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Empire of the One (Wine of the Gods Book 14)

Page 28

by Pam Uphoff

  "But the first embryo tested had strong Y and R lines, which the mother lacks." Izzo dug out a toothpick and bit down on it.

  The scientists both shrugged. "So sometimes random distributions aren’t average. It’s hardly rare." But they ran Endi’s scan through the standard classification system. "O, R, T and Y. All clearly doubles. The parents could pick an H, P, Z, or N to finish off the name. Anyway you mix it, that's not an Okni. Even if you used one of the singleton letters. There's no K at all."

  "Could the H or P have been mistaken for a K? They're all versions of the same Insertion, right?" Izzo tried to remember the classification scheme.

  The scientists looked indignant. Etli shrugged. "If the Registry tech was a complete incompetent. Misidentification has been known to happen. And Draken Clan? Probably the tech was drunk or high."

  Izzo shredded the toothpick in sheer frustration. And could think of nothing else to ask. He headed upstairs. He’d call Xiat; she’d want to know about Yrto/Ytro/Otry/Orty or whatever the One hell the man's name really was.


  Urfa sat back and listened to his in-group’s reception of Xiat’s report.

  "You are saying that insufferable . . . wine expert is a two ten? That the only thing he is lacking are the rape genes?" Idlo was looking disturbed, but his frown was also getting thoughtful.

  Xiat nodded. "Yep, and he’s got multiple power collection genes. With abnormalities, but I'm beginning to think they are fully functional. I trust Izzo’s field analyzer, and it matches what the Interior Directorate lab is finding, so we do have a cross check. So it isn’t really surprising that he can do magic. But, frankly? I think we’ve been handed a second bit of misdirection. The man’s got insertion doubles O, R, T and Y. Then single Z, H, P, and N. Keep your eyes open for ORTY names to turn up somewhere. I’ve run them through the computer, but without more to go on, there’s ten million of them. What I don’t understand are his motives."

  Urfa nodded. "Are we reasonably sure of what he is actually doing?"

  "Sabotaging the War Party." Ahba growled. "Filthy seducer . . ."

  "Sabotaging the whole impetus for war. I think." Rael shrugged. "He may not have the rape genes, but he does have some screws loose when it comes to sex. He’s cold and hunting, when the War Party women come around. And I suspect he’s using a whole lot of subconscious influence on them. The longer I watched, the ickier it got."

  Idlo raised an eyebrow. "Icky?"

  "Yeah. He can just turn caring off, switch to cold, but still charm them into bed. But normally he does seem to care about people."

  "Those three genes aren’t the only source of aberrant behavior, you know." Ahba looked smug. "I think your boyfriend is a psycho, princess."

  Rael glowered. Shrugged a shoulder.

  Xiat bit a lip. "Or a professional. Trained to do the dirty work, if he has to. I was not one of the former Director’s in-group. So I really can’t say if he had a really talented, highly magically trained, youngster hovering in the wings, ready to start work. And it’s hard to imagine Endi as pro-War Party. But the scars the man has makes me wonder if he’s not older than he seems, experienced. A two ten could easily look a lot younger than his actual age. In any case, I have never seen Endi before. Any of you?"

  Urfa noticed how she watched Idlo and Ahba. I inherited them all, and only Xiat has formally resigned from the War Party and joined the Modernists. He winced. I need an in-group I can trust completely. "Or he could be someone well placed in the Isolationists. Fire and Sword, even."

  "Or Pacifist. Nativist. Multitude Supreme. Strong Federalist. I don't like this." Ahba crossed his arms and sat back.

  "What about the Ministry of War?" Idlo was tapping his fingers on the table, worried. "Army Intelligence? Special Forces? We’ve all seen his scars. And his training."

  Rael nodded. "Don’t overlook the Exterior Directorate. Either way, I figure he started out spying on the War Party and the Ministry. Knocked out a bunch of the top players, then switched to here. The dominos are still falling in the War Party. But who is he planning to take out here, and how is he going to do it?"

  Ahba sat up straight. "The President?"

  "It was Orku who fed the idea of hiring him to Paer. Very clever."

