth flashed. Other people chuckled. "You'd make an excellent spy, you could be a villain in whatever-his-name-is's next movie."


  "Well, they're spy movies. Since they're from his point of view the other side becomes the villain. In reality, both antagonist and protagonist are doing their best for their homes. Both are loyal, both do the dirty jobs necessary, sometimes."

  "Bah. Of course the other side is Evil."

  "Ha! It's fiction."

  "Same in real life, Horsieboy. Look at Earth. They attacked us as soon as they realized what we were. And they beat us. By the Grace of the One, we cut the gate before they traced it. Else they'd have attacked us here."

  He licked his forefinger and made a stroke in the air. "Point, Rael. Earth is aggressive, possessive and has no respect for other people's ownership of their own world. But what would we have done if we'd found one of their colony worlds? Would the One have wanted to know all about them? Snatched a couple of the colonists, and especially someone from the local militia and especially their weapons for analysis? Sent in the troops and controlled the situation while we decided what to do?"

  "You know what? Your problem is that you are too damned logical."

  "Point, Rael. Endi's down two zip! I'll just shut down the logic and hate the Earth. Better?"

  "Much." Maybe you'll get involved in the movie and I can get somewhere.

  The second movie, the antagonist was the head of an Evil Criminal Corporation, and a naïve young cop was undercover as a mail clerk. Izzo dissected the police work with massive disapproval, pointing out the murderer a quarter of the way through.

  Endi is watching us as much as he's watching the movie. Analyzing us. Why?

  As the young cop got thrown to the wolves by his corrupt superiors, Izzo opined that the cops were nearly as bad as the mobsters. "Who are toned down, because the audience wouldn't believe the reality."

  Izzo and Xiat left, Izzo offering Xiat a lift to her apartment as they walked out. A few whistles followed the pair and speculation as to whose apartment they'd both wind up at.

  Rael shook her head. "Utter nonsense. Xiat's only just decided he's more fun alive than dead. It'll be at least another six months before she decides to seduce him. Or throw him over. I am truly impressed though, that he's gotten this far."

  "He's Interior Relations, right? Not one of you lot." Endi didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get her off his lap. His emotional leakage was back to monotone.

  "Right, although both Interior and Exterior report to the President's Director." And who the One Hell do you report to, Pretty Boy? You are a very well trained agent.

  "So Urfa's the big boss, now. It must be odd, suddenly having a boss younger than a lot of you, and less experienced." Endi's yawn was interrupted by a friendly punch in the diaphragm.

  "I am not older than Urfa. Although Xiat may be."

  "All the tabloids say the External Director is stonewalling him."

  "All the tabloids say you’re a sex fiend." Time to make sure he's underestimating me. Maybe silly will work where sex fails.

  His eyes crinkled. "Maybe I just like being chased."

  Rael didn't win any more points, and Endi escorted her to the women's wing at midnight, and escaped with only a few kisses. Drat. And I think you won on points . . . tonight.


  Two days later Endi produced a whippy lightweight bay gelding with a pretty head and an impressive jumping ability.

  Xiat stood beside Major Eppa and watched Paer guide the horse over a pair of jumps. "He seems to like to jump."

  "Yes. You missed Endi warming him up earlier. He cleared 150cms without a problem. Endi said he was bored and underutilized where he was." The major shook his head. "I think he charmed the horse out of someone."

  "I took a look at Crystal."

  "I know, I know. She's alert and relaxed and her ankles are all back to normal and she barely puts any weight on the left front, just sets it down for balance when she hobbles. The vet said the X-rays look great. The man is good with horses. I don't trust him an inch with women."

  She eyed him. "No trouble with Paer?"

  "No, he does the big brother act perfectly. Now the women on staff, even you princesses, are all sighing over him. And Rael is all over him. So far he's been dodging. He says that sort of thing gets messy and he'd rather keep it off the grounds altogether. But he's only been here for five days. We'll see how long his good intentions hold out." He frowned back at the arena where Endi was raising the jumps. "I just wish I knew where he found that horse. It came out of nowhere, just like he did."