  "But he’s acting against the War Party, and the War Ministry." Rael sat back, also crossing her arms, stubborn. "Endi’s taken down some of the worst of the war mongers. That’s why I’ve wondered about him being an Isolationist Party agent. Not Fire and Sword, unless he’s really good at faking sympathy for the natives. But maybe he’s working for a single person, getting rid of his opponents for office."

  Idlo frowned. "What about the actual military rather than the political side? Or Exterior Relations."

  Ahba leaned back in his chair. "But why would Exterior or the Army want to harm the War Party?"

  Xiat drummed her fingernails. "Exterior may be hiding something. Agni runs the place like his private fiefdom. And the Army doesn’t much like being treated like cannon fodder for political advantage, they might want to slow the drive for war down a bit. And another possibility. He’s a former undercover agent. So unknown he has no history to advance upon. But now? He can join Urfa’s trusted group for a few years, then switch to either Interior or Exterior. Or go for rich and famous equestrian, and run for elective office. Whatever he does, the rumors alone will ensure that no Players are going to underestimate him."

  Idlo nodded. "We need to pin him down. Can we depend on him, or is he the enemy. Ahba? Why don’t you get cozy with a bunch of your Black Point relatives. Suggest that he's an Isolationist spy. See if anyone takes the bait."

  "What about the Exterior Directorate? They can get pretty hot when the army crosses into their territory." Xiat smiled. "I’ll figure out a way to drop a nice solid hint."

  "Could he be a former Action Team member? I thought the rape genes were a near requirement?" Idlo grimaced. "All right. We’ll keep a close eye on him this last couple of weeks. And later, once he’s off on his own."

  Ahba hunched his shoulders. "The worst thing about him is the way I seem to trust him, whenever I’m around him. Why do I only have doubts when he’s gone, eh? Two ten—with the worst genes missing—is he like a Priest?"

  Xiat thought that over. I trusted Izzo from the start; is that because of the Priest gene? Even all my old reflexes barely managed to hold out for an hour. "Do you know, I think that must be an effect of the priest gene. It produces a strong recognition of the One in a Priest, that automatic trust. Don’t let it fool you, in this case."

  Urfa nodded. He had vertical lines between his eyebrows and looked like he was developing a headache. "Let me tackle Exterior first. Agni’s coming in for that party next week, and I’ve told him to stick around for a meeting with the President the next day. Maybe I can clear a few things up."


  The three big horse vans sighed to a stop before the show barn. Xiat looked them over and then looked at Endi.

  He caught her eye and nodded. "This job is about to come to a screeching halt. Madam Chin is back."

  The presidential security people had been divided about whether it was better for Paer's fellow students and coach to be based here, or if an away site would have been preferable. In any case, the round little figure of one of the shrewdest show coaches on the circuit popped out of the leading minibus and advanced on the arena.

  "Oh, Endi. Are you guys going to get along?" Paer's eyes were round.

  "Umm, I think not. I think I'm going to have to get back to being your competition, Zucchini."

  "Competition! You don't have a horse." Her voice faltered. "Except Herc."

  "He's a little small for me, and getting up there in years. I think I'll hit up your father for a bonus, and then go horse shopping. Then you'll really be in trouble."

  "There you are, My Darling! And I hear Crystal is healing well. How is that tendon?" Madam Chin blew right past Endi and started emoting all over Paer. "I missed you so much in Ital
y! Everyone asked about you!"

  Endi caught Paer's overwhelmed gaze and winked. He settled back, leaning comfortably on the rail, and watched grooms leading horses and unloading amazing amounts of tack.

  Major Eppa stalked up and leaned on the other side of the railing. "Aren't you going to fight for your student?"

  Endi looked at him in surprise. "We all knew this was a temporary post. Madam Chin is brilliant with the show techniques. I'm better with horses, and maybe with kids. I'm what the princess needed for a couple of months. Now she'll get back to being the star, and Madam Chin is the one with the polish for that." He kept his eyes on Herc, as Paer trotted him in figure eights while Madam Chin watched.

  "Polish. Humph. You've made that star into a well rounded and intelligent horsewoman. She'll be better than she's ever been, thanks to you."