  Feet crunched on gravel. The President, Urfa and Qayg had come to watch.

  "Oh, we know where Endi came from, and why he won't talk about his family." The President watched as his daughter zipped around the course.

  "Good!" Endi called out. "Could you feel how letting him pick the takeoff spot worked better? It's going to vary from horse to horse, the balance between you controlling and you trusting the horse with the stuff he's shown himself to be good at. Some horses, like War Party, you have to control hard and right down to the details. You teach them where the best distance is for taking off. Or try to. Other horses will teach you. Herc is one of those. Enjoy it while it lasts."

  Urfa snorted. "The old horse van was bought by Endi's sister, but registered in Endi's name. Her, we know about. I'll bet that horse is legally owned by their parents. They won't protest, because they don't want to admit to the shame of having produced a genetic drop."

  The Major blinked. "Oh. A drop. That explains why he's so at ease with High Society. Not to mention the highly trained and controlled way he uses what little power he has. I wondered if he was an Upcomer who'd gotten missed."

  "Nope. Born and raised for power. Then, at eighteen, his parents hid him away so no one would realize that he'd never come to True Power. He ran away from the, umm, group home they'd committed him to."

  "Huh. He doesn't seem angry, though. Is that what he's got locked down under that shield?"

  "I'm not sure. Oh, the knowledge, and probably all his vulnerabilities. But he seems like a genuinely happy person."

  Xiat pondered that. Happy? Or centered? Like Izzo. She felt her face heat and hoped no one noticed. The wretched little Colonial had scored some symphony tickets for tonight's performance, and in a weak moment she'd said yes. What else might I say yes to?

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Paris, European Region

  18 Nicholas 1396 yp

  A week later they hit a mid-sized local show. "Warmup Shows" they called this level. They didn't count in the standings, and the entry requirements were slack. The Major refused to let Endi use his battered horsebox. "Not until we've vetted the mechanics, and you've gotten the body dents and rust removed and painted it a decent color. Or at least a single color."

  The news agencies gathered. "Paer, is this Crystal's replacement?"

  "Oh, no. Herc's a good fellow who'll keep me in shape, but he's not Olympic quality." She frowned a bit. "Barely. He's a real fun jumper."

  Endi tended to get mobbed by teenagers. Xiat, depending on her duty at the time noted that he was amused and apparently completely untempted by the teenagers.

  "He behaves better than I'd thought he would." Rael admitted. "I hauled him off site for dinner two days ago and had a great time, without, somehow, ever having an opportunity to haul him off to bed. He's a real chatterbox, but he listens, too. He's . . . got issues, I think. He's a bit cautious about sex. Makes me wonder if he was abused as a child. Or taken advantage of somehow."

  "I think you're romanticizing the man. He's got the reputation of a rich women's play toy."

  Rael sniffed. "Spoil sport. And don't think we haven't noticed that you've blown your Ice Princess reputation. Found a nice little fellow to be your toy?"

  "He's not all that little, and he's not the toy type. He's . . . a suspect."

  Rael snickered. "You should never ha
ve invited him in for a movie night. We've checked him out. Wait. Suspected of what?"

  Xiat shrugged. "Being a new player? It's interesting, watching him around his superiors. He's analyzing them, not flattering them. Very independent minded. He brought along an errand runner from the last post, and recruited several more . . . fairly high ranked. I can't tell if he's really missing signals from people wanting to pull him into their circle, or turning down the invitations."

  "So he's the new challenger? An outsider, inside the War Party. Heh. That could get interesting."

  Rael walked left around a crowd of fans and news people being cleared away from the show ring approaches. Xiat stepped a bit the other way, where she could still see Paer in the warm up arena, and check out who was watching her and why. All the middle ranked show coaches, the one who weren't in southern France or Italy were drooling at the thought of slipping into Madam Chin's treasured spot. Endi was collecting both glares and speculation.