  "Good. Then I've done a good job. And got Crystal back in shape just in time as well. Now you remember that horses aren't machines, and need to play in the sunshine sometimes."

  "Huh. You sound like you're going to start packing tonight."

  "Oh, not quite that soon, but it won't do Paer any favors to have us tearing her apart, trying to figure out where her loyalty lies."

  "You're a wise man, Endi."

  They both looked over their shoulders. The President joined them on the rail. "I was worried that she'd be afraid to get back on. I watched you turn her fear into something she could laugh away. For that alone I'm going to hand you a whopping big bonus. And then you saved her from those kidnappers. Another bonus is inadequate gratitude, but I'm going to be hard put to not send you off with enough money to buy a horse that really can beat Crystal. Why don't you plan on staying at least until the end of the month. Ten days is short enough time to find someplace to live."

  "Oh, I have a sister and some friends in Le Havre. I can stay with them for as long as I want. Which won't be long. I'll find a good show stable, look for a new horse or two."

  "You've lost your old patron for good."

  Endi chuckled. "Indeed. I think I burned that bridge behind me. It'll be nice to part amiably from your daughter and yourself, sir."

  "Good man. Come to the party next Saturday. All the younger bunch complains that there are never any young men to dance with."

  "I'd be delighted."

  The President rambled off.

  Once he was out of sight Madam Chin called an end to Herc's exercise. "Not a bad horse while Crystal is being brought back into condition. I’ll evaluate Crystal’s X-rays and perhaps you can ride her on the flat tomorrow. Now hand him over to your boy and come see all our prizes and pictures."

  The major snorted. "Sly woman."

  Endi put on a look of excessive humbleness and took the reins from an embarrassed Paer. "It's funny," he hissed. "Stick your nose up in the air and draaaawl, Daaaaaahling."

  She bit her lip, but her eyes were laughing as she elevated her nose.


  Chapter Thirty-four

  Paris, European Region

  21 Qadah 1396 yp

  "Izzo." Efge's secretary flagged him down and pointed at the office door behind her.

  Izzo stepped into Efge's office, and found Orku there instead.

  "Invite this Endi fellow to the salle. He's amazingly popular. We want to feel him out, his open membership in the War Party would help all of our candidates, and if he stays popular, we can get him to endorse our presidential candidate in a few years. We could pick up a lot of Multitude votes. Not to mention, young women's. So we'll give him a lesson, no Speed at all, just us guys together, you know?"

  Izzo nodded, and hoped he wasn't flushing. He spelled it out so I didn't miss any nuances. "I should see him this evening, or earlier if I find an excuse to drop by Versalle." He narrowed his eyes. "In fact I'm sure I could find something about the attack on the princess that I need to speak to the Guards about."

  "Excellent. Try to bring him tonight. He'll be out of a job in a week. We'll find him another War Party patron, perhaps Ezlo, he used to show horses, I'll talk to him about getting back in as a patron. Call only if you can not bring him."

  "Yes, sir." Izzo retreated and started searching his mail for replies about ten to twelve year old unsolved murders of women who'd recently given birth. There were a shockingly large number of them, even just from southern Africa. Narrowed down by Rael's reading of a dream, which could well have changed coloring and other details . . . Izzo'd worked ten long years in divination and knew how inaccurate dreams could be. Ordinary or precog. Assuming Rael had the coloring correct, there were still a large number of unsolved murders. But of DNA matches, Endi with criminal evidence or paternity, zero.

  A new report came in from a consolidated sex crimes site, no match with Endi's known locations while showing horses, with or without his various power genes. No pattern of murders associated with his known locations. Probably already checked, but better twice than overlooked.

  An excellent excuse to head out to Versalle.

  "Reason." He told himself firmly, and walked out. "I don't need an excuse, I have a reason." He loaded his fencing gear, all of his extra equipment into the trunk of his car and headed south.

  He found Endi propping up the side of the barn with Rael and Xiat. Madam Chin was in the arena, working with her students. Paer was riding the grey mare today, and the jumps looked moderate. When he mentioned that, the other three nodded.