  Once Madam Chin returns, Endi won't have any trouble picking up a spot as an assistant coach or a professional rider. Some of the riders' mothers are watching him as well. He could land in a cushy spot and go amateur in time for the Olympics. Xiat felt herself flushing a bit. Damn it, she wasn't interested in a boyfriend. She could date a certain Colonial Senior Analyst on occasion, if she wanted to. But she was only noting Endi's height and muscular build as an indication that he wasn't going to take Herc to the Olympics. Too heavy. Too perfect. So attractive he was scary. She hunched her shoulders and watched Paer trot Herc over to consult with the man. His white teeth flashed briefly, and he headed for the gate to let Paer out.

  A couple of men in unremarkable spectator's clothing shifted to where they could see the tall man and the girl on the bay horse walking toward their stall. She'd never seen them around the shows before. They turned back, but didn't seem to be watching other riders. Xiat made a mental note of them and sauntered towards the stalls herself. Classes of younger riders came and went. Paer, at the request of the show organizers, had entered the three in her age range as a draw. It seemed that showing against the President's daughter was status enhancing. She was, of course, also showing in the open classes, against the adults.

  Xiat looked at all the starry eyed youngsters. Half of their gazes were fixed on Paer. She was popular on her own, never mind what job her father held, or who her personal coach was. She caught Endi's voice as they headed for the holding area.

  "Just take him straight at the middle of them all, so we can see what he thinks of the show venue. Slow him just a bit before the in-and-out." The man stepped back as Paer's number was called.

  "Are you worried about the horse?" Xiat frowned at the prancing gelding.

  "No. That's her nerves not his. Herc's cool on this."

  "How long have you known the horse?"

  He flashed teeth at her. "Investigating, Princess? I saw him born and broke him to ride. He's my little sister's horse. She outgrew him years ago, loaned him to various other young relatives. She threatened me with various painful deaths if I didn't return him in good shape. He's just turned sixteen." His eyes had been on the girl and horse the whole time, and he relaxed, grinning, as they popped over the last jump.

  They all strolled off together. "So, do you want to experiment at all? If you're going to knock down a rail, this is the place to do it. Think of how thrilled someone will be, to have beaten you."

  Paer rolled her eyes. "You're weird. Madam Chin never, ever goes gooey and soft like that. She expects me to win every time I set hoof in the arena. And you certainly never looked thrilled to beat me!"

  "Well, that's just because I was so relieved to have survived another round with that manic horse. Anyhow, there are two other riders with clean rounds so you'll get a jump off. Don't get tricky, in this class. See how Herc does, being hustled a bit. Then we'll see about cutting corners and scrambling in the Open classes, against some better competition."

  Snip slipped in to hold the horse while Endi and Paer quickly consulted about the shortened course for the jump off. The girl watched the other two ride cautiously around, then mounted and took Herc out. They jumped neatly and cleanly, and Herc obliged when asked to hustle. Paer grinned as she collected her green ribbon, and congratulated the other riders who placed.

  "That horse is like a little machine, isn't he?" Xiat asked.

  Endi snickered. "Tomorrow we'll put you on him, and then we'll see if you say that."

  She spotted the same two men watching. ::Rael, are you where you can steer a mini cam? ::

  A long moment. :: Now I am. I'm looking at you. ::

  ::Track to my right. Two men standing in the shadows, sort of peeking over that chestnut.::

  ::Got them. I'll run them through the recognition programs.::

  In the next class, Herc brought down a rail in the jump off and came in second. Paer leaned and shook hands with the bright-eyed first place winner. She won all the rest, guiding Herc through tight turns to save time and barely beat an old experienced fellow in the last class. Herc jumped with his usual enthusiasm and looked smug over the praise he gathered.

  Paer and Endi went home pleased. "Wow, did you see the glow on that girl that beat me?"

  "Yep. I'll bet her feet don't touch the ground for at least a week." Endi grinned back. "And you did very well."

  "Bah. That was easy."

  "True. Another three weeks and you can start conditioning Crystal. I'll bet Madam Chin has the Marseille Invitational in mind. We'll temper Crystal's comeback to that expectation."