  "You've got to baby the horses' legs most of the time." Endi added. "They'll raise the jumps to competition height two or three days before the first major show."

  "Ah. I see." Izzo bit his lip. Nuance. Subtle. "I try to stay in shape fencing, myself. Have you ever fenced?" Clunk.

  "Oh sure, who doesn't? Not recently though."

  "Why don't you come to the Salle with me tonight? Meet some people, see if you might like it. I'll loan you a sword."

  The young man eyed Izzo, his thoughts hidden deep inside. Funny, when most people closed off, shielded that hard mentally, their eyes looked shallow. Endi's were deep, dense. They pulled you in. They were as deep and old as the universe. Endi felt like a rock. Responsible. Reliable. Izzo shook himself mentally. Endi certainly had charisma; no wonder so many women were throwing themselves at him.

  "Is this beat up the Halfer night?"

  "Ah, someone else who doesn't do nuance. No, they're trying to figure out how to hitch their political wagon to your popularity."

  "I don't do politics. Every time I open my mouth I wind up getting beaten up. You've heard me."

  "I think they're going to start by dangling a job."

  "Oh. Hmm. Maybe I'd better go test the waters."

  On his far side, Rael stirred. "You ought to talk to Urfa."

  "See these bruises? That's where he was twisting my arm."

  "Endi, you are such a liar. Honestly!"

  Xiat peeled herself off the barn and looped around them to grab Izzo's arm and pull him away. "Running errands now?"

  "Apparently. Is that good or bad? Is there someplace I can sign up to resign from the game?"

  "You are stuck with it, Senior Analyst. Anything else?"

  "I find nothing to indicate Endi ever killed anyone, was ever named in a paternity suit, nor any mysteriously dead women that fit Rael's description of the dream, nor any trail of dead, missing or raped women where Endi has traveled. His DNA is not to be found in any wanted lists."


  "However the con man is definitely a relative. The main problem with this identification is that his Prophets' genes don’t agree with the name of the baby boy. So perhaps he’s a more distant relative, some cousin to some degree who is older than those twins."

  Xiat pinched the bridge of her nose. "And Rael read him as loving his parents, where the Draken boy, orphaned shortly after birth wouldn’t have even known his parents. Shall we make up stories about his father being a bastard half brother of the dead father and the live uncle? Much though I hate to help the War Party—sorry—I'm not going
to mind Mr. Mysterious being out of here. He takes up too much of my attention."

  "Damn. That is bad. Maybe I can get him hired far far away from here."

  Xiat punched his arm and walked back to the barn as the lesson broke up and the stable boys scurried out to take the horses. Izzo noted that Endi didn't move, leaving the horse collection to a middle aged man. Endi waited a beat, then strolled out and checked the mare's legs, saying something that made the horseboy laugh.

  Madam Chin was doing her best to hold Paer's attention as the other students drifted away.

  Rael snorted. "She's jealous of Endi. Thinks he's going to steal her best student away—and he could too. He won't even try."

  "He wants to compete, not coach. Right now he's at his peak, this is when he makes his reputation as a rider. He'll coach when he's older."

  Both princess guards looked at him in surprise.

  Rael frowned. "All right. I can see that—but he needs a top quality horse."

  "He'll get one. Bought by him or for him. Watch."

  "You barely know him." Xiat protested.

  "I know testosterone."

  Rael watched as Paer broke away from Madam Chin and trotted to fuss over Crystal. But the girl's eyes were on Endi.

  "What did you think?"

  "That despite my best efforts to put you on multiple horses, you've adjusted to Herc. You were getting back into Crystal's rhythms at the end there. Tomorrow you'll feel yourself melding to her movement." Endi sounded entirely confident. He nodded politely to Madam Chin as she hustled up behind the girl. "What do you think is best, Madam? That she learn one horse at a time or learn to quickly adjust between horses?"

  "Now? One horse. After the Olympics, if she goes professional, she will learn to adjust."

  "And there you have it. The word of the expert."

  "Flattery, now?" Rael's voice was low.

  Xiat nodded. "If he gets enough money, he could do worse than a brief stint as her student. She earned that reputation of hers."


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