  "Ooo. I'll get to ride against Guaf and War Party."

  "And I expect you to thrash them soundly."

  "Don't worry, Endi. I'll defend your honor."

  They were still laughing as they unloaded at the barn.


  Xiat started reporting for duty early, and watched Endi teach a dozen horseboys how to envision the tendons, muscles and bones of the horse, while massaging and feeling them. He taught them meditation and a few of the standard chants, and combined it all with their hands on the horses, like as not with their eyes closed.

  By the third week some of the Black Company had joined them.

  Major Eppa growled and fussed, but admitted that it wasn't hurting anything. "The massages are nice—so long as they don't put the horses to sleep just before they go on duty."


  "All relaxed and happy. I reassigned horses so the boys each have one that's on the inactive roster to fool with." He shook his head. "Look at Cascade. Endi isn't even spelling her any more, she pricks up her ears and does anything he wants."

  As often as not, Paer would be there, listening and soaking it all in. "I wish I'd hurry up and bloom. Everyone keeps telling me how strong I'll be in the future. I want it now." Her yearning gaze turned toward Endi. "So he can teach me. He makes it all sound so sensible."

  "Yes, he's a good teacher." Xiat watched as Snip stroked his hands up Crystal's leg. Once, the high strung, highly competitive animal would never have stood so still and relaxed. I hope Endi knows how to wake them up for competition. Xiat looked back at Snip. The Halfer's hands had the faintest imaginable glow. And I wish I knew how much Endi's planning on changing the world.

  Then a groom brought out Herc for Paer to ride and Endi closed down his massage lessons and started setting up jumps.


  Rael hustled down and nearly crashed into Endi as she left the stairwell at the ground floor. "Oh, hey, want to go see the fireworks tonight? Seine Park’s are the best."

  Endi opened his mouth, then shut it.

  "It’s almost Arrival Day, Silly. C’mon." She tucked his hand around her elbow and hauled him off balance in the direction of the doors. "I love watching the re-enactments. Today they’ll be setting up the camp, everyone braced for the battle as the lead elements of the Chinese Army are forming up for a ground assault. General Abrah’s speech to the troops is scheduled for eight. Fireworks after."

  Xiat looked arou
nd. "I heard that Ojra is playing the general again. He does a good job on the speech, and he’s brilliant in the First Appearance."

  Rael nodded. And pretended she didn’t see Endi’s preoccupation. In a second he’ll snap back here and act perfectly ordinary. He’s got to be thinking. I’d detect it if he was communicating with anyone, wouldn't I? And why should he need to?

  And there it was. Click.

  He flashed that perfect smile. "I’d lost track of time. Hard to believe I’ve been here nearly a month."

  Oh, I am going to hunt down the man behind those deep dark blue eyes, and haul you out of your reserves for examination! You are so odd. Strange, or damaged? Rael grabbed her bag and reversed course. "Let’s take the tram, parking is going to be murder today."

  And it finally happened. Someone recognized her.

  "Oh, look, it’s the little file clerk." There was a freight of emotion behind the words. Glee and fury in equal parts. Gloating and hunger. Satisfaction. Yeah, Undo Withione was going to leap on a chance for revenge. His chances of promotion had withered in the scandal. He'd been one of the potential sources of the leak. Heh. At the time it had seemed like a good idea to leave as many false trails as possible . . .

  Rael glanced over to assess the size of the threat. Crap. Six of them.

  Endi glanced too. "Friends?" He sounded dubious.

  "I used to work with them. We didn’t part on good terms."

  Undo snorted. "Cute perky little Kael Clostuone. You dirty little traitor."

  "She’s the one that leaked the war report?" Someone she’d never seen before joined them. Seven.

  Rael batted her eyelashes. "Did not! You know it was some game player." She put all her indignation into her voice, then let hurt and anger join it. "He made it look like everyone was in on it. And then you lot pinned it on me. You were all so vicious, I had to run away!"


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